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Swiftcurrent Creek to be told. - Printable Version

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to be told. - Tonravik - March 26, 2014


The girls belly had been full and upon her was the stench of blood. Tonravik had not seen the wolf ever before, but found that her fangs could not press against the flesh of the wolf who must have been pale beneath the darkened, old coat of blood. The presence had been something like her mother had once mentioned... but had never before truly experienced for herself. Gods and things unseen were things Tonravik did not bother with to a personal degree, but she had been taught the faith, and so when it came to her, it could not be ignored. It had been Clarice who had come, rotund and round, and to her she had said:
xxxxxxThese are the children of Sos Himself. I cannot bring them to the place where I have been. Grant me entry, and you will be blessed. He is watching.
xxxxxxTonravik had been tempted to abort the wolf for the nerve of it all, but she was given pause. The children of Sos. Some chord was struck. Tonravik would take her elsewhere, for the woman would not be granted entry with Tartok. The cubs would be eaten; Tonravik could not accept a litter other than her own, even with the fact that she might not have cubs herself. And when she was safely escorted, the pale wolf looked to her. Tell Jinx. Tell her Clarice will bring her children. There was a dark look within the girls eye as she left Tonravik, and the wolf was left to wonder who Jinx was. Her meeting with the Kesuk had been impressionable, but truly, Tonravik could not think of her. And so she went the way Clarice had come.
xxxxxxTonravik knew that there was more to this than Jinx, Clarice. In His own way, Sos had come to her, had pointed her in this direction. Her brother would lead in her stead until her potential return... and in the meantime, she would find this Jinx.
xxxxxxThe Tartok wolf kept a decent distance. She did not loiter near the lands until the leader themselves came. A small thing, really... Tonravik did not doubt, in her mind, that she could be overcome. The longing was there—to lead, as she always had—but that, then, was not what she had come for. The bear of a woman was largely quiet, only supplying the other with her name and capabilities (protecting, finding, fighting, winning)... and when she felt rested enough, Tonravik sought Jinx, who Fox had mentioned in passing but she could not recall.

RE: to be told. - Jinx - March 27, 2014

Had she expected a prophetic meeting when she strolled along the borders that day, Jinx might have made an effort to clean herself up. Her snout was stained with blood from a recent catch, a meagre mouse that served to hold off her hunger long enough for her to resume her patrolling. She had flung the creature around, of course, and so there were flecks of its gore on her coat in hard-to-reach places. She hadn't cared, being a wolf and therefore unconcerned with her appearance, but she might have had she suspected who she might meet in passing. No word had come to her of newcomers, and the current pack wolves would all know her for who she was.

When first she caught sight of the dark-furred woman, she thought it was Haunter, and hesitated in her approach. She was unwilling to face the brute and own up to her mistakes. It was only the distinct scent of female that made her move toward the other, and that of Fox which urged her not to attack. As she approached, she made no connection between this woman's bearish form and her family's, nor did she recall that day upon the mountainside when she had defied this one's claim and command.

Her life of late was afloat on a sea of tragedy, such that many of her older memories of a time before Horizon Ridge had been laid to rest. Tonravik was a large black female, with no easily distinguished mark upon her to make her identifiable. Jinx had her black toes, but otherwise, she was a generic white wolf; and so she approached, her bearing suiting her title, and chuffed a quiet, optional greeting, not suspecting that they might know one another from a more bitter time.

RE: to be told. - Tonravik - March 30, 2014

Just a lil unofficial RC... FUN FUN

The sight of Jinx inspired no memory. Tonravik had seen a thousand faces since their encounter, and had forced many a downfall upon her mountain outside of this land. Some had died, and that was more impressionable to her than the way Jinx's body had looked as it twisted in its descent, to the feel of her life force throbbing beneath her tongue. And so as the woman came to her then, Tonravik blinked slowly, lifting her head not in defiance to the others rank but observation. The wolf looked worse for wear. She wondered how the other could offer herself to challenge in her state, and Tonravik's mercilessness showed as she tested the idea of a challenge... and took it.

The greeting was returned in a low rumble before Tonravik's challenge was issued. The wolf had no qualm in looking the other in the eyes and lifting her tail some, knowing well that the other would respond aggressively and preparing for it in the dipping of her muzzle over her throat, the forward-thrust of her ears that soon fell back onto her crown in a manner meant to protect them, and the narrowing of her eyes. Jinx was not so hulking a beast as she, but the wolf was large. Tonravik was not so foolish as to think the other incapable of holding her rank—she held it, after all—but Tonravik's respect was earned as opposed to given. So many were used to accepting what was before them, but Tonravik was new, and would establish herself swiftly among the lot of them. Leadership was something she obviously coveted, given her own previous standing not too far away, and so here, she tested herself as well.

RE: to be told. - Jinx - March 30, 2014

Quote:Action 1: (Attack - 7) Enraged by Tonravik's insolence, Jinx makes a grab for her muzzle, intending to shove her head down.

Perhaps their meeting could have been good-natured. Tonravik was obviously a physically inclined beast, given her bulk, and Jinx could have found much to discuss with her about border patrol and techniques. Alas, any chance at peace was thrown out the window the second the newcomer's eyes met her own in a defiant challenge. A look of outrage crossed the Beta's face, and seconds later she had lifted herself into the stiff posture of leadership, with muzzle wrinkled and teeth bared in a warning grimace. This was the second wolf who thought to undermine her recently.

This would be the second wolf she would put down and remind of their inferiority. She was a Kesuk, and would not take this disrespect.

Without a second's hesitation nor thought for her previous injuries, the Beta launched herself at Tonravik, wild eyes and a furious roar both demanding the other's due respect. It was not in Jinx's nature to allow another to move first. She was quick, hers being a form built more for speedy movements than for brute strength, and knew how to use that. She sought the other's snout with the tight grip of her teeth, which she lashed in the other female's direction, uncaring if she broke skin or not, but certainly not aiming to. A little blood would remind the other of her place here, and remind her not to be so arrogant as to challenge on her first day.

RE: to be told. - Tonravik - March 31, 2014

Quote:Action 1: (Defend, 7) As Jinx moves toward her, Tonravik moves to shove her left shoulderblade in the mouth of Jinx as opposed to her muzzle, pushing so as her own force is added to potentially inflict pain (Not sure if this is a defensive move as much as it may be brief counter... so, if that is the case, do I fix that???? I'M... NOT SURE BLAH)
Action 2: (Attack, 4) Continuing immediately after attempting to shove her shoulder at the mouth of Jinx, Tonravik seeks to remain close to the woman and lash out at her back leg while still leaning toward Jinx (going with the momentum of her shove) to attempt to knock Jinx off balance.

It was not to disrupt the peace that Tonravik did what she did, but to keep it. Be it a day or a month, Tonravik could not plausibly follow someone weaker than her, even if that weakness was due to recent injury. Tonravik had watched her own beta lose his rank due to a bad fall, and when his weakness was noted, was challenged. He had done his job for long, grueling months and had led them with her during the winter. His injury had been his temporary downfall. Tonravik was certain that when he was in good health again, he would try his hand at rising. But her current beta (or, how things had been left) was more than capable of keeping her position. The wolf had an eye for weakness, and had even went so far as to try her hand at challenging Tonravik herself. Back story aside, Tonravik desired to find her place here now. Even for an instant, the dark woman would not, could not idle...

There was a faint voice to be heard, but above the pounding of adrenaline and the low ebb of her deep growl, it could not be heard. Jinx was quick, and Tonravik assessed this in the whiplash swiftness of her movement. So instant! Tonravik was thrilled and irate all at once. There were plenty of quick wolves at Tartok, swift and made for the chase while wolves of her stature were for the kill. Her time with them was unfortunately brief, leaving her with only some experience. Tonravik is glad for the burst of strength she is able to dole out as she uses her muscles to give her an instant of speed, turning so that her face does not receive Jinx's reprimand, and shoving her shoulder toward the mouth hoping to bruise. Do not be so quick, she thinks, even as she tells herself be quicker. Her own movement continues as she extends the length of herself to swipe at a rear leg, hoping that in Jinx's brief dash toward her it was not rooted even while she presses her own weight earthward as to avoid Jinx doing the same thing. She does not lean too heavily, but as she swipes loosely toward the rear leg nearest to her with the momentum of her other thrusting shoulder, she seeks to pull and make the balance of Jinx fall off-kilter.

Tonravik herself did not need blood here. She meant in this situation to find out the woman's capabilities, to challenge her for her worth. It was the only way Tonravik could respect any, and it hardly meant she thought ill of the stranger or her capabilities when she was in good health. Tonravik could smell the injury as they could smell injury on their prey; it was a weakness Tonravik sought to expose, fight against, and she would herd it out of Jinx.

RE: to be told. - Jinx - April 02, 2014

Quote:Action 1: (Defend - 8) Jinx tries to plant her foot on the ground to avoid being toppled.
Action 2: (Attack - 1) Jinx makes a grab for Tonravik's scruff, hoping to use their combined momentum to bring the other woman down with her, if toppled, or at least shove her off balance herself.
Current HP: 24/24

From her youngest days, she had followed in her mother's footsteps, albeit unintentionally at times. As much as Jinx had grown to dislike Nanuq, she was very much like her, if not in stature then in attitude. She refused to give up, even knowing that Tonravik was fit and healthy and she was still injured. Bowing to a newcomer and relinquishing her title of Beta was an absurd concept, and one she would vanquish here and now.

Her grip found purchase, but it wasn't where she had wanted it to be. The Tartok wolf shoved her shoulder forward and, remembering similar assaults from her previous match with Njal and likely one of the scraps with Fox, Jinx let her neck become limp. She moved with the shove, avoiding some but not all of the pain that would have come with maintaining her grip on the woman's shoulder, but before she could relish her success, Tonravik was moving again. This time, the dark-haired female's jaws sought Jinx's leg, and the Kesuk moved quickly to plant it to the ground, unwilling to be thrown so easily.

Even if Tonravik managed to get her leg, Jinx was prepared for that, too. She drew on her experience with Nutaaq and the wolves of Swiftcurrent Creek, and snatched for the thick fur of the other woman's mane. If Tonravik was going to shove her down, then the dark bitch could come down with her. Unfortunately, the Tartok woman was moving too much and Jinx's snap fell short, leaving her open to retaliation.

She huffed through her teeth and attempted to square herself, but there was nothing she could do in that brief interim to gain any advantage.