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Silvertip Mountain Star Spangled Child - Printable Version

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Star Spangled Child - Odette - May 29, 2016

It was later in the day when Odie slipped out of the den quietly and out into the open.  The pup had always been rather curious as too what happened at these hours when she was normally sleeping, but now she saw.  It was beautiful, epic, gorgeous and magical.  The stars.  They twinkled above her, as a soft breeze rushed past the wolf pup.  The Stars did not sway as she did though, they just twinkled in the night.  "Wow."  Odie whispered, taken aback by the beauty of her world, despite the locusts invasion, the locusts could and did not touch the stars above, so she could just sit and stare at them.

Odette felt a sense of security staring at those stars.  They were something certain in this confusing world of hope and grief.  The stars would and could not leave, they were not pushed around, they were certain, ever so certain.  Odette loved that.  Her eyes then flicked to the glowing shape of the moon.  It looked like it was a haff circle tonight.  Odette sighed, sitting back on her haunches.  She wished this night could last forever, bathed in moonlight.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - May 30, 2016

I steal all your threads! XD

Steady had been resting a bit, not really sleeping, but snoozing. He was going to start patrolling, but decided to sneak by the den first. He was glad he did, seeing Odette was out. He chuff to alert her, not wanting to sneak up on her, knowing his dark coat blended him in to the night. What are you doing, Odette? he asked softly, trying not to wake the others, if they were indeed asleep. 

He figured they were getting to about that age when they would want to start wandering around, exploring their home. Right now, it mostly consisted of this small clearing and their den. As they grew, such little space would not nearly be enough for not only their bodies, but their minds, too.

He followed her gaze to the clear sky before turning it back to her with a smile. You want to go higher? he asked. It might be a bit of a trek for her, but he got the feeling she would think it was worth it.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - May 30, 2016

Lots of good Niece and Uncle bonding time!  xD

Odette was very grateful that Uncle Steady chuffed at her, instead of just proceeding without any indacation, which probably would have startled little Odie out of her wits, due to the fact that Steady's coat was pitch black and she probably would not have noticed her Uncle until he was right infront of her of touched her.  That might have even given Odette a heart attack... but that had not happened, so therefor she did not dwell on it.

Odette listened to her Uncle as she asked her what she was doing and if she wanted to go up.  The pup stayed quite for a minute, nervously starring at the ground, hoping Uncle Steady didn't think it was wierd that she was watching the stars and moon.

"I watchen da tars and da moon."  Odette told him, in a breathy whisper.  Then the thought of going up seemed very appealling.  What if she and Uncle Steady went so high that they were able to touch the starry constellations and sit on the moon.  Odie didn't know that that was impossible though and that she would end up suffocating to death if she even got up there somehow.  So she innocently said.  "Ahkay Uncle Steady lets go up.  Maabbe we can even touch da tars and da moon."  Odie chuffed, eyes glimmering with a delighted looking shine.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - May 30, 2016

She seemed to consider his questions, and he smiled softly as he waited patiently. She was rather thoughtful for a pup her age. Wise beyond her time, much like Steady himself. Sure, she would take her adventures, and make her mistakes, but Steady had a feeling she would mature rather quickly.

She admitted she was watching the stars and moon, and Steady followed her gaze to them. They were rather bright tonight, not hidden by the clouds. He chuckled when she said maybe they could touch them. Well, while I can get you close, I don't think I can get you quite that close, he admitted. Come on, he said, motioning his head for her to follow. 

He made his way slowly, glancing at her often to see that she kept up and didn't get distracted. He didn't take the most direct route, as that would have been too difficult a terrain for her short legs. So, he took the longer, easier, route. They had time, anyways. 

He reached what normally would have been thick bushes, but were now bare from the locusts, so one could see through the branches. Steady lowered his head as he pushed through the bare branches, using his body to move them so that she could make her way through without, hopefully, getting stuck. Once through, they came upon a ledge, clear of any debris, or high trees. It was a clear view for miles, both on land and in the sky. Steady looked to Odette to see her reaction.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - May 30, 2016

Odette was dissapointed to hear thsat she could not touch the stars, but still she had to admit that she was delighted to go get a better view, so she quickly, yet grudgingly, let go of that dream... just for now though, later that dream would probably reapear and the question of why she would not go up there to touch the brilliant skys.

As the two departed, Odette found herself hoping that her Mother and/or siblings didn't wake up and get nervous over her absence or anything like that.  Still she wanted to do this, was determined to do this in fact.  So Odie followed her Uncle on the route to the supposably better view.  It was a very energy draining route though through this new terrain of Silvertip Mountian that she had never trekked before.  She wondered if Stoic, Solemn or Adeline had ever gone as far or high as she and Uncle Steady were going.  A part of her really hoped not, because she kinda wanted to be the first.

Odette was grateful that Uncle Steady kept moving the branches to make it easier for her to make her way through the terrain.  Then they were there.  Odette's jaw literally dropped open at the view.  It was just downright goregous.  She closed her mouth, breifly, before speaking a single word to describe what she thought of this view.  "Beautiful."

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - May 31, 2016

The dark male couldn't hold back a smile when Odette's jaw dropped at the sight, using a single word to describe what she saw. Isn't it? he asked rhetorically. He followed her gaze to the sky before shifting it downward, towards the edge of the rocky outcrop. Just don't get too close to the edge. It's... Well, it would hurt if you fell, he said gingerly. He didn't like to think of his nieces and nephews getting hurt, but logically he knew he could not protect them from everything. 

He sat back on his haunches, always keeping Odette in his view. He couldn't help but notice the way his heavy heart always seemed lighter around her. Maybe that was why he was always seeking her out, hoping to spend time with her. She was the light in a very dark tunnel he had dug himself into.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - May 31, 2016

The little astormoner stared at the night sky as her Uncle spoke, paying attention to him and the stars at the same time.  Just as her Uncle Steady said to not go to the edge of the rocky outcrop, she did not and would not on her own will.  She was too timid to try anyways and much to nervous to take that chance.

A sudden idea formed in Odie's mind at that very moment.  The small pup took a couple steps back and before attempting the task, replayed the plan in her mind.  She would be like a bird if it worked!  Well... in a way.  Odette plan was to carefully stand up on two legs and then jump so high that she would reach the stars and moon, be able to grabs a star and then come back down.  Simple right?

It was action time and Odette miserably failed.  Carefully and slowly Odette began to lean all of her wieght on her hind legs and well at first it seemed like it was working, but then she put to much wieght on her hind legs and guess what?  Odette plummeted to the ground... backwards.

Odette let out a sharp yelp of surprise as she hit the ground.  Which was luckily not headfirst.  Odette had been lucky and had not injured herself in anyway except for maybe a couple bruises, but she was still pretty upset that she had not been able to complete the task of reaching the stars, so she pulled herself to her up and sat back with a disappointed huff, though her eyes started to trail the stars once more and she vaguely hoped that she had not scared Uncle Steady during her plummet back to Earth.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 01, 2016

The young girl didn't respond, but instead looked up at the night sky, sprinkled in shinning stars. He seen her move out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head to look fully at her, his ears perked. She had taken a few steps back, and he opened his maw to remind her she could not go towards the edge, but surely she would not blatantly disobey what he had just said. 

Instead, she put all her weight on her hind legs, Steady watching intently. He wasn't generally one to say the pups couldn't do this or that, as he knew they needed to learn some things on their own. But, honestly, he had no idea what she was doing. Trying to get close to the stars?

Suddenly, she went backwards, letting out a yelp. Steady's heart stopped and seemed to jump all at the same time. He was at her a split second later, attempting to nose her body in various places. Are you okay? he said softly. She had moved into a sitting position, and wasn't whining, so he figured she wasn't hurt too bad. But, he knew her muscles might hurt her later from the fall. He sat on his haunches next to her.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - June 02, 2016

Odette felt honored to have such a devoted Uncle, because right after she pulled herself into a sitting postion her Uncle came right on over asking if she was alright and nosing her everywhere.  Odette actually giggled at this situation.  She smiled, to stop the giggling and then nodded to her Uncle Steady.  "I good."  She told him, brightening her cute smile as if to prove it.

A suddden thought occured to Odette and she began to wonder if Uncle Steady knew anything about the stars.  So she turned two curious, sparkling eyes on her Uncle.  "Do ta tars hav names?"  She asked curiously with a sweet little cock of her head to add on to the question.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 03, 2016

His ears perked at her giggle, giving him confirmation that she was okay. At least, he didn't figure she'd be giggling if she was hurting. A moment later, she confirmed it verbally that she was good. He returned her smile. Good, I'm glad, he responded to her, sitting down next to her. 

Her next question brought his gaze towards the sky, and then back to her. I'm sorry, Odette. I don't really know if they do or not, he said honestly. But! he added quickly. You could make names for them! Like, if you see a particularly bright one you like, or if you find a pattern in them, he suggested, looking at her excitedly, hoping she thought it was a good idea.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - June 03, 2016

Odette found herself dissapointed that her Uncle Steady didn't know the names of the stars and the littlest of the pups let out a sad sigh.  Although she began to consider her Uncle's idea of naming all the stars herself.  While considering, Odie stayed silent for a whole five minutes.  She just sat there, thinking, considering, pondering.  She finally decided though that it didn't sound right.  She should learn there actual names.  After all wasn't it rude to call someone by a nickname that they don't like?  One day when she was old enough Odette decided that she would search for the answer if she didn't know it by then.  It seemed like the right thing to do after all.

"Buh Uncle Steady... if I called you buh som wandum nam like..."  Odette paused for a moment in deep thought, what name could she use?  Finally she decided on one, "Boop, would you raelly wan ta be called dat?  I wouldn't."  She frowned for a moment unsure if any of that even made sense.  "Da dat meek sense?"  Odie asked, cocking her head a little to the side.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 04, 2016

He could tell from her sigh that she was disappointed he wasn't more knowledgeable on the sparkly diamonds in the sky. But, he hadn't wanted to lie to her. Honesty was usually best, in Steady's opinion. She seemed lost in thought, so the dark wolf didn't disturb her. He lowered his body next to her, keeping his head up to look out for possible dangers. 

His gaze turned to his young niece when she finally spoke, seemingly wise beyond her years. She was very smart for her age, and Steady knew she would be a force to reckon with when she was older. He nodded. Yes, you're right, it makes perfect sense, he agreed. Maybe one of our pack mates knows more than I do. You'll be able to meet them soon, once they've proven themselves worthy of your presence, he said with a smile, extending his muzzle out in an effort to nudge her affectionately.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - June 05, 2016

Odette was glad that her Uncle agreed with her.  Although she wasn't really surprised.  Everything Odette had just said she truelly believed in and found no reason for someone else to differ.  After all it all made perfect sense really, because it's not like anyone would really want to be called by some random nickname that they ended up not even liking.  Right?

Odette also had that option to consider what to say to these new pack members and if she should ask them about the stars.  She decided that she would.  Well of course after they earned her trust, because without trust there could never be any for sure true words spoken.  At least in Odie's opinion.

"It mie be good at ask one oo dem unce I wern ta trust dem."  Odette remarked with a small shrug.  It sounded fair enough.  It would also give her a reason to at least try to overstep her boundaries and get to know more members of Silvertip Mountain without scaring herself to death in the process or anything like that. 

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 05, 2016

Once again, he was amazed at her smarts. It's a good idea to trust them first, he agreed. That way you have a better chance of knowing if the information is true. He hoped no one would ever lie to his niece, but he also knew it was pretty inevitable. There would always be some wolf looking to deceit. 

He nudged her softly. Ready to go back to the den? he asked. He knew if Zaria found Odette gone, she would freak.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - June 05, 2016

Once again Odette was happy that her Uncle agreed with her, which made her fluffy little tail give a couple happy wags.  She loved her Ubcke Steady.  In ways, he was probably like the Father she could and would never have.  It was just nice to know that someone cared sometimes.

As soon as Odette Uncle said that she should go back to the den, Odette realized how tired she was.  A yawn escaped the little pups mouth and she nodded.  "Ohay."  Odette murmured through her yawn, making the words come out kind of muffled.  She then looked up at her Uncle Steady and waited for him to make to first move towards back to the den.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 05, 2016

Odette agreed to going back, and he began to see the tiredness in her expression. He smiled softly, leading the way back down the ledge. His pace was slower than when they had come so that she could keep up, and he kept glancing to her to make sure she hadn't stopped.

They made it to the den, and Steady walked her all the way to the entrance, lowered his head down to give her a gentle nosing of affection, waiting for her to go inside before he left.

RE: Star Spangled Child - Odette - June 05, 2016

The walk back was even harder than the way up.  A few times Odie almost lost her footing and slipped, but was able to catch her almost falls.  Of course this probably had a lot to do with how tired she was, because it was fair to say that she was rather unfocused at the moment.

Soon enough though, Odette and her Uncle Steady were back and the fluffy bundle of fur felt that she could collaspe with exhaustion.  Odie yawned and smiled happily for a few moments as her Uncle gave her an affenctionate nosing.  "Your da best Uncle ever Uncle Steady."  Odie whispered and then disappeared quitely into the den and settled down for sleep.
Last post from me.  Thanks for the thread.  :)

RE: Star Spangled Child - Steady - June 06, 2016

Steady could tell Odette was struggling to stay on her feet, and he tried to encourage her to keep going the best he could. Eventually, they did make it to the den. His heart swelled when she deemed him the best Uncle. Thank you, sweetie, he said softly, watching as she went into the den. 

A few moments later, he turned and padded to the edge of the clearing, finding a spot he could partially hide in and watch over the den at the same time. He settled in to get a little sleep before sunrise.

Another one soon?!