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Larksong Grotto Chase Your Dreams - Printable Version

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Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 21, 2016

@Zaavier Here you go :D Look forward to this thread this is shortly before the meeting

Aspen was a woman on a mission. After her most recent discussion with her mate they had come to an executive decision they had no intention of staying to join this new religion that Reek and the strange female were imposing on the pack. Instead, they would start their own elsewhere with those that were willing to join them.

Aspen took it to talk to the other wolves here and find out what they thought of this new faith and whether they were gunna stick around to see where it took them all. She wouldn't have anything against those that were staying she just wished them the best of luck. She certainly wouldn't force the LSG wolves to follow her thats for sure. That's like the nuber one way to make enemies.

She decided to start with one of the friends she had made while she was here and lifted her head to call for Zaavier. They had fun the last time they talked, despite aspen almost being sick because of the disgusting fish she tried out. Gosh the things we will do for food these days. She mused taking a seat near the clearing of the lake. She would wate for him here, that's if he wasn't busy.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - June 21, 2016

Zaavier lifted his head to the call. He was curious and an eyebrow slowly raised. Who was calling for him? Why? He slowly made his way to the scene, taking his time to glance at the scenery and study the sky. He was glad that the plants were beginning to grow back. That meant more herbs and he couldn't wait! Finally, he found the source of the call and to his surprise, it was Aspen.

"Hey there, sweetheart. What's up?" He asked her lazily, letting the pet name slip from his mouth easily, although it meant nothing. His tail wagged and he plopped himself upon his rump and studied her with a quizzical expression. What did she need anyways?

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 21, 2016

Aspen smiled as it wasn't long before the familiar face of Zaavier showed up. "Hey Zaavier," she greeted with a dip of her head. Aspen thought for a moment before speaking up. "Oh I was just looking for a friend to talk to. A lot on my mind lately," she stated calmly.

She glanced around at the lake and then her gaze returned to his face. "Have you met this new alpha? I have yet to see her around this place, and yet she exists," she asked with a small tilt to her head. She wondered if anyone had seen this wolf or if this mystery wolf was just a figment of Reek's imagination. She doubted he would dream up something like that but she had been so utterly confused about the faith it could easily have been. 

Aspen sat tail twitching slightly as her mood was still fairly content. It was a nice day, sunny, not to hot but not cool either. It was just nice. Seemed very suiting considering her mood. 

oh dear this post was so awkward XD Sorry x.x

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - June 21, 2016

Zaavier smiled as she greeted him. He listened intently as she spoke and his tail thumped the ground gently. "Well I'm here to talk too," he told her reasuringly, wondering what was on her mind. He had yet to hear about Charley and Aspen's mateship, and a fleeting thought that Charley may have hurt her flashed across his mind, but he pushed it away. that was not his business. 

Her question took a different turn than he was expecting, but Zaavier was happy to talk to her all the same. "Aye... I have not met her yet. She seems like quite the stuck up bitch though..." he trailed off with a smirk upon his features. He'd heard many, many rumors about how she treated her subordinates, but Zaavier still wanted to meet her -- see what she was really like, because you can never trust rumors. "...But I do want to mee her."


RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 21, 2016

Seems even Zaavier hadnt met the rumoured female. Although rumours had been heard and the sorta follow what Aspen was already thinking of the girl. I mean she had just waltzed on here like she owned the place.....and well now she owns the place.

"Is it bad I kinda think that and I don't even know her. The fact that she just walked in here and magically became alpha doesnt seem at all fair. Let alone makes sense. I mean surely Reek doesnt love her....right?" she pondered that thought for a moment deciding that she highly doubted Reek and the unknown female were not a thing after everything that had happened to him over the past few months. He suffered to much pain to let his heart go that easy. 

"I'm not sure want to meet her would be the right words, its more a have to situation for me. What do you think of the religion?" she thought to ask before displaying her thoughts on the whole thing. Perhaps if he agreed with it she would just mention she had no intentions of sticking around after they were forced to convert or leave.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - June 21, 2016

"Eh, I do think it's unfair. Everyone around here had to earn their spots, but she comes in and magically becomes alpha, yes. But, I do think Reek has a good reason. He's been suffering, you see? And he thinks that this new god of his is saving him. It's pulling him out of the shadows and letting him live life again, and for that, I'm greatful." He told the silver woman. He remembered Reek's estatic face when they went swimming together not to long ago. His tail wagged just at the thought but he turned his attention back to Aspen.

She asked him yet another question. He felt like he was being interogated! This one was a more complicated question. Religions were tough for the brute because he didn't really believe. He didn't believe in any of them! But he could accept a religion without believing. He would never believe that Raas would come down to save him after he hit rock bottom. He would never believe that Raas was a real thing, but he would accept it. Perhaps that's not what having a religion was all about. Everyone else said you had to have faith, but Zaavier didn't have faith in anyone other than himself. "I don't know for sure, Aspen," He told her with a sigh. "I guess I could live with it.. but I'll never quite believe in it." 

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 22, 2016

Aspen nodded in agreement as Zaavier spoke about wolves needing to work hard to earn their rankings and that he agreed what the fae had done was unfair. She felt sorta bad for asking a ton of questions.

She listened as Zaavier added he didn't know what he thought about it but that he would live with it but never fully believe. "I guess so...." she paused for a moment to think about her next words. "Well, I was talking with Charley and neither of us are really willing to accept this faith, it doesn't make much sense that this god is going to make things so much better for us. If he was, where was he when I needed him most?" she asked not expecting an answer but rather just stating it. "I'll admit, I've faced some pretty tough times most of my life, and no wolf deserves to suffer. If this was real, he would have helped," she stated bluntly with a straight face. She was neither upset nor angry, just not pleased. 

"Charley and I talked about starting our own pack somewhere in the wilds, run a pack the way we deserved to have been, that way, the wolves that follow us don't have to suffer the same fates as we did," she shrugged after her last statement and stared off over the lake for a bit. Just thinking.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - June 22, 2016

Zaavier listened to her, quite impressed with Charley and her's plans. Her nodded and finally spoke. "I see... I take it that you and Charley are mates now?" He inquired, finally getting it. Now that they were courted, they would leave to start their own pack and family. 

Zaavier could understand, giving that Hosannah had sauntered on in and taken up the throne, transforming the pack from ordinary to anything but. Aspen and Charley were both good folks.. they would make it, he was sure of it. One day, Zaavier dreamed of ruling his own kingdom, but for now, he was satisfied wtih where he was. Plus, he was in no shape to travel. 

"So... where are ya'll gonna go? There's hardly any room here in the Taiga." He asked her, fairly curious about where his friends were going to take refuge and claim land as their very own kingdom.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 23, 2016

Aspen nodded as Zaavier mentioned the mateship between her and Charley. "That we are," she said a smile spreading across her maw, much like everytime she talked about him. Weird really but she was beginning to get used to it. 

Aspen had to think after Zaavier's second question though. He asked where they would go, the same question she had asked Charley. Yet it seemed they had no answer. "We go wherever our paws and hearts take us," she mused. "We have no set destination, we are just going to travel, picking up followers along the way, until we find our perfect place, our home," she stated smiling. She was in fact quite proud of how far she had come since entering into the Teekon wilds, she was once a distant, grieving wolf with some serious trust issues, now she had a mate, not to mention friends, and now her and her mate were setting off to start up their own pack.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - June 25, 2016

Zaavier smiled as he replied to his first question. "Congradulations!" He exclaimed with a wag of his tail. She continued on to tell him that they would go wherever their hearts will take them. Where their paws take them. He couldn't help but be confused at this. For all they know, their paws and hearts might take them somewhere where a pack is already living. How could they trust their paws and hearts? Whatever, that just wasn't Zaav's thing.

"Well, I wish you two the best of luck. It'll be lonely here without ya'll." He smiled and gave a cheery chuckle, although, something about Aspen's excitement and determination had turned on a spark inside him. It was a spark of hard work a determination that could get him to the top. Yes. Maybe he would?

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - June 26, 2016

Aspen smiled as Zaavier congratulated her on becoming Charley's mate officially and all that jazz. She was elated that Charley was finally her mate and that things finally seemed to be getting better. Her life wasn't so hellish now. She was going off with her mate to start their own pack and run it the way they felt they should have been treated.

Zaavier wished her and charley luck with their future endeavors. Aspen dipped her head in gratitude and then he stated that this place wasn't gunna be the same without them, that it would be lonely. "We'll miss you guys, hey if you're ever out roaming you should come pay a visit, it would be nice to catch up and talk about life. Good luck to you too with wherever your future takes you," she stated warmly. She considered Zaavier as a friend and someone she trusted, and her comment was genuine. She wouldn't mind at all if he paid a visit once in a while.

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Zaavier - July 18, 2016

Zaavier nodded, thinking about it. "Y'know, I think that I might just visit. Keep it in mind, will ya? I don't want to get in a fight with one of your followers at the borders," he teased with a bright smile. His tail thumped against the ground delightfully. Although, he really did mean it, he wanted to visit them.

Looking at the sky, he realized how late it was. "Sheesh, I better get going, It's getting pretty late. I will see you again soon, Aspen. I promise!" He nodded her a farewell and turned to leave with a bounce in his step. "Oh, and say goodby to your mate for me!" He tossed over his shoulder with a teasing smile. 

Fade with your post?

RE: Chase Your Dreams - Aspen - July 18, 2016

Aspen's tail swayed happily behind her as Zaavier mentioned coming to visit sometime. " I would love that, you are more than welcome to pop in and say hello from time to time. Catch up and stuff," she said with a warm smile crawling on her maw. Zaavier was a good friend, they had had some fun times together in the grotto and she did trust him so she certainly wouldn't mind the visit from time to time.

Aspen tipped her muzzle to the sky as he did and nodded when he mentioned it was getting late and he ought to go. "Alright Zaavier, I think I'll head off to my den for the night, see if I can find Charley too. He might already be there to be honest," she said dipping her head in farewell. "See you soon," she added as she turned tail with a joyful step she began to trot back towards her den where she would rest and prepare for whatever tomorrow had in store. 
Been nice threading with you, we certainly need some of them visiting once the pack and yours (if you still getting one) are all set up. Aspen might have some news she wishes to share too who knows :P