Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Printable Version

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No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Stark - June 01, 2016

The dark male had passed by the Crook, taking a quick stock if Tambourine was safe and things were settled before he crossed towards the expanse of the Keep. He still couldn't figure out how he felt - if he was happy exactly over the prospect of Captain being there. He had to be happy that she was safe, he guessed, considering that the alternative might have been her perishing somewhere in the wild. Their litter mate was strong, so strong, and he thought if anyone would make it Banner certainly would.

Stark was minding his own business, his eyes drifting along the ground when he froze. That was green - green! It was new life, fresh life, and Stark gave an excited woof - calling anyone nearby. It was like he'd never seen a plant before, but this was totally different. They'd been desperate for this. 

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Teagan - June 02, 2016

Ugh, so bored. So bored of life. Teagan was lying by the entrance of the Crook, head in his paws as he stared out through the doorway into the open. He'd taken a border patrol earlier today, tried to hunt some small animals, failed, so now he was back here, being bored. He shifted, trying to get comfortable on the hard ground, before giving up completely and rose to his paws and stretched, a yawn on his maw. Teag looked around, then padded towards the entrance and through it. Since there was nothing to do, he might as well do another border patrol; it couldn't hurt to maintain some scent marks.

So he set off, his pace reasonably quick, but not too fast. Border patrol was boring, but it wasn't as boring as lying on the ground doing nothing. Besides, he might even meet his packmates halfway through, so it couldn't be too bad. Just as that thought crossed the coywolf's mind, a woof sounded through the former silence. Teagan lifted his head, nose twitching, ears swiveling towards the direction the woof had come from before making a beeline towards it.

"'Sup, Stark," he drawled, wondering what had got his dark furred packmate in a tizzy before he saw the green on the ground. His eyes widened and a large grin spread across his maw. "Holy shit," he breathed out, almost in disbelief.

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Trick - June 02, 2016

Trick was minding his own business in the herb cave, the heat of summer being no good for the already dried out plants on the shelves. He sighed as he looked at them, seeing freshly spun cobwebs in the corners while they already had plenty enough. At least no one had gotten hurt yet, for with these dried out supplies, healing would be difficult. He trotted to the small pool with fresh, clean water and took a small sip. It took away his thirst, but hunger still clawed at his stomach, having given up most of his food for the keep. Even with his little frame, he needed something in his stomach. Nothing nearly as much as Warbone or Stark, but at least something. It was quite hot, and he wondered if it was already summer. He took a dip in the pool, the cool water cooling his paws and part of his legs, and he grunted in relief.

The cave was quiet, and echoed most of the sounds from outside, therefore he noticed a slight disturbance in the air at the somewhat familiar call of Stark. He looked up from the water, his eyes flashing around the cave for a moment, and the he ran off to find what was wrong- or right.

He trotted at a fast space, and could swear he saw something green flicker by, but didn't pay it much mind. He was on a mission. Besides, it was probably him hallucinating or something. A very familiar scent and fiery coat appeared in the distance, bringing with it the scent of Stark and the bigger, more muscled frame of the dark man. Trick quickened his pace, and before he knew it, he was standing beside his boyfriend. Good day. He said confused. What's the reason we are all gath- He could not finish his sentence, for he felt something tickle under his right paw. Was that- no it couldn't be. Could it?

Exquisite... He breathed out. Absolutely wonderful. He said once again, standing back, lowering his muzzle to look better at what was before him. Finally, new life was beginning to sprout.

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Stark - June 02, 2016

Stark barely had any time to sit there and marvel at the little green before the russet male appeared, he was ready to give a response but then Teagan caught sight of what he was obsessing over too. He gave him a toothy grin, his eyes peering back down towards the tiny little patch of grass coming in. "I've never been this excited about grass." He admitted with a laugh. 

Trick arrived and Stark swung his head up to look at the male, figure thinner than the first time that they'd caught up with one another. There was news for the dark male, too, although he didn't want to put a damper on things to tell him his sister had arrived. "Isn't it?" He breathed out, sounding nearly reverent. "We'll have food soon." He said happily - and wasn't that the best news of all? Soon they would actually have full stomachs again - and maybe Tambourine wouldn't know what hunger felt like. 

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Teagan - June 04, 2016

Trick arrived too, and he too, saw the green grass, newly growing on their land. He breathed out in surprise, words leaving his maw and Teagan raised an eyebrow. While he had expressed his surprise with profanities, his boy friend expressed it with eloquent words. Honestly, he wondered how some wolves were simply so damn poetic when you could just use a few simple words to express what you wanted to say. But back to the subject. Teagan glanced over at Stark, a half smirk on his lips.

"Same," he agreed with a soft chuckle. "Who would have thought, huh," he smiled, green eyes fixed on the grass as he marveled at the new life sprouting from the ground. "And not just food," he reminded his packmates. "Good food, real food. Large, delicious, meat from elk and deer and..." he trailed off, licking his lips.

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Trick - June 04, 2016

Perhaps Wylie's true calling was to become a poet or something, but that talent was brushed away with vengeance and hate. He was so smart and yet so dumb at the same time. Okay, back to the greenery. It was small, but definitely a sign from a greater power that the famine wouldn't take long anymore. Trick wondered how long it would be until it really all had grown back. He assumed a few weeks, maybe a month or so, but for now this was enough. Trick couldn't wait to go out again to search for herbs and poisons, get their herb cave full to the brim with more and more plants to aid the ill. Just like on his journeys...

He listened to the two talking about what this would mean for food and all, but Trick was not so interested in hunting again. He wanted herbs, he wanted plants! Still, he nodded a  few times to indicate that he agreed. Food would be nice- but herbs better!

Why, isn't my behind enough to please your desire for meat? Trick chuckled, raising his head to reveal a wicked smirk. The comment was directed at Teagan, but if Stark wanted some weird three-way or something, why the fucking hell not? (He was joking-I am joking) 

RE: No, it's subtle, all the bells and whistles. - Stark - June 08, 2016

At least he wasn't alone - Teagan and Trick both seemed just as awestruck and Stark relaxed a bit among them. He swallowed thickly, giving a little sigh as he looked the boys over. A grin took over his lips as Teagan listed off their future menu - his mind going to the extravagant spread he could offer to Octavia and Tambourine. Tam would start to eat real meat soon and giving him so many things to experience would be wonderful. Stark couldn't help the bolt of laughter that fell from his lips as Trick teased Teagan - this must have been what Trick was alluding to when they had first started running the borders together. 

"Oh I'm sure you're enough for him," He said with a wink, glancing over at Teagan too. "Just imagine how much nicer it would be to be wined and dined properly - and then get dessert." Stark didn't mind any preferences the males had - it wasn't a problem to him at all. If they were happy, and it didn't disrupt any sort of details about the packs day to day life, he didn't care.