Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Can't complain about much these days - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Swiftcurrent Creek Can't complain about much these days (/showthread.php?tid=1612)

Can't complain about much these days - Jinx - March 27, 2014

@Cikuq Set after this thread. I dunno what the outcome of that thread is but it'll be the first thread expresses a desire to leave, so yeah!

Jinx was being exceptionally cautious. She had taken to spending much of her time awake at dusk and dawn, times when she felt most comfortable she wouldn't run into Fox too much. She respected the small Alpha, and nothing would change that, but she wasn't perfect at keeping secrets. She was well aware her tentative plan to quit the Creek could anger the small woman, and she had no desire to be opposed at every turn before she could even begin should it slip. For that reason, the Beta had done her best to avoid the Alpha... No doubt making herself look flaky in the process.

But being flaky was no strange thing to Jinx. No amount of trying had ever convinced Pied and Hawkeye that she wasn't flaky, so she was no stranger. She accepted that it would have to be that way. In the meantime, she continued her sweeping patrols around the pack's territory and maintained her presence amongst the pack wolves. For all intents and purposes, Jinx was as present as ever... With the sole change being her avid attempts to avoid Fox so that no suspicion could ever arise. Unbeknownst to her, in trying to avoid it, she would arouse suspicion anyway. For now, she needed to gather to her what followers she could get... Showing once and for all that all the respect in the world for Fox could not quash her selfish nature.