Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest I met him in a crowded room - Printable Version

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I met him in a crowded room - Saēna - June 04, 2016

For the first day and a half following her fall, Saena drifted in and out of consciousness. Each time her eyes fluttered briefly open, the sight of dozens of animals milling about, all of them a strange and unreal white, would send her back into the dark place of her mind. There, she found nothing. Her memory could summon up only two details: Saena and Leader. Somewhere in the midst of her unconsciousness she was able to bring to mind the look of the place she needed to find, but aside from that, her mind was blank. When she awoke for the final time in the King Elk Forest, the first thing she did was vomit from the pain in her head and body, and the second thing she did was panic at the sheer unfamiliarity of her surroundings. It was like the first day of her life, and though she knew that that was a tree and those were leaves and the babbling sound of water was surely a brook, she was naught but a newborn in her knowledge of where in the world she was.

She went through three more panic attacks before managing to gather her wits about her. Saena, she mentally told herself. That's who you are. That was dismally little to know about oneself, though. Leader. That is what you are. Saena, the leader of god knows what. She blinked owlishly through a haze of frightened tears, bringing the forest back into focus in an effort to orient herself, though that was impossible. With clarity renewed, the wolf glanced about her. Over there to the left there was a white lynx watching her, like nothing she'd ever seen. Cat, she knew, though she didn't know how she knew, and she couldn't summon up any other details about it. As far as the amnesiac knew, however, this was perfectly normal. Animals looked like that, and so did she, she reasoned.

To the right, a fat white owl stared down at her from the trees. To any onlooker, neither of these animals existed—all of them were figments of Saena's imagination, hallucinations of the same sort she'd always been able to see in times of stress—only now they were everywhere. A white raven lit from the ground twenty feet away. A white mouse skittered across the littered husks of brown locusts. A white hare hopped out of the undergrowth... and overtaken by feral hunger, Saena surged forward, ignoring the painful protests of her body, and launched herself at it. Her paws met their mark upon its body, but then flew through it like it was made of nothing but mist, and she tumbled and snarled with a great deal of noise into a bare bush as it disappeared.

RE: I met him in a crowded room - Kojak - June 04, 2016

Kojak stepped confidently through the trees, his head raised in a regal manner. Occasionally, his huge paws crushed the shells of locusts underfoot, but he paid no heed to them. His gaze was drawn to the unfamiliar land around him, new and exciting and totally decimated. He suspected it had been the work of the many insects now brittle and lifeless, and that the lack of prey had something to do with the progression of the insects. Here and there the gentle giant could see traces of life, slowly returning, however, it would be a while until this land reclaimed its former glory, if ever. He could almost picture the beauty that might had been had this land been in its prime.
He himself was not as thin as the wolves residing here, having entered the ravaged lands recently. Reason told him to turn back, escape the carnage, but a powerful curiosity propelled him further. His pelt had lost some of its former lustre, and he had lost some of his well-built frame, but his health was still better than the citizen of the Wilds.
It was soon that he came across the female with the beautiful pelt. But she was injured, bruised and bleeding, and something looked wrong about her. Kojak watched as she stalked invisible prey, and with growing concern as she launched herself at nothing. She snarled and tumbled, and Kojak felt great pity for the unknown female. Something was obviously addled with her mind, and her body was covered in wounds. Perhaps it would prove unwise to do so, but he stepped out and greeted the female.
"Greeting, Ma'am, I am Kojak. I mean no harm to you, but felt compelled to assist you in any manner you may need. You are injured, and perhaps I could assist with that. May I ask who you are?"

It was only natural for him to offer help, it would be shameful to walk away. So he spoke to her in a low rumble of a voice, standing still and unthreatening. He did not mention her lunge at nothing, but waited for her to reply.

RE: I met him in a crowded room - Spring - June 05, 2016

Saena had been absent for a few days and Spring was worried about her Alpha.  The Beta had begun to worry that Saena had gotten lost, or something terrible had happened like how Ishi had been taken by the Cougar.  After all why would she leave her pups at a time like this during the famine?  Yet Spring always ended up pushing those thoughts away.  Not today though.  Not today.  Finally though Spring had decided to just go out a do a little search for her Alpha, just a little one that would take her just beyond Silver Creek lands.  She travelled for a bit, not noticing or seeing anyone, but then she caught a Saena's scent on the air... her Alpha was close.  Spring quickened her pace in the direction of the scent, overjoyed that Saena was probably just returning home, but was frightened by what she saw.  Watching from the shadow, Spring caught sight of Saena... she was covered with bruises.  Spring heart stopped for a moment.  What in the world had happened?  What she saw next though was even stranger.  Saena leapt.  Actually leapt at thin air as if she was trying to catch something, like prey.  Something was wrong.  Terribly wrong.  Spring stood frozen in place, knowing that she should really go confront Saena, when a male appeared and began to speak offering help to her Alpha.  He seemed to be a lone wolf though, which suddenly made the Beta very nervous and uncertain of him.  So she padded out from the shadows slowly and cautiously.

Spring walked past Kojak and regarded him with a anxious glance then faced Saena.  "Saena."  She whispered softly, also softening her expression.  "What happened?  Are you alright?"  Spring then asked nervously, fearing for her Alpha's health.  Although of course the healer side of her knew that Saena was not alright.  Not at all.  After all how could you be alright and hunt air.  You couldn't.  Simple as that.

RE: I met him in a crowded room - Saēna - June 13, 2016

For a moment, Saena wrestled with the bush. She flailed on her back, clipping her teeth at the raking twigs and thrashing her legs at the thick, squat trunk, but in short order she righted herself. She shook roughly, then promptly seated herself and began to swipe her tongue over the unruly fur of her chest.

It wouldn't do, oh no it wouldn't. Saena was a huntress but she was also a lady and a lady could not abide being an unsightly mess.

She whipped her head up at the sound of a voice. Kojak's greeting was polite, overly so, and presumptuous. Saena straightened, the picture of perfect wolfish posture, and fixed him with eyes that danced between warm and haughty all at the same time. "You address a queen," she reminded him, although she had never before seen Kojak. It wouldn't do to ask who he was, though. A queen must pretend to know all. "You will bow in my presence, loner," she said, her tone suggestive but also brooking no argument.

So when Spring arrived, Saena turned eyes upon her and, with no hint of recognition, pointed out that, "it is customary to address your queen as Her Wildness or Her Graciousness," as if Spring had done it incorrectly. The woman had said Saena's name, so the regal female assumed that Spring was a subject of hers, and promptly lifted a paw as if she expected her subject to bow and preen her toes. She might not recognize Spring in the slightest, but she expected her due respect all the same, with less of the brusqueness with which she'd addressed the wolf whose smell told of no others.

In the background, she noted a white hawk. It was visible only to her, so her eyes flicked toward it, where the other wolves would see naught but an empty bough.

RE: I met him in a crowded room - Kojak - June 13, 2016

Ears perked against his skull as another made her wai into the scene, a she-wolf the seemed to carry a simual scent to the pale girl. She beseeched the woman with a name, though she gave none for herself. Saena. She inquired upon the womans health, nervousness tainting her words. Kojak, through this, remained silent, what place did he, a stranger, have in this? But he would stay, for now, until he was sure that the woman, Saena, was alright. If told to, her would leave, for he wished not to intrude on such an odd situation. The woman looked at him then, her words one of royalty. She was a queen, she said, and he must bow to her. The man's ears flicked a moment, betraying his slight irratation, but he did as she asked. He had no wish to upset this confused looking one.

And so he dipped his head to her, bright eyes shining out of his thickly furred head. As she wished, he would comply. He spoke evenly, allowing none of his surprise or confusion into his voice "My apolagizies, madam." How could it be that such a queen was here alone, hunting air and injured. Perhaps, something had adled with her mind. Kojak was wise in keeping his thought to himself, he doubted that they would be well recieved.

He prevented his brow from arching when she addressed the other, noting the high opinion she held of herself. Her Graciousness? Her Wildness? These flambant titles he did not question eithher, but gave the other female a look of confusion and questioning. What relation did she hold to this Saena? It was because of the look he shot the female that he did not notice the womans quick glance at the emprty bough.

RE: I met him in a crowded room - Spring - June 13, 2016

Spring was very confused and was wondering if this was all just a joke.  Her Queen?  Her Wildness?  Her Graciousness?  What was going on?  This was so... not Saena.  Did Saena have some mysterious, annoying identical twin that Spring had never met?  Probably not, but it was possible.  Spring's eyes danced with a little bit of uncertainity, but soon she decided to just try and play this all out... for now and hope that this was all some kind of game.  Spring noticed the Loner bow his head and so playing along Spring copied him, also rather annoyed by the fact that Saena had promptly lifted a paw before her as if she was supposed to do something with it, yet Spring had no idea what Saena wanted so she did nothing with that paw just yet.  Still she managed to keep a very neutral, blank expression, mixed in with a little worry as she stood before her Alpha/Queen.

"I beg your pardon, Your Graciousness."  Spring was silent for a few moments, very nervous about this situation.  Was Saena in some kind of wierd mental state or something?  "You have just been gone for a while and I, as your Beta or Adviser, was worried.  I also fear for your pups, as I am sure that you would surely want to get back to them as soon as possible, if so I can take you to them."  Spring told Saena in a formal tone, really hoping that this would all be revealled as a joke soon.

There was another thing that really worried Spring though... Saena had not answered her question.  The female was tempted to ask it again, but kept her jaws shut.  Saena was higher ranked than her, if her Alpha wanted to say nothing about her questions, then it was probably just going to be that way.