Wolf RPG
Frogspawn Swamp Set out on the search - Printable Version

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Set out on the search - Romilda - June 22, 2016

I'm still using the famine dice roll until July. Rolled a 4 (I struggle with linking)
And sorry if the post jumps around, I was putting this in quick.
A few days had passed since Romilda had informed the rest of her family of her plan to search for her cousin. Remmy had disappeared while she was still recovering from the fight rougly a month earlier. The only wound she suffered was that to her chest and required all of her luck to survive. Her chest now held a mostly healed scar, which was mostly covered by fur falling over from above. Moving some times sent a dull pain through her, making her think it would be a problem for the rest of her life.

The young wolf had come across a bog filled with bugs. She didn't have much trouble finding a path through and the water on either side provided a water supply. Not far in the brown female had found what looked like a stream, though it was hard to tell in the wetlands, and decided to follow it. Given time the noise of bugs gave away to the croaks of frogs.

Croaking was the only noise to fill her ears as she continued farther along what she thought was a stream. It was hard for her to hear her own thoughts but Romilda knew she had to get out of there, and quick. The Ferretti could tell too much time in this part of the bog would drive her insane. So, she sped up and moved as quickly as the water and mud would allow her to, growling all the way in attempt to silence the creatures creating the noise.

As she struggled through the mud of one of the many rises, something moved in front of her. Out of instinct she jumped forward and snapped at whatever was there. Her jaws closed around the body of a frog, killing it instantly. The next moment there wasn't anything left of the unfortunate creature.

RE: Set out on the search - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

Songs of amphibians echoed in his ears as the monster walked through the swamp lands. He had found a deer trail along the water's edge to make travel easier, covered in grass it wasn't the easiest to find until one was on the path and it opened up quite nicely. He wandered the lands aimlessly, without a pack or followers, he had no job or duties to fulfill. Instead, he simply filled his belly with starving travelers that crossed his path and enjoyed the stress free life of a loner. 

His belly swayed with every step he took, well fed and strong, he contrasted the many wolves who roamed these barren lands. The perks of having no morals and able to eat whatever was easy to catch. His muzzle was still stained with the blood of the previous traveler, the man never bothering to bathe himself, the blood just adding to his acrid odor. 

Movement caught his eye, and it wasn't that of a frog leaping out of the way of getting crushed. It was bigger. Sliding his head through the tall grasses, he spotted the female who had freshly caught a frog and devoured it on the spot. Easing his way into view, he gazed at her with half lided eyes and spoke smoothly. A wolf consuming a frog is piteous. His barritones echoed as he rolled himself into a seated position.

RE: Set out on the search - Romilda - June 23, 2016

She'd smelled something foul earlier, but figured it was just the general stench of the area. Without facing the male, she had no way to know he was there. When the sound of a voice reached her ears she stopped and quickly turned to search for the source. Her eyes fell upon the dark male, who looked well fed. This made her angry as she thought it meant the famine had only effected the area around the mountain. Now she couldn't blame her cousin for leaving.

Romilda stayed standing, keeping her guard up. She found it difficult to trust the actions of any stranger. The light colored female pulled back her lips as she defended her actions. "Well excuse me if the stupid thing had a death wish, it came to me." Her words were laced with venom.

RE: Set out on the search - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

Pulling back his own lips in response to her threat, Vengeance grinned a toothy smile. Yellowing fangs glistening in the dim light of the mog. "Pathetic." He repeated, how disgusting it was to think that a wolf would sink so low as to eat a fucking frog. 

Stepping closer, he was careful were he placed his feet, feeling out the ground with each sweeping motion until he could feel harder soil to place his paws. It was seemless. 

"How is it that a wolf would turn to eating an amphibian but curl their noses to cannibalism. A larger prey, weakened by hunger, and yet they allow their morals to kill more than hunger does these days." He came up a couple wolflengths away, stopping at a comfortable distance to be able to react if she leaped at him, but close enough to have a better look and smell.

RE: Set out on the search - Romilda - June 27, 2016

When the male said 'pathetic,' she had to hold herself back from retaliating as it didn't seem like a smart idea even with the distance. As he advanced, she chose to hold her ground. She'd made a vow to never back down from anyone long ago, even before the bitch who'd nearly killed her.

He spoke again, and this time she'd gotten why the foul smelling wolf saw her actions as a weak attempt at survival. This time she didn't feel the need to stay quiet. "How would you know if I've never tried? It could've been some time ago, and another wasn't found after." The truth was, the thought had never crossed the female's mind. She shifted her weight and one of her front feet slipped farther into the mud. It wasn't given much attention as there was a possible threat ahead of her.

RE: Set out on the search - Vengeance - June 28, 2016

I can see it, smell it, you're not the one to think of such things. Otherwise, prove me wrong. he invited her to prove her worth, to prove that him catching her eating a frog was nothing more than just bad timing. I, however, see an easy meal. he cooed, speaking to her as if he had just found a lost lover. Baritone vocals whispiering a deadly song as he took in a deep breath with her scent. She showed promise in having vigor, but was all that a sham?