Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest All made of stardust - Printable Version

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All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Minna lay stretched out on her side at the edge of the small stram by her den, eyes closed. It was a horribly humid day, and the hot tempuratures had her seeking shade. However, there being none, she had retreated to her den and lain just outside. She simply listened. To the small noises of insect retuning, to a few bird calls in the trees. She heard an odd scuffling that could have been lunch, but before she could open her eyes and investigate, tiny footsteps racing away struck out that idea. 

She sighed happily, wiggling closer to the stream so that cool water could swirl around her forepaws. The sudden cool made her tense a moment, but then relax. Feeling totally at ease, she opened her eyes and watched the stream rush by in it's endless journey. 

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto followed the scent of water, intent on getting a drink or perhaps dipping in for a swim, finding another scent he recognized along the way. Minna had been there when he was accepted into the pack, one of the few wolves he had met yet.

Smirking, Leto dipped his muzzle in and drank his fill once reaching the stream. Turning to the reddish white woman, he greeted her. "Hello again, pretty lady." 

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Leto's approach did not warrent getting up just yet. She watched lazily as she crossed to the stream to drink his fill, then turned and greeted her. She smiled, she was rather growing to like this pale man. "Hello to you too, Leto." she said warmly. Stretching her front legs forward, she arched her back before rolling onto her stomach. She stood and approached him, an easy smile on her face. Still smiling, she drew near and nearer, tail flicking playfully side to side. With a sudden blur of movement, she jumped into the waters of the stream, spraying Leto with a splash of cool water. She flicked more at him with her paws, splashing madly in the shallow waters. She laughed, clear and happy.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto quirked a brow as she prowler closer, watching the sway of her hips in intrigue. While he knew he would be mated eventually, he could hope it was Minna right? 

The spray of water doused him, cooling his thoughts considerably. He sent her a wicked grin. Leto hadn't played since Moon Rise back when his family was still together. "Oh, you've done it now!"

With a playful growl, he leapt into the water with the hopes of rocking up a wave to splash over Minna. His cannonballing led him to be submerged before he paddled back upwards to the surface, looking around for the smaller female.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Minna screeched as a wave washed over her, rendering her soak wet. She laughed as water streamed down her fur, blinking water from her eyes. She took a breath and slipped under the waters surface, and approached Leto with a few strong strides. She swum straight into his side, pushing if his pelt with her was and rocketing out of the water. She growled playfully. "Do you really wish to test I, the undisputed queen of the river?"

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto grinned down at her, enjoying their banter immensely. He dipped his head as if speaking to an Alpha, taking on a medieval tone as he spoke. "My lady, I had no idea I was speaking with a Queen! Please your Majesty, will you forgive me?" He sent her another grin as he looked up at her, hoping she would play along.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Minna gave him her best "haughty queen"look. She gave a small sniff. "I know not if I could forgive such an impass on my rule." She bobbed in the river, legs paddling to keep her afloat. However, if you can defeat me in an epic river battle, I may be forced to call you the rightful river king" She paddled closer, and having a charming smile. Without warning, she sprang it him, paws finding purchase on a submerged Boulder. She aimed to head but his shoulder, pushing him deeper into the river should she be successful.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto threw back his head, laughing loudly at the expression on her face and her words too. "You're on, dollface. You ain't beating me." Leto was certain he could win, he was an arctic wolf. His breed were made for water and snow. 

As she aimed to headbut him, he leaned back and outstretched his forelegs. His plan was to catch her when she did so 'cause if he was going down then she was coming with him.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

He reacted quickly, and Minna was surprised when he caught her in his forelegs. Well, this wouldn't do. She tried to dive away, but reacted to slowly and was caught by Leto. She instead swum closer to him, trying to push him further into the river. The regal river queen would not give up her throne without a fight.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

She swam towards him, surprisingly, and Leto tried his best to wrap his forelegs around her in a wolfish version of a type of hug. "Gotcha now, Queen." Leto grinned down at her wolfishly, a chuckle slipping between his lips.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Rather than struggle, Minna growled in feigned frustration. “Alas, sir, I am forced to admit my defeat. All hail, the mighty river king!” She nudged his shoulder playfully before diving out of his grip, swimming for the bank, breathless. She made an exaggerated bow in his direction, a smile teasing her muzzle. She shook her red pelt, a darker and more vibrant hue now that it was soaking wet.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Even more surprisingly, Minna gave up and crowned him as King of the River. Leto climbed from the water after her; smiling rather well, kingly. "Hear ye, hear ye. As King of the River, my first proclamation is that I make Minna my royal advisor." Leto adopted the medieval tone once more, climbing atop a rock and bowing his head comically.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Minna bowed her head. "I am grateful, River King, for your kindness." She smirked, sashaying her hips as she approached the rock. She stopped at it's base, lacing her fore-paws on it as she gazed up at Leto imploringly. "However, my first advisment is rather of an unfortunate nature. I advise you to be advised that the royal adviser is a traitor!" Her words came out in a tumble, and she darted toward Leto, bumping him with her shoulder and hopefully down back into the river.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Minna's hips were enough to draw his attention away, come on; Leto was a man after all! Leto would never sleep with any female without the Alpha's permission, and the female's of course, but that didn't stop him from looking. 

Of course, her pushing him into the water cooled his ardour quite a bit. He came up sputtering, glancing at Minna with resignation. "You win, Minna." Being the gentleman that he was, she would always win in the end.

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Minna laughed at the sight, she quickly scrambled to the top of the rock, sprawling out. Leto was a great friend, and even after spending such a short amount of time with him, she wondered if he could mean more- but no, the alpha's decreed the mates, and beside, she did not know everything about him. He could very well be a complete pycho! She smiled at the thought, then slipped of the rock to meet Leto at the bank. "I must admit, you were a worthy opponent!" she said in her haughty queen voice. She sat, wagging her quickly-drying feathery tail.

RE: All made of stardust - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto clambered from the water, shaking out his fur right over Minna ensuring that he soaked her more thoroughly. Taking off with a laugh, he called back over his shoulder. "See ya later, Queenie!" 

fade here? P.s. I kinda ship them

RE: All made of stardust - Maevra - June 02, 2016

"Toodles, river king!" she called back at him. Exhausted and wet, she draped herself on the bank, letting the sun dry her fur.