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Northstar Vale Newspapers in your shoes - Printable Version

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Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 15, 2016

@Reiko, success roll for the rabbit here!

Ezekiel traveled along the mountains, enjoying the cooler air they brought. This was more what he was used to than what he found at Silvertip, and the forest up here, while drained from the locusts, had more pines than back home. The dark green forest seemed to have survived a bit better than the sparse oaks and maples he knew of. He stopped to sniff at a cypress with sticky golden sap dripping down from inside it. It smelled good, it smelled alive. That was a good sign for Teekon. Life would be returning soon.

He soon caught on the the scent of rabbit. He was tired and thought for a moment whether or not he actually wanted to try and catch it. But a rumbling reminder from his stomach urged him to the hunt, so he tracked the rabbit's scent. Soon he found it, thumping its way across the ground and enjoying life. Not for much longer. He bolted from the bushes and took it down. It didn't have another breath before he snapped its neck between his teeth, the taste of its blood overwhelming his senses. Finally he'd caught something decent. 

The large male laid it down and dug his way into the carcass, his hunger was satisfied quickly, but his stomach still screamed for more. The rabbit would do the trick for now. He laid aside the remains of his kill, which consisted of only the head. He preferred not to eat the nasty bits like that, but if he got hungrier later he wouldn't hesitate. He laid down on his side, keeping an eye on his kill, and rested in a the mid day light.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 15, 2016

Ooc: hey I'm replying while on my phone, on the bus! Ignore any autocorrects or typos /weeps

Slowly the adventure was starting to turn. What had turned out horrific and lonely, and had become and adventure was turning sour. Her belly cried and twisted in a growing pain, mice and the occasional rabbit weren't enough. She missed the pack, she missed home where father and the men would bring back enough food to feed everyone.

These lands were barren in a comparison to home, the rabbits were few - but oh, the sweet smell tickled her nose and begged her to follow.

The scent of a kill was near, small by the smell of blood barely lingering in the air, but enough to taunt the young snow caped damsel. She trotted at a steady pace only to quickened as she grew near, leaping out of the bush with excitement for even carion, a smile on her face and tail wagging behind... She froze, digging her paws into the dirt to halt the movement and even breath didn't dare make her move. 

"Sorry... I thought it was left." She muttered

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 15, 2016

You're fine, I'm always posting via mobile so I feel your struggle.

Ezekiel leaped to his feet at the sound of thumping. Another wolf leaped out of the bracken towards his kill. It startled him, what did she think she was doing, going for his kill like that? Even if it was only the head left, he still wouldn't lose it to some stranger. He snarled and tackled the small white female, throwing her down and pinning her. Teeth barred he kept her down, large muscles flexing as he struggled to keep his grip. Sorry... I thought it was left. She muttered, and Zeke let go a bit. She'd possibly just made a mistake, but he couldn't be too trusting just yet.

The large grey boy backed off of her, allowing her to stand when he realized that she probably couldn't take the kill even if she tried. She was much smaller than him, and she seemed apologetic. He remained on edge, still a bit stunned by the initial surprise before asked curiously. Sorry, I just thought you might be a thief. Who are you? It was a stern statement, but he was sincere in his apology. He felt bad for assuming, but he had to be careful.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 15, 2016

A small yelp escaped her when the feeling of him crashing against her pushed her down without any effort. She didn't fight back, it was all so sudden. She halted and skidded initially and now she found herself belly up with a larger male over her. Feathery Tail tucked itself to protect the exposed soft flesh and closed her eyes expecting the worst.

Then the pressure let off, and peaking one clear blue eye, she smiled softly with him relaxing even in the slightest. Instead of standing she chose to roll over and lay on the ground. A little underweight from the lack of food, but the thick coat graced her frame hid the bones that could be visible. 

"I'm Reiko, princess of the Izuka - well" she cut herself off. "Previous princess." Although it pained her to say it, she did so with a smile none the less. Fake it till you make it right? And she was faking pride and glee as well as she could. 

"May I ask who you are?"

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 15, 2016

Ezekiel felt pretty bad when she seemed a bit freaked out. She was a very pretty female, and a bit younger than him it seemed. He felt like a bit of a jerk, jumping her. He bowed his head to her respectfully, hoping an apology would do. He chuckled when she rolled over, it was unexpected. He'd thought she would've gotten up and told him off or something. That's what most people would do. Specifically his sister. Well she probably would've been the one to jump him and with her there was no apology.

Reiko, nice name. And she was a princess. Stressed on the was part. Ezekiel knew then that she meant no harm, and he settled down completely, relaxing into a calm seated position. He wasn't as free willed as her, he wouldn't lay down in front of a stranger, but he admired her calm bravery. She was very nice. She asked for his name and Zekie smiled back, a genuine smile for once. Oh sorry, names Ezekiel. Or Zeke. It's whatever. He said with a respectful nod. He almost felt like telling her more, remembering what Niita said about socializing. But his stoic and cautious nature let him leave it at that. If she asked for more, he'd cross that bridge when it came.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 15, 2016

She could feel it, he had come to relax in her presence which had given her the turn to fully let her worries slide. Crossing one paw over the other, she got herself comfortable on the ground. Trusting that the male had no intentions of jumping her again. 

"What a lovely name. Foreign to me, but musical all the same." 

Trusting or naive, it was hard to distinguish the two when one puts down all their guards around someone try had just met. Her father would be disappointed if he saw her now, but not surprised. 

Taking in his scent from where she lay, she could smell his kill and the aroma of a pack lingering on his coat. "You come from a pack, were you born there?" She was getting nosy, but reiko was always so curious. She wouldn't pry if he ignored it. 

"Are all the lands so barren here? Your rabbit is the first I've seen in a while. And it's only a head." She let an ironic laugh tickle her throat as she spoke.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 15, 2016

Ezekiel's tail unknowingly thumped against the ground, her praise towards him name made him feel good. She was very pleasant to be around. She gave off an aura of comfort that not all wolves had. Thank you, as is yours. He said with a friendly smile. 

She brought up the question of his pack, and he wasn't sure what to tell her. He certainly didn't want to scare her off, but he also didn't want to lie. I wasn't born there, but I've been there for a while. I just got too old for my old home, so I left. I live at Silvertip Mountain now. What about you, do you have a pack? He was curious to know, perhaps Reiko would like to come back to Silvertip with him? That was a silly thought, he'd just met her. But he did like her.

She asked about the famine, and made a little joke. The Manchester boy chuckled a little, he liked her laugh. Yes unfortunately. There's been a famine ever since some locusts passed through here. It's been hard for all of us. Umm, here! You can have this. Zeke got up and nosed the rabbit head towards Reiko. It wasn't much, but it was good, and he could tell the ivory female was hungry.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 15, 2016

"You think so?" she perked up, pushing up with her forearms at the returned compliment. "Thank you!" Her own tail thumped in response, she was having fun. The excitement from the initial meeting was a sour one but it had obviously quickly turned to a more pleasant encounter. "I don't think you'd care, but a little interesting fact here is that Reiko, where I come from, means gratitude. Child of thankfulness or lovely child. Just a little fun fact for you. I don't know what Ezekiel means though... "

Listening to the male speak, she quieted down about her random quip of useless information. She watched him with intent, not a wayward glance that one would give to someone they did not trust to keep their eyes off of them for a second, but more so like of a tutor as they spoke and she was sitting there sponging up all that info he was sharing. The questioned turned on her finally - "Me? Oh um." She stumbled with her words awkwardly, "not any more. Currently homeless! Long story really." It wasn't that she was unwilling to share her tale, but more so didn't think anyone would really want to hear her babble on and on about something no more relevant to anything than what a mouse had for supper. 

"Locusts? They sound pretty terrible. Are they like bear?" Tilting her head to one side, the young woman who was now obviously showing her age was curious about the new term. Locusts... the things were foreign to snowy lands so she had not seen any insects than the butterflies she had come across on her travels. Such odd things. 

He tossed her the leftovers and although her mouth watered and belly demanded her to swallow it whole. "The famine - don't you have someone at home who you'd prefer to share with than a loner who had done nothing for you other than scare the fur off of you moments earlier?" Again she smiled, joking lightly at the end.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 15, 2016

You're fine! ^^

After he complimented her pretty name, she gave him a little fact. Reiko meant gratitude, lovely child. It was a beautiful name, and very fitting for the snowy woman. Well it fits you. The name I mean. He said bashfully, kicking a rock around at his feet. He was a bit awkward around girls, but with Niita's help, he knew a few things.

He liked the way she seemed intent to listen and she answered a bit awkwardly. So she didn't have a pack, Zeke inwardly was happy about it. That meant that maybe he could escort her to his own. Surely Steady would allow Reiko in, she was a nice enough wolf. Well you're welcome to come see my pack. He said with a friendly smile.

Then she asked about the locusts, and he laughed a bit. He remembered asking Krypton about locusts, for he too hadn't known what they were. No not bears. They're smaller, like bugs. I haven't really seen many either. But they come in swarms and eat everything. He frowned, the thought of the bugs gave him chills. Hopefully the green would return soon, it's newborns were crying already, the small green shoots poking through the ground.

Reiko was hesitant to take Ezekiel's rabbit, asking if he had someone he'd rather give it to. This! Nah this is just a scrap, it wouldn't help much. I'm a decent hunter anyway, I can catch something else for my pack. You can have it really. He gave her an encouraging smile, a brisk breeze fluffing up his shale colored pelt.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 15, 2016

More about her name and she could feel her face getting warm, thankfully the fur hid the flush but she could feel it none the less - like a fever, but less painful.

She sat up at his invite, shocked and excited honestly. She shuffled on the spot, trying to hide her nervousness at meeting a new pack, thrilled all at the same time as her tail barely knew what to do, slithering around excitedly. They won't mind a stranger around? I'd love to if it was okay with your king and queen.

Bugs...  she pondered the word for a moment. oh so like butterflies? They're lovely, but yours sound frightening.

The offer for his leftovers stood, which finally gave her the strength to stand and trot over to it. Instead of digging in she awkwardly peeked over her shoulder, almost wishing that was alone. The company was great! But eating in front of him was so... Unlady like.

The sound of her stomach crying snapped the young woman out of her wishes and she disposed of what was left quickly. It wasn't much, but definitely better than a mouse. She'd remember to repay the debt later.

Thank you, words cannot express my gratitude Ezekiel. You're very kind. she said while beginning to clean off her paws and muzzle of any residue found. If he was serious about introducing her to his pack, she'd need to be presentable.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 16, 2016

Reiko seemed a bit excited about the invite, which was a good sign. She seemed interested in meeting his pack. Ezekiel smiled, own tail wagging at his feet. Not exactly king and queen. More like alpha male. And we have a beta female and her pups but her mate recently passed away. She's a bit snappy now, but the alpha is a good friend of mine, and surely he wouldn't turn you down. He's a nice guy. He assured her, referring to Steady and poor Zaria.

Back to the locusts, Reiko compared them to evil butterflies. Zeke cocked his head side to side as if weighing what to say. Hmmmmm sort of. But yeah they're pretty terrible. The large stark grey figure couldn't agree with Reiko more. They'd ruined this land, and even after they were gonna the locusts wrath hung over Teekon like a dark fog. Soon hopefully, the fog would disappear and life would come home to the Wilds.

It seemed Ezekiel had convinced Reiko to eat, because it didn't take her another word before she dug in. Zeke didn't mind if it was unladylike, he wasn't a stickler for those kinds of things. As cruel as his old pack was, there had been a complete equality between males and females. Neither sex expected the other to do anything. Back home beauty was weighed in the eye of the beholder. So Ezekiel never judged anyone. She thanked him and began to clean her muzzle of the blood. He shook his head and smiled. Thank you's enough. 

The Silvertip Zeta turned his head to see the sun. It was succumbing to the sweet calls of the night, and painting its farewell with color. Zeke had always enjoyed sunsets, they were beautiful and also meant that night was coming. Night was so peaceful and quiet, his favorite time of day. It also meant he'd have to return soon. Sky blue gaze locking on her, Ezekiel stood. I should be going soon, you're welcome to come with.

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 16, 2016

Pups? The word teased her. Reiko may have just graduated from being a pup and into a yearling - but she loved puppies already. Wishing to possibly have her own and if not, she would be more than happy to be a den mother and care for the puppies of busy parents while they were away with pack duties. The mention of puppies was exciting and now more than anything she hopped to come across them, if not just to see them. It's been far too long since she had seen anything younger than herself.

"I'm sorry to hear about her mate, what a shame." She was genuine in her apology, it was heart breaking to have a family only to have your partner ripped away too soon. That's life however, in all its glory no matter how sad or exciting it may be. 

Following Ezekiel's gaze to the skies, she wondered in the beauty of the skies. painted hues of pastels and readying to bring the dark cover of night over the world. It was the time for the young and the old to sleep while the youthful in their prime would remain awake to party or guard their lands. She felt his gaze on her once more and turned her own cyan gaze to his, nodding in response. "Lead the way and I shall follow."

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Ezekiel - June 17, 2016

Reiko's response to his statement about Fitz was one of apology. Ezekiel wasn't the most empathetic of guys, but it seemed this girl was. It was a nice quality to have, one of the many that Zeke lacked. But he was getting there. The more kind wolves he met, the more he learned to appreciate their kindness. He nodded in gratitude towards her apology. He hadn't thought much about the whole ordeal earlier for he hadn't known Fitz, but now that he though about it, it was pretty horrible. Perhaps that was why Zaria had been so reclusive of late.

There was a moment when the two wolves both had their eyes on the sunset. They both appreciated the sky and all its beauty, and that made Zeke smile. He watched her gaze return to him and she agreed to go with him! Wow! He'd actually convinced her to come along. He hadn't really been expecting that but he'd been hoping. He smiled and stood, stretching log grey legs until they could stretch no further. He then began to walk, heading towards Silvertip Mountain in the distance. I'm glad you're coming. I think you'll like it there. He said with a smile, then continued walking in silence.

Last from me! I'll start us one at the Silvertip border when you're ready :)

RE: Newspapers in your shoes - Reiko - June 17, 2016

alrighty! I'm ready whenever you are honestly :)

Seeing Ezekiel stretch had Reiko wanting to do the same, it looked like it felt nice after all that had happened; not to menton the laying down and all the sitting that had been done recently. With a feline like stretch, all four legs and abdomen, she straightened herself out and was ready for any kind of adventure that might be needed before they head to see his pack. Who knows how far he was from home, she guessed not that far, but she wasn't one to assume. 

He wasn't that much taller than her, and so it was easy to keep up with him. However just like the others, she noticed he walked differently than she did. Both legs from one side moved forward for her, while him it was the opposite where both legs met in the middle. Once again, she found herself strange. Some day she'll find someone who walked just like her, no matter how strange it was. 

Waving behind her with every stride was the feathery white boa, "If everyone is as kind as you, I'm certain I will."