Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest In Tow - Printable Version

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In Tow - Vengeance - June 28, 2016

Anyone is welcome to join us! Sorry @Vindicta for the long wait on this one! I had to try and save a baby goose after it was hit by a boat B|

With the woman in tow, every now and then they would part ways as eachother found something of interest, but thus far, every now and then the one called Vindicta would return. As the days stretched on, more and more signs of large prey had returned. He found one train in specific that held a rather large number of a herd all in one trail, curious since that showed signs that life was indeed returning to these lands. The herds haven't died from the looks of it, but instead they had simply moved on to much more lush grounds to feed, leaving the predators behind to starve. Well, the ones who weren't as clever as the dark duo who fed on the weakened predators instead of starving themselves. 

What's your plan, woman? He called over his shoulder to her.

RE: In Tow - Vindicta - July 03, 2016

Vindicta wasn't quite sure why she kept with the ragged male, perhaps it was only that he was similar to herself or perhaps she was just tired of travelling alone. She still did some days for they sometimes separated so that they could explore different areas and sweep them for prey. Vindicta had no qualms about sharing her food with him, no matter how many she had killed before; Vindicta sensed she would not win against this huge brute.

He called over his shoulder to her,Vindicta sidling up beside him with an ever present smirk on her face. "My name is Vindicta as I've expressed before, not woman." As usual her teasing was light, offending him would be unwise. 

"And I have no plan. I follow life's given opportunities." Her eyes returned to the path ahead of them as they walked before glancing over at him. "What are your plans, man?"