Wolf RPG
poor unfortunate child - Printable Version

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poor unfortunate child - Seattle - March 25, 2014

His surroundings were changing. As Seattle traveled further west, a briny scent permeated the air and the dark earth grew pale and soft beneath his paws. He was near the sea. Though he had never been this close, he knew the ocean would soon yawn before him. His mother had told him all that she knew about the ocean, how everything around him would change when he was near, and how nothing in existance would compare to its beauty. For the first time in months, the boy felt excitement, and jogged with his tail level to his back, rather than limp between his heels. It was as if in seeing the ocean he would also capture one last, fleeting image of his mother, whose face he barely remembered.

But salt was not the only scent he detected. The snowy creature smelled wolves, as well - or rather, an entire pack. Up to now, Seattle had carefully avoided contact with others while the shock of losing his family ebbed away from his heart. Today was different. Suddenly, he was somehow strong enough to approach the borders of this pack, despite the terror that strangled him as he thought of facing a leader and seeking acceptance. Seattle did not have reasons for his decisions lately; he just went with how he felt, and accepted the consequences. His feelings were good, today.

The pale wolf paused just short of the marked border. He took a deep breath of cool air that was seasoned lightly with salt, tilted his slender muzzle and announced his presence through song. Usually, Seattle had a beautiful, soulful howl, but his anxiety was clear even in song. He backed up a few feet as his call ended, ears lowered, bright green eyes darting around worriedly.

RE: poor unfortunate child - Pump - March 25, 2014

Thistle's healing had done miracles - even though the wound on her flank hadn't healed completely, it didn't hurt that much as before. And once the pain was merey felt, Pump was up and going. Almost a week had passed, since the rock-slide and two things were obvious - Akhlut was not going to return and a major part of their former territory was inhabitable, because it was coverd in rocks, snow and debris. It meant that they needed to expand the existing borders and that was her first order as the new leader of the Horizon Ridge wolves - to explore the territories beyond borders and claim those that were worth taking. Good land was one of the keys to a strong and thriving pack.

She had covered the territory near the seaside, which was very good for an occasional scavenging, when she heard a summoning call of a foreign origin. This made her a bit wary, because she was not ready to get in a direct confrontation. It would be a lot safer, if there was another packmate around and she thought of the intimidating Bjorn, who had made an interesting offer not too long ago. But he was not around now, therefore hoping that in case of danger her pace would be quick enough to outrun it, she strided to the location, where the sound had come from.

Pump's gaze met a very young and worried wolf - he reeked anxiety from distance. His fear made her confident, her pace slowed, she carried herself in a more dominant manner and her eyes were fixed on the yearling. "State your business here or get lost," she barked at him in a not too friendly manner and stopped not too far from him. She wasn't hostile, just protective of her land.