Wolf RPG
Sunspire Mountains Raise me up - Printable Version

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Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 22, 2014

Blue Willow was out exploring again, she had decided to stretch her legs. She had no intimate plans to go wandering as she had as a youth, but exploring every now and again was fine she felt. Especially when she could use her exploration to find herbs and the like that she could use for healing.

She had traveled a few mile away from her home borders and was sniffing around and looking for different things to search through. She came upon a mountain range and looked up at it, wondering where it lead and who might leave there. She wagged her tail once twice as she explored perfectly happy to be running around and having fun and adventure.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 22, 2014

In the treacherous heights of the mountains surrounding his home many would find a challenge, but to Leatherface he pulled himself with something akin to ease. And presently the focused task of finding the safest path to travel kept his attention; which was known to easily drift. But he simply did not travel to take in the sights, the farther he stepped from the boundaries of his home the more anxiety stiffened his tail out behind him and his steps grew slow and hesitant. But he could smell something: food. Mountain goats to be more precise, although he simply labelled it as something he found huntable and he was currently devoted to their trail.

Up the mountain, he'd reached the peak of it's ridge with still no sign of his prey the only thing fueling him to continue the ever present scent and the scrambled rocks he noted marked their way. He had the strength and stamina to trace them along the slopes, but little did he realize they were more nimble than he was capable of. Likely they'd been startled away by his less than subtle approach. Panting he paused to rest, raising his muzzle to the sky in the hopes of catching another whiff of the herd.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 23, 2014

Blue Willow's neck fur stood on end as she felt the presence of another. Lifting her head from the flowers and grass she had been sniffing she searched around her. She saw no one, but wondered why she felt this feeling. She had learned long ago, to always trust her instincts. She whined for a moment and then looked up and caught sight of a brown spot.

Walking towards it and up she studied the mountain face for a moment debating whether or not she could manage it. She nodded and opted to try and with a quick look she began to scramble carefully and calmly up the slope. She found the other wolf sitting panting, she wondered what he was doing there.

She blinked and dipped her head and spoke quietly, "Hello I'm Blue Willow of the Plateau. How do you do? She kept her body language neutral as they were not on anyone's territory but she did keep her eyes averted as a sign of respect for another.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 23, 2014

The stranger was met curiously with the slight tilt of Leatherface's lowered head, having stood to acknowledge her approach. Solicitously his tail waved at Blue Willow's introduction, his own greeting lacking the same tactfulness and charm, Leath--Leatherfaace. He pressed forcefully from his vocal chords, a low growl echoing his name from lack of practice rather than aggression. It was no secret he wasn't most skills with words. Curling his lips he offered a thin smile to express how the day treated him; he'd found it agreeable for the most part.

Hesitantly he pressed forward his nose extending to sniff at her. She didn't smell like the food he was after. She did however smell like other wolves. Plateau? That's probably what she meant then. He'd had no further knowledge of the Plateau, having barely digested that he was now apart of the Vale. Perhaps there should have been apprehension when coming across a member of strange pack, but since he'd not been warned to be wary he greeted her company with the same warmth he would give to his fellow packmember.

Fff--Food? He inquired, mimicking the goat he was after by paw at the ground and swinging his head up and down. Had she seen the goats?

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 23, 2014

Blue Willow could tell that it was harder for the other wolf to speak, that necessarily did not bother her. He was probably a gentle giant and a little sheltered. She returned his smile and said quietly, "It is very nice to meet you Leatherface. She titled her head as he sniffed at her.

She sniffed back and smiled again. She heard his question and wondered what he was speaking of since she had not seen the goats, just him. He seemed to be mimicking some sort of animal and she wondered at it. She bent her head and sniffed at the ground and smelled a musty smell of matted fur and realized what he meant. "The goats no i didn't see them I just saw you Leatherface. Were you chasing after them? I can help, but i cannot travel past your pack's borders. She hoped he would understand that she could not travel past his borders if he wanted help she would help him, even though it was probably not the best thing to do, since they were separate packs. But the simple wolf made her want to help him and befriend him.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 23, 2014

He affirmed with a shake of his tail. He was willing to comply with her terms, as he knew they'd traveled away from the base of the Vale from where he'd first caught the trail; Leatherface felt confident that they were going south across the mountains. He lifted his head in the direction he been going prior to his meeting with Blue Willow, his way of announcing his intended way.

Grateful for the company and her offered aid, dutifully his haunches lowered as he slunk forward to give the female the slightest lick on the chin; and a moment after he was inching away and up again to his full height. Ch--Chaa--Chaase. Though wasn't much of one, as he had enough sense to take on the downward slope with as much caution as he'd taken climbing up.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 23, 2014

She dipped her head as he shook his tail. She was glad that they could talk a little bit, even if it was in simple terms. She wondered with a healers mind if he was simple because he always was or if his circumstances had turned him a little more simple than most, or perhaps he was really very smart and he just had trouble verbalizing. She turned her head and body towards the way he pointed and got ready to go.

She blinked momentarily at his show of respect and smiled softly, he was a sweet wolf and she hoped that no one treated him badly it would hurt her soft heart. "Okay Leatherface you lead the way. I'll follow you. She looked downward and followed his cautious steps and kept up with him. She was actually thrilled to be hunting today, she just hoped they could catch one. She wondered if he would keep the kill or if they would share, truth be told she really didn't mind either way.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 24, 2014

His simplicity only allowed him to focus on one task at a time. At present the spotlight of Leatherface's attention singled on allowing him to slide down the slope without breaking his neck. Despite his careful eye towards the placing of his paws, his muzzle would whip back periodically to check and see if Blue Willow was following and how she was faring. He may have been hesitant to even sniff her at first (and he might still be), but the smallest streak of danger would send him rushing to her rescue; for no other reason, than the fact that he enjoyed the female's company, as he enjoyed the companionship of most other wolves, and wished her well.

Torn between their decedent and watching Blue Willow, it was only half way down that it suddenly struck him to lower his head and check on the trail. What he inhaled against the rocks was a patch of fluff and a not a moment after the titan backpedaled with surprise; a few stray hairs still pricking against the moist tip of his nose. He gave a sharp sneeze at the sensation, tossing his head as he registered the scent: Food! His panting quickened with new excitement.

Lowering his frame with renewed anticipation, Leatherface's hackles raised expectantly at the dots that speckled the landscape a few leagues away on the slope. Their details were hazy from such a distance, but he didn't doubt that it was the herd he'd been hunting all morning. Whipping his tail against his haunches, the male's dull eyes shot back to Blue Willow with a renewed vigor.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 24, 2014

Blue Willow followed closely behind the male in front of her, using his feet as reference to put hers. She was not looking up, but rather keeping her eyes on the ground as she was not used to mountain faces. She did notice him glancing her way every now and again and she greatly appreciated that he was watching out for her, when he obviously knew how to navigate an area like this better than she.

She stopped quickly as he began to sniff and she had to chuckle when he sneezed, he must of have found dust or something. BLess you leatherface. She smiled wider at his excitement, he must have found the trail that they had been following. She sidled a little closer and looked down to also see the brown specks that he saw. She could only assume that was the food he had spoken of.

Blue Willow chuckled and nodded her head, "let's go get us a goat Leatherface. She chuckled and backed up so he could again take the lead, though she lowered herself a little closer to the ground as she was sure these goats would be vigilant while they ate.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 26, 2014

The responsibility of trailing the herd had been nothing but a game to him. But now that the goats were in their sights, he paused when Blue Willow gestured for him to continue leading. He'd assumed that she would do as his brother use to and tell him what to do. The realization brought a new anxiety and he let out a low whine, his ears dipping down to smooth against his skull. Had he more faith in his abilities, instincts alone and past experience would surely have been able to carry him through this but the doubt of failure and being reprimanded clouded over every sensible thought.

His mimic of her crouch was much more drastic, making the titan look as small as possible which wasn't much at all, he tiptoed to gingerly bump her shoulder. Go. Anyone but him knew better, that's what he'd been lead to believe up until this moment. I fol--follow.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 26, 2014

Blue Willow was momentarily taken back by his whine and his slicked ears, wondering what on earth had happened to make him feel this way. She looked at him as he looked confused and lost like a young pup and her heart went out to him. What had others done to him, to make him so self conscious in his own abilities. She nodded her head and watched as he mimicked her crouch though he was much bigger.

She slowly began to stalk forward her ears laid tight to her head an intense expression on her face as she judged the goats and picked out the smallest or weakest. There was one with a slight limp, twitching her ear, she pointed forward with her muzzle. "That little one there with the limp we will go after her. I'll herd it toward you do you think you can kill it or would you prefer to herd it to me and I'll kill it? She was not being judgmental merely asking a question.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 26, 2014

His eyes shifted to smoothly follow her gesture, attentive to the task at hand. Since she'd so easily stepped into the role he'd begged her to take, his previous anxiety about the hunt had washed away with only the warm thrill of excitement left. Leatherface rolled his shoulders back, his paws kneading at the ground as if ready to take off given just the word. I kill. Less of a statement and more-so expressing his comfort at such a role. His size didn't make for good speed and as such his herding suffered for it, but either way it came down to what Blue Willow willed for him to do.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 26, 2014

Blue Willow would not order him around like a petulant child, she found him to be oddily endearingly simple, but that did not mean he was stupid just a little delayed. She would allow him to choose what he wanted to do. "Very Well LeatherFace you kill it. They had approached the herd stealthy and she was ready to go with one more look at him and a quick nod, she tucked her tail for a moment and then she was off, streamlined grace and limbs She herded the goat towards him, it was clearly lagging behind while the others ran bleating towards the mountain top. She hoped Leatherface was ready.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - March 28, 2014

It was obvious he was eager, and while Leatherface waited prepared with baited breathe, it might have been said he was too ready for the goat surging towards him. Like a slingshot let loose, he bolted from the stealth of the slope rocky face and came barreling after his prey. His short burst of speed paid off when he collided headlong into the nanny; silence nature shattered by the savage snarl that ripped through his throat as his fangs sought flesh.

Snapping loosely to gather her throat his teeth clipped at her face and fur, but caught in the frenzy of the attack she was not without her own bleating and bucking. He had killed many a creature but he was without skill in his killing, instinct driving to the throat and his ignorance throwing caution in the wind.

So it was not so surprising when the nanny took her horn and thrashing behind and thrust it against the weight of his bulk. The first few stabs whipped without reward through the air and Leatherface crunched down on the base of the goat's neck. A moment after in a last desperate lunge she struck with her horn again, Leatherface taking the blow against his hip as he felt the blood flow freely from
his flesh as hers did between his fangs.

Limping now from the wound to his leg, he shook the goat, rattling the breath out of them both as his muzzle drew downward in a chewing motion; roughly grasping at her throat. A few more moments of struggle before an inevitable end.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - March 28, 2014

Blue Willow gasped loudly when she saw the goat land a blow to her new companions hip. Rushing to his side she was unable to discern if it was deep or anything with all the blood welling out of it and the goat in her way. She said quietly but urgently, "leatherface you have to put the goat down and let me check your hip. I need to heal you up if it is bad?

she was so worried that he would be permanently lame, it had been a hard blow to his hip and if the horn got to the bone it could be bad. It could have even broken the bone and it bothered her to no end. She hoped he would listen to her and put the goat down and let her fix up his wound.

RE: Raise me up - Leatherface - April 04, 2014

Her quick approach pulled his upper lip in warning, a flash of instinct showing her his fangs. But his aggression was soon dissolved by the high note of concern in the woman's voice, and Leatherface's eyes darted to his hip. Rivets of blood began to mat the fiery fur, dribbling down the length on his leg to drizzle upon the earth below. He blinked stupidly at it, having not realized he'd been injured until she had called attention to it.

Hopping back he released the goat, swiping at the blood that now painted his muzzle. Tentatively he reached to inspect the wound with his nose but hesitated; a hot wave of pain hitting him. A tremor of silence followed as he shut his eyes to block it out, and a moment later he had lowered his muzzle to attempt the lift the goat by the throat once more.

RE: Raise me up - Blue Willow - April 09, 2014

Blue Willow froze at his snarl, not holding it against him though. Knowing that it was instinctual to bite first, ask later. Once he calmed down she was able to look it over with a quick glance and what she saw concerned her. "Oh leatherface. She was unsure what to do, she looked around there were no herbs around her, none at the moment it was still too soon and she had not carried any with her. Thinking quickly she looked around.

She shot another glance at him seeing him reaching for the goat again. Leatherface Wait, let me get a dressing on that wound before you life that goat again. She shot off towards some small bushes where she had seen some cobwebs, returning quickly she held cobwebs tightly in her maw. "Can I put these on your wound Leatherface? She wanted to just do it, but knew she should ask permission first.