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Neverwinter Forest with the young and rich - Printable Version

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with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - June 28, 2016

Eshe slept for long hours after birth. When she awoke the first few times, it was on a god-brought autopilot she moved on. The difficult birth had taken a toll on her, and she was exhausted and hungrier than ever. But when she truly awakened, Eshe had never felt fuller as she looked to the two teeny tiny babes at her belly, and she smiled down at them with all the love she possessed. Now, some might argue Eshe was made of love. She'd never hated anyone before, even those that killed her family. It was something she still kept to herself, that information... it was hard to talk about, hard to even want to bring up.

Anyway, she had a great family here now, and she looooooved them. And she couldn't help but kiss one of the two babes at her tummy, now, and then the other, too, because they were her most cherished gifts, and the very reason for her being here other than Scimitar, her one true love.

immediate family welcome! but any can try their luck

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - June 28, 2016

His mother's warm touch brought him out of his short-lived nap. He wriggled under her loving gesure and tipped his tail in appreciation. Though he did not know what "love" was, he sure felt it. Especially when it came to his mother. It filled his tiny body and warmed him to the core. Unable to express such emotions verbally, his body adjusted to accomadate the strong feelings. With his tail still twitching the young cub tipped his head back and blindly peered the the general direction of her affections. His lips then parted into a gummy grin as he stared in her direction, unkowingly flashing his first smile.

RE: with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - June 28, 2016

One in particular looked up to her, and Eshe thrilled at his 'gaze'. His eyes were closed, as were his brothers, but he still seemed to know of her existence on some level. The little tail wave was nearly too much for her. She was going to just explode. Awwww!!! she drawled, her own tail thumping against the earth. And then he--

ohmygod!!!!!! YOUR FIRST SMILE! Eshe was over the moon--and looked outside of the den. @Scimitar -- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS! OUR YOUNGEST JUST SMILED! ITS ALL GUMS. NO TEETH, JUST GUMS. OH MY GOSH SCIMITAR, HE IS SO PRECIOUS--ARE YOU EVEN THERE? did he say he was going to hunt her something? She sure was fixing for a meal... but he needed to see this! My baaaaaby! Such a smart baby you are. You and your brother are going to be the smartest babies the world ever did see! You were blessed, did you know that????? And you are. I can tell boys will be so handsome--just like your daddy!

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - June 28, 2016

He radiated love, he felt it, and he attempted to mirror such feelings. Coos and compliments soon followed his smile and as he felt her words her wriggled himself closer to the vibrations. He just couldn't take it! As he found himself in the downy fur of her underbelly, he quickly burried himself in his body, his body wriggling as he expressed how he felt. A coo or two of his own followed from the depth of her fur as he lost himself in the glory of her comfort and bliss.

RE: with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - June 28, 2016

Oh, are you could little one? Eshe moved to shift herself some so that she circled them wholly. They were so small that this was possible, and she smiled. His coos warmed her heart, and she kissed his tiny cute little crown and breathed in his fresh little baby scent. You're gonna woo the ladies with your cuteness, you know???? But you tell them, you tell those ladies your first love was your mama, d'ya hear me? The both of you better bring those ladies here to meet me and I'll let you know if they're good for you perfect boys. I'll always look out for you two, and protect you, and love you. Always. You boys are my whole heart. Your daddy, too. Ohh, if you grow boys grow to look like him, forget it! You'll have ladies swooning left and right!

Eshe grinned at her two little angels, her handsome handsome handsome princes. I loved your daddy the first moment I saw him too, wouldn't you know it!

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - June 28, 2016

He was quickly catching on to the fact that the more that he did the more affection he recieved. He lifted his head as she place a kiss upon his brown and leaned into her affection, soaking up the limelight in the moment. The future was a very forigen concept for Rannoch and was certainly nothing that his mind could grasp in that moment. If he were able to hear his mother he would have an abudence of questions to meet her predictions. Given the fact that her words fell onto his deaf ears, he continued his blissful wriggling and drew himself closer into her embrace. As he scooted himself closer, he drew his forearms onto her side and pulled himself onto her, gurgling lightly as he made himself comfortable.

RE: with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - June 28, 2016

He crawled on her, and Eshe snuggled him. Little Cypress either snoozed or nursed, but was quiet and content. Despite that, Eshe did not cut him out of her affections. She checked in on him for the moment and when all was well, she resumed her adoration of Rannoch who was entirely awake and heeding her. He really couldn't move that well, but to Eshe this movement at all was a Herculean feat. My goodness!!!!! Wow! Incredible! You are going to be as strong as you are handsome! Maybe a guardian, like daddy??? She tilted her head and smiled, moving again to kiss him. Ah, he'd never be too old for moms kisses. Never.

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - June 28, 2016

There was a momentary pause in his mother's affection and to this, the babe blindly swung his head as he searched for any sign of his mother. A drum pattered in his chest as Eshe shared her affection with her eldest cub. Despite it all, he remained glued to her side and searched. News of his incredible feat suddenly fell upon him and as the soft summer twang of his mother's voice reach him he drove his face into her fur again, exhaling heavily and kneading his paws into her. For now he would never grow tired of her endless affection. Give or take a few months, his feelings for her affection would shift-- especially if they were in the presence of others. But, for now, he gobbled it up.

RE: with the young and rich - Cypress - July 01, 2016

[Image: MKj4AJj.png][Image: hbwMmNj.png]

Caught in that half-slumbering stupor that can only truly be felt when one is a small babe ignorant of the pain and fear that lurks in every corner of the world outside, Cypress remained still as Rannoch beat him to the First Smile milestone. Yet as Rannoch wriggled and Eshe coiled in a protective ring around her sons, the inkblot roused fully. Like a tiny heat seeking missile, he bumbled about with his mouth open, feeling his way along with his blunt baby nose as he peeped softly. The low thrum of vibration as Eshe spoke to Rannoch caught his attention as he began to worm and wiggle his way to the crook of her neck — as much of it as he could reach, anyway. His deaf ears strained forward on his head, two tiny tissue paper triangles, as he swung his head to and fro like the cane of a blind man. The world was confined to the senses of touch, taste, and smell, and he used all of them to find the familiar feel of his dust bunny brother and the coveted kisses of his mother.

RE: with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - July 05, 2016

Her heart was fit to burst! Cypress stirred and now was crawling around--she felt him on the furs of her neck, and she beamed. My sweet little princes, she crooned to them, and to Cypress, she laughed as he scouted out a new area on her neck. Easy there, scout, not too high now! And knowing he was not insanely high right now, she shifted so that he would slide downward so she could pick him up and place him between her forelegs. She did the same to his brother, and there they sat side by side.

My goodness. I never saw boys so cute! Except for your father. But he was a man when I met him, so that doesn't count!!! My darling boys, I wonder what sort of men you will be, she mused, and then laved the duo in a plethora of kisses.

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - July 05, 2016

The tiny prince was taken from his perch and into the air suddenly and as he was moved he froze. His legs stiffened as he no longer felt the safety of having some sort of support underfoot. He suppressed a whine as she gently made his ascent for him and returned him to solid ground. Feeling stability in his life again, the boy tipped his tail and laid down. His grand adventure had surely put a toll on his and he felt the first hints of a nap creep upon him. His mother’s kind words didn’t help on the nap front. They lulled him as he felt himself growing sleepier by the moment. Yawning lightly, Rannoch scooted so that he was touching Cypress-- something that he made sure to do whenever he settled down-- and rested his head next to his brother’s forepaws, smiling as he fought the urge to sleep.

RE: with the young and rich - Cypress - July 05, 2016

[Image: MKj4AJj.png][Image: hbwMmNj.png]
As Eshe thoughtfully adjusted her angle, careful to give both boys a buffer so they would not fall to the earth like two potatoes, Cypress slid down the silky fur of her neck and shoulder — whee! — and was carefully picked up and placed between her forelegs alongside his brother. Burbling excitedly, a myriad of babyish grunts and whines that spilled haphazardly from his lips, Cypress turned his face blindly toward his mother and “stared” at her intently. He enjoyed the sensation of speed and flight, though he couldn’t quite classify his emotions so clearly, but he adored his mother. Unsmiling, though not in a petulant way, Cypress regarded her like an artist contemplating his next great work. As she leaned forward to shower her princes in kisses, Cypress felt the touch of Rannoch’s small body against his and swung his head blindly in the dust bunny’s direction, grunting as he did — oo-oof-foof! — and curling tightly against his brother. They fit together like two Lego pieces, a tiny yin-yang symbol, clustered together within their mother’s protective embrace.

RE: with the young and rich - Eshe RIP - July 07, 2016

Eshe snuggled and loved on her little boys, enjoying each movement they displayed. Microscopic as it might be, guess what, mamaShe saw it! Rannoch scooted closer to Cypress as Cypress oof'd and made his adorable chuffing sounds. hasjagnghagnjanjagnkajn, she verbalized in her own adoring gurgle of explosive emotion, the sound quiet but eager, unwilling to disturb them. She rest her muzzle alongside of them; if either made the 'I'm hungry!' complaint, she'd swiftly move them to her belly.

RE: with the young and rich - Rannoch’s Ghost - July 08, 2016


As Eshe lowered her muzzle, Rannoch stopped his resisting. He allowed himself to tumble gracefully into the comfort of sleep. The trio would remain as there were for many hours as nap time would overtake the den, light snores seeping into the air as they dreamt.