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Swiftcurrent Creek Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Printable Version

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Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - March 25, 2014

The shadow kissed giant walked silently through the area his bright blue eyes taking in everything with intrigueing gaze. He was on a journey a journey to find a name. His father had done this before him and his father before him as long as his father could tell. Though Wildheart Shadowsinger, the dark wolf's sire did not hold to much of his traditions this was one that he held to fast and it had held Jace's intrigue since the beginning.

His father had told him of packs everywhere and he had told him some were not as good as his father and mother were, but Jace was willing to find out things on his own. He was unsure what exactly he wanted to do with himself and where he wanted to go, but he knew the best thing to do was find a pack. A pack to help him hone his skills, and give him a home for the time being at least.

He held his head high and his gaze open as he walked towards the pack he smelled in the area. He wondered what they would have in store with him if he was chosen by them. He stopped at the borders something his father had been sure to stress and lifting his lean muzzle to the sky he howled out to the leaders of the pack to please meet him.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Ira Nox - March 25, 2014

This wasn't marked as All welcome, but it wasn't marked as private as either and I know Ira isn't a leader b-but I couldn't resist. >__>

Ira had been committing unparalleled levels of learned patience and time to …stalking (for slinking as silently as he could manage was secretive) the borders, hoping to catch something interesting he could report back to Jinx despite that Ira knew his Guardian was not quite herself. Nevertheless, Ira remained close to her, even daring to sleep as close as she would allow him to subtly say without actually coming out and saying it that he was hers and he was not going to leave her. They did not have that sort of relationship, and despite the grounds they had founded it upon Ira had come to know great affection for the Kesuk woman, even if he had hid it deeply within himself, fearing it. Ira had not associated his affection with her accident, though if he inspected it closely he would probably find in his warped mind, that his affection had caused it, because he started to - and still did - care for her. Ira pretended not to listen to the disastrous voices in his mind, venomous and consuming, because he did not want to push her away. Not when he felt that she needed him. Of course, Ira did not know if Jinx needed him or not - but he found that it was a nice feeling to be important even if it was an imagined prospect.

Fierce, ice blue eyes had been watching every flicker of movement from the ebony male at their borders, as Ira lay still hidden behind a tangle of thick brush and shadows. It was only when the male lifted his muzzle and let out a howl, polite-like to Fox and Jinx - to say that Ira had been proud of Jinx’s promotion would be an understatement, he had been beside himself with glee for her (proving that he was not as selfish as he liked to believe) - to greet him did Ira slink out of his coverage with the intent of making his purpose known. Each step was calculated, precise as he drew himself up to his full height (which grew more impressive every day) stare unwavering as he addressed the stranger, “What is your purpose at our borders?” The youth demanded, suspicious. He itched with excitement to get a few of his talismans he’d been working on snuck out of the borders and strategically placed, bones doused and stained with blood, laced with a pinch of poison should anyone be stupid enough to try to suck the marrow from them, but they were for another time not for here and now.

“This is Swiftcurrent Creek,” Ira introduced, attempting to mimic and hammer out his own style of ‘dealing’ with strangers at the borders. After all, it would be imperative for when he was a leader himself one day. “Our leaders are our Alpha, Fox, and our Beta, Jinx,” The insolent child could not help the swell of pride in his guardian that rose within his chest, unbidden. After that he fell silent, waiting for the ebony man to speak, his stare still unwavering and unnerving Ira hoped.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - March 25, 2014

Jace heard the shuffle of feet and movement before he saw the pup come before him. He studied him for a moment and the contrast between the two was evident. While Jace wore a coat of shadow kissed ebony, the male in front of him wore a mantle of white and silver, though they both held blue eyes. He tilted his head as the other approached him, thinking the other much like himself was much to young to be a leader, so he wondered what his position was in this pack.

Jace kept his eyes averted and held his seated position though keeping himself lower than his other deferring respect to the one whose borders he was at the cusp of. He was not pleased with the way he was spoken to, but he supposed that the other could speak to him anyway he pleased until and if he was accepted. "I seek to find a home among your borders. He decided to keep much of his words clipped and to the point, refusing to make an enemy of a potential packmate.

After the younger male told him who the leaders were, which surprised Jace as it were. He didn't think that should be information freely given until he asked, but then again perhaps it was normal, after all he had no background to draw upon for this current situation. "Jinx and Fox it will be a pleasure to meet them eventually, but may I ask who you are? I am Jace. He figured he should probably offer his own name.

Sorry fixed it

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jinx - March 25, 2014

OOC: It's Jinx, with an I. :P Sorry to nitpick! Just really anal about it. @_@

IC: Once, she had been a master at stealth. She had slipped through the bleeding alders of her home unseen, adopting the silence of shadows as easily as if she could melt into them herself. Those days had come and gone, in part due to all of the unfortunate events that had taken from her a passion for her past life, but she was still good at it. She still stuck to the dark as much as possible, and retained her penchant for following others without actually speaking to them. In the days since her miscarriage and her promotion, it had become even more important to her to keep updated while also being unseen, for their collective pity was unwelcome.

To that end, the Beta stalked the borders, and more specifically, stalked her young charge. She was tall, but she took pleasure in observing Ira's growth and concluding that he might even exceed her height, if she was projecting his growth spurt correctly. He was proving himself an asset, not only to her but to the pack, though there was no doubt in her mind that Fox hadn't been to see him yet. Jinx had the distinct feeling that underage youths were of next to no importance to the Alpha, even if that feeling was unfounded at best.

Ira found a newcomer, and Jinx found him too, spurred by the howl, but for the time being remained on the very fringe of their chance encounter. No doubt if they looked hard enough, they would spot the stark white Kesuk watching them, with one black-tipped paw suspended in a pensive way. The newcomer was dark-furred, which would make him difficult to distinguish from Haunter, but where her pack mate was large and imposing and certainly brooding, this one was barely even an adult. He had the coltish look of a yearling, which would only add to the recent contingent of yearlings in the pack... And to the pack's overall lack of experience.

Nevertheless, the Beta chose to hang back and observe their exchange, interested in how Ira handled himself, as well as how the newcomer behaved. If he was but a simple yearling with simple yearling behaviours, she might rigorously test his abilities... But if he was mature in any way, then perhaps when she revealed herself, she would be kinder.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Ira Nox - March 25, 2014

For a moment Ira did not drawn even a breath as he eyed the man cloaked in shadows like he had been borne from them, trying to deduce if he thought the other was an adult or …not. In hindsight, the other’s age mattered little. Ira noted the averted eyes and the seated, albeit lower position with firm but barely shown approval, even though to Ira this was a trail and error first time approach to this. Usually, he let the others answer the calls but he had felt spurred to answer this despite that it had not been for him. Ira assessed and dissected the clipped and to-the-point words of the dark male, pupils narrowing within their pools of icy blue. Beating around the bush was something Ira had trouble abiding but when he was not so sure he liked the clipped tones, as if Ira was bothering the other. “As do many others,” Ira dismissed coolly, wondering what made the shadow male so special, why Fox or Jinx should accept him? Wanting to join the pack simply wasn’t enough for Ira whom had a tendency to talk to anyone in any manner that he so pleased, which did not often gain him much favor with many others. The Princeling did not care about favor, he needed no one’s approval expect his own and Jinx’s. “what makes you different from any of the others that come to our borders asking for sanctuary? Do you even know anything about us?” It seemed ridiculous to Ira to want to join some place without knowing anything about it (though contrary to this he did it twice but the shadow male did not need to know that).

When the shadow man - Jace, he had addressed himself as - spoke of it being a pleasure to meet Fox and Jinx eventually, Ira said nothing though he scoffed slightly. How could it be an eventual pleasure to meet two wolves he didn’t know? The pleasantries was annoying Ira who was so different from the shadow male before him that their stark contrasts of their coats didn’t even begin to scream of the differences; and Ira tended to be rather judgmental. “What can you offer Swiftcurrent Creek? Why should Fox or Jinx accept you into the ranks?” Ira shot off his questions, demanding answers that satisfied his opinions, entirely unaware that his guardian lingered in the shadows, watching. Ira knew his opinion weighed nothing, meant nothing but that did not mean that he wasn’t going to be thorough. “I am Ira.” The youth said lastly, confident that it was a name to be remembered for the future.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - March 25, 2014

Chelsie said that we can skip her a round or two if we like while she observes, but that is entirely up to you love :)

Jace felt eyes assessing him from lowered lids and he had to admit it was a bit disconcerting, but none the less part of the process he was sure. After all, he was new to this whole joining a pack thing. Jace felt he had made a faux pas as the other answered his clipped tones cooly and haltingly. He had thought he was doing this correctly, keeping his answers to the point so they did not dawdle at the edge of the borders all day, either he was accepted or he was not. So he decided to make a point to be a little more forthcoming though not so much, after this was not a leader meeting him at the border.

Jace shifted his weight drawing attention to his large size though not meaning too. "I do not know much of your pack and it's business no, but is that not what a pack is, to keep to their own, that is why there is a pack yes? Jace was not being rude or insulting he really was just being curious, he had always thought that the main reason you joined a pack was to have your own space and to be your own group of individuals. Weren't pack's supposed to keep some of their secrets and their lives to themselves and only themselves, again he was unsure.

Jace thought about the next question and spoke quietly "I am large enough to take down larger game than most. I am an avid hunter, my father Wildheart Shadowsinger has taught me fighting skills, I am also an intellectual and tend to figure things out pretty quickly and I even dabble a bit in herbs though not a lot, I am more suited to hunting, patrolling and the like due to my size.

Jace was momentarily irritated at the others small scoff, who was he to judge another especially a wolf though not by much was still older than the insolent youth standing before him as if he owned the world. Jace's father had always taught him to be polite and kindly to other's, and here this wolf was practically laughing in his face at his mannerisms and his words. He found the small amount of irritation and anger there a surprising mixture of something he had never had before, but he kept it well hidden and in check and kept to his manners and his polite veneer.

Jace blinked at the name and dipped his head quickly, "Well met Ira.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Ira Nox - March 27, 2014

Ira is such a butt, omg. I feel so bad and like I should mention that his thoughts/feelings do not reflect my own. Ira does own the world didn't you know lol

To Ira it did not matter that he was not a leader. He would be; one day, and until either Fox or Jinx made an appearance on the scene the shadow cloaked male was stuck with the insolent Princeling and was, accordingly, subjected to his scrutiny. Ira was a judgmental creature by nature, and more often than not his judgments were cruel and malicious, the shift of weight was noticed by Ira but the youth did not care about size, confident that he would rival this shadow’s size with unrefined ease as he grew. Size was not as half as desirable as intellect, and Ira was inherently unimpressed. The shadow dressed male opened his mouth, admitting he knew little - Ira mentally corrected that with nothing - but listened on with pushed patience. “Not all packs harbor coveted secrets,” Ira dismissed with a soft sneer. “We have nothing to hide here in the Creek. You could have left it at that you didn’t know about us,” Ira paused and sighed. “I don’t understand why anyone would want to join a pack without finding out how they work. Are you so desperate and willing to swear your loyalty to the unknown?” Inquisitive even in his cruelty. Yet, these questions were deemed necessary to Ira so he could learn what do in the future and how to handle them. Trial and Error.

At the male pointing out his size and the ability of being able to take down ‘larger prey than most’ Ira squinted at him, harshly assessing, again, unimpressed. “Define ‘larger prey’,” If it sounded outlandishly ridiculous to Ira he would dismiss it as an exaggeration. After all, it took a hunting group to take down a elk, or even a buck, or doe. His father’s name held no weight to Ira and so the youth ignored it, but made it a point to continue listening until the shadow cloaked male ceased to speak. “You keep throwing your size around but you will find it makes no merit here. There are plenty of larger wolves who hunt and patrol, and I would not act like it in some way makes you superior around Fox.” Although, the image of Fox kicking this guy’s ass was mildly humorous to Ira. “I’m sure she would not appreciate being under estimated because she is in comparison tiny.” Perhaps Ira was just too harsh of a judge; though at the end his opinion was not the one that would count. That honor would belong to either Jinx or Fox.

At the quick dip and pleasantry of the other - whatever his name was, Ira had already forgotten it - Ira did not make any notice of acknowledgment, contented to scrutinize.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - March 27, 2014

Lol it's okay Jace will try not to get snappy back..but can't promise anything which may very well damage his chances of getting accepted.

Jace lowered his eyes and the anger that quickly burned in his chest was an unwelcome and new surprise. He did not like this youth standing in front of him and it took all his control to not snarl and lash out, though a small growl that he quickly suppressed came forth. "I am neither desperate or loyally willing I found this place to my likening and decided to seek entrance. As it is are you so desperate for your leader's approval that you have to belittle those that come to your borders? I do not think that is very good diplomacy do you? Jace was trying very hard to keep his anger in check but he could not keep it completely down and it spilled over however hard he tried.

Jace tightened his jaw but again answered the deplorable youth's questions, "My father and I alone could take a deer down, we worked as a cohesive unit. I have taken down a small doe myself as well though it took a while admittedly. Again Jace was taken back by the youth's wanton cruelty and words and he shifted again in irritation. "I do not think I am superior to anyone, you asked a specific question i gave you a specific answer those things are things i am suited to because of my size i did not say that those smaller than me could not do it, just simply pointing out my strenghts as you asked. His words were a sharp retort to the pale furred demon spawn.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jinx - March 27, 2014

BARGING IN hai. Tokio! You can assume Jinx barges in halfway through your next post or at the end of it so Ira has a chance to respond to Jace himself. :P Sorry Jinx is a weird Beta, she's testing Jace's patience more than anything to make sure he's not got anger issues >_> I promise she'll accept him

From where she was, she couldn't hear everything they said, but she could see the heated sparks as though they literally flew between the youths. Being judgemental and biased herself, the Beta would have sided with Ira if she could hear the argument, probably only because he was a pack wolf and the dark-furred newcomer was not. It was their anger she could sense, though it was for the moment withheld, from what she could tell. Curiosity piqued, the dark-footed woman stole forward, blowing her own cover before either of the youths could fully erupt at the other. In her approach, she could make out Jace's words, as well as Ira's response.

She placed herself smoothly at Ira's side, with her ears pivoted in Jace's direction and her eyes aloof on him. Her stance may not have made her any taller than either of the boys (in reality Chelsie doesn't know if she's bigger or not), but the rigid way she held herself nevertheless made her seem larger than both of them, if only in authority. "Peace, Ira," she mumbled, suspecting the lone yearling had done something to rile her charge rather than realizing Ira himself was to blame. "You must not let loners get under your skin. They are disadvantaged."

As judgemental as that sounded, the woman levelled her gaze on Jace with full intent of treating him fairly. Quite unorthodox in her approach, however, she began with her own little lecture. "I would argue that it is wonderful diplomacy," she began, the corner of her lip lifting ever so slightly. "Who's to say you are not just an angry little boy that flies off the handle at the slightest instant, and solves his problem with his teeth and not his words? You would not fit here. Is it not wise to root out such behavioural problems before admitting one into your home?" It sounded rhetorical, but in fact she was looking for an answer to gauge the youth's sense of reason. It also sounded insulting, but that was Jinx trying to rile him up, to see how he dealt with it.

"You say you are a strong hunter who hunted cohesively with your father?" If she was impressed by this, she didn't say it. Admittedly, Jinx had never hunted with her father, probably because he had died at her birth, but if she had, she probably wouldn't have successfully taken down any large prey with him, so it was impressive nonetheless. "You are set in your ways. You are used to hunting as a duo. Here, you will not hunt as duos. You will hunt in a team, and will be expected to play your role in the hunt perfectly, even if it is a menial role. You may not even get to be the one to attack the prey, sometimes." She paused, assessing his reaction, before saying, "It is good to be able to hunt with your father, but that means you always had half the glory, and did not have to learn to work in tandem with several others. That will not be the case here. I expect your ego will not be a problem?"

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Ira Nox - April 09, 2014

I am so sorry for the wait on this! :x It's ok if Jace hates Ira, I'm not offended, lol, and he likes being hated, really. :p

Ira felt a strange surge of glee as the shadow kissed male before him suppressed a growl letting Ira know that he was quite successful in getting under Jace’s skin even though that was actually his plan. As it was, Ira was just being a complete and inherent hard ass, demanding answers for what he could not understand. Jace’s answers were not satisfactory to the Princeling and not knowing any better, failed to curb his tongue (though to be honest he wouldn’t have even if he had known better). How?” Ira hissed at him, eyes narrowing viciously in their pools of ice blue. “How did you find it to your liking when you know nothing about us? Liking a territory is a stupid reason for wanting to join a pack.” Ira could not, no matter how hard he tried - and to his credit he really was attempting to - understand. It didn’t make any sense to him and idly the insolent child was left to wonder with muted horror if every wolf seeking entrance at the borders was like this. At the ebony man’s words a sound that sounded like half of a growl and half of a venomous hiss snaked out from betwixt Ira’s lips as his silver tipped hackles bristled. “I don’t need anyone’s approval,” That wasn’t particularly true since he craved Jinx’s but that was different, he reasoned. “If you can’t take an honest questioning of what doesn’t make a single bit of sense in your reasons for wanting to join this pack maybe you should get lost.” Ira spoke defending himself. He wasn’t trying to have a banter contest with the other male simply because as far as the insolent child was concerned he’d already won, and what kind of adult was so bothered by a child that he had to trade insults as if they would actually hurt Ira. As it was Ira could have laughed but didn’t only because he was being serious.

Ira had opened his mouth to speak a beat after the male boasted about his talents but let his jaw fall shut with an audible snap as he felt Jinx move to his side. His Jinx. In that moment it took all the restraint the demon child had not to smirk in lazy and contempt manner at Jace. Idly, Ira wondered how long his Guardian had been there, watching, but at her command for ‘peace’ fell dutifully silent though his eyes did not cease their mocking of the ebony shadow. In truth, Ira was understanding that Jinx had it slightly wrong - or maybe she had misunderstood on purpose, she was sharp, after all - but he made no moves to correct her. Not here. Not in front of this supposed ‘adult’ who knew nothing of their relationship and frankly, didn’t need to know. For now, he remained silent and vigilant ready to lash out with his sharp words if provoked further again. He was always ready for that.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - April 09, 2014

Jace heard the footfalls of another and then a feminine voice spoke. Realizing that this was a leader of the pack, he became more submissive, though he kept his eyes on the pale furred one, to make sure he did not lunge and attack him. The younger one obviously had issues with him and he loathed him at this point, but he knew enough when to keep his mouth shut.

Jace shifted his weight again at the female's words and he wanted to say something, but he decided instead to keep his silence. He was not angry, nor was he a little boy, but she could think what she wanted at this point, because obviously he could sense it she would believe what she wanted anyway. "yes Ma'm I suppose that, it would be wise to root those out. He wanted to argue that she may think it was good diplomacy, but it was rude and uncouth, however he kept that to himself, thinking it wise to return to not speaking really much at all.

Jace however would correct this assumption, NO i did not say i just hunted with my father cohesively i said I could, I can also hunt with 4 and I can be in any position that is warranted. I would hunt with my mother, my father and my sister and we all took turns in every position so that we knew how to do it for when we were older. And I do not have an ego problem, I can work with others without a problem. Though at this point that was a slight lie as he knew he would never be able to work in any capacity with the pale demon child that stood before him.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jinx - April 09, 2014

I won't hold your joining up much longer but here have a twist inspired by your last paragraph. :D

Jace was quick to leap to his own defence, which was expected, but the vigour in his answer hadn't been. It was a pleasant surprise, but the Beta wasn't wholly convinced. "What about fifteen?" she wondered, but it was sort of rhetorical. Hunting as an entire pack was not only difficult, but most of the time, impractical. Nevertheless, there would come a time when they would all hunt together, and she needed to know Jace could operate in a unit of more than four family members.

The tension between the two boys drew her attention, then, and a wicked little smile curved her lips. It was more to teach Ira patience and to teach Jace tolerance than to punish either of them, but she put into motion a plan that would determine Jace's suitability for the pack. "This is Ira. You will spend the next two days in his company. He has been with this pack longer and is your superior, so you will follow his commands during that time." Her gaze went to Ira then and she warned, "he is not your personal servant. Put him through his paces, responsibly, and determine his worthiness for the pack."

With that, the Kesuk prepared to take her leave, though a wry smile betrayed her knowledge that both boys would hate this arrangement.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Ira Nox - April 11, 2014

Quick reply before work!

Ira was a smug little bastard, mockingly smirking with said smugness radiating off of every tendril of his pallid and silver saddled fur. He remained silent beside Jinx knowing that he was no longer required to speak and managing to extort his learned art of patience (never mind that it was still a big work in progress) by keeping his jaws firmly closed, despite that temptation was begging him to taunt some more. Jinx introduced him to Jace and the Princeling’s jaws had been prepared to part to inform her that they were mutually aware of the other’s names to his utter dismay, only fall open in likely an extremely humorous display of utter shock at Jinx’s following words. What?” Ira hissed at Jinx, his pupils blowing wide until there was nothing but a small sliver of an icy halo around them. He backpedaled away from her as if she’d just stabbed him, lip curling back in his disapproval though he was unable to hide the wounded look in his eyes, unable to understand that she was doing it to help him (in a way). Ira thought she was instead doing it torture him.

Slowly, the Princeling began to understand that Jinx was giving him a chance to test Jace, and further along helping him with the whole leader thing. His mind worked quickly, then and he moved back to her side, licking her affectionately and subordinately under her chin. “Very well.” He complied as she made to take her leave, sparing a cold, yet wicked glimpse at Jace. Personally, he was a little disappointed that he wasn’t allowed to use Jace as his personal servant because since Jinx had warned him not too it had became inherently tempting. But no, he would not abuse the power he had been bestowed (and it really, really was tempting). “Well, come along.” Ira just barely resisted the urge to add little puppy at the end.

RE: Whistle for me and I'll come (IC Joining) - Jace - April 11, 2014

I apologize in advance for the insults he is roaring in his head.

Jace felt his jaw stiffen and his eyes lowered as he breathed slightly through his nose. What was the woman thinking putting him with the filthy little beast before him. The smug little bastard with his ice cold eyes, ugh how Jace wanted to knock his blinking block off. He instead closed his eyes and breathed deeply calming himself before he ripped the other's face off.

Jace felt a smug smile tug at the corners of his mouth as the other had a very inherently bad reaction to the news, much worse than his own. He had managed to control himself better than the younger male in front of him. Blinking one last time he dipped his head at Jinx and spoke quietly "Very well ma'm I will do as you request.

It took all his will power not to snarl at the puppy in front of him as he was a puppy, younger than Jace himself and truly acted thus. I'm coming. He grumbled but he followed.