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When did BWP2 strike? - Printable Version

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When did BWP2 strike? - Damien - June 05, 2016

I'm trying to make a timeline, and I need the exact date of the BWP2 tornadoes but I can't find it anywhere... sighs

RE: When did BWP2 strike? - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2016

Here's the OP for BWP2:

(July 18, 2015, 07:06 PM)WOLF Wrote:
[Image: twisterofterror.png]
On the evening of July 18th, an eerie calm descended over the wilds. Birds stopped singing. Animals grew restless. Even the rustling of leaves seemed quieter somehow, as if the whole world had grown just a little bit deaf. The wind scarcely stirred, the sea smoothed out all its wrinkles, and for several hours, the whole wilderness held its breath.

As the evening turned to night, a storm began to brew. The skies darkened with heavy clouds, the wind began to howl, and the sea began to churn. The smell of electricity grew strong in the air and soon a lightning storm was slicing across the Teekon Wilds. Torrential rain followed. Riverbanks became unsafe as they swelled beyond their bounds. The storm only grew in intensity over the next few hours, but still the animals were restless and still the world barely breathed.

At approximately 12:32am, the world as we know it erupted into chaos when an enormous F4 tornado touched down at the edge of Fairspell Meadow. Without much warning, it carved a path of destruction across the southern half of the wilds until it reached the coast, where it lifted off and set down several more times—once in Northstar Vale and once in Felltree Marsh. The tornado proved resilient, for it swung all the way across the northern half of the wilds before finally dissipating at 9:01am. It was last seen in Tormented Tarns.

Trees were felled. Pieces of land were torn apart. Entire pieces of coast were destroyed by high waves. Mountains quake as landslides devastate their solemn faces. Fires born of lightning strikes burn across the land. And the wolves of the wilds, in the face of disaster and chaos, must now scramble to keep their families—and maybe even their lives—intact.

Fairspell Meadow: The grass and terrain of this once peaceful meadow have been torn up, leaving large swathes of land where dirt is exposed. Tragically, many of the berry bushes that frequent this area have also been ripped up, leaving Fairspell Meadow a barren ghost of its former self.

Lion's Head Mesa: The tornado passed by the mesa. While the territory still stands unaffected, many of the spindly trees surrounding it have fallen.

Big Salmon Lake: Whirling right through the very center of this grand lake, the tornado whipped up a lot of water and sent fish flying, literally. The water level of Big Salmon Lake is just under half of what it previously was, and in the surrounding territories and especially around the shore, one can find dozens upon dozens of dead fish.

Phantom Hollow: While once a deep, dark forest, Phantom Hollow now lives up to its name as the tornado stripped every tree of foliage. Only skeletons stand here now.

The Heartwood: Forks of lightning struck the Heartwood in multiple places, sending the entire forest up in flames. The fire was self-contained and the torrential rain eventually put it out, but not before it could burn down nearly all of the standing trees. It is now a mess of charred and fallen trunks, unrecognizable.

Chimera Fields: The tornado ripped apart the entire field. It now stands as an ugly scar on which no grass grows, and the wildflowers that were once abundant here can only be found at the very edges of the territory now.

Sea Lion Shores: The force of wind and wave smashed Sea Lion Shores into fragments. The majority of the shore has turned into a vast collection of isolated tide pools. The sea lions, once numerous, have dwindled to a mere fraction of their population, with most of them migrating elsewhere.

Blackwater Isles: Once habitable islands have now become little more than huge waterlogged rocks. Massive waves assaulted the islands, taking with them any living things that happened to be there. Now they are grey and desolate, large as ever but without any life.

Gilded Shores: Tidal surges pounded the shore relentlessly, and over the night, carved the flat shore into more of a bay.

Northstar Vale: When the tornado touched down in Northstar Vale, it created a huge wind tunnel that rocked the tranquil little valley. Coupled with lightning and falling rocks, it became an extremely dangerous place for the duration of the storm. Although it escaped without much damage, many of the trees have fallen.

Felltree Marsh: Once a kind and quaint marsh with beautiful trees, Felltree is a testament to the power of nature. Every last tree standing in the wetland was flattened by the tornado, lending it its name.

Dawnlark Plains: Dawnlark Plains boasted some of the tallest grass in the taiga, but that's no longer the case, as the tornado pressed flat all of the grass. This territory will recover quickly, but for now, it is harder to hide here than ever before.

Feller's Pond: Water sloshed out of its sides until Feller's Pond was little more than a pit of mud, a blemish on the otherwise lovely taiga. What few fish lived in the pond are now inches under a thick layer of sludge.

Noctisardor Bypass: Struck by powerful wind and buckets of rain, the Bypass collapsed under its own weight. Around the edges, landslides filled in much of the basin's outer edges, leaving a narrow channel lined by the debris of fallen cliffs where once a splendid valley stood.

Shadowwyn Moor: In the throes of death, the tornado surged through Shadowwyn Moor with all its remaining strength, ripping trees and turf alike from the ground and throwing them about. The Moor is now covered in haphazard debris, including entire trees and the bodies of animals caught in the strong winds.

Tormented Tarns: As the tornado dies out, it causes a large windstorm in Tormented Tarns that rips all the spider webs from the trees and sends them flying about. Arachnophobes would not want to be caught here when the tornado reached it!

Threads created in any of these territories, or referencing the tornado, e.g. pack relocations, seeing it from a distance or packs being affected by it at all, between July 18 and August 19* will be eligible for the Boardwide Plot Archives. Threads in these archives can be used toward EXP for participating in the Boardwide Plot. For every 5 completed Boardwide Plot threads, you net 40 EXP for the participating character!

* Posts started on July 18 should acknowledge the above timeline, or should be forward-dated to the aftermath of the tornado on July 19.

RE: When did BWP2 strike? - Damien - June 06, 2016

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed :D