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Ankyra Sound i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Printable Version

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i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Caiaphas - June 24, 2016

@Maude -- tagging @Kjalarr for visibility

after departing from kjalarr, caiaphas made her way down the strand with her needle-nose to the ground. it took her a while to thin out from the salt and the whipping wind maude's scent, yet when she did she coursed it in the harried manner of a hound. it was not a straight and narrow path; rather, the scent took her almost everywhere in saltwinter except to maude's feet. the siren queen was about to throw herself into the ground in the frustration -- that was, until she caught maude's umber form in the distance.

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Maude - July 10, 2016

Maude was ambling about the sands, absentmindedly scratching the surface. She was bored. These lands weren't like Tortuga for sure; no shanties being sung, no drunken wolves stumbling about, no brawls bursting out of no where. It was all hunt hunt defend defend sleep. But it was all she had. While Tortuga was definitely more exciting to her, she could not deny the safety she had here. She didn't need to fight for a place to sleep every night, nor for food. It was...peaceful. But she did miss raiding.

Fed up with wandering about aimlessly, the wench decided to make herself useful in one way or another...or find a place to sleep. Either would do. The brown pirate began to walk off towards the tunnels and find something to do, but with a random glance she saw Caiaphas in the distance. Her head perked, and the wench cried out to her Cap'n. Ahoy there, Cap'n 'Phas! Her tail began to wag in greeting.

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Caiaphas - July 13, 2016

had caiaphas known maude's inner dialogue she would have delighted in finding another like-minded wolf; like maude, caiaphas longed for action. she longed for chaos, for retribution -- most of all, she longed to make the world know of her brand, her violence -- her power. life had not given her much in the way of luck or happenstance, but it had given her maude. she had arranged what pieces had come her way, and maude was one of them -- a piece providing to be instrumental in saltwinter's keep.

"maude." she rejoined, eyeing the wolf levelly. if there was ever a most interesting wolf of saltwinter, caiaphas was sure it was her -- there were things about maude she didn't know about, things she didn't want to -- but in some strange way, this afforded the siren queen a queer sense of comfort. "you have been an asset to saltwinter. kjalarr and i both believe you've earned the beta title, if you would take it."

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Maude - July 14, 2016

Maude held her ground as Caiaphas approached her, watching the black-headed coywolf curiously as she grew closer and closer. She wondered what the tricky woman had in mind for her as Caiaphas greeted her. What is it? She asked, her head tilting slightly inquisitively. And quickly her questions were answered, and Maude's jaw dropped.

She was silent for a moment, finally opening her mouth to voice one query. Wot?

She wanted to promote Maude to Beta? WHAT?!

Yer....yer serious...? She asked, still stunned.

Not once in her life had anyone thought of her as even remotely qualified to be a leader, let alone plan on promoting her. How much rum did she drink last night? Wait, there was no rum here...

What was going on?

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Caiaphas - July 14, 2016

caiaphas had not been certain how maude would handle the offer request and for a moment, the surprise in maude's expression was mirrored on caiaphas' own. quickly the siren regained her composure, canting her slender muzzle to the side to regard maude as the new beta mentally fumbled through adjusting to the idea. a wane smile, weak in efficacy and origin, played across caiaphas' muzzle in bemusement. she had never been a jokester; trickster, sure, but comedy was lost upon the slab-sided wretch.

"i am. we are." she reaffirmed, reminding herself that it was not just her own decision but kjalarr's as well. or, maybe that part was a little of a stretch -- in some ways caiaphas was sure kjalarr would acquiesce to any of her suggestions; which was exactly why he was being promoted to alphaship alongside maude's beta promotion.

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Maude - July 14, 2016

With Caiaphas' confirmation, Maude felt her confusion subside. So it was true. She was considered to be up for the Beta position. Ok...

If both Caiaphas and Kjalarr thought she was the best choice, then she trusted their judgement. They had been with Saltwinter for much longer than she, and obviously knew much more about leading.

I accept. She sighed, calming down completely. I'll do me best t'help yew two lead.

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Caiaphas - August 07, 2016

caiaphas was pleased -- of course she was pleased -- that maude accepted. she dipped her head, feeling somewhat silly being so 'official'. in many ways caiaphas had always struggled with the appropriate deportment of a leader -- she was not born for alphaship, nor did she share a natural affinity for it.

luckily for her, both maude and kjalarr bolstered her, and were able to fill in her shortcomings.

"good." she said simply, a wane smile gracing her features. "as beta, i think a celebratory meal is in order." with that she struck towards the salt-rush of rocks not too far from where they stood; the tide was low and if they were lucky, they'd each be able to secure a crab or two to celebrate.

RE: i'll hold out for you, if you hold out for me too - Maude - August 14, 2016

Fade here?

Maude felt equally relieved at the ending of the formality. She was a pirate, she had no patience for such things. But for Caiaphas, she bore through it, especially when she was given such an honor. With Caiaphas' offer of food, Maude perked up, a familiarly crooked smile on her face. Indeed it is! She trotted over to the rocks, matching Caiaphas' steps. She had dined with Caiaphas' before, but never hunting. It seemed fitting to commemorate her promotion with such an act.