Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Veränderung Patrol - Printable Version

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Veränderung Patrol - Aveline - June 15, 2016

@Kierkegaard? They need to meet ^.^

Aveline trapsed through the thick but leafless foliage, her tail tip twitching in anxiety. Aaron was defeated, and a new Alpha male has arisen. What about Amara? Was she in on this? However unhappy she was about this situation, she was still somewhat eager to meet this new member. A member she would soon learn to respect. She just hoped he was as kind and generous as Aaron, whoever he may be.

The large she-wolf continued to walk along the border on yet another patrol. She scraped her paw along the border to freshen the scent. For the time she has been here, her scent had begun to blend in until it was now a part of Rosings. It made her happy, that she was finally part of something bigger than herself. She continued to walked along the border, rubbing herself along tree trunks and scraping her paw pads against the ground.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Síff - June 15, 2016

hope you don't mind me throwing Liri in!

Minna's plan invigorated Liri. It gave her something to fight for, a way of fixing this problem rather than watch an usurper parade around her home. The arctic wolf threw herself into figuring out alliances, the members she knew to be loyal already sorted in her mind. It was Aveline and McTavish she was worried about. 

Liri found the huge ebony woman patrolling, falling in step with her quietly. Her chocolate orbs scanned nearby, ears twitching in case someone else was nearby. Lowering her voice to a level only she and the German woman at her side could hear, Liri whispered conspiratorially. "Who do you ally yourself with?" 

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Aveline - June 15, 2016

Don't mind at all!

The large ebony woman turned her head as she heard pawsteps behind her, ears pricking as her eyes landed on the pale body of Liri. The girl's expression was urgent and nervous and Aveline found herself wondering what was wrong. She tilted her head. She had no idea of the conspiracy that was spreading throughout the pack. Liri's question made her eyes widen in surprise. "I uh.. I do not have a side. I do not choose sides. I vant to meet zis new alpha and decide hoo I am more loyal too, but no, no I do not choose sides." She told her friend sternly, brows furrowed in confusion. This did not nesessarily mean she did not like Aaron, it just meant that she didn't want to make accusations. This new leader of their's did beat Aaron fair and square. It's just life. Life happens. If Aaron won back the throne, she would be just as loyal to him as she was in the start. Right now, she didn't know who to be loyal to. However, she would never, ever, pick sides.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Síff - June 15, 2016

The response was disappointing but not as bad as it could have been. They couldn't expect Aveline's help but at least she wouldn't take up arms against them. Liri had hoped that Aveline was as fiercely protective as she was herself, they could have used her strength.

"Please make no mention of this to Kierkegaard, he's aggressive and I was merely curious. I fear what he would do to me should he think me unloyal." Liri shivered, feigning a deep fear of the usurper.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Aveline - June 16, 2016

Aveline narrowed her eyes and she lashed her tail and suspcion. "I must meet zis alpha, and I vill decide, Liri. I do miss Aaron zough..." She trailed off, and her ears were flattened against her head in worry. What could this new alpha do? He had just gained leadership! Plus, Rosings was based off of figuring things out through words before battle. Would Amara really permit such actions from the new leader? Aveline had yet to find out. However, if she eventually decided to choose sides, she would follow the creed of her new pack and sort things out with words before teeth.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Síff - June 17, 2016

Liri could tell that Aveline didn't quite believe her but she ignored it, hoping that Aveline would as well. "I miss him too, things aren't quite the same." 

"Things will work out, I'm sure of it." Liri smiled reassuringly, knowing that things would have to turn out with either male on top. She wouldn't hold it against Aveline for not wanting to choose sides.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Aveline - June 17, 2016

Aveline nodded as Liri reasured her that things would be alright. But would they? Would everything go back to normal, or will Rosings die out? Abnormally, Aveline feared the worst, having seen too many back break down in her lifetime so far. Would Rosings become just like those packs? She shuttered at the thought. Being a lone wolf once again in these harsh conditions was not good for her. Not good for anyone. 

"I hope so," was all she could muster and she glanced at her large paws before shifting her gaze to the smaller girl beside her. 

Phone post x_x

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Síff - June 17, 2016

probably gonna have her exit soon :P

Liri nodded distractedly, eyes returning to the path in front of tthem. Aveline was out of the count, that left McTavish though she wasn't quite so sure if they could count on him. After taking the chance with asking Aveline, a second one seemed too risky. McTavish was a bit more reclusive around the territory as it was, they would have to make do with the five of them-if you counted Amara.

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Aveline - June 21, 2016

Late reply, so sorry! That sounds fine! I'm gonna poke @Kierkegaard once more, ;D

Aveline nodded and watched her friend stare into the distance, obviously thinking over things. She worried about her pack. Were they creating an uprising? Something to defeat their new alpha? Were they going to use violence rather then words? What if this pack dispersed and she was left with no home again? She sighed. It seemed like everywhere she went, something bad happened. She lashed her tail in ager with herself. Perhaps she should just... leave?

RE: Veränderung Patrol - Síff - July 02, 2016

Liri gave a departing smile, slowing and beginning to turn so that she could leave. "Well, I should get going. There was a small patch of a few herbs that were growing back and I think I'd like to check on their growth. I'll see you around Ava, if you don't mind me calling you that?" Liri had a thing for nicknames.

Taking her leave, Liri loped across the territory to check on her herbs. There was a knot of anxiousness in her chest that Aveline would read into her words and spill the beans to Kierkegaard. 

sorry I waited so long to reply, I was giving Kierkegaard a chance to reply but I figured I would go ahead and have her leave since he hasn't.