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Firefly Ravine Its Been So Long - Printable Version

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Its Been So Long - Zephyr Maverick - June 20, 2016

The famine had taken a toll on the brute of a man, but more so had the depression caused by Heldi's abandonment. He was very sure she wasn't coming back by now, and has been for a while. Zephyr is still strong enough to hunt, and today he decides he will try again. His thoughts of leaving, starting his own pack, has been forgotten the past few weeks: but today the man had woken with a new heat of passion blistering in his chest.
At the river, Zephyr halted before calling to his right hand woman, @Rana. Perhaps she would have an idea about leaving soon, or where they wanted to go. If not, then plan they would. Was it time, now that the foliage was finally regrowing? More followers could be gained on the way, of course.
Without waiting, letting his dark friend catch up, the ebony man leaped across the slimmest part of the water and hunted forwards. His ears perked and his jaws parted to scent anything in his path, or something that could be, and eventually caught wind of a rabbit. He angled himself towards it and padded forward on quiet paws, bolting forwards as the rabbit came into view.

RE: Its Been So Long - Rana - June 21, 2016

Rana was laying with a fish just far enough that the scent didn't reach Zephyr, as a result she didn't know he was there. She was taking her time with the fish and tormenting herself in the process. When a howl filled the air she lost her control and finished her meal in a few more bites. Pulling herself up, she quickly made her way along the stream to her friend. Like before, she didn't see him and had to follow a scent. However, this time it didn't take long for her to find the male. When she did, she also noticed the rabbit he was after. She held back, seeing that she had something in her stomach.

RE: Its Been So Long - Zephyr Maverick - June 29, 2016

Zephyr stumbled, only just snatching the rabbit by a hind leg. It let out a cry for help, a last dying wail, before the ebony man finished it off. Panting, he fell where he was and dug into it, watching Rana approach. He smiled, a weary thing that couldn't quite reach his emerald eyes, and silently motioned for his friend to join him if she wanted to, but for now he wouldn't say anything of Shadowfax. Perhaps they just wouldn't go alltogether? Zephyr couldn't help but think that was okay, really. He just wasn't meant to be an alpha, perhaps?