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Silvertip Mountain meet the fockers - Printable Version

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meet the fockers - Grayday Sr. - June 24, 2016

@Valette or @Ezekiel maybe?
It took conscious effort not to walk with his head up and his tail in the air. He knew and respected that he was rather low on the totem pole, here, but when he was happy, it just seemed to naturally curve.

And he was happy. If he just trotted on and didn't think about it too much, he could almost imagine he was back home, and that Sunspot was trotting beside him after another successful hunt. Somehow, these thought comforted him instead of making him feel more alone, even when he would turn his head and catch sight of Niita or Phocion instead of his sister.

Grayday dropped the otter pup near the den, tail wagging as he took a moment to revel in his success. He wondered if he was supposed to just leave it there and run or try and let someone know about his kill. It would be terrible to leave it and have a scavenger pick it up.

RE: meet the fockers - Ezekiel - June 24, 2016

You got me! But be prepared!

Ezekiel was taking a nap at his den in the hollow when an unfamiliar scent wafted into his nose. Well it wasn't unfamiliar, just one that he didn't expect to be near. He stood, immediately thinking of the last remaining pup. Adeline her name was. She was reclusive, Zeke hadn't even met her yet, but he worried for her all the same. She was their responsibility, the entire pack now that her direct family was gone. Ezekiel wasn't about to let something bad happen to her. He bolted towards the puppy den, fur bristling as he began to worry.

When he arrived, he skidded to a halt in the clearing in front of the den. There, dropping something in the ground next to the pups den was Grayday. Ezekiel already didn't trust the guy, his trust was on and off. Maybe Grayday hadn't been told yet, but he was too close to the pups. Newcomers weren't allowed to meet the pups until given permission. He didn't know for sure, but Grayday likely wasn't given permission yet. Immediately defensive, Zeke lunged forwards and tackled Grayday to the ground. Teeth bared, he held the older male down, muscles rippling as he stressed them.

Staring down dominantly at the other wolf, but not attacking yet he snarled, What do you think you're doing so close to the pups. Zeke was quick to judge, and assumed the worst. An assassin! Or a kidnapper come to steal Adeline! The zeta hardly noticed the wolf pup that the poor male had brought.

RE: meet the fockers - Grayday Sr. - June 24, 2016

Wow, he must be really hungry, Day thought, his tail waving rather bemusedly in the moment before Ezekiel's body slammed into his. His body went automatically limp as he hit the ground, at which point the urge to fight or escape began to grip him. Irritation won out over instinct, though, as he heard the gray male's accusing snarls. His shoulder would definitely be sore in the morning.

This was all rather irritating, really. He didn't like to be tackled, he didn't like to subdue his dominant nature. He didn't like being mistrusted most of all. It reminded him that they had reason to, and that maybe Grayday himself should be doubting as well. After all, he'd failed to help at least three wolves since arriving in the wilds.

But those were out of his control. How could he control the fates? He was a good wolf; surely they could see that? Surely they could look into his eyes and know that he was earnest and kind - not a pup killer.

He has valid concerns, he sternly reminded himself, giving a half-hearted wave of his tail. "I brought food, that's all," he said gently, giving the other male's cheek a placating lick. That reminded him -

"Could you clean up the bite on my cheek? I can't reach it."

RE: meet the fockers - Steady - June 24, 2016

Just playing in the background, feel free to skip me through this thread!

Steady had been strolling through the territory when he seen Ezekiel zip by rather quickly, and he decided to follow. The growls and snarls reached his ears as he approached the clearing where the pups den was. Seeing Ezekiel on top of Grayday, Steady held back behind a almost fully green bush. He wondered what had prompted his friend to attack the new member, but he also knew Ezekiel needed a little experience in asserting his dominance. So, he watched. 

Grayday seemed submissiveness, admitting he was bringing food to the pups. Steady's ear flicked back, knowing he hadn't given the usual spiel to Grayday about staying away from the last remaining pup of Silvertip Mountain. He should have, but he had been distracted by Grayday's eyes, and thinking of the stipulations to his approval into the pack. Still, he did not interfere. 

RE: meet the fockers - Ezekiel - June 25, 2016

Grayday made to explain himself, and gave Zeke's cheek a quick lick. Not good. Zeke did not like to be touched unless fighting of course. Even as a sign of submissiveness or apology, the gesture made Ezekiel draw back his lips to reveal his pearly whites. The older wolfs next question only angered him further. A little voice, one that he'd pushed away for a while, chimed in. Rip this loser apart Ezekiel! But those days were behind him. Besides, the otter pup that Grayday carried was proof somewhat of his claims. The lighter side of his heart allowed him to back off of Grayday, although he ignored the lambda's request. He definitely would not be touching Grayday's face.

Relaxing his posture to little signs of aggression, however remaining dominant, Ezekiel spoke forcefully to his pack mate. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, but you can't be here. It's too close to the kid. He stated, hoping Grayday would catch his undertone. He still wanted to try and figure this wolf out, but not this close to little Adeline. The poor girl had had enough happen to her already she didn't need more stress.

RE: meet the fockers - Grayday Sr. - June 26, 2016

In which Grayday throws himself a pity party
Yes, that's definitely a bruise, he thought sourly, indulging in a languid stretch before shaking the dirt from his coat. The shake was more to disguide the irritated bristling along his back as he forced himself to let it go, Day. He has more than the right to be worried. Things have gone very badly, here.

"As you say, Ezekiel," he said with a respectful dip of his head. With his mantra still playing in his mind (They don't know you. It's only natural.), he was beginning to feel properly chatisized. His tail dropped a bit as he turned to stalk off, not really wanting to inquire further about getting his cheek cleaned to the bristly zeta. He almost walked straight into @Steady, who had undoubtedly seen the whole thing.

Grayday's mood dropped further south, and he took a deep breath before speaking. "It won't happen again," he said solemnly, touching his nose to the alpha's paw. He hoped he would get away without more unpleasantness, but from what he knew of the alpha, that didn't seem very likely.

RE: meet the fockers - Steady - June 26, 2016

The scene unfolded before him, and he noted Grayday's submission, and Ezekiel's acceptance of it. Steady didn't think his friend should have apologized, but he handled the situation rather well. When the Alpha seen Grayday heading his way, he stepped from behind the bush, no longer concealing himself. 

The gray wolf stopped before him, seemingly defeated as he held his head low enough to touch the black wolf's paw. Steady's demeanor was changed from their first encounter, and when he spoke, his voice was friendly, though authoritative. I appreciate you bringing food to the pup, but Ezekiel is right- It's too soon for you to meet her, he said, backing up Ezekiel. But, he didn't feel as hard towards Grayday as he did at the borders. It was obvious the male was doing his best to feed not only himself, but Adeline, too. Steady dipped his head to lick at the wound on the gray male's face, assuming he would accept the friendly gesture since he had asked Ezekiel of it. Your probation is lifted, Steady decided as he lifted his head, though he knew it was a few days early. You're a regular member of the pack now. As well as providing food, Grayday had just proven he could take the criticism of a dominant wolf in stride, and Steady respected him for that. He looked to Ezekiel, gauging his reaction, knowing his friend hadn't initially taken well to the other male, but hoped they could at least work together.

RE: meet the fockers - Ezekiel - June 27, 2016

Ezekiel nodded, accepting Grayday's apology, though still flexing his claws in agitation. It only took one event like this to put the large boy on edge for the rest of the day. He wouldn't be returning to his nap, but probably a patrol. That would help get out his angry energy. Grayday walked away, straight into Steady. Zeke hadn't even noticed the alpha was there, but he was glad when the black wolf backed him up. But then Steady lifted Grayday's prohibition. Zeke wasn't as sure about that decision, but he wouldn't argue. Sure Grayday was feeding Adeline and all, but still. He had hoped a few more days worth of judgement before the prohibition was taken away, but it wasn't his place to decide.

He did however give Steady a weary glance, sharing his uncertainty, but didn't challenge him. Instead he dipped his head and turned to leave, to go out on his patrol. Perhaps he'd see Grayday again soon. Then would be a better time to talk.

Last for me! Grayday I'd love another thread where Zeke isn't all mad, then they can get some real talk going! I could start one if you want?

RE: meet the fockers - Grayday Sr. - June 27, 2016

Last post, unless Steady tries to interact further. @Ezekiel - sure! Tag me any time!
Although he knew that Steady probably had characteristics other than mean and will definitely eat you, Grayday hadn't expected kind to be among them. Yet the dark alpha had seen to his needs, and cleaned his wound when another would not. He was surprised and touched by the gesture. And when Steady had finished, and he opened and closed his mouth, testing, he could not longer feel the jagged pull of dried blood.

Maybe he's not so mean after all, he thought, floored once again by the alpha's declaration. Probation lifted, he was one of them. maybe not allowed to see the pup just yet, but that was normal enough.

His heart swelled, and his tail wagged without his conscious volition. "Thank you, sir," he said, unsure what else he could say. Thank the Cat for stupid otter pups, he thought happily, going on his way. Not even seeing the wary look on Ezekiel's face could really burst his bubble. He'll come around, Day. Just wait him out and kill him with kindness every chance you get.

Things were going to be alright.

RE: meet the fockers - Steady - June 27, 2016

Last from me <3

He gave Grayday a smile, though it wasn't a full one. From Ezekiel's displeased expression, it was clear he didn't trust their new member. He turned his attention back to the gray wolf, nodding. You earned the spot, he said. Steady wondered why Ezekiel held such a distrusting opinion, and was going to ask once Grayday was on his way, but Ezekiel left, too. The dark Alpha was left alone as the others departed. He was beginning to find it was a bit lonely at the top, and thought he might seek out Niita for some company. Unless she didn't want to talk to him, either? He sighed, turning to go find out.