Wolf RPG
Grouse Thicket Life in plastic - Printable Version

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Life in plastic - Saēna - May 29, 2016

From the river isle and her chat with Laika, Saena headed east, traveling well into evenfall before deciding to call it quits in the striped shade of another bare forest. This one in the height of summer surely bore thicker undergrowth than her home to the southwest judging by the tangled shrubs and branches that interlaced even the deer paths, but the trees were smaller and there was no roar of rapids to drown her thoughts here. It was peaceful enough, but just as devoid of food as anywhere else.

She caught herself slavering and seated herself heavily to lap her tongue across her hungry jowls. Traveling a full day on an empty stomach was a tall order for any wolf, and thoughts of home seeped into her brain. She would never make it back to the creek tonight, though, and her cubs were in the safe care of the pack, so her worries were for naught.

She made an ordeal of scanning the tops of the trees and sniffing about the undergrowth before selecting a particularly prickly bush to settle herself near. Though her body yielded easily to exhaustion, her mind reeled constantly and so sleep didn't find her. She lay in the shelter of the trees, wide awake, with her eyes tilted skyward as though she might find strength or sleep up there.

RE: Life in plastic - Ezekiel - May 30, 2016

Trying to meet lots of wolves, hope you don't mind me :)

Hunting during a famine was hard. Ezekiel had left and returned to Silvertip three times since he joined and brought back only scrawny and small game. He wanted desperately to come back with something bigger in tow, proving himself to his alphas was important to him. But now even more than just proving himself, he just wanted to eat. Thoughts of red flesh ripping to his pearly white teeth, his stomach fatter than a pregnant doe's. Normally that wasn't the kind of thing the young soldier fantasized about, but he was just that hungry. 

He returned to the grouse thicket, last time he'd been here he'd not only stepped on a thorn but also caught a surprisingly decent rabbit. Of course he had given it to the pack's pups and not eaten it himself. This time Zeke hoped to catch a bite for none other than Zeke. He trotted along through the rotted forest, head down with exhaustion. He was beginning to think of giving up on this hunt and returning once again with low spirits and high malnutrition. He was about to stop when he noticed a female a few lengths away, sprawled out on the forest floor. He wasn't sure if he should interact with her, she looked tired but she could very well still have fight in her. A pitiful thought whisked past his head, but he quickly diminished it with a look of disgust. Maybe she's about to die. That's food?

No, that was rude, and not his style. But he couldn't promise that if he came across a wolf carcass that it would appear as fair game to him. He let loose a short and gruff bark, alerting her of his presence. She could need help, and Zeke, no matter how reclusive and silent as ever, would try to help if she asked.

RE: Life in plastic - Saēna - June 03, 2016

Even as dark descended and the forest slipped deeper and deeper into the quiet gloom of twilight, Saena was alert. There wasn't much sleep to be had without the safety of fellows, and she was inclined to keep one eye open in this unfamiliar place. A habit from her time in the taiga, no doubt. As Redtail Rise and then Phoenix Maplewood, Saena's pack had ruled the taiga unhindered for quite some time, but she would never forget the dangers that had faced them from elsewhere. She was no longer in the taiga, but those dangers were still very real, including the ever-looming possibility of another assassin from Redhawk finding her here.

The rustle and bump of treading feet pulled Saena out of her musings and her head snapped around as adrenaline flooded her system. Now fully awake, the leading wolf hunched further beneath the bush, hoping to escape notice but knowing that her creamy coat reflected the moon and stars too readily for that. As expected, the unfamiliar wolf must've spotted her, for he stopped in his tracks and from his throat was loosed a noise, but Saena barely heard it for the thumping of her heart in her ears.

In the dark, Ezekiel was well-hidden, and Saena's eyes and memories played tricks on her. She could imagine the eyes a little darker than their blue-white, and the white at his throat appeared darker than it truly was to her. There were imagined spots above his eyes. The play of shadows upon his pelt made him seem darker, larger, and fatter. The twilight phantom of the man was unmistakable, and brought Saena to her feet in an instant.

"You," hissed Saena, eyes wild with fury and danger. Sebastian had escaped her once and driven her away a second time, but not again, never again. She wouldn't let him walk away alive just to find her again this time. Without even taking a single moment to notice the wolf's scent and its dissimilarity with what she remembered of Sebastian, Saena lunged at him.

RE: Life in plastic - Ezekiel - June 04, 2016

You! The girl snarled angrily, lunging for him. Zeke was always ready for anything, but this caught him a bit off guard. He tried to step back, but she was too close to miss her target. The way she had said you, as if she knew him. But Zeke was sure that he didn't know her. At this point he didn't have much time to explain anything to her. Instead his fighter's instinct kicked in and he took a defensive stance. She barreled into him, but with a quick kick of his legs he attempted to throw her off and retaliate by pinning her down. Muscles rippling and eyebrow's narrowed Zeke growled at her.

Who the fuck are you?! He roared, teeth barred as he stared at her. The female seemed way too keen to assume, hopefully she would recognize the differences. He scanned her again, checking to make sure he hadn't mistaken her for someone. But her odd markings, the ginger around aqua blue eyes. He definitely would've remembered her. Nope, she was just crazy. Zeke waited for a response, ready for whatever she wanted to throw at him next. Honestly hewasn't up for a fight, he'd more been hoping to hunt but if it was a fight she wanted it was a fight she'd get.

RE: Life in plastic - Saēna - June 08, 2016

Saena made contact and reared her head back like a viper moments from striking, but then her opponent's paws caught her in the belly and shoved her away. She tumbled over her own hocks and ended up in a heap on the ground, but sprang back to her feet in an instant when he attempted to pin her. She drove a shoulder forward as she pushed away from him and aimed a snap at his face that never hit. Warding him away was the sole intent of it, and Saena managed a few jerky steps backward. All the while, her ailing muscles protested her quick, choppy movements. She had no energy for them, but what choice did she have? "Sebastian" would kill her if she couldn't kill him, and she had a hell of a lot more to live for in her opinion.

She shoved her hind paws off the ground, bounding toward her opponent again with an ugly snarl rippling her snout, but when "Sebastian" shouted to know who she was, it gave Saena pause. She stopped mid-stride with her back arched and hackles at full flare, but there was a puzzled look on her face. Had he forgotten? It was impossible—she remembered how he'd thrown her off a cliff and chased her down when he learned that she still lived and breathed. It was a ruse.

"You know," Saena snapped at poor Ezekiel, who had never done anything wrong other than be born with blue eyes and grey fur, "I won't fall for any your dirty tricks this time." Bastard, she vehemently swore in her own head. But having hesitated in her charge, Saena chose instead to take a step back, to widen the gap between them in the event "Sebastian" tried to take her face off while she was off her guard.

RE: Life in plastic - Ezekiel - June 10, 2016

Saena managed to push away from him with ease and aimed a few false snaps towards him. He stepped back, holding his ground, hackles raised as he stayed in a defensive position. Ezekiel was really confused, but didn't really need an explanation to fight. Whatever he'd done to anger her, well he'd done it and now they were fighting. He braced himself to counter her as she rushed forwards, but was surprised when she stopped. Maybe she wasn't all crazy? Maybe she'd mistaken him for someone else? Maybe he could still get out of this without too much of a fight. 

You know, She snapped at Ezekiel, who was confused but didn't dare show it. He was ready for her to continue her charge, but something had paused her. This was the opportune moment to try and explain things. Ezekiel stayed where he was, still ready for a follow up attack, but softened his posture, his gaze steady but calm. Look, I don't know who you are, or who you think I am, but I'm not here to fight you.

And then the strange female sprinted off, leaving him alone to ponder what had just happened. Ezekiel breathed heavily for a moment, the exhilaration still whizzing through him. It don't last much longer however, and the large grey male continued on his way.