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Blackfoot Forest white walls - Printable Version

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white walls - Emily - June 01, 2016

More thread fodder for the new people! @Aveline @McTavish @Leto

At the sub territory of Lover's Grove: http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=13301&pid=167796#pid167796


In tough times like these it was important to take notice of the minor things that betrayed evidence of a return to normalcy. In this instance it was the unexpected stumbling across of a quaint little grove that was tucked at the base of the mountain. Lover's Grove, which was far from its prime in these days of famine and rot, was truly a sight for Em's sore eyes.
Little buds of red and pink shimmered under the morning sunlight that was dimmed by the cloud cover of impending storms. They seemed eager for the impending drink, their tiny petals turns upright, and in their fragile state the Odolf felt a surge of hope that placed teardrops at the corners of her eyes. Marcus was wrong. It was not the end of days. The Exodus was not upon them.
She caught a scant, disembodied whisper in the background behind her. She could not discern its message but she knew the tone...the familiarity of it urging her to step deeper into this budding paradise of rosy jubilation. His Exodus could not reach her.
At least...not here.

RE: white walls - Aveline - June 01, 2016


Aveline tilted her head as movement caught her eyes. Eager to meet a new packmate, she propelled her large frame into action, heading towards the figure. Well, maybe it wasn't a wolf -- rather another one of those foxes that seemed to infest the forest. She made a point to be quiet as she approached. 

Her paws led her to a rather beautiful clearing filled with leafless but fruitful bushes. Their buds varied in shades of pink and reds and the opened flowers were even more extravagent. They reached toward the sky, begging for the smallest drops of water they could get. they were brown and shriveled around the edges, clearly caused because of the lack of leaves. She paused there, sidetracked, before reutrning to what she was here for in the first place. 

Narrowing her eyes, she could see the figure through the bushes. It was a wolf! She smiled and padded around the bushes to greet whoever it was. It a white wolf, and pretty one at that. Aveline offered a smile and chuffed her a hello.

RE: white walls - Emily - June 01, 2016

Hi there!


It was not long before a figure materialized from the twisted foliage that she'd put behind her. Emily was a calm, calculating wolf and had already decided that her Devil could not enter these sacred grounds...but a chill burned hot in her chest until she fully decided that it was not He who was approaching but someone else entirely. A small sigh of relief bled from her lips as the unknown she wolf chuffed a well-mannered greeting.
Young little thing she mused. Though Aveline must've outweighed the boney Odolf by at least 20 pounds. She lingered between feelings of jealousy - Where exactly had she found a stout enough food source to feed those muscles? - and relief for having a pack mate not yet throttled by the famine. It was with the flash of a smile that Em decided to forgive the other's good condition and settle with a sense of gratitude for the added strength.  
She chuffed back and tossed her head back to gesture that the younger femme was welcome to join her...or would be pardoned should she simply be passing by.

RE: white walls - Aveline - June 01, 2016

Aveline gave a smile as the smaller white stranger welcomed her warmingly. She could tell that that wolf was slightly older than her, and it was a little odd having to look down upon her. She was so used to being surounded by other big boned wolves like her family, and sometimes and even having to tilt her head up a bit to meet their gaze. Maybe it had to do with where they were born. She herself had been born in Alaska, where the weather was harsh and the prey was large -- much larger than the wolves. Maybe this gal had been born in a place of smaller prey, and large wolves like Aveline could not gather enough food to stay alive. Natural Selection, what a wonderful phenomenon.

Chocolaty eyes gazed down on the white girl as she simply offered for Aveline to join her on her stroll. The large wolf had nothing else to do, so why not? She huffed thoughtfully yet again and strode up to her. The white wolf's head just barely reached her shoulder blade, and Aveline found herself feeling awkward. Was she the only one this large around here? She reasured herself that Aaron was almost her height. That was a start. Finally, Aveline thought it was about time she spoke.

"M' Aveline," She said. "I vas velcomed here yust yesterday by your fery kind alpha... Aaron." She was proud that she had managed to remember his name. Names didn't come easily to her, but perhaps she was getting better. She promised to herself that she would make and effort to memorize at least her whole pack. Aaron, Amara, and Minna was a start, right?

RE: white walls - Emily - June 01, 2016

I might let you be my Sugar Daddy she speculated humorously to herself when the thickly accented acquaintance strode next to her. Aveline was certainly...handsomely built. Confusion flickered in the she wolf's eyes before she disregarded her somewhat mean thoughts and gave the Eta a wise nod. "Aaron is my brother," she uttered in a bemused tone. "I'm glad to hear that he uses his manners when no one is looking."
Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder who were perfect brother was when there weren't any eyes upon him. Were they more alike in their private lives? Or even more different than she was already aware of?
"My name is Emily," she said after a moment. "Or 'Em' if that suits you. Feel free to call me either."

RE: white walls - Aveline - June 02, 2016

Aveline noted the quick flash of confusion upon Emily's face but pushed it aside as soon as she started speaking. She was actually surprised that Emily was Aaron's sister. She could see the resemblance of color and maybe the tiniest hint of similarities in their face, and her eyes screamed Aaron. However, Aaron was a bit taller, and he had darker hints of gray and brown among his white locks. 

She told her her name was Emily, or 'Em' but Aveline liked Emily. 'Em' was just... not her type. She smiled, brown eyes swimming with friendliness. "Vere you one of zee founding members zen?" She asked curiously. She wanted to know more about the history of this pack, and perhaps this girl could give her the answers. If not, she could simply save it for when she met up with Aaron again, or perhps when she was finally introduced to Amara.

RE: white walls - Emily - June 02, 2016

She shook her head and risked disappointing Aveline further with a murmured, "M-mm." She looked up to the inky wolf and smiled a bit in an attempt to cheer her however...wondering perhaps if she'd find interest in origins that came before the pack. And, despite herself, she wondered if perhaps the young gal might carry a touch of fancy for her handsome brother; most girls she'd met did. "I came after it had been established," she admitted while looking off to the sea of pink beyond them. "But I can tell you of mine and Aaron's past...and what ideals might have stirred him to create a pack like this."

RE: white walls - Aveline - June 02, 2016

Black ears pricked. She would love to hear this. No, she didn't fancy Aaron any more than all the other males around here besides respect. She definitely respected him the most. She just wanted to know about the origins of the pack. "Yes, please do tell me." She told her. Her tail swished in anticipation as she waited for what the female had to say. She could only imagine the past of these two. She did wonder what drove Aaron to create this pack. It had such diversity, she wondered how he decided upon these rules. These kinds of things were terribly interesting to her.