Wolf RPG
Honeyed Pasture there are people who are pushing me on the train - Printable Version

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there are people who are pushing me on the train - Remmy - June 17, 2016

While it seemed he had given up his search for the rest of his family, Remmy was simply...taking a moment to regather. He would be lying if he said he wasn't doubting he'd ever be reunited, but he knew if he just found that mountain, he'd find them. For the moment, though, the boy followed a small, winding stream that took him to a golden field.

The smell of bear and coyote hung heavy in the area, and so Remmy kept on high alert. However, he enjoyed the open sky and long grasses, having spent too long in barren forests and stripped meadows. Mood less sour than it had been for the past few days, the Ferretti came to a stop at the edge of the stream, lapping at the cool waters.

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Steady - June 18, 2016

Thank you for starting!

Steady noticed, too, the scent of other predatory animals nearby, and was on edge. Instead of simply hoping the trails would go away, he followed them out of the pack lands and into the pasture. It wasn't as barren anymore, as the grass had began to return a couple weeks ago. It would still need time to fully flourish, though it seemed to already be bringing in animals, just not the kind Steady wanted.

Another track caught his attention, that of a wolf. As the trails he was following were moving away from his home lands, he left them in favor for the wolf track. He wasn't in a quite a hurry to catch up, so it was a little while before the figure came into view. The younger male was lapping at the water, and it made Steady realize he was thirsty, too. He chuffed to announce himself, stopping to see if the stranger was pleasant or disagreeable. If he were the latter, Steady would move along.

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Remmy - June 22, 2016

No problem! :D

After having his fill, the boy lifted his head...only to immediately make eye contact with another who seemingly appeared out of thin air. He was a massive shadow of a wolf, with what looked like strength that Remmy could only dream of. He reminded him a little of Primo, back when he was in his prime, of course. Though, if the stranger was anything like his grandfather, the boy wasn't about to stick around for long.

At the other's quiet chuff, Remmy gave a small nod back. Shy as he was, he still respected his elders, even if they were complete strangers. With a moment of hesitation, he then made to move away from the stream, tail tucked submissively beneath him.

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Steady - June 22, 2016

The other male looked startled by Steady's presence, and maybe a little fearful. Steady knew his size could intimidate, but as it seemed the other male wasn't aggressive, Steady lowered his head and wagged his tail to show that he was friendly. He wasn't here for a brawl, not today anyways. The male returned his chuff with a nod, and Steady took that as queue that they could be civil enough that he could drink.

Slowly, the large Alpha walked towards the bank, lowering his body to the ground as his tongue lapped up the water. He took his time, figuring the stranger could use a moment to either leave or get less apprehensive of Steady's presence here. When he was finished, he glanced over and was a little surprised to see him still here. He turned to the other male, sitting back on his haunches. Hey, he said simply. I'm Steady.

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Remmy - June 24, 2016

Steadily, the man leant to take a drink after offering a friendly wag of his tail. Remmy watched on apprehensively, though was slightly less tense after the stranger showed he was amicable enough. Still, the boy was cautious of any and all wolves outside of his own family and so stayed on the opposite side of the stream, poised and ready to run at a moment's notice should the other give him any reason to.

The older male gave his name and, out of courtesy, he responded. "Remmy, sir." The words were stiff and curt, orange gaze fixated on this Steady. What an odd name.

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Steady - June 24, 2016

Seeing that the young male was still frightened, Steady slowly went down to his belly, his jaws opening in a yawn. While he was an Alpha in his pack, outside the borders, he was as equal as any other wolf, and generally didn't hold himself above others, especially when they weren't aggressive. He simply seen no reason to start a fight when peace would do just fine. 

Nice to meet you, Remmy, he said in a friendly voice. Do you have a pack? With the width of the river between them, Steady didn't have to yell, but he couldn't get a bead on the other male's scent, either. 

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Remmy - July 09, 2016

He watched the other relax with a yawn and settle on his stomach, unable to do so himself. He stood tense and awkward, not unlike a pup who knew they were about to be scolded. The man seemed to have no quarrels, however, and asked his question in a gentle, amicable tone.

"Uh," Remmy began, glancing off to the side as he thought about it. The Ferretti's weren't really a pack, not officially. "I-I was with my family."

RE: there are people who are pushing me on the train - Steady - July 12, 2016

The young boy still looked tense, and Steady wasn't sure what he could do beyond what he was already doing to make him feel any more comfortable. But, not wanting to give up, Steady remained relaxed where he was, his ears swiveling to the sound of the other's voice as he explained he was with his family. Steady hadn't seen any others around, but maybe they were as shy as he and were hiding. Where are they? If Remmy needed to get back to them, he would depart so the boy could feel more comfortable leaving.