Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest To The Top - Printable Version

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To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016


Tall trees covered the skies in a dim lighting as the canopies hung low, hindering the light from coming through and lighting the earth below with its warming touch. The forest was dark even during the day, it was obivous that something had happened in recent times that the woods had failed to produce much prey - however, the beast could smell them. It was a faint smell, but there were some that were either still lingering or who were coming back after the disaster had struck. 

Lacking followers, he did nothing but search out the lands to see which was the most fruitful. Which would be best to claim once he had gathered enough loyal followers to create a formidable band. This forest seemed promissing, and he wouldn't touch the prey within it just yet. He'd continue to hunt the wolves who were too weak from hunger to defend themselves against him - and allow the prey to flourish once more before he started hunting the normal prey a wolf would feed upon. Despite his filled belly, feeding on wolves lacked the nutrition that prey had in their flesh. It was nothing but protein, and it was something rather than nothing... but even he needed a deer every now and then to keep himself in the best of shape.

Rolling shoulders carried him deeper into the woods as he ventured further, memorizing the landscape of the terrain and maping it out for further use.

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

The forest had called her, with its shaded areas and muted light. It was lacking in food sources though Vindicta had plans of passing through and not settling, rats and fish were meager meals but then it was only slightly above scavenging as she had been doing since entering these foreign lands. The residents seemed emaciated, their bones poking through their fur and their eyes sunken into gaunt hollows. And while Vindicta thrilled silently at their suffering, hoping for a bite to eat, she came across none that were alone. 

Except for this one. A huge male, fur just as dark as her own and blood colored eyes. He was too big for her to hope to take down and besides...he was rather handsome to her. Had her nose still worked, maybe she wouldn't have found him so, but as it was, Vindicta had a peculiar taste in men. And this one seemed as dark as her own soul.

"Who might you be, stranger?" The words were practically purred as she crept closer, eyeing him appreciatevly.

RE: To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

Stopping for a moment to take in any landmarks, Vengeance was feeling more and more as though this would be his home. The scent of prey was thicker here than most lands he had found and although he would continue on his journey for a little while longer to find a more food abundant land to call home, this one he would remember if he had to come back to it and claim it later. It was the most promissing of them all thus far. 

Ignoring the new scent that entered the area, he was going to let her come and go without much thought - however this one approached him and spoke. Her voice tantilizing and cooed in his ears, twisting them in her direction as his head swiveled and eyes laid uppon her dark frame. Vengeance. What is it you want? Deep vocals were harsh, but he was patient to wait and see what might have brought her to come to him.

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

He didn't seem particularly friendly and Vindicta knew she would have to be careful with this one. He was not the first volatile man she had met nor would he likely be the last, Vindicta would have to tread carefully. One wrong move or word, a new scar would be added her to collection. 

"A bit grumpy, are we?" Vindicta teased gently. "I seek companionship, a girl gets lonely you know." She was joking of course, Vindicta wasn't the kind to long for friendship. 

"Since you seem so interested," she murmured sarcastically, "my name is Vindicta." 

RE: To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

Amused with her words, he grinned. Grumpy, she had no idea how patient he truly was right about now. But the smile was short lived, it faded as she continued to talk - not because what she said turned his mood sour. Do you often seek the intimacy of an unfamiliar, Vindicta. Composed and relaxed, he granted her the space to come closer. He wouldn't attack unless warranted, at least for now.

The way she spoke and held herself, the woman was a siren. Trying to lure him into her for whatever reason she had behind those words. The scent on her pelt indicated she was alone, and such a finding was curious in this situation. In these times, my companionship isn't gratuitous.

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

He grinned, making her feel a small rush of triumph at having pulled a smile from him. He seemed more relaxed now, though Vindicta made no move to come closer. Even if she admired him, she didn't know him. Perhaps he too fed on wolves, on smaller women like herself. No, Vindicta would keep her distance in case she needed a quick escape. 

"I do." She confirmed, a smirk overtaking her features. "If I don't befriend strangers then who will I speak to?" She questioned him, not expecting an answer.

"What of you, Vengeance? Why are you all alone? It's a very big world to travel by yourself." Vindicta pointed out, stressing his name much the way he had her own.

RE: To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

I don't keep companions for long. Once again he smiled, this time at his own answer and this time the yellow of his fangs shone in the dim light. Of course he meant that in the way that they generally wound up as his next meal. She kept her distance for the time being, smart woman. Many would try to show how fearless they were and approach, maybe even taunt a little to test the waters, test his patience even and see how big of balls they had against him. 

A very big world for a very big wolf. he teased in return, this time he cooed the last three words, lids half covering the almond shapped ruby occulars. I'd like to point out that you too are alone. Shoulnd't you have friends, pack mates to accompany you? Would be a shame if a tragedy was to fall uppon you without companions to help.

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

"I don't do the whole frienship thing. I had a family once as you must have as well." Vindicta murmured to him, thinking of the morbid ends her own family had met. He was clever, for if the undertone of his message meant what Vindicta thought it did then it was very subtle. 

"I can't tell if you're threatening me or if we're both playing the same game with the other." Vindicta remarked honestly, smirking at him in pleasure. The game was always more fun if you had a willing participant, one who was smart enough to play well.

RE: To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016


he he put emphasis on the whole had a family thing. He had a father and a mother, a sister too - but they had all come and gone within a year or so after his birth. But that wasn't a story he was about to share with anyone any time soon. 

"Which would you prefer?" As he spoke the male took a couple steps closer, slowly ridding them of the gap between them. She seemed comfortable, but how confident was she?

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

Vindicta would have offered condolences, had she meant them, but didn't figure he would care. Instead she nodded, not wanting to reveal her own story to him yet either. He stepped closer though Vindicta could not decipher whether he had intentions of violence or not. The gap between them lessened so that she could see the yellow of his fangs, the mud and blood caught in his fur.

"I would prefer the game.." Vindicta cursed herself for the breathy way her words came out, though it was not with fear. She made no move to challenge him, certain he could tear into her and pick his teeth with her bones.

RE: To The Top - Vengeance - June 23, 2016

"Hm, very well." 

He he circled around her the moment his paws brought him close enough, his back turned to hers he continued down the road to seek out more signs of prey. 

"If we are to play word games, then I'd like to continue on my journey at least. You're welcome to join if you so wish for the company." He called to her over his shoulder, no threatening undertone he was simply walking. 

"Who knows what lays down the road." He didn't stop to wait for her, she's choose herself if she wished to continue on this little game of hers or if she'd like a new plaything to you with.

RE: To The Top - Vindicta - June 23, 2016

Vindicta moved after him, her choice easily made. Here was a chance for greater things, with a wolf of similar nature by her side. Vindicta slunk through the night by Vengeance, with a willingness to follow for what was likely the first time in her life.

Vinny out!