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Raven's Watch I'm alone - Printable Version

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I'm alone - Kirin - June 13, 2016

@Grace and maybe @Nova Rose

This land was close to the pack he had traced Grace's scent to. It was just as bare as the rest of the Wilds but for now it was home. The trees were tall and thin, with wispy crooked branches that held old remnants of bird nests. Whatever kind of birds had lived here they had been many but now they were gone. Kirin appeared to be the only living thing here besides the trees.

He hadn't bothered approaching the pack lands where Grace's scent led, he preferred skulking in the shadows. Even now, Kirin slunk about though he was alone. His paws made little to no noise on the bare dirt as he crept through the shadows in search of food. 

His searching provided fruitful, leading him to the misshapen carcass of a rabbit. The carrion crow that picked at the rabbit's eye cawed at him before flying off as Kirin silently bared his teeth at the bird. Tearing into the stiff meat, Kirin ate his fill. When he was done, the ebony male rose to his feet and began to stalk back towards his temporary den.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 13, 2016

May or may not throw Nova into this. Shes in an important thread but I can see her rushing in to "save" Grace xD

Grace had been rather restless lately, and taking Nova's border patrols made her want to explore a bit outside of it. The new influx of members has her a little nervous, so she does finally decide to break from the willows and adventure on her own. She has no idea that her brother, the only one she is not absolutely petrified of, has managed to somehow find her so far from home.
The russet yearling sniffles her way west, towards Ravens Watch. Why? A twist of fate, perhaps bringing her to her blood, or pure coincidence. Either way, it is not long before a familiar scent pricks at her senses. It is one that brings back memories of blood, of hate, and of fear, but oddly she cannot place it. A bold move on her part, even trembling in nervousness, the faded female limps onward towards the den she will soon understand as Kirins.

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 13, 2016

His back straightened, something odd from the detached male who preferred to keep himself low to the ground so as not to draw attention. The scent of his sister was drawing closer, it was fresh. Kirin had observed her pack from afar, though it hadn't helped him learn much. He was far enough away to watch the odd wolf patrol every now and then but other than that it wasn't much. 

Turning, Kirin waited for her to enter the clearing. Surely when she saw him she would know. Grace was smart, she would probably know as soon as she saw him that it was her brother. Kirin wouldn't blame her if she was angry, if she struck him. He deserved it, the coward he saw himself as deserved to be attacked for all he had done.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 13, 2016

Reaching the den and finding no fresh scent, Grace poked her head inside to investigate. Finally, it clicked, and flashbacks of her brothers replayed in her vision. The young girl backed up in a scramble and raked her golden gaze around her in fear. It settled upon her similarly colored older brother, and fixed on him icily as if she expected him to lunge at her at any moment. Despite holding her ground and keeping her wide-eyed gaze on Kirin, the girl trembled. Had their father sent for her? Was he mad at her leaving? Was Kirin here to confront her? If so, was it for himself or their dark hearted father? 
Questions rang through her head until she was nearly deaf, but not a word came from her gaping jaws. Should he come for her, no doubt she would call an alarm and do her best to fight him off, but somehow she figured that he was here for no bad reason. Perhaps he, too, had escaped their father and acquired a better life? Had he followed her here, somehow? Had someone told him where she was? Holding her ground stiffly, she awaited him to move first.

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 13, 2016

Kirin watched from the shadows as Grace appeared, searching his den for whatever reason. Something struck him deep inside. God, she's grown so much. Seeing the scarred leg she kept tucked against her body as she moved, Kirin swallowed thickly feeling as if he were choked with guilt. You did nothing to stop them.

Glancing upwards, Grace had noticed him. She watched him with something akin to horror. Kirin watched her just as warily, orange eyes raked over her frame. Would she attack? Would she call her pack? Would she run away?

"Aren't you going to say anything?" His voice was little more than a whisper, crackling with misuse. Kirin barely spoke anymore, though he made an effort for Grace. He made no move to approach, not wanting to scare her ever again.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 13, 2016

He made no move, only watched her with his own wary orange eyes. Kirin looked her over, lingering on her mangled leg with sorry. Did he feel bad? He hadn't helped in the attack, but neither had he helped. She didn't know that he'd come back for her to leave, to save her; Nova Rose had already dragged the pup away to her own den.
After a moment of staring each other down, he was first to speak, asking if SHE was going to say anything. Another moment, still silent, passed between them before she spoke. Her words mightve sounded a little harsh, but her tone was timid and shaky. Clearly, she was still not sure where he stood reguarding her and her father. 
      "What do you want me to say, Kirin?"

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 13, 2016

Her voice was trembling, finally breaking the silence between the two though what she said was not promising. Kirin winced slightly, understanding that she didn't trust him. He stepped towards Grace tentatively, the tiniest of movements as his eyes sought her out once more.

"Anything. I want you to scream at me and call me horrible names. I want you to blame me for what happened, I want you to call me a coward." His voice broke. "Just say something. Please." Kirin practically begged her. 

"Hate me, hit me, just don't stand there looking terrified of me." Kirin couldn't stand that, he wasn't the best brother but surely he wasn't the worst?

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 14, 2016

The icy sheen covering her heart melted as her brother nearly broke down in front of her. So he wasn't here to bring her back, or to finish the job. The dark male was here because of.... Her? Could it be? Kirin took a step forward, if you could call it that, and the yearling moved towards him herself, just a half a step closer. 
       "I d-don't want to do any of that, Kirin. Y-you've always been as kind as you c-could be, under circumstances. I-if you aren't here to hurt me now, there's no reason to be a-afraid, right?"
Her golden eyes were still careful, perhaps guarded, but were softening with each word she spoke. She took another small limp towards him, turning her ugly leg behind her.

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 14, 2016

"You should. That," he gestured to her scarred leg, "is my fault." Kirin shook his head, voice sore from speaking after being mute for so long. "I just stood there and let Kaeto hurt you. I didn't stop it, I didn't do anything. You should blame me."

He hung his head, waiting for the hatred. "I'm not here to hurt you. I never wanted to, I tried not to hurt you or mom. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Kirin glanced upwards, orange eyes begging her to forgive him.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 15, 2016

Taking another step towards her dark furred brother, Grace shook her head. Sure, he hadn't helped her, but he also hadn't helped Kaeto. He hadn't hurt her, and that was what was important to her right now. 
          "It isn't your fault, its Keion's fault. He brainwashed our litter and turned us hateful." 
She edged closer to him, only a few feet from him now, and reached her muzzle towards him in a curious sniff. Her confidence was rising each passing step, and a shy smile spread across her scarred inky muzzle. 
                       "You didn't kill mom and you never hurt me, Kirin. If Hope were here, she would forgive you, and so am I."
What would her brother do now? Perhaps she would come with her, back to the borders of Marauders Keep? She couldn't give him a place in the pack, but she could at least give him some possible chance. 
If he was turned away, was she willing to leave the Marauders for him?

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 15, 2016

Grace outstretched her muzzle, Kirin tensing slightly but not moving away. Kirin was a twisted creature, one of brooding silence that didn't invite physical touch or speech but he allowed his sister to touch him. 

Glancing up at her, Kirin smiled the tiniest bit. "You forgive me?" Kirin wasn't sure what would happen now, Grace would have to return to her pack but would he be admitted? If not, a plan was already forming. If he couldn't join the pack, Kirin would stay nearby and ready to help her should she need it.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 15, 2016

Kirin didn't seem so easy to believe her, but a smile touched his face and that was enough for the young girl. She nodded in response, giving a wider smile now. Her golden eyes sparkled in joy, glad to know someone else had escaped her abusive father. On top of it all, he was HERE. Her brother had found her, somehow, and she didn't ever want to see him go again. 
        "I do forgive you, brother. What, may I ask, are you doing out here?"
Grace gave a glance towards her home, towards the barren willows, and tried to count just how many were in the pack now. Kunik's passing had left a hole not just in the ranks but also in her heart. Only one had been easily filled. But with all the new members, the yearling just wasn't sure if there was room for her brother or not.

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 16, 2016

Kirin allowed a full genuine smile to cross his face, tail giving a small wag at her forgiveness. It was almost unbelievable that she had forgiven him, Kirin had been certain that Grace would want nothing to do with him. At the best case scenario he expected to be told never to come near her again.

"I came looking for you, I left not long after your attack. It was hard though, it took me longer than I thought." He found himself speaking quite a bit, though his vocal cords protested. "I studied your pack from a distance though it didn't tell me much. It seems very large." Would there even be room for Kirin or would he linger on the outskirts until a spot could be found?

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 16, 2016

So Kirin had come looking for her, and not long after her own departure. He must not have been able to track her that night, not through the rain. Yet here they were, together again in good spirits, and Grace dearly hoped that there was one more spot open for her brother. It troubled her, knowing that Kirin had been lurking along the borders, but not because she was worried for herself or her pack. More so was she worried about his own safety, should any Marauder think that he was a Grotto wolf. 
        "We took in another group just a little while ago, and the pack probably doubled in size."

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 16, 2016

"Oh? That seems very kind of your pack. Not everyone would be so open to that especially in a famine." Kirin added, unsure of what to say to that. There was most definetly not enough room if they had taken in a group of refugees.

"Is it full?" Kirin inquired curiously, wondering if he was being subtle at all with his interest in joining.

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 16, 2016

Grace indeed picked up on his interestbut wondered if he truly was thinking about joining. It wasn't her place to offer a rank for him, no, that would come to Tavi or Harlyn. She couldn't even tell him the things that went on within the borders, not loyal as she was to the rules Warbone put in place. 
        "There may yet still be a few places left, and perhaps since you're the brother of the healer-in-training, you'll have a better chance of joining me."
A sudden excitement ruled her, pushing away thoughts that he might be rejected, or there wouldn't be room. Would it go the way her reuinion with Nova had, her body and mind both hurt and her faith in both Luke and Saena to lead her with kindess squashed?

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 17, 2016

"It's worth a shot I suppose." Kirin gave a small shrug, wondering if they would be going right now. He didn't particularly want his entrance to ride on Grace alone, he was more than Grace's brother. 

fade soon? We can always do a joining thread together or he can try it on his own

RE: I'm alone - Grace - June 20, 2016

Yeah you can fade here or post again and I'll archive, but Kirin can start his thread to join whenever: Grace will join it. Up to you if you want them to go now or not, feel free to powerplay her a little bit.

Grace nodded and, with a smile, turned back towards the Hushed Willows. She limped off towards home, but turned her golden gaze over her shoulder to her brother as she went. A flick of her tail she invited him along, but she knew it was possible he might come later on.

RE: I'm alone - Kirin - June 21, 2016

Kirin had no reason to stay now that he had found Grace, so the boy slunk after her as she limped along. High hopes of joining filled him though he knew it was a bad idea, his hopes might be crushed if he didn't get in.