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Swiftcurrent Creek A hunter beats beneath my breast - Printable Version

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A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - March 27, 2014


Jace woke in the early morning light, he shook his ebony kissed pelt free of dirt and looked around with bright blue eyes. He was determined to start earning his keep. His father had taught him at an early age how to hunt and kill easily among other things so that he would be ready to survive in a pack or on his own if he were to ever embark on a journey.

His long gangly legs carried him towards the edge of the borders looking for any game that still rested that he could easily dispatch this early in the morning, as he was only one wolf so early. It would be nice if he had a partner to run with, another could chase and he could kill or the other way around he could easily do both for a yearling he was fairly skilled in that aspect and he learned quickly. He wondered what abundance of prey the borders held in their midst.

He held his nose low to the ground smelling for a distinctive smell, he would have to find another pack mate later to show him where they kept the game they killed.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - March 29, 2014

Yay thanks for starting this for me! Aww I remember Wildheart & Zenzi :'D Too bad Tuwa never met them.

Border patrol was often the most mundane of tasks assigned to Swiftcurrent's ranks, and Tuwawi couldn't help but amble slowly as she completed her rounds. However, it was lucky that the Eta saw little action that day, for it left her with a generous bout of energy just waiting to be expelled. Now, only the thought of hunting was on the ember's mind — a skill she maintained great prowess in — a wanton inkling to better craft her art. As time passed, the more she became engaged with the wild creek pack... for at first, Tuwawi had found it difficult to gauge her place amongst her peers; yet, the longer she resided, the clearer her role became.

Tuwawi's trot was lofty, body in good spirits, as she crossed diagonally through the territory. Her nose preened the air for quarry but, to her surprise, a new wolfish scent lingered here. The fire wolf became inquisitive, momentarily abandoning her hunt for a meal to, instead, greet the newcomer into their ranks. He wasn't difficult to find — an inky creature set amongst a brighter scrim. The young adult was a large beast, however markedly young. Adolescence still lingered about his figure, a reedy gauntness obscuring his potentially svelte silhouette. Tuwawi let out a light, amiable chuff as she approached, her ruddy plume waving rigidly to demonstrate her higher rank.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - March 29, 2014

You're welcome! :'D I would have loved to bring Wildheart...he is my favorite, but Amy did not want to bring Zenzi and i cannot see Wildheart leaving her :(..so i brought his son instead lol.

Jace was still unsure how he would suit with this pack, especially with his rocky start to it and the young pale furred one that he absolutely hated with a passion even he did not understand. He however did not wish to think of such mundane and dark thoughts today. Today he wanted to be free to run and catch food for his new pack mates, those he wished to make friends.

Jace's ear's perked up as he heard the chuff swiveling around to catch the last remnants of the other's sound. He turned his head to see the wolf with the fire pelt and his eyes got wide as he also noticed she was well above his station. Remembering the lessons he had been taught, he quickly submitted lowering his large body, averting his eyes and tucking his tail. "Hello, I am Jace. Was his quiet reply to her chuff and then he waited to see what she would say. He thought about telling her he was out and about to hunt, but figured he would get the introductions done first, though he was wary that it would go as badly as the night he met Ira.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 14, 2014

Thanks for being patient during my absence~ [mate]

It seemed every member of Swiftcurrent was hazed at the start; a turbulent beginning a sure test of their will to stick with such a tumultuous group. In many ways, Fox's gang reflected the very creek by which they inhabited: sometimes they were calm, other times violent and changing... although usually the latter. They were a curious bunch, eager to stake their claim in the Teekon wilds, however brash and untested in many ways. Slowly they would unite as times became more trying. No wolf could predict the changes to come... most importantly the departure of their Beta, Jinx, and those who swore fealty to the pallid Kesuk. For now they remained blissfully unaware of the Mambo's schemes, happy to go about their day as usual under a false pretense.

Jace was lucky he was in good company; a personality very opposite the young, irritable Ira. The moons had done Tuwawi well as she grew from a feral youth into a more mature adult, some wisdom accompanying age. With this, came understanding of hierarchy — and she was pleased to see this teen wasn't obnoxiously defiant like others she had the displeasure of meeting. "Mm, Jace," Tuwawi parroted, testing his name and committing it to memory, "well met. I am Tuwawi." Her words were brief but their tone was cordial enough; the sharpness in her gaze was the only allusion to a deeper scrutiny. "You are new here," she said... more as a statement than a question as her ears tilted forwards, encouraging the youth to divulge some sort of back story to explain his presence amongst the creek.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 14, 2014

Of course real life happens :) [mate]
Jace was uncertain how he would be able to be a greeter at the borders if he were to haze them. He would not be able to be as cruel or show such scrutiny as Jinx and Ira. He was unsure really how he would handle that.

Jace dipped his head further. Pleasure is all mine Tuwawi, Ma'm." He tilted his head as she spoke and realizing she wanted a bit of background he spoke quietly. "Yes I am new. I was born in the Chinook, my father is Wildheart Shadowsinger and my mother Zenzi of the pack Wintersun. I left them to go on a journey as my father and his father and so forth did before him to gain a last name. He offered her a smile following his small history lesson of his own life. He missed home, but he was determined to gain a last name. His father had gained his last name when he had sang to the shadows a song so hauntingly beautiful it is said the shadows bowed to him and that is why he excelled as an elite guard assassin in his former pack. Something he was not proud of, but he used it as a learning experience for Jace telling him these things to make him a nicer man.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 20, 2014

Ma'am? Do I look old enough to be called Ma'am?! Tuwawi thought urgently as Jace continued his polite introduction with all the courtesy in the world, divulging his history upon his superior's queue. Half lost in thought, the red-caped woman perked up when she heard familiar words. "Chinook? I was there for a short time. With a pack named Snapjaw Battalion... but before that... I knew of a Wintersun. In Seahawk. But they moved to Chinook with the migration of the herds. A silver man was alpha there... his wife was black-pelted... what was his name..." Tuwawi struggeled to remember facts she knew such a long time ago. However, a small smile crept upon her features as she realized she was in the company of a wolf who descended from the same place as herself. Chinook was a fertile land, but Seahawk even moreso. Wintersun and Kindred had been neighbors and allies in time of need.

"It is nice to meet a wolf with such a good pedigree," she remarked, knowing Wildheart and Zenzi to be the strong betas of their pack. "The apple never falls far from the tree... however Swiftcurrent will be proving your worth now. Do you hunt?" She shifted easily as her shoulders rolled, remembering the hunger that plagued her belly. If Jace was the offspring of such accomplished wolves, perhaps he retained a few skills taught by his parents. It would be certain that the youth would have more to learn. It she could provide a hunting lesson for Jace and get a meal out of it, then why not kill two birds with one stone?

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 21, 2014

Jace wagged his tail happy to find someone from his former home "Roheryn and Jazz are their names." he wanted to bark happily, it was nice to have another wolf who knew his former home, even if she did not know his parents completely.

Jace smiled he would gladly prove his worth to the pack and especially to the red furred female in front of him who hailed from his home. "yes i can hunt my father made sure to teach me that among other things. Thank you for the kind words about my family I do miss them, and they are good wolves. Jace knew how to hunt but he was always willing to learn more if it was offered.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 23, 2014

"Oh yes, Jazz!" she exclaimed as her memory was jump-started by Jace's words. The platinum alpha's image was unforgettable, though his mate, Roheryn, did not float to the forefront of her mind nearly as well. Tuwawi had been but a youth during Kindred's time in the valley, and the details refused to sharpen despite the recollection. Pack politics had not been her responsibility at the time, even though she had been named Earthwalker by Sterntooth.

The shadowy yearling affirmed his hunting skill, along with copious gratitude for Tuwawi's truthful statement regarding his sire and dam. It appeared he was a bit homesick, as well. The fireblood slowly nodded, humming a "Mm," to recognize his words. It was always difficult to leave home behind, she knew. "Then, would you hunt with me?" she asked, offering the opportunity to fill his belly with a fresh kill. Two wolves were often far more successful than one. "On my patrol I noticed fresh deer tracks near the Eastern treeline. Perhaps you will do your parents proud today?" A small challenge was instigated to inspire young Jace, and perhaps spark a bit of genius within him.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 25, 2014

Jace smiled at her and nodded his head "Roheryn was black, she was not as often at our borders as Jazz. He tilted his head as she continued to speak and he found he was excited at the thought of hunting.

Yes I will gladly hunt with you. I hope my parents are proud of me everyday. Would you like to lead the way? He wagged his tail happily at her and smiled ready to go. He waited for her to lead the way and he found that his adrenaline was already kicking up as he thought of the deer that they would have a chance to hunt.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 26, 2014

"I am sure they are," Tuwawi said as she nodded, confirming her willingness to lead him to the quarry. Together they set off into an easterly direction. The ember's trot was lofty and quick as a low rumble in her tummy demanded its supper. Perhaps Jace would surprise her today. Their pleasantries were amicable enough... but the true worth of a wolf always laid in its skills. It was quite possible this dark youth was more inclined towards being warrior or a diplomat than a hunter... but, time would tell as she evaluated him by her own book which contained the highest of standards.

Rolling hills transformed into denser pine as they reached the zone between Swiftcurrent, Duck Lake, and Wapun Meadow. It was a particularily fertile area, fed by the rich waters of this valley. The scent of deer was strong here, as does had begun to birth their young. However, Tuwawi made sure to bring herself and her partner downwind, keen to not disturb them.

Her nose worked both the ground and air as the cardinal female pinpointed their prey's location. Her silver gaze met Jace's azure eyes, glancing in the direction of some blooming dogwood. Just beyond the thicket the look implied, as she broke from her partner to better position her lookout. She peeked just beyond the thick boughs and spied the stilted legs of dappled newborns nursing from their mothers. She retreated silently, but a gluttonous glimmer had been cast within her expression. And there are young, her eager body language spoke as she licked her chops, urging Jace to put himself somewhere strategically so that they may begin their chase.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 27, 2014

Jace dipped his head and worked his way around the side he would go in from one side and she could go from another however he would allow her to lead as this was her hunt and he wanted to gather some insight on her hunting style so he could make the right choices when and if they hunted again together. He slid silently like a shadow towards the dogwoods around the other side and then as he slowly got into position his pink tongue lolling out as he waited. He cut his eyes towards her to see her signal and he would start to chase them towards her.

The muscles bunched on his legs as he kneaded the soft ground with his paws waiting for the right moment and the right sign. He was looking forward to fresh game and deer to boot today.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 27, 2014

Jace crept away into the shadows to place himself somewhere useful. Likewise, Tuwawi snuck around the other direction to flank the small herd of does and fawns. She would employ a strategy used many times before, as it seemed to have a decently high success rate. Though a skilled hunter with many means, Tuwawi lacked the natural bulk larger males possessed. Like Haunter, Jace would be a good wall to cut off their prey's escape route, and distract them as they were hounded. Artfully, her soft pads rounded the bramble with little noise, evading small stones or sticks which would alert the deer to their approach. Now in position, Tuwawi crouched and waited... for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The does were flighty, and in a group there always seemed to be one head up to keep watch. It was important to time their strike at the best possible moment. In these claustrophobic woods, the element of surprise was key. However, in a larger open fields it did not matter as much. Endurance was a wolf's strongest asset, but the cervidae often easily outmaneuvered their assailants between the clustered boughs of pine.

Tuwawi took a deep breath as her body became tightly strung. Seconds passed like hours. Minutes like days.... Until finally, each deer relaxed and they lowered their gaze to browse the woodland floor for more succulent fare. In that instant, Tuwawi launched from the thicket which had shrouded her figure, spooking the mothers and their calves into a frenzy. Their dewy brown eyes became large with fear, but the she-wolf was eager to contain their escape. She cut a corner on their left, herding them 'round a large old elm tree, towards Jace waiting on the precipice. A smaller doe was their target of choice for today, and if they downed the mother... than its child stood no chance before their mercy.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 29, 2014

Jace stood under the overhanging branches using his pelt to blend in with the shadows underneath them. He was watching as the deer began t ocalm down and end their vigilance. His breathing slowed to a rythmn that could be barely be heard and he waited in the silence.

Jace heard them start and he jumped from the overhanging boughs and jumped in the direct path of them. Snapping and growling at their heals and sides so he could form them back towards Tuwawi and keep them near. He saw her intended target and rushed forward to snap and bite at the females legs and sides and the fawn would be easily dispatched.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - April 29, 2014

On cue, Jace erupted from his blind within the bramble's darker patches like a devious wraith. Bleached, gnashing teeth and bristling obsidian hair painted a most terrifying picture; more hysteric than Haunter's unassumingly violent approach but just as effective. Their quarry balked at the sight of such a hound, and bleated as she struggled to find her footing to induce a sharp turn the other direction. Jace's fangs found no purchase in the mother's flesh this time — as she danced away from her assailant's jaws to avoid massive injury — but it created enough time for Tuwawi to close the distance between herself and the speedier deer. To the doe, the red she-wolf had almost been forgotten in light of the demon cur who poached her now, but a sharp pain at her rear was a reminder that wolves worked best in teams.

Hot blood pooled into Tuwawi's mouth as her jaws clamped down around the supple fat, skin, and muscle of the doe's ventral loin. It was a place their prey could not easily detach its predator, for this particular strike greatly encumbered movement of the hind limbs. Tuwawi pulled down, acting as an anchor to limit movement, and hoped Jace was paying close attention to this strategy. Their doe wailed in horror as it became moored by the smaller wolf, bouts of white pain scorching its vision. She stumbled frantically, confused by the carnivore's tactics. However, much to their advantage, its defenses were dropped. One blow was all it would take to end the poor beast's life. Already its child laid limp on the forest's floor, and its mother was soon to join.

Tuwawi held fast as she expectantly waited for Jace to end this struggle.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - April 30, 2014

Jace watched as Tuwawi grabbed the rear of the doe and with a quick run and a snap of his jaws he held the jugular vein fast and with a growl born of primal instinct he bit down hard feeling the skin and muscle give way and blood leak into his mouth he pulled her to the ground being sure to mind he did not hurt Tuwawi or put the doe on top of his hunting partner and there he held fast until the struggles of the doe became sluggish and poor and she was silent and the light blinked from her eyes. He backed up blood dripping from his maw and his body thrumming with adrenaline and energy he bowed his head to Tuwawi for her to eat first. She was higher ranking, and female.

He sat down and worked at cleaning the blood from his muzzle and the small splashes that had adorned his paws.

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Tuwawi RIP - May 03, 2014

Ruby blood smeared Tuwawi's clean bib as it oozed from the punctures in the hind's rounded trunk. No amount of struggle tempted the wolf to release her hold, and quickly their target became fatigued. Its movements turned drunkenly uncoordinated as white froth formed around its hanging tongue. Knowledge of a fast approaching death burdened the animal's unarmed body, and soon she waited for the dark beast to release her from this mortal coil.

With one well-aimed strike, Jace ensnared the hind's throat in his jaws, puncturing the jugular and crushing the trachea. The deer buckled in pain and fell to the ground, though it would be a few moments longer before life left the animal completely. its breath waned, eyes rolling and turning vapid, and finally its body moved no more. Once a life... now only meat to feed Earth's other creatures.

Tuwawi removed herself from the doe's trunk, but wasted no time placing herself over where the richest pieces would be. Her posture was stiff, keen on claiming the first bite for herself, however Jace easily deferred and so no squabble over food was to pass. Hungry teeth cut into the cavity, and sought out the favorite organs first, such as the liver, kidney and heart, before moving onto tender muscle. She then eyed her young hunting party briefly, to let him know he could join the feast. The fawn was left by the wayside... it would be a good, compact, piece to bury in a cache.

[size=x-small]Fade Tuwa[/size]

RE: A hunter beats beneath my breast - Jace - May 03, 2014

Jace stood and ate his fill and then finally going towards the young fawn he grabbed it and drug it to the nearest cache he would do the same with the doe. His pack would eat well on this. He and Tuwawi did well and he would have to tell her that. He would not mind hunting with her again. He chuckled to himself as he loped towards his den, he was planning on doing some fishing before he retired for the night as well.