Wolf RPG
Sleeping Dragon Diamond - Printable Version

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Diamond - Portia - June 26, 2016

maybe @Dio @Wildfire @Saria ? anyone welcome though <3

She pads through the territory with a neutral posture and a perked pair of snowy white ears. Her pretty, freckled face faces forward, but her bright green eyes dart from place to place-- studying the land and making note of land marks. It wasn't all that important to her, but she knew it would be a damn shame to get lost in her own home... Home-- what a strange thought. She smiles fondly at the idea of having borders to mark and a nice warm den that would always be waiting for her. 

Still, she knows her long legs will grow bored of walking in circles eventually. She pushes the thought away.

RE: Diamond - Saria - June 26, 2016

The grayscale Níunda moved through the packlands with purpose, with determination. She marked the borders regularly taking the opportunity to watch and plot out where she could build her own cache and prepare for the coming seasons. She would need to keep the pack together and whole after all, and the healer would need supplies to do so. She licked her lips as she moved along the borders, once she'd made a circuit she moved towards the pack's heart again.

It is there that she sees another female, the pale figured blotted by dark splotches. Saria cannot tell for what reason she was admitted to the Dragon's keep but she strode forward without hesitation, green eyes taking in the woman curiously. She had suspicions of the wolves that were not her own, even with the heda's approval, still, Saria was curious on her own.

RE: Diamond - Portia - June 26, 2016

For a moment, her attention is stolen from the rocky terrain and placed on another woman. Her ears prick and her nose twitches, but her head lowers submissively. Her ears soon follow, lowering themselves towards her skull. Her tail wags, a sweet smile painted on her face. "Afternoon," she says, sweetly as her smiles. "I am Portia Moreau, newest-- I believe-- recruit to Drageda," she adds, the introduction short and to the point. Never once does her gaze meet that of the other, but her green eyes glint brightly in the sun.