Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Neuer Anfang - Printable Version

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Neuer Anfang - Aveline - May 31, 2016

@Aaron or @Amara? <3 Any other Rosings members are welcome too.

The large girl had been thinking about this for days. Should she, or should she not? She had finally decided to go ahead with it. It was her best bet for survival anyways. She huffed and muttered to herself as she walked her large frame closer and closer to the border of this unknown pack she'd stumbled upon a couple days agao. She'd been alone for a while, and as a result, she had begun to talk to herself. "Maybe zey vill be vaitink for me ven I get zere... nah, zey do not know zat I'm comink." She murmured to herself. Black tail lashed in anticipation and her hazelnut eyes glanced around the area. 

In front of her lay a large forest, mostly built up of evergreens. Her eyes wandered around the perimeter, noticing the shady lower levels of the forest. The lack of light did not phase the undergrowth however, and the foilage grew thick. She could smell the scent of fox heavy in the air, which caused her confusion the first time she briefly visited the border. Perhaps the wolves were in the process of ridding their home of the animals. Aveline could definitely help with that. The gentle giant eventually made it to the border, letting her shadowing figure rest there. Shifting her weight to her rump, she sat down a couple feet from the borderline.

"Vat a lovely place," She commented quietly to no one in particular. "A fery nett place to live." She leaned to one side, cranning her neck to peer into the forest. Perhaps she had to bark or howl... do something the attract attention to herself, but she eventually decided against it. She would wait here until someone arrived, and hopefully lock in a positive future for herself.

RE: Neuer Anfang - Maevra - May 31, 2016

*rushed is screeching excitedly*

Minna strode throught the skeletal forest, noticing with glee the tiny buds returning. Locusts husks sometimes cracked beneath her paws, she suspected the horrible creatures would leave this trace for quite a while. Vegitation was slowly, slowly beginning to recover from the tragedy, and Minna was overjoyed. 

Today she paced the borders, eager to add her own scent to the pack's. She scuffed her paws along the ground, depositing her scent onto the earth. It was then she noticed the black girl, waiting silently at the borders. She was large, much larger than Minna, and seemed pretty healthy despite the raging famine. Good, for the pack could use such members. Perhaps that is what she wanted?

Minna approached at a brisk trot, chuffing in greeting as she neared. She smiled, wanting to put the female at ease. "Welcome to Rosing's, my pack. What do you seek?"

RE: Neuer Anfang - Tantalus - May 31, 2016

He strides towards the howl, his heart racing with excitement. A potential new wolf. A potential new packmate. When he arrives there is already a woman there, and he steps beside her-- and taller than her-- quickly. "My pack, actually," he says, but not in a way that would suggest he was angry at the woman. He'd never met her, but he assumed that Amara had brought her here. "But I ask the same question-- what is it you need?" 

RE: Neuer Anfang - Aveline - May 31, 2016

Hello! ^^

Glancing one last time into the thick, leafless foliage, Aveline began to think no one would come. Maybe they weren't open to any wolves joining, and they purposely didn't come to greet her. She could understand. With the lack of prey, some packs weren't open to bringing in more mouths to feed. Aveline was about to up and leave, when a figure began approaching her from the shadows. Black ears pricked and her large head tilted with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Was this the alpha? Or a subordinate? She couldn't tell, but either way she made a point to be polite and friendly. Soon, the stranger closed the gap between the two until they were nearly face to face. It was a female, and pretty and petite at that. Of course, all wolves smaller than her were petite. Soon, another stranger approached. He was obviously more dominant and Aveline dipped her head at his approach. 

They both asked her what she was here for, and the girl informed her with the name of the pack that takes refuge here. "I come in peace." She said to the girl and the male.  "My name is Aveline, ant I am lookink to yoin your ranks. Are you zee Alpha?" Aveline directed the question towards the male.  She spoke in a thick German accent, and she sure hoped the they could understand. After getting to know the big girl better, it became easier to understand what she was saying. A wolf just had to care enough, you know? Love conquers all, after all. "I, uh, am skillt in battles, huntink, and have some skills in herb gatherink." She added just for good measure.

RE: Neuer Anfang - Maevra - May 31, 2016

Minna gave a sheepish smile as the alpha approached, bowing her head slightly. She had not yet met Aaron, and thought this was an odd way to do it. But then the stranger began to speak, and Minna perked her ears in excitement.  She recognized that accent- she had bore it herself once.

"Sprichst du Deutsch? Woher kommst du? Ich dachte, ich würde nie jemanden treffen, der meine Sprache sprechen!"

She practically quivered with joy, for she had missed her tongue dearly.

RE: Neuer Anfang - Tantalus - May 31, 2016

While he understood the woman pretty clearly, Aaron knows nothing of what his suboordinate had said. He stares at her for a moment before turning back to their guest. "A pleasure, Aveline," he says. "My name is Aaron Odolf. I am indeed the alpha, I lead Rosings along with my wife-- Amara," he adds. His tail waves behind him, his soft blue eyes studying her face and each twitch it produces as she speaks. 

"We could use some healers," he says. "Amara and our Delta-- Liri-- are both healers, but with the swarm and the famine I do not believe that we could have too many." He smiles at her, producing an extremely charming look. "I also am a skilled warrior myself, we must train together some day," he adds, still smiling.

RE: Neuer Anfang - Aveline - May 31, 2016

Aveline's face lights up with joy as the female speaks to her in her native tongue. "Ich bin Deutsche! Es ist sehr schön, Sie kennen zu lernen! Ich komme aus einem Land weit weg von hier, aber es ist schön, wieder meine Zunge zu sprechen." She rattled off to her in response before turning back to Aaron. "Zat's fery nett to know. I vould love to train vith you." She murmured with an excited smile. She had no idea it would be this easy. Was this his way of excepting her, or was there something else she had to do. She also had no knowledge that others would be fluent in her language around here! Her tail began to thump against the dirt as she looked between Aaron and the German girl. "Vat is your name?" She asked her in her own version of English so she could include Aaron in the conversation.
Short post!

RE: Neuer Anfang - Maevra - May 31, 2016

Glancing sideways, Minna decided it might not be the best idea to go rattling off in German while the Aloha was here. He might find it rude, and she did not want this to be his first impression of her. She smiled at the female, tail wagging, as she took in this new information. "I'm Minna" she said brightly. 

She he glanced up at the alpha beside her, staying silent while she waited for him to speak. This girl would make a wonderful member.

RE: Neuer Anfang - Tantalus - June 01, 2016

Minna was his suboordinates name. He stored the name in his min to remember-- what was a king without knowledge of his subjects, afterall? He smiles at Aveline and dips her head, stepping forward to press his nose to her shoulder to exchange scents with her. When he steps back, he glances between the two before focusing on the black woman.

"Aveline, as you grow older in the pack, I will assign you a mate as part of Rosings tradition. If you wish to remain under these circumstances, I welcome you to Rosings as our Eta," (I'm assuming she accepts). He dips her head in one final goodbye gesture, and looks behind him before turning to the women again. "You should seek Liri if you wish to learn more about our culture, Minna, I beg that you show our newest member around." Without another gesture or word, the man turns and leaves.

last for me! welcome!! <3

RE: Neuer Anfang - Aveline - June 01, 2016

Thank you! So excited to be here! And Minna - we can make a separate thread with her showing Aveline around or we can assume that it happened and move on. Up to you!

Excitement cursed through the large woman and a smile spread upon her features. "Sank you! Sank you!" She told him, smiling when he touched her shoulder. She nudged him back, taking in his scent and locking it in her brain for next time. She was so grateful to finally have a home. She stepped over the border with a grin and glanced at Minna as Aaron instructed her to show her around. She wagged her tail and nudged Minna in excitement. 

"Ich kann nicht in das Gebiet , um zu sehen warten. Sie müssen sollte mir alles!" She exclaimed to her and looked around. There were so many knooks and crannies that she just had to explore. Even though there was hardly any green, the place was definitely beautiful in it's own way. She peered into the shadowy depths, heart racing. 
My last post!

RE: Neuer Anfang - Maevra - June 01, 2016

Sounds good, I will start another thread!

Minna smiled happily as the female was accepted, a smile that grew wider as Minna noticed her enthusiasm. She nodded to Aaron as he asked her to show the new girl around, she was glad for the task. She wished to get to know this female more. She brushed against her pelt as Liri had once done to her, to welcome and spread the pack scent onto the girl. "Na sicher!" She motioned or the female to follow her and spun on her heel, eager to show her around.