Wolf RPG
Coconut Grove rebuild, renew - Printable Version

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rebuild, renew - Gristle - June 24, 2016

He had left these lands when Wednesday had disappeared, having lost his leader. She had gone to that forest north from here and never returned. Considering that they had barely escaped their first intrusion there, along with Wednesday's insistence on stealing the pale-furred child, really only meant one thing. Gristle had managed to put two and two together on what had happened to his companion, yet grief barely scrapped at his conscience. Revenge was a passing thought that he toyed with, but one he would only take only when the opportunity arose.

For the moment, the beastly male was thinner than usual from the widespread famine, though still held a menacing amount of bulk. Hunger twisted at his stomach, however, and the feral creature roamed the shoreside, inspecting the trees here that bore strange fruit. One lay half-cracked in the sand at the base of one such tree, and Gristle pawed at it with mild interest, wondering if it was at all edible.

RE: rebuild, renew - Sadie - June 24, 2016

She left the land once again, not really caring what would happen. She was needed at the coast, Calypso was calling her with the sirens. Following dutifully, the sea witch made her way to the sea side and squished her paws in the wet sand. It was good to be home once again. With a very loud howl, Sadie sang a song that rumbled like the waves in the sea. Sure, it wasn't very pretty, it even sounded a bit coyote-like. But it was her way of renewing her faith to Calypso and the sea.

With a skip in her gait, the pirate bounded down the coast line, often tumbling in the sand and rolling in it like a newborn pup in a fresh blanket of snow. This was her home, this was where she belonged, this was where she needed to be. Land could never beat sea, it would never take full control of her. Again and again she bounded down and tumbled before picking herself back up with rambunctious laughter. 

After settling down a bit, the sea gifted the pirate with meals. Washed upon the shore were dead fishes and a bird picking up the scraps. Sadie didn't take the famine very seriously at the moment, she saw the bird as a game rather than a meal. Running towards it with her tongue lolling out of her mouth, the rusted woman snapped at its' feet wildly as it tried to take off. Sadie managed to cahse it for a while on the ground, barking like some demented dingo.

As soon as it began to take to the air for, the pirate leapt forward and snapped her teeth against the bony legs. They crunched loudly as the bird cried out in pain. It turned to peck at Sadie, though she grabbed the neck and wrenched it gristly. Vermillion blood stained her muzzle, a vicious and insane smile painting the pirate's visage. After catching her breath, the wolfess soon settled down and megan to munch on the bird. She could get the dead fish later.

RE: rebuild, renew - Gristle - June 25, 2016

With a single paw, he roughly turned the coconut over, brows furrowed in confusion. It smelt...weird. He nosed it before quickly retreating and snorting as it suddenly split in two, revealing a white inside (though patches of rot were evident in places). The man made to inspect it again before a distant but high-pitched yowl broke over the sound of the ocean waves.

Gristle looked up to where it sounded from, abandoning the strange fruit in favour of whatever had made that noise. It almost sounded like a coyote, and his mouth watered at the thought of tearing into fresh meat. He picked up at a swift lope, taking only a few minutes to find her.

He had heard the girl's cackles and the pained shrieks of the bird and followed them until he spotted a brown figure lying on the beach, devouring her freshly caught meal. He was disappointed she was a fair size larger than a simple coyote, but she still had a decent-sized snack there. The brute licked his lips before approaching, hackles and tail raised, hoping to simply scare the stranger off before he had to waste any energy on getting the meal from her.

RE: rebuild, renew - Sadie - June 25, 2016

I've got a lovely patch of coconuts (deedly deedly) there they are, all standing in a row XD

Sadie's actions had gotten the best of for, for something was already coming for her! She could barely hear his paw steps against the sand, but smelt something other than blood. Removing her nose from being shoved inside the interior of the bird, the bloodied face of Sadie looked up to the male, her eyes unamused. They shimmered though, her lips that held a rib bone curling up in a smile. Without thinking, the wretched pirate spit out the bone towards him, cackling and laughing like a hyena. Tears beaded at the corners of her eyes, her lungs begging for air as she died in laughter. "Ye t-think ye can s-s-scare me away lad?" She asked, her voice shaky as she tried to prevent her obnoxious and contagious laughter. Her front paw tapped the ground as she laughed, adding to her comical sight. "How-j-just how the h- AHAHAHAHA!" she shouted in laughter, almost covering her eyes with her paws as she collapsed onto the ground.

It was not a wise move on Sadie to be laughing at a situtation at hand like this, but how could life be enjoyable without rambunctious laughter like hers? The bird was still close to her chest as she dined, not once moving closer to Gristle. Her front legs were atop the bird, holding it closer to herself as her chest and body heaved up and down. If he attacked her, Sadie wouldn't be afraid to use her bloodied face to attack, along with her new flail made of bones and feathers.

RE: rebuild, renew - Gristle - June 26, 2016


His threat was met with only laughter — a high-pitched cackling sound that grated upon his ears. They flicked backwards as he stared at the clearly unhinged female, his lip rising to show a single canine in annoyance. Guess they had to do this the hard way, then. Crazy though she may be, she had fresh meat in her possession, and Gristle wasn't about to let that opportunity get away. There wasn't particuarly much to it, but hey, it was a free meal! If he could get to it that was...

In the midst of her fit of laughter, the man suddenly charged forward, quickly closing the distance between them, eyes locked onto the bird she held to her chest. He threw all his weight into his stream train-like approach, aiming to barrel into the stranger and knock her away from her precious meal.

RE: rebuild, renew - Sadie - June 26, 2016


Welp, she don goofed.

Sadie's loud laughter was met with the barreling weight of the annoyed stranger. Tumbling to the side, the bird managed to stay hinged between her two paws as she slid against wet sand. Somehow she dragged it with her as she was shoved quite rudely. Even though thie situation was very VERY dangerous, the insane pirate could not stop laughing! She was crying now, tears spilling down her cheeks as she shook her head. What a funny lad! But now it was business time, time to have some fun. Quickly standing up, the wretched salt wolf took ahold of the birdie in her maw and gave it a little shake with her stained teeth. She looked directly at Gristle, giving him a teasing smirk. Come and get it was written all over her face.

Suddently with a burst of speed, the ragged lady spun on her heels and ran down the shoreline and through the riptides. feeling water splash around her and winds blow through her, Sadie felt at home. Now this was some action she was looking, some excitement to the boring land life. Although, this rush could come at a dangerous price if played incorrectly.

RE: rebuild, renew - Gristle - July 10, 2016

I'M SORRY I SUCK (at both replying and knowing the next words to the song lmao x__x)

He met with his target, slamming into her with all the force he could muster and managing to topple the crazy female. A grin split his jaws as he spun and lunged to where he presumed she had left the bird after he had pummelled into her, only to be met with a patch of scattered sand, devoid of any tasty bits of meat. He quickly spun around to face her again, her laughter grating against his ears. He would have demanded what she found so funny, but he suddenly realised she still had the bird in her possession, swinging it teasingly in front of him.

With a guttural snarl, Gristle lunged again, but felt only the tip of her tail brush his snout as she spun and took off down the beach. It was all just a game to her! The realisation kicked the brute into gear, flooded him with determination to show this demented stranger that no-one played games with him! He followed her through the shallows, snarling and snorting all the way like some enraged bull.