Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs Say no to this - Printable Version

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Say no to this - Maude - June 16, 2016

@Vixen when you say "start it quick" and I start it 6 hours later > - >''''''

The pirate wench returned from inland, emptyhanded. It annoyed her to now end her excursion, but she needed food. And the only place she knew she would find something was by the shore. And so she returned.

Maude skirted around the Tangle once more and headed down past the cliffs towards the Sound. Maude looked absently at the sea, walking unabashedly on the edge of the cliffs. She wasn't afraid of falling, far too dexterous to do something as stupid as falling. She was a pirate after all.

All the while she scowled at the seagulls circling above, angry that such tantalizing treats were so close yet so far. Her stomach growled and her throat followed as one swooped down towards her in a bluff. She didn't dare swipe out at it, dangling too precariously on the edge to risk something as stupid as that. So she resorted to cursing instead. Verbal weapons were just as dangerous as physical ones. Come back down 'ere and face me paw like a man ye duck-knee'd, dung munchin', crap sack!!

RE: Say no to this - Vixen - June 18, 2016

The cursing startled Vixen at first, who was sniffing at a rotten seagull body too close by to not have noticed the brown wolf before. Her champagne eyes shifted looking for the source of the sound and her ears perked up anxiously. The nerves didn't last long, however, for as soon as she found the foul-mouthed screamer she realized it wasn't herself he was talking to, so she stared from her place, with the rotten bird corpse at her feet and curious eyes.

RE: Say no to this - Maude - June 21, 2016

Maude snarled at the creature as it cawed raucously - she sweared they could laugh - at her before wheeling away, leaving the mud stained wench to scowl at its quickly vanishing figure from the cliffside. She huffed, pushing herself to her feet. Her stomach growled, just as loud as her own snarls, and Maude turned, intent on finding something down by the shore. Her golden eyes met with the champagne ones of the reddish wolf, and the wench blinked curiously. Ahoy, mate. She greeted the unknown woman.

RE: Say no to this - Vixen - September 05, 2016

He snarled and cursed some more, only to turn around towards her and greet as though nothing had happened. Vixen smiled, coy as she was, and kicked the seagull corpse away to start walking in the male's direction. He looked dangerous, ragged and murderous -maybe a little bit feminine, to Vixen's confusion, but appealing to her strange tastes nonetheless.

"Ahoy, jim laddie," she greet, and swung her hips as she approached with sensual steps. "I bet they're scared to death 'o ye," she teased, giving a quick glance at the seagulls spiraling up and down just one step too far to get them.

RE: Say no to this - Maude - September 05, 2016

Maude was graced with the harsh, yet familiar tones of Tortuga, making the wench smile. 'ope they are. Little bilge rats wit' wings. Maude scowled at the cawing birds. Though she had grown up with the creatures her whole life, they never ceased to annoy her. They were crafty things, responsible many a time for her lunch being stolen.

Ye from Tortuga, mate? She asked the woman, referring to her accent. It was awfully familiar, though she didn't recognize the woman in the slightest.

RE: Say no to this - Vixen - September 24, 2016

A big bucko like ye? They be shiverin' in fear! said the red siren, meant to be a compliment which came naturally whenever vixen spoke to boys. There was something odd about this one, and for a reason Vixen did not feel the need to hump right on top of him, but she paid little attention to that.

Yarr. I wasn't expectin' to find a band 'o pirates 'tis far north she said, allowing her buttocks to pose on the ground as she made herself comfortable. Did ye escape? she asked, golden eyes gleaming tentatively. Claribel was in there somewhere, yearning to know that she was not the only one that had been trapped unwillingly in Tortuga.