Wolf RPG
Sunbeam Lair narrow stairs - Printable Version

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narrow stairs - Menta - June 16, 2016

It was with surprise that Menta stumbled upon the marking scents of Ryūjin, although her intent for a while now had been to find a pack. First the markings were spotty enough to label it a grey area, perhaps not quite trespassing but well traveled by the same group of wolves, and it piqued the cream wolf's interest. A wolf pack, settling in or around here? As the markings became more clustered and obvious, so the lone wolf's interest level and guard rose. She was well aware that the wind was in the pack's favor, that her own scent could easily be picked up, and yet the markings were currently all she had to go off on.

Young. Healthy. But the same small number of wolves, over and over. Whether by choice or necessity, she didn't know, but it gave hope that they would be willing to consider adding another hunter into their numbers. Menta's eyes finally found and focused on the lair as she cautiously stepped closer with her nose close to the ground. There was no mistaking that this was their home, and while Menta had no personal experience with joining a pack, the wolf knew she was well within the range where anyone from her birth pack would have chased off unwanted intruders. That's enough, she thought definitively, as if her paws hadn't already stopped their forward march.

RE: narrow stairs - Avannon - June 16, 2016

The large and ghostly pale form of Avannon appeared out of the lair and with a startled blink she stopped in her tracks, one paw lifted in mid-step. "oh. um...might i ask what you are doing here? I am going to assume you wish to join, not attack us." she said her tail raised and held straight out behind her. She was not one to Assert herself unless it was nescassary, but she didnt think Asterr would appreciate her being too friendly. "I am going to call my leader." She announced her eyes not straying from the dame. She let out a series of howls to alert Asterr of the presence of an unknown was in her location. She then fell silent and gave a small sigh "might i ask your name?"

RE: narrow stairs - Menta - June 16, 2016

It wasn't long before the lair released one of its inhabitants - a large, white wolf who initially startled Menta. While cream and white threads ran in her family, even they were rarely wholly one color, and she alone in her group of siblings was the mirror image of her mother. The white wolf immediately took notice of her intrusive presence but did not give chase or even really go into an aggressive stance, instead choosing to inquire of her intentions.

Before Menta got the opportunity to respond to her - correct - assumption, she watched the other female lift her head and give a call out to announce her presence. Not a leader, she mentally noted as the other proclaimed such, her muscles remaining tense and her eyes continuing to search out at the mouth of the lair for another wolf to emerge. Menta, she replied and fell silent again. Her position as intruder was to answer questions, not pose them.

RE: narrow stairs - Avannon - June 16, 2016

"It is ...nice to meet you menta" Avannon responded as she sat down and patiently waited for Asterr to arrive, her blue eyes scanning the surrounding area for any sign of the Obsidian wolf. "My name is Avannon. We have had a few new members recently, but i believe i am the newest. there is no need to be afraid of Asterr" she said noticing that Menta looked a bit tense. she gave the female a slight smile before turning away again. It was awkward, being the first to greet a newcomer, when she was so new herself. She barely knew what to do besides make light talk.

RE: narrow stairs - Asterr - June 18, 2016

The girl had been seeking out a specific member of her tribe when the howl rang out from a distance away. She recognized the voice, placing a face to match it with ease, and understood the message within it. It was surprising to her, at first, that it had not been Jolon to call her, for often did it seem as if he was patrolling their borders. No matter, she appreciated the newer member stepping up and displaying her usefulness, for it showed her opinion of the tribe. After all, she could think of no one that might linger near to the cavern's entrance without a purpose, and so was glad that Avannon's was a positive one. Still, she had no desire to leave her waiting for very long, as there existed within the world some beings that preferred authoritative figures over those that were not; her reasoning to reach them sooner rather than later was not to cater to the outsiders demands, but to ensure that the safety of her subordinate was properly maintained.

Asterr had arrived after the stranger had introduced herself, but just in time to hear Avannon respond to her. Her ears had perked at the name—Menta—for its beauty and unfamiliarity intrigued her. Such interest, however, never quite reached her features as she emerged from the cavern, as she did not wish to send the wrong message. The outsider would have the same chance as everyone else to prove herself, whether it be with plain words or grand vows, thus leaving the outcome of the encounter in her hands. Yet, the girl did not address her right away, having chosen to look to her tribe mate instead after having come up along her left side. "Avannon, you may stay if that is what you desire, but are permitted to leave as well if you would rather do that," the dragoness voiced, offering a reassuring smile in the process. The female's presence was no longer necessary, but even still, she would leave it as her decision to make on whether or not she was to witness the joining process.

Thereafter, the girl had returned her attention to the stranger, offering a small nod in greeting. "Good evening, Menta. My name is Asterr Draconid," the chieftess began. "Is it council you seek, or a place within our tribe?" Knowledge of a visitor had been shared with her, but the reasoning for her being there had not been mentioned directly, and she refused to assume a total strangers reasoning behind doing anything.

RE: narrow stairs - Menta - June 18, 2016

The wolf that Avannon had called was quick to arrive, giving Menta little time to mentally chew over what had been said. A recent influx of new members, the cream registered, and Asterr -- the name of the leader who swiftly joined their company. Menta's yellow eyes flickered in amusement as she briefly looked over the approaching female, careful not to meet her eyes or even have her glance move higher than midchest. It seemed wolves here came either light or dark, nothing in between.

A small amount of tension dissipated when Asterr began speaking, both to the white wolf before her and to Menta. She did not see Menta as an entirely undesired intruder, and she did not feel the need to immediately chase her off. All of this gave the lone wolf hope that a plea for pack membership would be heard out. Draconid, she heard, and Menta recognized the surname roots. Drago, her Italian brain whispered back to her. Draghessa, she corrected with amusement. The leader was young, younger for sure than her and even some of her siblings back home that had held lesser rank, but here she had the power to reflect her bold name.

A place within your tribe, she repeated back steadily, and perhaps council concerning your lands after. Menta had found these valleys and mountains to be much more curious than her own homeland, which filled her with both curiosity and hesitation. Perhaps - no, undoubtedly - Asterr knew some of the secrets that the region held. I offer my loyalty, my knowledge, my energy and muscle to the benefit of your pack. For what more could a wolf give? The cream wolf stood patiently, waiting and willing for Asterr to ask or do as she saw fit.

RE: narrow stairs - Avannon - June 19, 2016

Avannon dipped her head relief filling her and relaxing her stiff muscles. "greetings Asterr.." she murmured and once given the choice she hesitated in leaving. One paw out the door and one in, she decided she would watch, in case the ritual was of use to her ever. The ghostly female sat down behind Asterr her blue gaze watching the female's reaction to the leader's last name. It seemed she recognized the name. Avannon herself had realized that the beginning draco... sounded similar if it was not exactly like the word dragon. Avannon had come to recognize the fiery persona of the dragon within Asterr, though she had only seem a low flame burn. With a sliht upturn of her lips, Avannon supposed there would be a time where the low flame would turn into a full blaze, and at that time, avannon would make sure she herself was scarce.

RE: narrow stairs - Asterr - June 20, 2016

A home was sought, as was council. The stranger wished for both, and Asterr could provide for her each. Yet, she did not say so, keeping silent instead as if to contemplate that which had just been said to her. They would, surely, benefit from having another member, but that would only stand true if her actions matched her words. Loyalty, knowledge, energy, and muscle. Each had benefits, perks that would better provide for the tribe as a whole, but she wondered more often now how much faith she could put into the word of an unknown specimen. They spoke of loyalty, it was nothing new, but few ever stood true to their word. It was, perhaps, far more complex than she'd been raised to believe, but even still, one's word should be unbreakable. When she looked to the female, she could not read her—not properly, anyways—and so she did not know how honest of a soul she was.

She could not allow for the negative possibilities to influence her decision, though, and so she'd swiftly cleared her mind and focused, again, upon the task at hand. "Loyalty is of great importance here," the girl noted, honesty in her tone, as well as endless depth. To her, the ability to stay true to a single soul for the entirety of someone's life was, without a doubt, of utmost importance. It is what separated them as scholars, from the vile beasts that only ever acted with the intent of tasting blood on their tongues. Barbarians broke their vows, but those capable of thinking for themselves did not; it was how the world was suppose to be, although she'd been let down more than once since entering the wilds. "In the past, we have had individuals offer us their loyalty, only to turn around and leave without so much as a polite goodbye... should I trust that you will not be the same as them?" The dragoness knew not just yet what she might do, whether it be to accept Menta or turn her away. The outcome of their encounter had yet to be decided, the outsider's fate inconclusive.

RE: narrow stairs - Menta - June 21, 2016

Her potential for loyalty was being questioned.

Menta worked hard at keeping her breath even, not letting any of her muscles flinch, and her gaze respectful. Few things truly upset or angered the wolf, but loyalty had been bred for many generations to be her core. A quickening of her heartbeat surprised her. Perhaps that was why her mother had so much anger to deliver when she wanted to explore - and thrive? - on her own? While she was far from the first of her siblings who had left for their own great "adventure" as it were, it was always assumed that the cream would stay. 

Basta, she mentally growled to herself. Enough. Asterr had provided the context of the question, had made it an understandable question and even admitted that the pack had been burned in such a way. This must mean that she only seeked the truth and posed no immediate accusation. Menta chose her words very carefully, never having had to answer this question with just words. Words were all she had right now.

I left my family pack shortly after my second birthday, she confessed on an even tone, not adding that it was with mixed blessings. The old had at best seemed skeptical of her ongoing success, her mother had spoken of betrayal while her father stayed sullen and sad. But it was because I had never fit in there, not because it was a rash decision or one that I took lightly at all. Guilt, guilt, guilt -- she could feel it with every pounding heartbeat. She was over two years in age, but she had waited patiently almost every moment of her life to feel the connection that they spoke of; she had done everything right until she no longer could. It was hard to admit such things out loud and the next words came in a rush as if they could stuff her embarassing truth back down.

I do not take recommitting to a pack lightly. Words which Asterr had no true way of knowing how empty or full they could be. Menta had never before considered just how vulnerable an alpha could be at this stage, how vulnerable this overreaching hunger made a pack in accepting a new body to feed. What a privileged life she had led.

I do not seek glory, she continued, the word 'glory' leaving a bitter taste on her tongue, I seek a home. Home, not a phsyical place but an idea. An idea she could appreciate in theory, an idea others seemed to take for granted, an idea that she only could hold for fleeting moments of time even as it remained abstract. Home. Let this be home.

RE: narrow stairs - Asterr - June 23, 2016

I have permission to skip Avannon.
Also, last post from me~ ^^

A tale was told, one that revealed a bit of the outsider's past and how she had come to be there before the chieftess. She'd departed from her place of birth, just as Asterr had done, but quickly was it noted how they'd not done so for the same reasons. Yet, the other's choice was taken just as seriously as she'd taken her own, for it was not out of unreasonable desires that she'd left. No, it had been for a sort of comfort that had, apparently, not been acquirable from wherever she'd come. To fit in was her wish, but it was unknown whether such would be able to be provided for her within the lair. No matter, the dragoness kept quiet, believing rather strongly that chances were worth taking. There would be no danger in letting her enter the tribe, nor would there be in observing if she were to settle in nicely—there, the girl stopped herself, realizing that she had drifted ahead. Not yet had a decision even been made on whether or not the female would be allowed to join them, but there she'd been, wondering of the future already. The thoughts were cast aside soon after such a realization had been made, for there could be no space left opened for biased notions. Rather, the yearling needed to keep her mind clear of all clutter, and focus only on the factual positives and negatives.

For neither side were the decisions able to be considered light, the girl noticed. Though her own choice had been made a bit easier after having been assured that it was, truly, only a home that was sought. There were no ulterior motives floating around within Menta's mind, but a clear desire for a place that could be called her own. A home filled with other beings that could serve as her family, her friends, and, of course, accept her for the wolf that she is. "I will believe you," Asterr had finally said. "If it is a home that you seek, an area in which you may find your place in, then I welcome you into Ryūjin." Before the final word had even left her mouth, the lithe individual was moving forward on light feet, nearing the woman's side and then touching the newest recruit's shoulder gently with her muzzle. It was the way in which everyone was welcomed officially, the touch, though so simple, representing trust. "I hope that it is here that you may be able to feel as if you truly belong." With that, the dragoness turned, swinging her head slowly—invitingly. The lair was now Menta's home, too, and so she'd be welcome to come and go as she so very well pleased.