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Blackfeather Woods from dancing mice to psychopaths - Printable Version

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from dancing mice to psychopaths - Leda - June 18, 2016

Please let @Castor reply first. :) @Nemesis, @Damien

Leaving the island hadn't been the easiest decision but what little remains would have been the end of their line, one way or another. Convincing Castor to go with her, however, had been relatively easy. She'd sacrificed the pampered life for the both of them and without ever bringing it up, she often wonders if her brother harbors any resentment toward her. Both now running on empty promises and a rumbling belly, ultimately settling somewhere will hopefully put an end to their wandering feet and replenish the things they have both lost. 

Coming upon a forest from the south, having traveled far more inland than she prefers, but urging them onward. Scents litter their surroundings but nothing ever catches her attention for more than a few minutes of pondering. Those they've met on the way hold little interest for her but as the near a forest, sticking out like a sore thumb, Leda can't help but wonder if this is it or just the end of the line. With a sigh escaping, she feels her muscles give their own sigh of relief, a form, once filled out, would be regal but emaciated from travel. She casts her brother a quick look, quietly urging him to make the false connotation of a decision.

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Castor Wolf - June 19, 2016

He did not like the mainland. It was too different from what he had known. Even though the young man was quite adaptable - even fashioned himself to be a well-rounded and accepting person - the strangeness of this place had him on edge. Leda would have easily picked up on his apprehension had he not been cautious about his own displays; thinking he was contained and controlled, that she was too busy worrying over her sickness as he did, Castor only let himself slide a few times. Usually it was at night while he watched her sleep. Sometimes, such as this moment wherein the siblings were crossing too close for his comfort near a residence, it was too hard to remain calm.

They roamed. Castor kept a careful eye upon his sister, always, and listened to her orders when he became too overwhelmed (which, the closer they got to the borderlands, the more common his reaction became). He knew it was his duty to protect her, to serve her. And when she looked to him Castor knew that a decision had to be made.

"Here. We shall stop here and... let us rest. You must relax, dear sister." He spoke to her as calmly as he could,  and urged her to stop by stepping in to her path. Briefly he comforted her with a touch of his nose upon her warm flesh, and then stepped beyond her, and called out with a song to any beasts present.

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Damien - June 22, 2016

Sorry for the wait!
I'm excited about this :D

Things did not seem to change much for Damien since his ascension to leadership. Everything had changed, of course, but the shadow prince did not feel any different about himself. His mindset was exactly the same, and he would implement his ideas to the pack, he needed to make it great again.

Leading the pack meant his scent had to be stronger than ever through and through. He had done his best to cover as much terrain as he could, but he'd had to reduce his radius anyhow because there weren't enough members, or energy to patrol the entire forest, but Damien tried.

A howl broke the forest's perpetual silence as Damien marked yet another bush. He didn't react, used to someone else being responsible of such duty, but then he realized Burke wasn't there anymore. He sighed and turned around to search the caller, which happened to be a couple of wolves. The smell of sea was faint, but it was strong enough for Damien to make his sensitive nose itch. Damien examined them the same way he did every other new wolf he encountered, coldly and apathetically. Their aspects did not impress him much, but it was clear they would be doing a lot better wasn't it for the plague that had effected them all.

"Names," demanded the dark prince with authority and a high tail to match.

I told you posting past 7 wasn't a good idea lmao

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Leda - June 26, 2016

Castor cuts her off once he's encouraged her to stop, even if she had little interest in going forward. She'd made her decision on where she wanted to go, whatever lie beyond those trees, and Castor took charge as he sometimes did. Leda easily remained back to watch him and leaned into his touch, nosing hers against his cheek to assure him that she is fine. A little weary from the travel, and hungry, but living on their own hadn't been easy and so her fatigue doesn't have to be faked. 

"Don't tell them," she murmurs quietly after he calls and returns to her, nudging his shoulder while they are left to wait for an unknown amount of time. Afraid of saying more so that someone might hear, Leda falls silent then and patiently waits for the wolf that might greet them. 

It takes time but soon enough a young, regal looking wolf steps forward. His body in the form of power and immediately, Leda turns her gaze away to the side and stares instead at Castor's shoulder. An attempt to make herself appear small feels awkward, having once been promised the throne and it snatched away from her, she doesn't her best. His demand isn't unreasonable but it takes her a second, first glancing up to Castor. 

"I am Leda," she introduces the , before nudging at her brother, "and this is my brother, Castor."

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Castor Wolf - June 26, 2016

They do not have to wait long. A shadow shifts among them, and in that time Leda is pressed near to his pale shoulder. Her command is heeded, as all her commands must be, and he gives a small dip of his snout to show his acquiescence. The shadow presents itself moments later, gruff and unimpressed. Had he been more forthright — or perhaps not ordered to hold his tongue — then, Castor thought, he would have made this man treat his sister with greater respect. Her previous station aside, she was a pure and wonderful being. A creature of great fortitude. A beauty. The boy's fur sifted in a wave along his shoulders as he felt the electricity of his own irritation, but he did not follow through. Leda's voice answered the question, leaving Castor to simply observe, to guard.

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Damien - June 26, 2016

Phone post!
Sorry in advance for any typos!

Damien gazes at both their figures, noticing the show of respect from the female who shifts her eyes away from him. She offers both their names, stating also the relationship between the two.

"Does he speak?" Asked the shadow prince in a snarky tone but staring at the male curiously. Blackfeather Woods had received a couple mutes through the last months, and although a third would hardly be an issue, Damien wanted to know if it was the case.

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Leda - June 26, 2016

Castor does as she instructs as the dark male stands in front of them. Her focus remains on the white fur of her brother, catching that of the pack wolf from the side of her view. With their names presented, his question answered, and nothing else except the question about his brother. She glances at his features, wondering if he might want to answer the question as proof but she doesn’t give him much of a chance first.

“He does,” she tells him, swinging her head back so that her gaze is in pack wolf’s direction. Leda adds nothing else, answering his questions as they go along.

RE: from dancing mice to psychopaths - Damien - July 14, 2016

short phone post to slap an ending to this in order to archive

Although the female said her companion did speak, he refsed repeatedly to answer Damien's questions himself. He seemed to live by his sister's command, or at least respect her in a way Damien believed would obstruct his ability to filly commit to himself. These wolves would not, could not serve him correctly, and eventually he chased them away making a clear statement that he did not want them near Blackfeather Woods ever again.