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Raven's Watch Food for thought - Printable Version

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Food for thought - Denaleee - June 05, 2016

Sen had gave him permission to be a part of Seadog Sanctuary, but these days, it felt like he was still alone. Apart from the occasional sighting of Sen or one of her puppies, he had barely seen anyone from his pack, and he was quite sullen about it. After all, he had joined Seadog for the structure a pack provided, and, so far, it had failed him greatly.

Denali stood at the edge of the river here, looking down into the depths. He was thinking he could try his hand at fishing. The big brute was more suited to land animals, but, hey, everyone had to try something new eventually. When a silvery figure slowed its pace to wriggle just inches from where he stood, he reached a large paw into the water to try and scoop the thing up. It didn't go as planned. Instead of flipping the fish out of the water, he ended up getting nothing and splashing himself in the face. Denali shook himself off with a growl. Okay, that hadn't worked.

He decided to try a different method. Perhaps grabbing the fish with his mouth rather than trying to catch it with his ungainly paws would prove more effective. He waited for a few long minutes, feeling as if hours went by, until another fish came by, nibbling at the algae on the rocks down there. He plunged his nose into the water, jaws opened wide. . .but, again, nothing. His teeth closed on empty water, and he lurched his head from the river. "Fuck!" he gasped, a growl in his throat. The water was freezing, he was soaking wet, and he had nothing, nothing, to show for his efforts.

RE: Food for thought - Rana - June 10, 2016

The dark female was on her way back towards the Sanctuary from the lake when she spotted the brown male. His scent drifted to her nose and she recognized the scent from around Seadog's territory. She stayed quiet as she approched, noticing his attempts at fishing. When he'd tried to pull one of the scaley creatures out with a paw, similar to how bears fish, she' almost called out to offer help. What stopped her was knowing the best teacher was experiencing something first hand. Stopping a fare distance away, she sat to watch the slow progression of learning.

Fishing to her was part luck and part skill, since one could try the same method over and over but only catch some of what they went after. The same was true with hunting, since a hidding place could be nearby for the animal without knowledge to the predator. This knowledge was the only thing that kept her from getting mad when a meal escaped.

RE: Food for thought - Denaleee - June 20, 2016

Sorry for late reply, short post

He was still sulking in frustration when he caught the scent of a packmate somewhere close by. Inhaling deeply, he deciphered it was Rana, and began to pad toward the scent of the smell, eventually coming across the gray female. He lowered his head in greeting.

"Rana," he said softly, disgruntlement still tinging his words. "Good to see you. I haven't in a while."

He hadn't seen anyone in a while. Zephyr had been out doing his own thing, trying to form his own group, and Sen was caring for the pups. To see a familiar face, even in the wake of failure, was a comfort to him.

RE: Food for thought - Rana - June 21, 2016

Rana smiled. "Hello Denali. Having trouble with the fishing?" She looked at the river, searching for flashes that would indicate a passing fish. Hunger still pulled at her, but she was going to try helping another member of the pack first. Turning back to the male, she added. "It's just as much luck as it is skill."

RE: Food for thought - Denaleee - June 22, 2016

Luck. He resisted a scornful laugh. Luck was something he was lacking lately. Nevertheless, he nodded at Rana's words, giving her the ghost of a smile. Though he rarely ever saw her, the dark gray female was kind, her presence a small boon to his spirits, which had been so low as of late.

"I'm sure, though I've seen skilled wolves get the job done more often than not," he quipped, looking ruefully at the water. "Do you have any tricks you can teach me?"

RE: Food for thought - Rana - June 23, 2016

Rolled 2
The dark female just stared at the water as she thought. She could only share what worked for her, which might be different then what would help the male. Either way it wouldn't hurt. "Depending on the stream or river, I stand in the shallows with my head low to reduce distance." As she spoke, she tested the shallows of the river. Finding them to her liking, she stepped forward and lowered her head.

Rana chose not to say anymore as she waited for a flash reflecting off the scales. She soon spotted one that didn't seem too small and jumped for it. Though not the usual way she fished, it proved effective enough as her jaws came closed around the squirming body. Rising with the fish held firmling in her jaws, she waded back to dry land.