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Coconut Grove the quake in my breath - Printable Version

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the quake in my breath - Skellige - June 21, 2016

[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]
The time had come for the wraith to seek the land he wished to claim as his own. While he had grown quite fond of the bay where he had resided, he knew that it was far too close to the pack that occupied the thick woods. Should he seek to take the bay as his own, he knew that they would be at war within a breath of marking the land. The brute had never truly felt remorse at leaving a territory behind, but he had hoped the bay would have housed his pack and his wolves with stone titans to guard over them and their waters. Instead, he had stolen away in the middle of the night in search of something more. Skellige had traveled the coast until his paws had ached with the grains of sand that he sank into. Stavanger bay was not a home for him any longer, but he could not shake the feeling that the more tropical grove down the coast would provide for him a good prospect.
It was late in the night; the moon shone overhead with a fierce glow that touched the sands and stained them silver. As the titan trailed the coast with his dark gaze seeking the approval of the sea at all times, he frowned thoughtfully at the terrain. Coconuts littered the ground beneath the trees and dotted the shoreline in brown specks that had sunken into the sands. Inward, there were moors that would provide the wolves with a place to seek prey should they not find what they needed from the waters. The grove was something of a strange sighting in the wilds. Skellige knew very little of the land, but he was certain that he had never seen tropics like that one.
Stepping carefully through the sands until his paws touched the water and it lapped gently at his ankles, Skellige breathed deeply and looked across at the dark surroundings. It was open, save for the trees that specked the shore. The wraith could not shake the feeling that this would not be an entirely suitable home for him or the wolves who were to follow him… but perhaps he could find a reason for having traveled to the coconut groves.
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RE: the quake in my breath - Vutia - June 22, 2016

With the night there had come the urge to sleep, the constant traveling having worn her down quite terribly. Yet, never did she complain, perhaps out of fear that she might be abandoned or forced to travel even farther, or perhaps because she just wanted to stay near to her siblings. The reasoning was something not even she had been able to decide on, for so often did her mind and views on the situation change, that she could hardly ever figure out where to begin. Thus, she'd left it all behind, sleeping during a moment in which she was certain no one would leave without her. Everything had been tranquil at first, too, which had come as a pleasant surprise. For the first ten minutes of her slumber, she'd been at peace with her own mind, for only were there images of her family and the sea. Swiftly had those images morphed into shows of horror, however, forcing her heartbeat to quicken and a rush of adrenaline to shoot through her system. She was being abandoned, cast aside like some rag doll—unimportant, useless, pathetic. There was nothing the young female could do other than chase after them, and so she'd ran. With each step her pace seemed to quicken, carrying her through unfamiliar lands in search of her siblings, but never could she find them. They had disappeared, it had seemed, leaving her to fend for herself in the large, ugly world. Yet, she knew she could do no such thing, and so the woman merely crumbled to the ground in a heap of flesh and bones, choking on her own tears.

And that was when she'd accomplished the greatest feat of her life: she'd woken up.

As her consciousness had been regained, she'd surveyed the surrounding land immediately. It was her brother and sister that she'd wished to find, but neither of their bodies were next to her any longer. For earlier in the night, she'd run off in her sleep, believing that she was following after them when she had actually been leaving them behind. Just as had happened within her dream moments prior, panic took her in its grip and refused to let go, shaking her and leaving poor Vutia battered and confused. But unlike what had happened while she'd been unconscious, her fear was not permitted to take hold of her entirely. Rather, she'd pushed herself to her feet and took off in the direction that she had assumed to be the correct one, trailing along a path that was sure to deposit her right back with her family. Little did she know that she'd actually gone in the wrong direction entirely, taking her further from the last place she'd settled at to rest with her beloved husband and sister. It was only after it was too late that she'd noticed that nothing appeared familiar to her, resulting in the strange wolf's mind having metaphorically imploded, leaving her to wander around without any clue as to where she should go. The sense of direction that she'd once possessed was gone, having shut down with the rest of her senses as she'd convinced herself that it was the end. That never would she see the others again, for her nighttime excursion had steered her far, far away from them both. That, however, was when she'd reached the shore.

The view of the sea made her visibly perk up, relief flooding her system at the same time as she'd assured herself that they would be reunited once more. It was the sea that they all had been seeking, and so it was by the sea that she could wait. They would find her—they always did—and then no longer would the woman be lost. Until then, Vutia had decided to explore some, her joy in returning home outweighing her fear of living in the world alone. It was towards the sea that she'd then gone, and it was within the sea that she'd spotted a stranger. Immediately, Vutia had been frozen right where she stood, eyes widening as she stared forward at the threat. To fight was neither in her nature nor her structure, and so she was left rightfully afraid, even though it seemed as if she'd yet to be noticed. Tentatively, the inbred began backing away, before turning swiftly and taking shelter behind the first large object that she'd been able to find: a small grouping of trees that had grown closely to one another. She had paid no mind to how much noise she'd made in the process, her focus being on her need to escape and nothing else. Silently, she wished only for her brother and sister, or perhaps for the enemy to move far enough away so that she could move past him unseen. Yeah, that would be a good idea. Surely it'd work out for her.

Needed an excuse for why Vutia would have wandered away, sooo she had an episode

RE: the quake in my breath - Dapphion - June 22, 2016

The Goddes of dreams herself, ironically, was the worst sleeper of them all. She often stayed up the whole night if there was too much noise and her sensitive ears couldn't take it anymore. She found herself to be more of a watcher than a kid, yet she was still not sexually matured and could be considered a pup. Often did she twist and turn once asleep, the nightmares that came with her broken mind being a true torture. This night was different though, as it was more quiet, more peaceful than any other that had passed since arriving in this seemingly once barren place. She found herself being tired, but before closing her eyes, the visions came. It was the same routine every quiet night, the visions coming and going without her knowing what they meant. She did not pay attention anyway, so there really was no point in trying. The only vision that showed today was of a white wolf, just standing behind a tree, ears tucked and tail not visible, but it was only for a brief second before Dapphion closed her sea-touched eyes.

Her sleep was peaceful, but that did not mean the world around her was also this way. Rumbling, twitching, movement and at last a running sound all reached her sensitive ears, frinking her off. She awoke just moments after her sister had ran away, but she had yet to notice the empty space where she had first rested. Her eyes sought the spot where the white wolf had been hiding before falling asleep, but it was already gone. It has went without me.

Only now did Dapphion look to the left, only to find her sister gone. She was not moved by this in the slightest, not even worried just a tiny bit. This would mean that she would have Xaaos for the whole night, and she got up with shaky legs to walk to her resting older brother. rocen svern, rocen svern lover, isthasy. She called out, looming over him, eyes sparkling with mischief. With her sister gone, she would be the one being deflowered at last by their shared husband. But perhaps Xaaos was more interested in finding out where the hell Vutia ran off to.

RE: the quake in my breath - Xaaos - June 25, 2016

You must be so pissed of with me
btw, I PP'd Dap a little to get them to coconut grove for this lmao
I hope that's ok, Marie!
@Skellige @Vutia @Dapphion

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The sound of his youngest wife's voice woke Xaaos in the middle of the night. It took little time for him to see what she was so worried about, for his eyes sought out his other sister madly with no result. She was gone. He wouldn't say that he preferred her, but Xaaos had been longer with Vutia than with Dapphion, she had his heart and knew him better than anyone, so he feared losing her the most. The salt prince got up immediately and sniffed around the place like mad trying to find his lover's scent again. It took a while, for his nose was not the sharpest, but in the end he found a trail that led him west. He hurried his young wife to follow, and for days they walked west-bound in a desperate attempt to find Vutia.

The trail took them as far west as it could, ultimately leading them to the shore they so badly wanted to reach. But it meant nothing if Vutia wasn't there. It wasn't until they reached a lush grove unlike anything the salt prince had seen before that the scent of Vutia's trail became stronger, meaning that she was close. But at the end Xaaos found something completely different from what he was looking for. A large male, cloaked in shadows stood in the grove instead of his wife. Xaaos could not believe his eyes, and panicked at the thought of having followed the wrong trail all this time. He froze, fear consuming his mind as he stared at the wraith with blank eyes.
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RE: the quake in my breath - Skellige - June 28, 2016

[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]

Breathing deeply, the inky creature could feel a warm familiarity grow in his gut and he felt the tight muscles in his shoulders and back ease just enough that he could enjoy the momentary calm. The lapping of the water against his ankles did enough to soothe the war-driven beast, but when an unfamiliar scent seemed to wisp through the air and seep into his nares, the wraith turned his crown with a snap and locked eyes on the unfamiliar shape of another male. The sea king narrowed his brows so that they sat above his dark gaze like a cloud, and his hackles pricked with hesitancy and partial territorialism. No, the grove of coconuts was not likely to suit his needs, but he did not like the idea of having others – strangers – so close to the shoreline that he intended to call home.
Turning his body, the titan caught the scent of another, and again once more; two females in the area. Unease settled in his gut and he began to step out of the waters and toward the male with a looming presence. The stranger was touched by water. Skellige could sense that he knew the pull of the waves, and this was his only reasoning for not reacting in a far more hostile manner. Instead, he peered at the male with a curious gaze.
“What brings you to these waters, brute? Speak now,” he spat in a guttural voice. Instinct alone had him lift his crown above this prince of the ocean. Flitting his gaze away, the wraith thought he had caught sight of one of the women not too far down the shoreline. Did the trio belong to each other, or were they merely in search of a home for themselves? It would have been foolish for the dark brute to believe he could take on a trio as a lone creature, but should he draw them into the ocean… his chances were significantly increased.

There was another thought in the far reaches of his mind; if these wolves belonged to the sea, then they belonged to his brood and he would do well to bring them into the base ranks of his pack. Already, his heart longed for the familiarity of Stavanger Bay. These creatures - if they were willing - would find a place in his pack... his Blackrock Depths
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RE: the quake in my breath - Vutia - July 02, 2016

For how long she'd remained there, hidden away from the burly stranger, she knew not. Several times over had she mustered up the courage necessary to peek out in his direction, but quickly would she return to her previous position each and every time. Her way had been lost, and with it her siblings. The woman's mind wandered back to the last time she'd seen them, recalling her brother's face more clearly than her sister's. Though she missed them both terribly, and feared the possibility of them carrying on in life without her, it was Xaaos' choice that worried her most. Would he look for her, or would she be forgotten altogether? Quite the pessimist she was, for her thoughts had beelined for the latter of the potential outcomes. Vutia was sure to be cast aside, remembered only by the sea whose waves had once caressed her so tenderly. The continuation of her lineage would be left to Dapphion, her dear little sister.

All hope had seemed lost, but then something extraordinary had happened. When the time had come for her to glance out at the dark brute once more, her eyes had been dragged over the scenery beforehand, offering her a glimpse at what she'd first assumed to be a mere mirage. Yet, upon closer inspection, she had realized that it was quite the opposite. For there on the shore stood her brother and sister, silent but alive and truly there. Relief filled her to the brim, all the while her heart beat madly within her chest. They had searched for her, and they had found her, just as they always did. For a moment, the large mass of a wolf had been forgotten entirely, for focused upon her lover had Vutia become. Needing no coaxing, she'd abandoned her place of hiding and made quick work of the distance between herself and home, refusing to stop until her family had been reached.

A glance had been offered to her sister, quick but meaningful, silently offering her thanks before looking straight towards Xaaos. Despite being uncertain of how her appearance might affect his mood, she'd allowed for her muzzle to dart forward and deliver a quick lick to his chin. Thereafter, her place at his side was filled, and the happiness that had come with being found melted away. As only then had she remembered the unknown male, his presence there being concerning. Vutia was fearful of his capabilities, of course, but tried her best to put on a brave front.

RE: the quake in my breath - Dapphion - July 03, 2016

No problem at all! Sorry for short post, I'm in a hurry :/

The young girl snorted and quietly followed her lover. She had hoped that he would take her there and then, but alas, she couldn't have everything she wanted. The time for her to breed would come in time. They needed young to start something, they needed more pure ones in this land. She sighed. svaklar tira jaciv gethrisj? repaiup aesthyr... She softly spoke.

Time passed, and so far nothing had triggered her, until the sound of the waves made her eardrums move. The sea! They had found it! A smile painted itself on her muzzle, and she began trotting- until the dark stranger came in sight. She let out a low growl. She would protect her brother. svaklar ui sia myvish? renthisj! She spoke loudly.

But her anger soon ebbed away as the running figure of her older sister presented itself. She was safe. Everything was fine. They were together, and that nasty stranger was all alone. myvish, nurti zhaan stoda tenamalo. She whispered softly as they all joined together. They could go now, right? Or did her lover want to attack the shifty stranger?

RE: the quake in my breath - Xaaos - July 05, 2016

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The silence was broken by Dapphion, who had always been the bold one out of the three. She demanded the dark male to turn in their lost sister, and Xaaos watched with frightful eyes as he stepped out of the water ans started walking in their direction. But something stopped him, and he looked around as if he had been cornered. Xaaos followe the stranger's eyes to the figure of another, sandy hues cloaking her.

He couldn't contain his excitement and relief to have found his sister, and he met her lick with a loving embrace. Licks ran over Vutia's face as Dapphion asked her not to run off again, but then the celebration was cut short by the intruding voice of the sea wraith.

Luckily for both Skellige and Xaaos himself, he was not familiar with the word "Brute", for his reaction to such insult would have probably taken him, his sisters and the sea wraith to an early grave. Xaaos was not proficient in the language, Draconian being his mother tongue, and so he met the stranger's question as it was. A simple question.

"Xaaos look for sister," he replied in a thick accent, "voices in tide bring Vutia here," he tried to explain, referring to Vutia's dreams as entities capable of taking control of her. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, but Xaaos and Dapphion would always be there to carry her back home, which was even closer now that they were together and back at shore.
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RE: the quake in my breath - Skellige - July 06, 2016

[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]

The trio was something of an odd sort. One of them prattled on at him in a language that he did not understand, nor did he care to. The male who Skellige had addressed originally seemed to relax slightly as the two women approached him and showered him in a moment of affection. There were signs of a reunion between the three, and the inky sea wraith was not certain that it was his place to be there to witness it. He eyed the three wolves for a moment before the brilliant blue gaze of the other man met his face. Skellige peered back, unmoving – as was his nature – and focused on the three of them. There were similarities there, as if they could have been forged from the same family… and yet they were closer than this. Their affection was more than familial in nature; from what he could tell.
The brute spoke to him in a voice that was heavily accented by the same language the woman had spoken. Skellige’s dark eyes roamed over them once more, as though trying to pull his attention away but finding himself incapable. The man had confirmed it in his own words: he was there searching for his sister.
It was not uncommon knowledge that Ksenia and Jaglon had found something in each other. Though the leviathan had ventured to guess that it was really an issue of power for his pale sister, he had never been one to remark on the subject. His siblings were dark creatures, and they were consenting adults. As far as Skellige was concerned, they could do as they pleased. Jaglon had always had a particular fondness for Ksenia, however. The wolves who stood before him in a protective trio reminded him greatly of his two littermates and he wondered what had drawn such creatures out to the ocean. What voices had called the woman to the edges of the water.
“Voices?” he echoed deeply. A single ear swiveled atop his crown and he cast his head to the right in a questioning manner. “The sea speaks to few. She is gifted,” he then commented with a slight nod of his inky skull. For it only made sense that it had been the swell of the ocean that had drawn the three from the comfort of their makeshift den. Skellige was immediately interested in the woman who had been lured away from her brood by the voices. His eyes sought her own and he seemed to look to her with a bemused expression on his features.
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RE: the quake in my breath - Vutia - July 18, 2016

Short post, ah. Sorry for the wait.

The licks upon her face had been welcomed, and the words of her sister taken to heart. While she knew that she could not prevent herself from wandering away come nightfall, she would try harder than usual after the fright that she'd put herself through. To lose them—either of them—was something she couldn't even stand the thought of. They were her family, and Xaaos her lover. To leave them, she could not, for never would they leave her. It was their responsibility to continue the purity of their lineage, and so she would stay by their sides for as long as possible, wishing silently to herself that her dreams might never steal her away again.

When her brother spoke, she'd listened in on the conversation, observing the exchange between the two males. She did not know what to make of the stranger aside from his frightening aura, and so her own mouth was kept shut. Even when eyes had found her own, she'd not said a word, instead having taken a moment to inch closer to her brother's side.

RE: the quake in my breath - Dapphion - July 18, 2016

We all gift. She replied shortly in a thick accent. She then looked over to her family. The wolves here were weird, and they didn't speak their language. Why had they come here? For the rest, she kept quiet, observing the new face that did not intrigue her in the slightest. He wasn't special, he wasn't pure like them. All he was was a threat to their family, but a minor one though. 3 pure ones against 1 filthy "mudblood" was a fight they would win, and she hoped the stranger realized that she they did not have to waste time here.

Short post, sorry!

RE: the quake in my breath - Skellige - July 30, 2016

Look like Xaaos is outta here... so I'm gonna skip him and just wrap this up? I think Marie, you might have mentioned needing to drop this character anyway so. <3 Thanks you guys.

When the female began to sing praises of all of her siblings, the wraith found himself disinterested in the trio. It was something different if there was one among them who had been touched by the sea and her powers, but they were not all possessing of the gift that he spoke of. Peeling his lips over his canines with a cold sneer, the brute bristled his pelt and lashed his tail once at the last woman who had spoken to him. Dark russet eyes bore holes into her figure, and the titan thought for a moment about stepping forward and teaching her a lesson on a gift from the sea, but opted against it. There were more important things to do than to engage in prattle with the illiterate wolves before him. Though his interest was still drawn to the one girl who had heard voices from his beloved ocean, he had an inkling that the others would be intended to go with her, should he try to pull her to the bay.
“No,” he snapped coldly to the accented she-wolf. “You are filth. It is she with the gift and she alone.” Another flash of his yellowed teeth and the great savage beast turned from them without another word to return to the bay. If there were creatures of that sort near the grove, he felt as though it was not a suitable place for the wolves he was intending to gather. Nothing would compete with the bay and the powers it possessed. He had grown tired of the wolves in the wilds speaking of their powers and capabilities; it was an awful lot of talk and very little action, and it had disinterested the titan very much.
The brute trailed along the shore until his figure had disappeared and he quickly forgot about the trio of wolves who believed they were special.