Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow Rising high to touch the sky - Printable Version

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Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - March 22, 2014

Blue Willow had woken up this morning to a warm and springy day. She was so excited that spring was coming, very soon there would be new pups, and new herbs and all sorts of other new things. As it were she was getting very comfortable in her own home territory and her own skin and today she decided to stretch the legs a bit, travel around see what she could see, do what she could do.

She had traveled for a few miles, being sure to keep away from any borders so she did not get attacked by any others. She found herself in a beautiful meadow and she looked around happily. She would have to remember this place it would be prime place for healing herbs and the like.

She lay down and rolled around for a bit, her blue black pelt showing up darkly against the semi new grass and she barked happily as she played like a pup throughout the meadow. She knew that if someone found her she may be embarrassed but at the moment she really did not care. She yapped happily again and went bounding across the meadow.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Haunter - March 25, 2014

Haunter did not often visit the meadow, and this was mostly because when he had arrived in Teekon, it was covered in snow and had been relatively prey-less which meant little else to the dark wolf besides that the place was useless. He visited now because it was a warm day and most of the snow was melting if not already gone. The ground still felt cold, but it was of little consequence to any wolf, especially one born and bred on a mountain-crest.

The cool grass, free from the thick gag of snow that had eclipsed it for several months, felt pleasant beneath his paws, and Haunter considered visiting the meadows more often now that it was no longer a desolate pile of snow. He peered over the pale, sun-bathed plain, and spotted a dark figure—but before this, he'd heard her yapping, which is what had brought him in her general direction in the first place.

He paused many yards back, and watched with vague curiosity as the stranger dodged back and forth, loudly enjoying herself with some imaginary friend or worse... just herself. The one-earred wolf tipped his head and impolitely tracked her with his leering yellow eyes.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - March 25, 2014

phone post so I apologize in advance for any typos

As Blue Willow rolled around she had noticed the cold seeping from the grassy depths. It however did not bother her as she still bore the coat of winter. As it were she was also in high spirits a sense of warmth radiated from her own inner adrenaline and joy.

As Blue Willow ran around she froze as a sixth sense urged her that she was not alone. She was slightly embarassed at being caught in her euphoric play,but not so much that she would not welcome company after all she had just been running in circles barking and yipping. she turned and walked towards the swarthy wolf that had been watching her. As she got closer she stopped and keeping her eyes averted she spoke with a slight pant. Hello I'm Blue Willow I was enjoying the day.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Haunter - April 05, 2014

Sorry about the wait, luhv!

"Blue Willow," the black wolf repeated in his hushed rasp. The tip of his tail jumped, and his large muzzle moved towards the submissive female with interest. He sniffed her fur, tasting the wolves of her foreign pack on the pack of his tongue. He snorted after a beat and pulled his long, thick neck back once more, eying her critically with that severe, uni-browed expression that seemed to be the relaxed norm of his face.

"I'm Haunter... from over there." His muzzle tipped to indicate in which direction Swiftcurrent Creek was, but his yellow eyes never left the dark creature's face. "I did not mean to curb your joy," he said after a moment of direct, unabashed staring.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - April 06, 2014

Don't worry about it real life happens :)

Blue Willow studied the wolf in front of her. He was dark as night and large rather imposing, though he did not give off a frightening air. She was not surprised by the amount of scarring on his body, only because she was never surprised by scars anymore. She saw a deal too many in her line of life to worry about them. Most of the time, scar's gave one character and you could deduce the kind of life they lived.

Blue Willow dipped her head in greeting. Pleasure to meet you Haunter. She briefly wondered where over there was, but she was not sure where it was. She chuckled softly at his next words. No need to apologize. I should be apologizing for making a fool, but today is too good of a day to be unhappy. Spring is almost here. That is rule enough to celebrate don't you think?

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Haunter - April 09, 2014

He only shrugged at her question, not verbally answering because he didn't truly want his pessimistic mood to stunt her joyous behavior. He actually rather liked watching other wolves enjoy themselves, often wondering what it felt like but too inhibited to attempt to feel it for himself. He worried unnecessarily about being an outcast again, because if he had still been a lone wolf he might've said something scathing to the kind-faced Blue Willow if only to see her smile crack.

He sat then, lowering his head so that it was more on her level and he wasn't gazing down at her like a marred gargoyle. His eyes had shifted to the left, looking for company, but she seemed to be as alone as he was. "Why aren't you enjoying spring's-coming with your packmates?" he asked after a beat, returning his gaze to her face.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - April 09, 2014

Blue Willow noticed he did not answer her and she wondered briefly why, but soon deduced that if he did not wish to answer her, he didn't need too. After all it had not exactly been a question that needed answering, and perhaps he did not like spring. she had met a few wolves like that, most of them were crotchety, old and cranky though and they did not like anything.

Blue Willow smiled and answered him, "I am also exploring. I was a traveler in by gone days and still have the itch to wander occasionally. I am also looking for any area where there maybe herbs that is neutral territory. I'm a healer you see. How about you? Why are you not with your pack mates? She could clearly smell the others on him, thought she did not recognize this pack's smell.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Haunter - April 09, 2014

She was a traveler and a healer, the latter of which he thought fit her. Those green eyes were simply filled with compassion, warmth, and deep-seeded knowledge—he wondered where her capacity to be so open and friendly came from. Haunter was her polar opposite, but did not look at the blue-black female with jealousy or distaste. He liked those who were not like him. They tended not to bother him so much.

And he was sure that if he were to suddenly snap at Blue Willow, she would abruptly take her leave; not that he intended on doing such a thing. "I sometimes prefer my own company because I'm the only one who understands my jokes," he rasped dryly, not truly having an excuse to be outside of the Creek, but that worked just as well.

"It would seem that you've come to the right spot if you're looking for herbs," he said at length, because even though he'd never seen Wapun in bloom, it simply seemed like one of those fields that would yield many plants once spring was in full swing. "Maybe in another week or two, though. Not much has grown here yet." He didn't know what else to say in regards to her healing practice, but he seemed interested, if only vaguely.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - April 09, 2014

Blue Willow had gained the majority of her compassion from her mother. Though her father had been kind and gently, he also had a hard side that none could compare with. It came from year's of being a warrior and the like. Now it seemed her father was mostly filled with guilt, as he worked hard to right the wrongs he had made anyway he could, even if it meant driving himself into the ground to help those who were hurt or sick.

Blue Willow chuckled good naturedly, "I apologize ahead of time as I would probably not understand you're jokes and would laugh at the most inappriate time. She smiled in amusement she sensed the dryness in his words.

Blue Willow looked around at the meadow, "Yes I imagine it will be beautiful once it blooms. I just hope that it does not become claimed territory and I cannot yield it's fruits for my labors." She loved this area and the outerlying area, it was beautiful here in this new found place. She turned green eyes towards the other "Do you know much about herb lore? or any stories? I am always looking to learn more or carry stories to my brethren. Her longing for knowledge of any kind was not hidden from any.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Haunter - April 10, 2014

He did not understand her apology, but acknowledged it with a short incline of his head. In his opinion, one couldn't be sorry for their inability to understand, which mostly other factors dictated anyway. His humor had been derived of an attempt overcome his torturous childhood by laughing at pain and misfortune; he couldn't expect hers to be the same.

He shrugged slightly when she offered her wishes for the meadow to remain unclaimed. He couldn't imagine Swiftcurrent migrating or allowing another pack to settle so near, but he considered that anything could happen, given enough time. Haunter had no real opinion on the matter one way or another, as long as he wasn't bothered. Yellow eyes blinked slowly when she asked him about his personal knowledge of herbs—which was a flat zero if things like this were measured in numbers.

"None, I'm afraid," he answered, looking back to her in a way that didn't dictate he was at all upset over his own lack of knowledge. "I've always been more a wolf who walks the path of death, rather than of healing. Grass and weeds and flowers don't interest me much." Did she expect more of the one-earred wraith? Maybe he should've known something given his age, but if Haunter had ever been taught anything about any medicinal herbs, he hadn't retained it.

RE: Rising high to touch the sky - Blue Willow - April 10, 2014

Blue Willow shifted it was not that she would not understand his joke's she supposed, it was more that she would pick them apart and figure out how they worked. Thus taking away the humorous factor of them.

Blue Willow was a little disappointed that the other did not know much about herbs, but she did not think of him any less. Not everyone was as innately curious about herbs and lore as she was. She blinked when he spoke of death rather than healing unsure what he meant. Was it that he had been a warrior like her father? Or was he a cold blooded killer like the one eyes one. "You are a warrior then? She was curious about the dark furred, one eared one in front of her.