Wolf RPG
Sleeping Dragon When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Printable Version

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When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Lagertha - June 15, 2016

hi everybody! If anybody wants to meet Lag here feel free to jump in

The morning light found Lagertha dozing quietly in a fallen log, big enough for the slender Viking to sleep in. The crack of dawn woke her, the faint light glowing behind her sealed eyelids. Stretching out with a yawn, Laggy loped off to find a meal. 

The tantalizing smell of a pheasant caught her attention, leading her away from her destination of the stream. The girl stalked through the trees, the scent of ash heavy in the air and the sound of the geysers as her background music. 

The pheasant itself was plump, having come from a different land and not quite as emaciated as those around her. Leaping forward, Lagertha caught the fowl in her jaws and gave a hard snap, the bird falling limp. 

Deciding to find a pack mate to share the bird with, the shield-maiden headed back towards the central territory, a triumphant pep in her step.

RE: When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Seregrýn - June 15, 2016

Food had been difficult for all of them, and it was because of this difficulty that Seregryn had kept herself away. It was easier to fend for oneself instead of the betterment of the entire pack. She would have done more, but only for Thuringwethil; the desire to keep the others fed, specifically Gyda and any outsiders, had waned hastily. So Sere had kept herself hidden. She lurked among the outskirts of this mountain home, lingered on the lower reaches or down by the river, and subsisted on what scraps she could gather together. Her belly had not been truly full in days, but a wolf could survive for many without a proper meal. The girl, hungry though she was, withered though she appeared, felt truly alive now that she raced about the territory. She lurched and curved with the natural paths, expending an excessive amount of energy as she patrolled up the mountain and down again, searching for something valuable — she came to an abrupt halt when she nearly careened in to another body, and only avoided falling down the edge of the mountain by rearing back her head and doing a little hop and twist routine. She leveled her eyes upon the being in her way, saw the gray coat, smelled the musky iron scent of fresh blood, and was immediately taken by the groaning of her stomach.

RE: When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Lagertha - June 16, 2016

A woman she had yet to meet appeared, one who looked strangely like a dog but bore the scent of wolf. It was a conundrum to Lag but she wasn't so rude as to outright stare at the stranger. The scent of Sleeping Dragon permeated the other's fur, alerting her that this was no intruder and was instead a pack member.

Setting the pheasant down, Lagertha smiled politely. "Greetings. I am Lagertha Valkyrie though many call me Laggy or just Lag." Nudging the fowl towards her pack mate upon hearing the rumble of her stomach, Lag nodded invitingly. "Ya sound hungry, feel free to have some." 

RE: When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Seregrýn - June 17, 2016

Nearly as soon as she is upon the gray woman, Seregryn is recoiling from the touch of their bodies. She spurns the physical connection and bares her teeth, knowing full well that it was her own bludgeoning steps and poor guidance through the trees which has connected them, but she is offended all the same. The stranger reeks of delicious scents, though the smell of the heda is weak upon them. After adjusting her stance and finding her footing again, Seregryn studies the stranger — and hears the accented words which sound strange to her. The stranger uses the language of warriors yet their speech is flavored, almost like the manner of Gyda's, and this adds fuel to Seregryn's fire.

Yu tel hogeda teina, She states pointedly, her voice more commanding then it perhaps should have been. She cannot face down Gyda without also confronting the wrath of the heda, but this woman would be a good surrogate; they were so like Gyda already, and Seregryn was put-off by the similarities. With a snort - and a little flash of her incisors - she turns to leave the fool where she stands.

RE: When I wake up I'll see what tomorrow brings - Lagertha - June 17, 2016

Lagertha wasn't sure what she had done to make the woman angry, watching in disinterest as the woman spat something at her in a foreign tongue. With a snap of her teeth, the stranger turned to leave with her nose pointed in the air. 

"Tispe." Lag spat her own curse at the woman, her lips pulling back to growl at the stranger before snatching up her food and continuing on her way. Only here for a few days and you've encountered an unpleasant wolf. Must be a new record.