Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Here we are - Printable Version

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Here we are - Síff - June 10, 2016

@McTavish they haven't met yet :3

The afternoon found Liri patrolling though it took a load of energy. Taking in so little food and expending a good deal of her energy to catch her meager meals, ones that didn't nearly fill her up or recharge her batteries, left her dizzy. Patrolling was just as difficult but Liri threw herself into it anyways. The plants were coming back, she had seen so herself, now all Rosings had to do was hold on a little longer until the large game returned too.

Catching the scent of one of their newest members nearby, Liri turned her head before following after it. Might as well meet him now. Liri stopped after it began to get fresher, chuffing in greeting to the male though she couldn't see him in the shady woods what with the dark spots in her vision.

RE: Here we are - McTavish - June 14, 2016

I am going to make all my intro threads relatively short, just so McTavish can get acquainted with everyone and I can get things moving for him in the pack :) Btw, I'm sorry it's so late I thought I had to wait till I was formally accepted >. <  This takes place right after his meeting with Emily.

McTavish had been wandering aimlessly through his new territory, looking for something to do, when a gust of wind dropped the mouth watering scent of rabbit before him. Sucking In a silent breath, the mammoth stilled himself and watched for any movement. 


No more then five feet away sat a fat brown body, too busy snuffling new growth to notice the predator. It seemed to take years as McTavish inched lower and closer. Luck was on his side for the wind was blowing toward him. 
Poor thing didn't have a chance to outrun the giant.
Blood drenched the wolf's mouth before panic set in and one final crush of those jaws was all it took to end the rabbits frantic struggle.

Rich, metallic liquid flooded McTavish's throat, making the beast give a gurgling moan. Dropping the limp carcass to the ground, his tongue sought the puddle of spilt blood, determined not to waste one precious drop. When he could find no more the Scot grabbed his kill and continued on to find somewhere comfortable to devour his prize. He didn't make it far before the sound of another met his auds, along with a chuff of greeting. 
A pure white wolf stepped into his few, smelling strongly of Rosings. Obviously she was a pack mate. One who looked about ready to fall over. He took a few steps forward and laid his cargo before him. 

"Greetings lass, I'm McTavish. I was offered a place among your pack by Aaron. You don't look verra weel..what is the matter with ye?" The question wasn't meant to be rude, though he hardly gave it a thought in the wake of this woman's distress.

RE: Here we are - Síff - June 14, 2016

His words filtered in fuzzily, Liri blinking at him blearily for a few moments before they registered. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs from it, Liri gave him a smile.

"I'm alright, thank you for your concern. I'm Liri, it's a pleasure to meet you." Liri introduced herself politely, trying not to stare at his rabbit too closely. "You have an accent as well but not like Minna's or Aveline's."