Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound City rat - Printable Version

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City rat - Devin - June 28, 2016

Someone to come meet the newbie :)
EDIT: I don't want this thread to go to waste, so booping some people! @Ondine, @Slancio, @Maude, @Lusca or @Ishild?
Devin trotted along the dense forests part of the sound. It was really beautiful, the sun streaming down through trees and casting long shadows here and there. That was where Dev liked to hang out. In the shadows. She moved from shadow to shadow like a ghost, enjoying the day. She'd done this often back at Quicksilver Hollow. Spend whole days away from everyone else and just run around. But she was interrupted by something nearby. She stopped in her tracks, lifting her head to look for the cause of the fluttering. She noticed a butterfly, monarch with big wings of orange and black. 

She bounded after it, catching it in one swipe and bringing it to the ground. It wasn't really food. What could she possibly get as sustenance from this tiny butterfly. But she crunched into it anyway, lips curled back at the sour taste of its blood. This was disgusting! Butterflies back home tasted much better. Well it was gone in a second, and her stomach growled in protest. Even it knew the butterfly wasn't enough. She laid down wearily and sighed, putting her head on her paws.