Wolf RPG
Cerulean Cape Put that thing back where it came from or so help me - Printable Version

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Put that thing back where it came from or so help me - Jenabbi - June 19, 2016

@Artemis and @Stoic whenever you two are ready.
It'd been a few days, but the cow wasn't too worried. Coyotes were hardy creatures - sly and fleet-footed even at their worst. She was sure Artemis would be along shortly, following that niftly little nose of hers to where Jenabbi wandered the sandy shore. It is good that she is taking her time, she thought, gazing contentedly out over the water. All creatures need to eat, and I do not want to see dear little Artemis while she hunts, no matter my understanding of her needs.

So she waited, alternately nibbling the grass at the edge of the sands or standing in the surf and delighting herself in the way the waves tried to pull her under the sand.

Life is returning to these lands after all. What a relief. With any luck, we'll find a nice, healthy young coyote for Artemis to pair off with. I'll visit her from time to time, of course - and I'll want to be there when she whelps - but my duty will be done.

The thought was a little wistful. She didn't know the little female too well yet, but she already felt a kindred spirit in her. She would be sad to see the coyote on her way, she realized. Perhaps I will mate this year, she mused. To ease some of this loneliness. It's sure to pass after I raise a few more calves.

But it was idle musing. She just hoped Artemis was well, and that she'd be along soon. She missed that little canine!