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Wapun Meadow I miss my friend - Printable Version

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I miss my friend - Jace - March 26, 2014


Jace woke with a start in the early morning light and peeling his ebony kissed self from the ground he stood and stretched out his long gangly limbs and shook his pelt free of the little bit of dirt that had gathered in it. His blue eyes peered about him in fascination as he realized he really had done it, he had gone out on his own, found his own pack and was working towards being a good pack member. His father would be so proud of him. He puffed out his young chest for a moment then he thought of his beautiful blue eyed mother and the pride died in his chest. He was a year old, yes, but still only just out of puppy hood and he missed his mother with a yearning that was so deep and so wide he did not know how he would ever encompass it.

Deciding that he did not want any of his pack members to see him like this, or to see him cry he ventured forth from his den and his pack and headed towards the meadow he had soon on his trek to this place. He lay down in the soft dew laden meadow and allowed his tears to fall, though he made sure to keep silent. He did not want any unwanted attention, he just wanted to grieve for his mother, though she was not dead just missing from his life at the moment.

RE: I miss my friend - Nuka - March 26, 2014

She was still lingering near her new pack for the most part but she had ambled this far away in search of a cub in need. If there had been a land slide in her pack lands, other such horrors could have caused trouble elsewhere. A mother who leaves cubs because of tragedy is a heartbreaking situation, to lose the cubs as there is no way to feed them is even worse. For that reason she had traveled amid the packs to respectfully make them aware that should a little one be found in need that she would be able to nurse it.

She was a realist though, with out cubs to suckle - she would be dry with in the week.

It was just outside the boarders that she smelled another male. She lifted her refined head and looked his way. Her tail relaxed and extended behind her. Neither dominate or submissive, and completely calm. She chuffed to make herself known rather then to continue the risky business of startling a wolf.

"Hello, I did not mean to encroach."

RE: I miss my friend - Jace - March 26, 2014

Jace quickly buried his muzzle and eyes into his paws and wiped his face quickly and lifted his face to the lone female. Though he had gotten most of the tears the tracks were still there, those he would not be able to hide. He studied the female in front of him, she was older than his own mother and white a stark contrast than what he was used too, though his sister had been pale though his father and mother were both black as coal.

He spoke hesitantly at first, "It is okay you did not encroach it is free space here. I am Jace, ma'm. He added the ma'm to the end of his words, so much like his father politeness were keys to winning over anyone and his father had always told him to never ever disrespect a female of any kind whether she deserved it or not. They were to be revered he would tell him, not treated badly.

RE: I miss my friend - Nuka - March 26, 2014

She watched him passively. She had been careful not to cross any scent markings and had thought for a moment she had misunderstood the boundaries. She was relieved to see that she had not. She turned to face the male completely. She was large and heavy with a thick pelt to defend against the cold.

"Well Met, Jace. Do you know if there are any young here whom need nourishment?"

She asked softly, her tones were melodic. Every spoken word seemed to hold a melody all it's own.

RE: I miss my friend - Jace - March 26, 2014

Jace had thought that his own father and mother were large, but this lone female in front of him was of equal size if she did not rival them. He was in slight awe of her size, though he was not small thing, he still did not quite meet the largest of large requirement.

He shook his head, "No i do not I am sorry i'm new myself actually, just came into the area. I did not find any on my way. If I see any or hear of any I can send message to you. What pack are you from? And your name?"

Her voice reminded him a bit of his mother, Starshine his father called her and she loved to sing and vienna his sister she sang all the time too. He missed the singing they offered when he was down. His sister had gotten her own name because she had sang so much. Vienna Songbird. "do you have pups of your own? He asked out of curiosity he could smell the milk on the female.

RE: I miss my friend - Nuka - March 29, 2014

The large female watched him with that quiet patience as he spoke of being new to this land as well. She gave a nod of that heavy coated crown, the greying fur brushing slightly against her gentle brown eyes.

"I have taken refuge in the horizon, just south of here. They are kind wolfs, with a passion for the future. I think I will do well there."

A soft smile came to her maw as it parted at his question.

"No little ones, dear heart - not any more. Though you may call me Nuka"

RE: I miss my friend - Jace - March 29, 2014

Jace frowned in contemplation as he listened to the other speaking. "I have not heard of them, the sea and sand is not for me anyway. I prefer mountain and trees. He actually did not like water much at all, he would wade in it and he would fish something his father had taught him, but otherwise no he would do nothing that had to do with water.

His frowned increased only now in sadness, his serious nature taking precedence at the moment. "Awh Nuka I'm sorry that's no good, but they are in a better place right. He dipped his head in respect to her. He really did feel for her, he had never known death personally, but his father had and when his father spoke of it, he could hear the sadness and the heartache in his very words. He had brothers and sisters that had died long before he had even been a thought.

RE: I miss my friend - Nuka - March 29, 2014

She stepped forward, and so long as he did not step away she would lick his ear before stepping back watching him in that kind way. It seemed very much a trade mark of hers. This gentle compassion.

"No, there is no better place than with your family...but thank you for your words ."

She moved back to her side of the boarder since she had not been formally welcomed into this land and did not care to encroach upon anothers land.

"I am also much more accustom to a northern land, but we often must move away from things that are the norm and expand to new and more challenging things."

She watched him quietly,

"You seem troubled?"

[ OOC - I am still getting over getting sick, sorry for subpar posts ]

RE: I miss my friend - Jace - March 29, 2014

Jace smiled a small smile at the affectionate gesture from the other female. It was something his mother would have done, something he needed at the moment in time. He missed his mother so much it physically hurt. He twitched his ear and hoped his gaze would be enough to thank her. "that's true I'm still sorry.

He watched her move a little confused, they were on neutral ground she did not have to stay closer to her borders, but some were more comfortable doing that he supposed. Having never been raised in an actual pack he was still a little unsure of their rules and regulations.

He dipped his head and shuffled his oversize paws and nodded his head a little sheepishly. "I'm new here as I told you. I've never been away from home, never been part of a pack so this is all new and overwhelming and I miss my parents, but especially my mom.