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Cerulean Cape in front of me - Printable Version

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in front of me - Phares - June 24, 2016

He travelled far and wide, heading to the coast upon finding the herds inland were still bare. Returning, though not yet healthy enough to consider hunting yet. They had to give them time to rebuild their numbers, perhaps even waiting until the mothers birthed calves. Would the wolves here survive until then? He had come across several packs but largely avoided them, only here for reconnaissance, to find out if this land was suitable for their following.

His mission, however, didn't distract him from his studies and devotion to Raas.

He led him to a beach — a curious choice but Phares did not question it. Light spilled from a break in the clouds and the man wandered into it, tilting his head upwards and bathing in the sunlight. The respite was short-lived, however, as a sudden splash in a small rock pool nearby caught his attention and Phares turned to it, surprised. A small fish had been stranded in it from the high tide, flailing around helplessly in the shallow water. He smiled, thanking Raas for the sign.

Abundance, prosperity — yes, they would do well in this place.

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 24, 2016

Nova Rose had been cranky of late, and she fully blamed it on her own broad mind, but nonetheless had felt she needed to take a leave from the willows. A test run, really, to see if the elder woman could live on her own at the end of such a famine, or even if she could leave Grace at all. 
Early evening the day before, Nova had crossed the borders and walked on, on, on, all night. She stopped for water breaks, the spare rodent or two should fate wish it, maybe a short breather once or twice damn these old bones. When the sun rose, she found them shining on the beach. For a while, she enjoyed the scenery, laying on the cool sand and waiting until her heart rate and breathing were slow and calm. Sleep threatened to take her, but she was up and off again before long.
As the sun rose higher, she found the pools of sunlight too tempting to resist, and sprawled herself out on a warm rock. The sun lit up her already golden pelt, warming it almost at once and giving her a homey feeling. Her spectral eyes closed, but her ears were erect and listening, maybe a twitch of her nose every minute or two, the only show that she was awake for those sharp-eyed. There was a male downwind, but she couldn't tell yet if he was coming closer or not.

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 25, 2016

He gave the fish a few more moments in this world before muttering a soft prayer for its soul and scooping it from the pool with his jaws. He chewed happily, relishing its tenderness and how it sated the gnawing hunger that dwelled in his stomach. He thanked Raas once again for the gift before heading onwards, more confident in his mission now.

He paused, though, when he saw the golden figure stretched upon a rock in the distance. Phares studied her for a second before deeming the stranger asleep or, at least, in the depths of a blissful nap in Raas' light. A smile touched his features, and the priest gave the dozing wolf a wide berth, careful not to wake her lest the heartless steal away her soul.

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 25, 2016

Nova listened, the man coming closer, and the old woman opened her ghostly eyes to focus on him. They shone with contentedness, with a motherly warmth, and she lifted her black-tinged face from the stone to give him a smile. 
              "Good morning."
Stretching out her limbs to roll on her other side, both to sun it and see the stranger better, Nova's creamy tail fanned behind her in happiness. This, this was exactly what she'd needed, a day on the beach to relax and socialize.

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

Oh! It seemed his assumption was incorrect. As he made to quietly walk past, the female's eyes suddenly snapped open and she caught him in her pale gaze. He paused, inspecting her in turn, admiring the purity of her eyes and sun-kissed fur. Age and battle had touched her features, darkening but not tainting her otherwise pleasant visage. He returned her smile with an added bow of respect.

"Enjoying the Daystar's warmth?" he inquired with a tilt of his head, gesturing to the sun afterwards. He couldn't blame her for revelling in His light — their lord seemed especially generous on this day.

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

His words caught her attention and suddenly she was wide awake, ears pressed forward in curiosity. The Daystar? Did he mean the sun? His bow and smile set her even more at ease, and she wasnt hesitant in asking for clarification. Even if she didn't find it interesting, she would be happy to have the extra bit of knowledge. 
Suddenly, though, she felt rude for not giving her name, and was easy to give it. After all, if she was going to be asking about something important then she should show him she's willing to give him answers to questions he might have. 
                         "Im Nova Rose, by the way. I don't mean to pry, but would you mind telling me about this Daystar?"

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

She suddenly roused fully, taking Phares slightly by surprise but he was nevertheless happy to answer her question, even before she even clarified and offered her name. "I am Phares," he replied before falling onto his haunches, delighted that a stranger had taken an interest in his lord. "The Daystar, Raas, the lord of light," he said, turning his pointed muzzle upwards at the sky before seeking the woman's icy gaze again. "He is our lord, here to guide those of the faith and to lead sinners from their ways, to purge the darkness from this world."

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

A lord? Nova shifted her body to lay facing forward, tail wagging faster. His answer brought a shiver through her body, and her own ghostlike gaze followed his back to the sky. Even after he pulled back and looked for her eyes, it took another few moments for her to turn back, but she was clearly excited. 
                   "You have my interest, sir. Tell me more?"
She was, of course, fully interested in the entire thing, but what most interested her was what came AFTER for those two followed Raas. She would wait, however, and would see what he told her first.

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

He was pleased with her eager display and gracing of Raas with an interested and prolonged stare which he allowed with a quiet smile. She wished to know more? He would oblige, of course, but only if the woman was pure of heart and soul, if she were truly allowed to be blessed with the knowledge. "I would but..." Phares hesitated, glancing to the shoreside in silent contemplation. "Alas, you are an outsider." Possibly even afflicted.

His warm eyes darkened then, turning to Nova Rose with a serious expression upon his features. "Tell me of yourself, have you sinned?" Perhaps an invasive question, but he had to know if she wanted him to impart his teachings upon her.

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

Nova Rose was far from pure, and she was sure at least some of the things she'd done counted as sinning. She wasn't sure what counted as a sin, but knew of all the bad things she'd done. She was an outsider, and it burned her very soul: she was an outsider in all she'd done so far, and she couldn't take it anymore. 
          "I-I'm sure I have, though I have to admit I'm not sure what counts as a sin. I've done a lot of bad things in my life, a lot of things I hold guilt for. C-Can you help me? How can I become an insider?"
Could she be saved, could he purify her of the things she'd done? The golden woman teared, her ears falling. She didn't show it, but the old woman had many things she regretted. If there was a chance of fixing the things she'd done, she would do it. Her eyes bore into Phares' desprately, hoping that he would say yes. 
                       "Tell me what I need to do, I'll do it. I'll follow your every word, I'll bow to Rass and his will."

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

Her admission and subsequent beg for help prompted Phares to stand again, head held aloft as he stared down at her expectantly. He could elaborate on what was a sin and what was not and ask what things in her life she thought of as impure, but he believed what was in the past should stay there. Life was about the present, and what one could do to better themselves and learn from their mistakes. The woman was moved to tears by her apparent misgivings, and Phares was happy to relieve her of them, allow her to start anew.

His heart thrummed in his chest. Was this why he had been called to the shore this day?

The golden female stared at him with her blue eyes, and he took them to be signs of purity in her heart. It was ultimately up to Him if she would be worthy, but Phares would be an eager advocate. He let her words drift into the air, silent for a few moments, before speaking. "Raas is merciful, He forgives, but only for those who are willing to shed their past and whatever deeds they may have done. To be reborn pure, you need to give it all up and allow the lord into your heart, to guide your soul."

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

Nova stood with Phares, keeping her head and tail low, perhaps the closest thing she'd ever done to true submission. She held herself still, her blue eyes still resting on the red man in hope, and nodded at his words.  
              "I'll do what I have to in order to start anew and serve Raas."
She'd follow Him and his ambassador to the ends of the earth if thats how she was supposed to reborn. Some part of her hoped that he would allow her passage to accompany him, to learn, even if it meant leaving Grace in the mountains and the willows. Her daughter was happy there, content to serve under the woman who saw no worth in this old lady. 
But here, Phares gave her hope, told her there was a way away from this guilt and into the light.

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

She must've truly sought to escape her demons, the desperation in her voice and eyes was enough to convince Phares that she was to be saved. Raas led him to this lost soul, to purify her and rid the baggage that clung to her conscience. He took a step closer, moving to gently rest the side of his angular head against her own darkened face. "So be it," he said, his words soft and kind, his heart swelling at this chance to lead one into the light.

"You must follow, I am a priest, I can teach you of our lord, if you are willing."

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

The red man, oh that red man saved an old womans life that day. Her heart lifted, thrumming against her chest. He'd come close, touching his face to hers, and in a voice she believed belonged to an angel, told her to follow him. Her snowy paws itched to follow him now, to go and run away from everything, but she had one more tie to take care of. She held a rank in the Keep, one she would go and give up now. Grace would understand, it was a talk they'd had before, of her leaving, and the russet girl had only said to come back to her one day, to visit. 
Of course, she would. No matter how far she went, she would come back one day to see her daughter grown and happy. 
                     "I will, but I hold a rank in a pack I must release and a daughter to say goodbye to. In two days time, can we meet again, in the marshes to the East?"

RE: in front of me - Phares - June 26, 2016

He shared in her elation, though for different reasons. He was genuine in his want to cleanse her soul, but a larger part wanted to simply appease Raas. His lord had led him to Nova and He had purpose yet for the old wolf; her time in this world was not done. She was a part of a greater plan. Or a sign. That this was indeed the place to settle, to spread their faith.

He withdrew as the woman spoke, her mention of a daughter and pack caused a flicker of interest in his gaze. He dipped his head in understanding however, and agreed to the plan. "Of course," he replied, catching her eyes once more before turning to begin his journey to the marshes. "I will head eastwards, then. Raas guide you."

RE: in front of me - Nova Rose - June 26, 2016

Again, he accepted, and Nova smiled. Two days, just two days, and she would begin her rebirth and her repent of sins. 
             "And you. Until then."
The golden woman turned and, meeting his eyes once more, trotted back towards the willows. An entire day would be spent with Grace, of course, and if all went the way she wanted it to then she wouldn't ever see Tavi - or any other Marauders, sadly - ever again. Nova was no good at goodbyes, and wouldn't bother giving those who'd all but ignored her anything than a howl of goodbye. They were lucky they got that, in her eyes, and if Grace weren't there then she wouldn't be parting from Phares now.