Wolf RPG
Iktome Plains Saw it plain as day - Printable Version

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Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 18, 2016

Devin had traveled a long while, but had made it to the coastal plain. She hadn't actually seen the ocean yet, but from what she'd been told, the air was foggier and more humid, and where she was certainly fit the bill. The sun was setting and after a long daytime nap, it was time to begin her travels again. She trotted along the plains, which were quite boring. She caught onto the scent of rabbit and chased it for a bit, but it disappeared into a hole and went unseen again. It was harder to hunt by night, but traveling was a lot less hot.

Soon she came to a less open area, a few dead trees were visible in the night light. Devin grinned and trotted forwards, glad to be out of those horrible rolling plains. She'd always hated open areas, there was nowhere to hide. In forested areas, she had more cover and it was easier to sneak up on others. Especially at night, when she was nothing more than a pale ghost. She had always believed phantom eyes to be better than most, and took pride in her ability to see in the darkest of places.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Bain - June 19, 2016

Just going to jump in here!
Bain strolled through the forest--if it could be called that. The area was open, with trees and brush sparsely dotting the land. Salty sea air wafted towards Bain, telling him that he was somewhere near the ocean. It was refreshing but at the same time, he could smell another scent. It was oddly familiar, and the male drove himself mad trying to recognize it. It was so familiar that he decided it was worth his time to go investigate.

Bain glanced at the sun which was beginning to lower, its fiery rays muted by the clouds. There was a slight rustling in the forest-- someone had entered from the plains and was quite close to him. The male lowered his body into the undergrowth, a low growl emitting from his throat. Bain knew that hiding was useless, whoever was there was bound to catch his scent, or at least notice his presence. 

A ghostly white figure traversed through the woods near Bain, causing his hackles to raise. Without thinking about the consequences, the loner burst out from hiding and skidded to a stop in front of the other wolf. He wasn't quite sure why he did it, but for some reason, he thought he wasn't going to get hurt. Maybe it's because this new face was oddly familiar.

He studied the wolf across from him, his eyes darting quickly as to avoid eye contact. A she-wolf, by her looks. His gaze traveled up to her face, which he could finally get a good look at. Suddenly, things started to connect, and the loner backed up with astonishment.

"Devin, is that you?"

RE: Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 19, 2016

Devin didn't make a sound, but she moved. Some idiotic wolf comes barreling through the woods towards her and just starts looking her over. What could he be about to do? Try and kill her or worse. The young female was not having that. As soon as he had jumped out in front of her, her reflexes kicked in and she swiped a paw at his face, and hard. Hoping he was now dazed, she shoved forwards and pushed him down, standing above him now muzzle inches from his neck. He smelled and looked dirty, but he had a familiar charm about him. When he recognized her, she recognized him. 

She stepped off allowing him up. He looked astonished, but Bain always had that stupid look on his face. At first she was happy to see his gangster bro, but then she was angry. How dare he jump out at her. He hadn't changed at all. She'd hoped a little time on his own would've made him a bit less hot headed but clearly not. She shoved his shoulder and scowled. Jerk! How you been? She asked, it was a playful shove but it had force behind it. She'd always been a tough love girl.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Bain - June 19, 2016

Bain was about to make another remark when he felt a force push him down to the ground. Devin had also swiped at his face before subjecting him to the "death roll" and now her jaws were a bit too close to his throat. He searched for a glint of recognition in her eyes, breathing heavy with anticipation. Bain exhaled with relief as things clicked for Devin and she stepped off of him.

"Haha, long time no see, sis!" He got up, shaking off the dirt from his pelt. "Still as...crazy as ever! Both of us are, except I'm still prettier," he flashed a grin at his sister. "I've been alright, stalkin' around the forest and living off the land. It's a loner's life for me, but "lone wolf" has always had this cool ring to it, hasn't it?" Bain strolled towards his sister's side. "I got in a few scuffles, but I emerged victorious, of course."

"So, how's it been with you? Any new experiences or friends to talk about?"

RE: Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 20, 2016

While it was great to see Bain again, we'll sort of great, Devin had forgotten that the boy was a hotshot and a big talker. In fact all he ever did was talk. And he thought he was better than all of their siblings because he was the strongest. Also Devin had sort of been the runt, she was the youngest of the litter and smallest too. But of course she'd outgrown that. She was the real fighter out of the Fearghal children. She rolled her eyes at his teasing jokes, he was still as childish as ever. I'll wait till I see you win a fight before I can believe it. Nah good for you man. Sounds like a good time. She wished she could've said the same. Clearly he'd just arrived to Teekon, and hadn't quite experience this whole famine thing yet. He would though, and the thought made her sad.

Her brother turned the question on her, asking about her experience as a lone wolf. She was a go with the flow kind of girl, she was tough and could talk a lot of hits before she was out and down for the count. But her visible ribs and feeble legs gave away how hard it'd been. She ignored it of course, she didn't want anyone's pity or anyone's care. Usually she just went with it. So that's what she did now, acting as if she wasn't as emaciated as she was. It's been great! No rules, no mom or grandma telling us what to do. I stole this one dumbass's kill this one time. Guess what? No consequences! I got away and I didn't get in any trouble. I just felt so free out here you know.

Oh and I met up with dad. Devin wasn't sure how her brother would feel about that, would he want to go find Arturo as well? Would he be jealous? Her and Arturo had always been closer than any of his other children were to him. She'd never noticed jealously before, but who knew what her siblings though when they saw him talking to her and only her. She'd never asked for her father's doting care, but she'd gotten it.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Bain - June 22, 2016

A mention of Bain's father reminded him of how little he knew him. Sure, he had been somewhat close with his father, but not as close as Devin was. It figures, she was the runt, and needed special care. But still, a bit of Bain was jealous when she spoke of meeting their father. He wanted to see Arturo after all these years too. "Did he shower you with affection again?" Bain asked, his voice low. He was starting to think that his father wouldn't even recognize him.

"Did father know who you were right when he saw you?" Bain knew that these questions sounded silly, but he only wanted to see his father if he wasn't forgotten. I'm sure my own father wouldn't forget me. That was convincing enough. "When did you see him? Does he look any different? Did you see any of our other siblings?" 

These questions came spilling out one by one, and by then Bain realized how much he wanted to see his family again. He figured that since he met his sister, it was only natural he should seek out his father. Maybe down the line somewhere, though unlikely, he may stumble across his littermates.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 22, 2016

Ha! Devin knew Bain would be jealous of her deleting with their father. Bain had always been the most envious of the pups, wanting more than he had. Devin was quite the opposite, wanting less than she received. His sour comment made her drop her ears, it was quite rude of him to rain on her parade because he wasn't happy. No he did not. Dad respects me, and so should you shit face. It was a playful scowl, but a scowl all the same. Her brother quickly began to shower her with more questions about their father. Clearly the male missed the family more than she previously thought.

Jesus slow down. Yes, a couple days ago, not really, and no. She said, answering his questions nonchalantly and in the respective order. She slimmed her figure up against a tree to get comfortable, expecting a decent conversation now that the teasing had stopped.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Bain - June 22, 2016

Bain's eyes widened at Devin's insult. "No, I do respect father. It's just that, well, I don't know if he really wants to see me again. I'm not sure if meeting him is worth the search. In all due respect to him, I'm not sure if he'll be super excited to see me," he explained, easing up against a tree as well. It was starting to get a bit lighter out, and he could see his sister better now.

She was quite a pretty she-wolf, and had recovered from her "runt state" well. However, she looked scrawny and poorly fed, which worried Bain. He too was scrawny, but the sight of his sister was somehow worse. Bain's tail drooped when Devin said she hadn't seen any of their siblings. It would have been nice to see them again, but he decided against searching for them.

"If it was only a couple of days ago, father couldn't have gotten that far away. Where was it that you last saw him?"

RE: Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 23, 2016

Devin could tell her 'insult' had bothered Bain, and his explanation told why. Devin shrugged, she didn't really care about her brother's relationship with their dad, but she supposed this would be when she should say something encouraging. Well you should go find him anyway. If he doesn't want to see you, screw him anyway. Her relationship with Arturo was a lot better, in fact they had been very close her whole life. While her relationship with her siblings wasn't the same, she loved them too, and would say whatever to cheer her brother up. Even if it meant insulting her dad. Of course she knew Arturo would be elated to see Bain, but he'd just have to find out for himself.

It seemed her brother was indeed going to search out their father. Maybe their conversation wouldn't last much longer after all. South of here, inland. She stared blankly, looking down to preen a fuzzy out of her slick shimmery pelt.

RE: Saw it plain as day - Bain - June 25, 2016

Bain nodded his head. "Surely he'll at least want to see me a little bit," he said hopefully. He knew that Devin's relationship with Arturo was a greater connection than any of the others had made, but Bain was starting not to care about that. Although his relationship with his father was not close, he was the oldest and it only felt natural to see his father again.

He listened closely to Devin's instructions, giving her a nod of gratitude. "Thank you, I will head that way now," Bain turned around, readying his leave. "Oh, and it was nice meeting you again. Maybe we'll catch up later sometime and have a spar. I'll probably win," he grinned before scampering off. 

Bain raced across the forest, following the somewhat lacking instructions Devin had given him.

Fade after my post? Or you could post one last time and then fade?

RE: Saw it plain as day - Devin - June 26, 2016

I'll archive!

Bain seemed to be over his dilemma, and decided he was going to see dad. She was glad, and she knew Arturo would be please to see his eldest son. Her directions may have been lacking, but her bro didn't seem to care, for he thanked her and headed on his way. She smirked at his comment about sparring, imagining a spar between the two now. It had been a long long while since she'd stopped to the level of sparring with Bain. Maybe she'd do it this time. It could be fun for all she knew. I'm sure. Good luck. With that trademark sarcasm of a reply, she slipped from her perch by the tree and headed on her way, in search of a home.