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Cassiopeia's View Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Printable Version

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Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 24, 2016

Gonna be vague about her other thread as this will be set after.

Pyx was a seeker of knowledge. She did not like to stand idly by, to be unaware. For this reason she had set to exploring all that she could of Moonspear and the nearby territory. Whenever she next met Amekaze she wanted to show that she had not waste the female's time, that she had learned and observed the land. She was attempting to do the territory in rounds, but also knew that it would be useful to explore outside the borders. Not very far, of course,  but certain landmarks were important. It was that reason that she now explored her way towards Cassiopeia's view. That, and she had wanted to look down upon the lands that she would call home. 

From the moment that she had arrived in the Wilds, it had been the Moonspear mountains that had drawn her eye. She had wondered what it would be like to climb into their peaks and disappear into the clouds. She panted as she ascended, careful of her paw placement, but determined to reach the top. She wouldn't exactly be a good pack member for Moonspear if she couldn't stand a good climb, could she? Once she reached the shelf, she paused to rest. She had not stopped her travel since she had risen before the sun. It was about midday now, she had planned her journey well, hoping to arrive before the true heat of the afternoon. She gasped slightly as she took in the view, her eyes sweeping from the peaks to the lowlands and finally landing on the glittering ocean. It was gorgeous, this place, beautiful. She stared intently at what she could see of Moonspear's lands, trying to decide if any of what she saw were places she had laid her paws. 

Content with her progress she lay her body down to sunbathe, the cool breeze ruffling at her fur. Her eyes continued to roam the lands below, feeling much like bird might and just as light.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 25, 2016

going to toss Akazia and Jaida in here though a fair warning, they'll be very wary of Teekon wolves from here on out due to their past two threads. Just a heads up! :)

They had stayed in the valley long enough to rest and hunt small game, Jaida even managing to catch a mouse on her own for which Akazia praised her, before they moved on again. Jaida complained often at the end of their days, though Akazia knew Jay didn't mean it for the yearling seemed to understand that Akazia was trying her hardest to provide for them. 

Akazia had led them from the valley though Jaida was even more cautious than before and it pained Akazia to see her child so afraid that they would come across strangers. In truth, Akazia was worried about it herself. Two fights had taken their toll and she wasn't sure about a third being in her favor. 

It was evening as Akazia led Jaida up the mountain, certain no one would be up this far. It was, of course, her luck that a female wolf seemed to have chosen this spot as well. The female was alone but smelt of a pack. Akazia froze, watching the female warily as her first two encounters hadn't gone so well. If this female decided to attack, she wasn't sure she could win yet another fight.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 25, 2016

After they left the valley, Jaida had withdrawn further into herself. She could tell Mother was worried but Jay couldn't stop herself from constantly checking around to see if anymore mean wolves were coming to hurt Mother. As they traveled, Jaida would stay pressed close to Mother in fear that someone would leap from the shadows and attack her mother.

Yawning tiredly, Jaida followed her mother up the mountain with dragging feet. She was tired after a day of traveling and ready to curl up and go to sleep. Spotting the woman as Mother stopped, Jaida's eyes widened in fear and she hid behind her mother. Peeking around, Jaida trembled in fear while waiting for the inevitable fight to begin.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 25, 2016

I saw that run in with the Malkaria. Pyx is easy going though, she won't push them if they want to keep their distance.

It was a peaceful place, whatever the name of it was. She'd need to be sure and ask Amekaze, or one of her packmates. As she lay there, half awake and half dozing, she heard the sound of paws approaching. Her ears twitched, swiveling, and she roused herself to a sitting position. The wind was not in her favor so she knew not if the strangers were pack or lone, but she could distinctly hear two sets of paws. One pair was of a shorter gait than the first, and they traveled close. Perhaps a young one and their parent. Pyx had not scent any nearby dens, though she wouldn't blame any wolf for wanting to have this view so readily at hand. She rose to her haunches, turning her head towards the sound of the others.

After a moment, two figures appeared before her. She had guessed right, it seemed, a mother and her young daughter. The wariness was written on both their bodies as they sighted her, the young one going so far as to hide behind her mother. She saw the young girl's trembles and frowned, concern in her eyes. Whatever brought this reaction from both of them was not good. They had obviously had harsh times, whether that be misfortune or their own fault Pyx didn't know. They didn't seem the aggressive type though, and they did not smell of a pack. It was likely they'd simply encounter the wrong types on their journey. Pyx had "enjoyed" her own run ins with such wolves in the past.

She let her gaze sweep between the two for another moment, sizing them up and making sure the mother didn't seem the type to try and attack her needlessly. When she spoke, her voice was kind and soft. "Hello ladies. Have you come to enjoy the view, as well?" They would know this wasn't pack controlled land, so she felt no need to reassure them of that. She did rise and move slowly over, offering them plenty of space if they wished to view the vista.

Pyx met eyes with the mother and thumped her tail to the ground once. "You've nothing to fear from me, if I've nothing to fear from you." She tried to convey with her eyes. "My name is Pyx, what might your names be?"

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 25, 2016

The stranger, Pyx, didn't seem violent. She addressed them with a soft, friendly tone that relaxed the muscles in 'Kazia's legs which had tightened in case she needed to push Jay behind her and face yet another violent wolf. There was still a readiness to her limbs, a taut waiting as the she-wolf spoke, moving to make room for the small family.

Still cautious, though she could sense this woman was not out to hurt her or her daughter, Akazia allowed her features to soften and a small smile found it's way to her face. Akazia moved closer, keeping a breach of distance between them mostly for Jaida's sake who still hid behind her. 

"We came to rest for the night, we have been travelling. I am Akazia and this is my daughter, Jaida." Akazia reached over, brushing her muzzle across the top of her child's head, letting her know it was safe but not to wander too close to the stranger. It wasn't likely that the shy yearling would do so anyhow. "Say hello, Jay." Akazia murmured, glancing to Pyx in amusement.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 25, 2016

Jaida watched fearfully from behind her Mama's shoulder, taking small glances at the red furred woman shyly. If she was like the other red people, would she too try to kill Mother and take her away? The thought caused her to press more fervently into Mother's side, almost as if she were trying to disappear completely.

Mama led them forward, Jaida following behind as close as she could get. Mother spoke with the woman, Pyx, and seemed to think everything was okay though Jaida watched on warily. The feeling of her mother's muzzle across her head assured her only slightly, but knowing her mother would protect her if anything happened, Jay came around to sit between her mother's forelegs cautiously.

Blinking up at Pyx with innocent hazel eyes as her mother chastised her to speak, Jaida said the first thing to come to mind. "You look like the red people." 

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 25, 2016

Pyx was happy to see the female relax some, though she understood the readiness in her muscles. A wolf who forgot fear was a wolf that would not live long and with a child in tow, her fear was all more understandable. Pyx nodded at the other's response, nodding to both as she recieved their names. She turned her gaze, still soft and friendly, upon Jaida as the mother prompt her to speak. The young one's answer made Pyx's brow raise and she looked to the mother quizzically.

"I can see why you'd want to bed here. The view is lovely, and I would think the climb would be enough to deter most wolves." She couldn't say for sure, of course, she was new here too. She was sure this was Akazia's thought, though, especially if she was so shy of others. "It is nice to meet you both, though I must say...I'm not sure what red people you mean Miss Jaida." She glanced back to Akazia, wondering perhaps if these red people had been the ones to make the pair so wary.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 25, 2016

Jaida's response was not what she had expected nor what she had wanted from the girl, but then Jaida often said what came to mind. She had never punished her daughter for her honesty, Akazia didn't plan on starting now either so long as Jay wasn't malicious about her words. 

Akazia smiled a bit. "That's why I chose this place, not for its view though it's certainly nice, but for its difficulty to reach. I hadn't planned on anyone being here though I admit it's refreshing to meet someone who's not hostile." Akazia admitted, sending Pyx a grateful glance.

With a sigh, she launched into her tale about the Molech worshippers. "We ran across a couple on our first days here, strange people they were. The two were red coated similar to yourself, that's what Jaida means." 'Kazia explained, glancing down at her daughter hesitantly before revealing the next section.

"They worshipped a God by the name of Molech whom they said consumed all and has many arms but no gender. They tried to entice me into their fold with promises of food and safety for my child but something about them...it was off, wrong, vile. I declined and the woman, she threatened to kill me." 

Akazia glanced at Pyx with a strange fear in her eyes. "I truly believe she wished to sacrifice me to Molech. I would advise you to avoid the copse in the east. They're insane, cultists is what they are. I still shudder to think of what may have become of Jaida had they succeeded." Akazia licked the top of her daughter's head, knowing that the child would be unnerved by the story and the confirmation of just how much danger they had been in that day.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 25, 2016

Jaida listened to Mother as she spoke, a cold fear gripping the child's veins and making her shudder. The red people scared her, often she woke with nightmares about a wolf with an ambiguous gender and many arms trying to devour their tiny family. The dreams also recurred a male with a vicious snarl on his face and blood running from his throat, though she knew Mama wasn't to blame for that one. He had been angry with them for some reason and as the first male she had ever encountered, Jaida had developed a fear of them.

The story unnerved Jaida, confirming for her that they had indeed wanted to kill her mother except it was for a more nefarious purpose. Jaida leaned into her mother, drawing comfort from the physical touch as if to prove her mother was alright save for a few injuries, courtesy of the meanies they had come across.

Glancing up at Pyx warily, Jaida studied her briefly. The woman seemed kind enough but what if she was only hiding her meanness under that? "You aren't one of the red people, right?" The child asked matter of factly, not willing to risk her Mama for another bully in this strange land full of hostiles.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 25, 2016

An expression flickered across Akazia's face after her daughter's words. Perhaps she didn't want to talk about these "red people" just yet. Pyx started to tell her it was alright, that she needn't worry about explaining if she was comfortable. Yet the other began to speak, a small smile stilling Pyx's worries about her not wanting to tell the tale. She nodded her head, the other confirming her thoughts about the reasons for choosing this locale to sleep. She dipped her head slightly at the mention of her lack of hostility, a simple shrug as if to say "think nothing of it". It was sad so many wolves were so cruel to each other. Pyx knew there were reasons to be aggressive, to fight and protect. She wasn't against violence and would have no qualms defending herself or her pack. She simply didn't understand the desire to fight needlessly.

She listened intently to the words of the other, making sure to store the information for relay to her pack. They'd want to know if these wolves truly were abnormally cruel. Pyx's eyes followed Akazia's to her daughter and she stared at the young one thoughtfully for a moment as the story unfolded. Her brow knit together and she glanced back up at the female, surprise painting her face. The name of this god was strange in Pyx's ears. She didn't know if Moonspear would know anything about the god or those wolves, perhaps this was old news to those who had been here longer. All the same she would bring it up to someone next chance she could. Pyx shook her head sadly, sharing a concerned gaze with Akazia.

The pup added her own words to the story and Pyx found her gaze falling once more to the little one. This time, she thought to address the young one's fears first. "No, Miss Jaida. I may be red in color, but I am not one of your red people. Nor do I have any interest in being one of them. Your mother was smart to take you away." She smiled kindly at Jaida, and then addressed the mother.

"I've never heard of such a thing. I am glad you both made it away safely, I certainly don't blame you for seeking somewhere away from others after all that." Pyx shook her head again. "I'll make a note not to travel there, thank you. I'll be sure to tell my pack about them too. I will admit that I am rather new to these lands, so for all I know they might be a known danger." She glanced back towards the vista, frowning. "That's why I am here, for the record. I am relatively new to my pack and I aim to know the territory and the surrounding lands." She looked thoughtfully at the pair before her.

"You might not be interested, and I'm not in any position to guarantee anything for you...but the pack that I joined, Moonspear, seems kind from all that I can see. If you find that being without protection makes you nervous, you might consider them. I can't say for sure that they have the space...I'm honestly too new to know, but I can't see anything wrong with trying." She didn't know if the mother wanted a pack, or would even trust her word on them. Still, she'd be a bad pack wolf if she didn't attempt to bring in more members.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 26, 2016

she's already a recruit for Zaavier's possible future pack so she won't be coming to Moonspear, sorry!

Pyx spoke to Jaida, assuring the girl that she meant them no harm. Akazia smiled a bit, happy to see Jaida interacting with someone kind for once rather than having to hide from volatile loners like the Molech worshippers or that deranged male. It was good for the yearling to have someone else to speak with, besides Akazia of course. The two were extremely close, Akazia would do anything to protect her daughter and Jadia certainly would be devastated if anything happened to Akazia. It came with drawbacks for Jaida was timid around others, often unsure of herself and she had no playmates besides her mother.

"Please do, I wouldn't want anyone to go near those people. There is something just not right about them, the way they looked at her.." Akazia visibly shuddered, hugging her daughter close to her as if to check that she was still there. "I wish you good luck in your travels, hopefully you will have better encounters than us." 

Surprised at the offer and taken aback, Akazia glanced up at Pyx in astonishment. "I don't know..I'll have to think about it. I'll consider it before leaving these lands, thank you for the offer." Akazia was sincere, she would have to ponder joining this Moonspear pack before taking Jaida anywhere near it.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 26, 2016

Pyx assured her that she wasn't a red person, causing the fluffy girl to beam happily at her. At least Pyx would not be a recurring theme in her nightmares tonight. The girl tuned out most of the talking, thinking that she liked Pyx's fur color now that she knew the woman wasnt going to hurt Mother. 

Jaida was pulled back in as Mother held her close, reaching up to lick her neck comfortingly as Mama had done to her so many times before. Jay watched the two in quiet consideration, picking up the talk of packs though to be honest Jaida was worried about going to Moonspear. What if more males were there like the red man? Or that crazy man who had tried to hurt Mother?

Thankfully Mother didn't seem committed to the idea, saying she would have to think about it. Jaida focused again on Pyx before blurting out a compliment bluntly. "You're pretty, I like your red fur now that I know you're not a red person."

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 26, 2016

No worries! Pyx just wanted to get the offer out there!

Pyx nodded to Akazia's words, frowning again. She understood religion, the desire to look for something more and reason in the world. She wasn't exactly sure she understood the reason for sacrifice however, a god who wished for that was not a god she would readily follow. "Thank you, Akazia. I feel I have made a good choice in Moonspear, it feels more like home than anything has in quite some time. I wish you the same, and may your path steer clear of the red people and any other zealots that may wish you or your daughter harm." 

The female seemed surprised at the words on the pack, but Pyx was merely giving her experience with Moonspear. She was not of a rank where she could offer anything, nor was she even sure of the pack numbers enough to know if Moonspear would still be looking for others. She simply wanted the other to know that there was a pack with kind wolves, should she ever need it. "There's no pressure. I simply wanted to share my experience, so that you have at least a name for a possible safe place in your mind. Like I said, I wouldn't have been able to guarantee you anything. You shared your information with me though, so I felt it only fair to do the same." She smiled again, showing she would bear no ill will for whatever choice Akazia made. It was her own life, and her daughter's, and Pyx wouldn't presume to pretend to know what was best for them.

Jaida's small voice jumped forward once more and Pyx found herself chuckling at the honesty of the small one. "Well thank you, sweet. It's good to remember that not all wolves who look the same will be the same, isn't it? Just because you've met some unfriendly wolves before doesn't mean all of us will be, right?" She waved her tail slightly, glancing to Akazia for a moment to ensure she wasn't overstepping her bounds. She hoped the young one wouldn't be too scarred by her meeting with the cult wolves. "You're quite lovely yourself, once that smile starts. Don't let the mean ones of the world take that grin away, okay?"

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 26, 2016

Akazia nodded, knowing that Pyx was being honest. Truly she was grateful for the offer and hopeful that there were others in Teekon as kind as these Moonspear wolves were shaping up to be. Still she would have to consider it at length before going anywhere with her daughter, some Alphas might not be open to having such a young one in their ranks especially one that had yet to finish growing up. Jaida was still very much a child, life as a loner had left her small and she hadn't yet started to grow into her adult body. Some packs might not be open to taking the child in, allowing her to take up resources as she grew and learned. Akazia would have to choose carefully who's doorstep she enroached on.

"My thanks still stand, not as many have been so kind to even speak with us before trying to harm me or abduct Jaida, I'm grateful to have met someone so nice." Akazia smiled genuinely at the woman, happy to have met her. 

She watched the two curiously, nodding her agreement to Pyx's words. "That's right, Jay. You shouldn't think all red wolves are bad based on the ones we met. Pyx is red and she's rather nice, isn't she?" Akazia lectured gently, knowing Jaida was blunt but never vicious.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 26, 2016

Jaida listened, tiny ears and hazel eyes flicking between her mother and Pyx as they spoke before the spotlight turned to her. The girl glanced at Pyx, smiling shyly at the thanks she received for the compliment given. She buried her face in Mother's fur briefly, shy about being addressed so suddenly and for such a period of time.

Coming out as Pyx continued to speak to her, Jaida felt a stab of guilt and frowned the tiniest bit. Her frustration was not aimed at either adult but at herself for being so judgemental. Jay didn't bother to answer Pyx's question, staring up at her with regretful eyes and a tiny frown. "I'm sorry Ms. Pyx, I just don't want Mama getting hurt again." Jaida turned to her mother next, listening to the lecture intently before nodding. "Yes, she's nice. I won't do it ever again." Jaida nodded, assured that she wouldn't judge anymore red wolves.

She smiled shyly at Pyx's compliment, scuffing a paw in the dirt bashfully. "I won't, I'll keep smiling." Jay smiled at her as if to prove her point.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Pyx - June 26, 2016

Pyx knew Akazia's situation was not so easy to solve as her own. Taking in a young wolf was a big consideration, though it was one that could prove to be very worthwhile. Wherever Akazia and her daughter went, Pyx hoped the wolves might be kind to them and willing to take in both of them. A young wolf might be a large responsibility, especially following a famine, but in the end two loyal pack members were gained. Pyx nodded and shook her head at the mother. "Kindness should not be as rare as it is now, I'm glad to have met you but sorry to be so different from the others. The world needs more kindness, it's clear to see." She knew that there would never be peace among all the wolves, it was a fool's venture or a pup's dream to hope for such. Still, she could hope the number of good wolves outweighed the bad. She returned Akazia's smile, glad to have restored some of their faith in others and these lands.

Pyx hadn't taken offense to the small one's comments, but she hoped that by gently reminding her that all wolves were different she might imprint the memory for her later. The small sad eyes nearly broke Pyx's heart and she offered the little one a gentle smile in return. "I understand, Jaida. I'm not mad and that is a good thing to want, for any wolf you care about. Being afraid can sometimes...stick with you, though. It can make it hard to think right if you let it take your smiles." She hoped she was explaining this well enough, but she felt the point was getting across decently enough. All the kind talks in the world wouldn't take away the harm that had already been done, however. "I'm glad to hear it Miss Jaida. You'll never know what size or color your friends might come in, until they are there." A soft chuckle escaped Pyx at Jaida's bashful and cute display. "I'm glad to hear that, as well."

Pyx glanced back out to the vista, watching as the sun rose ever-higher. She'd been here for some time. Perhaps it was time she head back. She was sad to leave the pair she had met, but worried that staying gone too long might be seen as a sign of abandonment. "Well, while it was wonderful to have met both you ladies, and I appreciate the advice you gave...I fear I must be off. My pack might grow to miss me before long, and in any case you two need your rest. I'm sure the sunset from up here will be glorious, a perfect moment for mother and daughter to share alone. Take care, Akazia. And you too, Miss Jaida." She bent her head to look at the small female, grinning.

She dipped her head to Akazia, and then moved back to the path to exit the flat area. She kept a polite distance from the two, knowing that despite the conversation they may still be wary. As she reached the head of the trail she turned to glance back at them once more. "Travel safe, the pair of you. And may our paths one day cross again."

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Akazia - June 26, 2016

Akazia smiled in agreement, only nodding. What Pyx had said seemed to sum it up, as did her thoughts though Akazia wasn't privy to them. The world could use a few more Pyxs and a many less Molech worshippers or Shinks. Personally, Akazia would have been happy to see both gone but it was only a fantasy that everyone could get along. There would always be someone who didn't like the small family or wished them harm. All she could hope was that there would be more people willing to speak with them, be kind to them and the duo would be kind to them in return.

The mother watched closely, knowing Jaida was very impressionable at such an age where she was trying to figure out who she was in this world. Akazia wasn't liking who her daughter was shaping up to be, worried at how fearful the yearling has become after their first encounters and how she clung to 'Kazia as much as possible. None of what Pyx said was harmful and Akazia hoped with all her heart that this meeting would help Jay to revert back to her playful nature. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, I wish you and your pack good health and abundant prey. Thank you for being so nice to us and for changing our view on this land and those who inhabit it." Akazia replied, watching as Pyx made her way to the front of the cave. "May we meet again."

Once Pyx was out of sight and Akazia could no longer hear her foot falls, she turned to Jaida with a playful smile. "Bedtime for you Jay, we've got travelling to do come tomorrow." Grabbing the small adolescent by the scruff, Akazia gently pulled her daughter to her side where she nestled her in for sleep.

RE: Oh, Could It Be I Got My Wish? - Jaida - June 26, 2016

Jaida watched Pyx leave, feeling a small stab of sadness at seeing the kind Moonspear wolf depart. Pyx and Mother exchanged pleasantries while Jay just settled for a small wave and a last smile. "Goodbye Ms. Pyx! I hope you make it home safely!" Jaida called out to the red furred woman, feeling a bit of hope now that she had met Pyx and could hopefully sleep soundly knowing that not all Teekon wolves were barbarians.

Jaida turned back to her mother, pouting slightly as the dreaded words left Mama's mouth though she had known they were coming. Secretly she knew it was for the best or otherwise she would be tired the following day, though she would never have admitted it. "But Maaaa.." Jay drug the word out, hoping for five more minutes but soon gave up upon seeing that it wouldn't work. Instead the fluffy girl settled against her mother's side, for once feeling safe and soon falling into a dreamless sleep.