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Stavanger Bay follow you down to the red oak tree - Printable Version

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follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - June 29, 2016

[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]

It was remarkable how quickly the flood of Cairn scents seemed to strike the air around him. Since arriving in the wilds, the brute had spent a fair amount of time on his own and he had thought that his banishment would mean the end of his family… for some of them, he had counted on that. It hadn’t taken them very long to emerge into this new land, though. The idea almost had him smug; Warsaw would be without its most prized defenders and rulers, and all of it had occurred after they had forced him out. They had even presented Ksenia to him on a silver platter, without the muscle of Jaglon trailing behind her; that thought was enough to make his gut flip with excitement. The job he had set out to do would be finished.
Trailing the edges of the bay and moving to mark the borders with his scent, Skellige kept his gaze on the lookout for any of the others. He had instructed those who had intended to follow him; he had told them where they would be settling. The smell of Donnelaith sat close, but he knew that it would only benefit them if they could hold the alliance with the forest wolves. Certainly, Deirdre would be able to speak sense into the minds of her family and fellow pack members.
With a quiet huff, the titan thought to the members of the Cairn brood who had arrived already on those lands. He had found both Ksenia and Szymon. Ishild had come and scouted him. The only other three who were missing were @Jagoda, Jaglon, and the wild Leokadia. Drawing his gaze down the coast line, as if they would appear on the water’s edge, Skellige paused in his markings and simply allowed the scent of the saline to fill his nares.  
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RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - June 30, 2016

The waves swelled and softly crashed against the shoreline of the bay. The brackish water put the scent of saline and fish into his nostrils, smells that spoke of the sea and that he loved. His chartreuse gaze lingered upon the bay for a few moments, nose twitching and ears held erect above his masked skull. He took these moments to enjoy the sights and smells of the bay before him, but it was another scent that had obtained his focus. It was the scent of his brother.

Ears twitched as Jagoda lowered his maw to the sandy earth and picked up Skellige's scent. It took no more than a few moments to approached the paler man, who stood regally looking at the bay much as his darker brother had done a short while ago. Jagoda paused a few feet away from the other male and lowered his ears, a smile just slightly tugging at the corners of his lips. He spoke quietly, just loud enough to hear over the gently crashing waves.


RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - July 02, 2016

[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]

Almost as if the mere thought of him had brought the child into fruition, the scent of Jagoda had not struck Skellige’s ears until his name had fallen from the other male’s lips. Startled, the brute swung his skull around to face the white-masked man with wild russet eyes. His lip peeled wayward over stained canines to expose them to the unknown creature until he was able to focus on the being in front of him. Blinking once or twice and drawing the boy into his vision to calm the roar in his gut, the wraith breathed a heavy sigh through his nostrils and shook his head in disbelief.
“Jagoda,” he drawled in a tone that was not lacking in surprise. How could they be abandoning their home and venturing into unknown land? They were leaving behind all that the Cairn family had in their possession, and though it brought a sense of self-worth to the dark-eyed brute, he could not imagine how well Warsaw was doing without the aid of their strongest dredge and the fiercest of their anglers.
Lifting his brows upward slightly, the wraith canted his head off to one side curiously. His expression was stern, but that was far from abnormal for the titan of a wolf. “What has brought you here, Jagoda?” he asked of his brother. The glint in his gaze was sharp and his ears were held aloft, hoping to capture any unknown information that might pass through the dark boy’s lips.
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RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - July 03, 2016

I hope this is okay!

A dry smile crossed the dark brute's lips as his brother clearly displayed his incredulity. Skellige's eyes were intense and searching but Jagoda refused to wane. It hadn't been a very difficult decision to leave his home, other than the truth of leaving the only place he had ever known. But another truth, one that had pulled at him for a long while, was that he felt he belonged somewhere else, and the wanderlust that had first gripped him after Skellige's departure had never left.

The paler wolf asked a much expected question. Jagoda's smile faded into seriousness, ears falling slightly in a show of sincerity. "You," he answered, his voice dark but soft. "I came after you. Home... Did not feel right." His yellow-green eyes shifted to and fro before pausing on his strong brother's face, searching for a reaction. Jagoda was not a passive aggressive wolf, he was straightforward in his words, actions, and in his loyalty. A larger wave crashed against the shore and his ear twitched, but his gaze never broke.

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - July 05, 2016

He's perfect! :) Don't worry, Jagoda is wonderful.
[Image: p1CcioW.png][Image: eZForVy.png][table][tr][td valign=center] [/td][td]

There was a smile that seemed to play with the corners of Jagoda’s lips, but Skellige did not return the expression. It should not have been a surprise to the younger boy that his eldest sibling was something of a difficult man. Though the sea king had his affections for his family members, most of them were hidden and tucked away. The only Cairn he had truly shown love and devotion to had been the youngest – Szymon – and that was unlikely to change. It was, however, refreshing for the inky brute to hear his brother speak of home in a manner that would suggest it had changed since his banishment. After having caught wind of Ksenia, he did not imagine that he would find himself longing for the company of the other Cairn children. Still, the sharp yellow-green of the boy’s eyes was a welcome sight.
He professed that he had come to the wilds in search of Skellige; this was surprising to the silver-ribbed leviathan. His brows lifted upwards ever so slightly and he looked to his younger brother with a questioning expression on his face. “I seek to claim this very bay that we walk upon,” he mentioned to the pale-faced boy. “Should you wish it; you may stay with me. Already we are gathering followers…” he trailed at the thought of those who had willingly joined him in his endeavors. As a side-thought, the titan turned his dark gaze onto Jagoda and lifted the very tip of his tail. “Szymon is already here and among them.”
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RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - July 06, 2016

Yay! Still, poke me if anything needs to be changed. :)

Jagoda had few doubts about his older brother. Skellige and Ksenia had both departed their homeland, but inside the masked boy had always known whom he would follow. There was something intriguing about Skellige, as if he were bound for greatness, and Jagoda was quick to pick up on it. He cared little for gaining power of any kind, but sought to follow someone who could, and there was much potential in his older brother. Whether or not Skellige held sentiments toward him or not, Jagoda would prove himself necessary to his older brother's ambitions. 

And he certainly had ambitions.

Skellige spoke again, this time to declare that he wished to claim the bay where the brothers now found themselves. This time, Jagoda raised both brows and looked out over the water as his brother continued to speak. "Good," he said in his soft way, drawing his eyes back to Skellige. "I will stay with you, then." It was a simple decision to make. Though he might stray from the bay to browse the new lands he had come to, Jagoda knew that this was now his home. Szymon, it seemed, had made the same decision, and that only made him happier. Things were coming together.

"Is there anything you need from me?" he asked. He would prove his worth.

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - July 06, 2016

the only thing is the birthplace in your profile <33 if you want to go ahead and set that to Warsaw Islands then everything is perfect
It was settled between the brothers in a matter of moments, and though the two shared few words, there was an understanding of what was to take place. Jagoda would fit well with the wolves of the depths; he was somewhat uncouth and a little daft at times, but his mind was in the right place. His younger brother had always had a knack for being in the right place at the right times. Skellige could not fault him for leaving behind Warsaw in search of something more… it had seemed that this was what the other Cairn children were doing as well. Should they all find themselves in the wilds, the leviathan knew that great things would come to that place.
Jagoda inquired to him what needed to be done and the inky sea king turned his skull across the waters with a small sigh. “I would like you to make yourself known to the others. Get to know them. The Witch Doctor, Arturo, and speak with your little brother… I know you and the others may have treated him roughly on Warsaw, but give him the benefit of the doubt,” Skellige remarked. He would not punish Jagoda if he decided to beat once more on Szymon, but he would suggest that it did not happen.
“Work on creating caches. You always were a good angler,” he then added with a small nod of his skull.  

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - July 07, 2016

Okay, done!

Skellige began to speak, and Jagoda braced himself for what he would ask of him. The first requests would be no trouble. He would seek out Arturo and whichever other Cairn wolves followed them, and make himself  known. At the second request, he could not help the frown that tugged at the corners of his lips. It was no secret that he and some of his other siblings had been unkind to Szymon, and Jagoda felt a tinge of annoyance at the thought of him. But he was firm in his resolve to prove himself worthy to his older brother, so the frown disappeared from his pale maw and he nodded once. He was also asked to fill a cache using his angling abilities, and this would be no problem at all.

"I will do as you ask, brother," he spoke, his voice the same tone as before, despite the issue with Szymon. "Where might I find the witch doctor?" He wanted to change the subject for a moment.

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - July 07, 2016

Jagoda seemed perfectly obedient to the idea that he would need to make his rounds and get to know the others within the pack. Though the pale faced youth had always been the type to do well at following orders. The only privacy that the fel-eyed young man had gotten had been when he was on his own in search of prey. Though Jagoda had been very adept at his angling abilities, he had never truly pursued a climb in the ranks of the Warsaw wolves. The white-faced boy was something of an anomaly but welcome to the depths nonetheless.
The boy inquired as to where he could find the witch doctor and Skellige turned to him with a thoughtful expression on his dark features. “She’s a flighty one. She’s been gathering things for the blessing of the lands. Small with a dusky pelt and eyes the color of the sun,” he explained the girl’s appearance to his brother merely because the girl had not given Skellige had name upon meeting. “You may find her if you talk to Szymon – he’s been tending to helping her with what she might need.”

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - July 08, 2016

For some reason, I thought Arturo WAS the witch doctor. Didn't realize they were separate. My bad, lol! also, do you possibly want to wrap this up soon? not sure what else needs to be said :P

He had asked about the witch doctor specifically because it seemed the most interesting task to adopt first. He could catch fish wherever there were rivers, and he would work hard to capture and store as much as he could for their budding pack. But Jagoda, in his simple way, had not anticipated Skellige's suggesting he speak with Szymon about the witch doctor in order to find her. He remained expressionless, giving no hint of the distaste that he felt at the prospect of speaking to his other brother. 

Still, Jagoda would do as he was asked. He had orders, and he would take and execute them. After he had spoken with Szymon, he would know the location of the witch doctor - a dark-phase woman with golden eyes, as Skellige had described her - and thus be able to do something far more enjoyable. 

"Where is he? Here?"

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Skellige - July 08, 2016

Oh man! Haha yes Arturo (Riptide) is the second doctor, but Skellige had no idea that it's happened, so his only knowledge is currently of Doe. <3 Let's fade with your next post and we can have a new one or you are more than welcome to start threading around with any of the others.
Whether or not Skellige had known it, the sea had spoken to give them two witch doctors. Arturo, though composed and well-mannered most of the time, had taken a nasty fall that had rendered him into two different beings. The great sea wraith had not spoken to his ally since allowing him into the bay, and so his knowledge had only consisted of the girl who had been brought to him on the plateau. She had struggled at first to gain her footing, but was doing well with the preparations for their blessing and so the bay could come to life with the eyes of the mystics upon them.
Jagoda inquired about the whereabouts of their brother, Szymon, and Skellige nodded his head in response. “He’s been darting around aiding the witch. You may want to check in the further reaches of the pack territory, near the forest,” he suggested. “At any rate, make yourself at home here. Begin setting a den, and once the blessing is to be had, I will call for everyone to gather.” The brute nodded his head to his brother and offered a soft bump of his skull against the other man’s shoulder before turning into the bay and setting about with work of his own.

RE: follow you down to the red oak tree - Jagoda - July 09, 2016

gotcha. just let me know when you'd like another thread! :D

Jagoda did not know many of the details to their story. He only knew what he had known since leaving Warsaw, that his powerful brother had departed, that Ksenia had done the same, and that the two of them were rivals. He knew of his brother's affinity with the sea, and with the spirit of the sea. But still, the boy had much to learn. It would come in time, but at the moment he felt a tinge of anxiety, wishing he understood more and could therefore do more to aid in Skellige's potential reign. It would come in time.

His brother answered his question, an answer that lead Jagoda to believe he might possibly come across both parties that he needed to speak with at the same time. It irritated him, because he would have preferred to get the sea witch on her own, so that his encounter with Szymon could be cut as short as possible. Were the sea witch and his little brother friends of some kind? Jagoda held back a scoff; he was quiet, listening as Skellige more officially welcomed him, inviting him to create his den and feel at home in Starvanger bay.

"Thank you, Skellige," uttered Jagoda. He watched the dark beast turn and walk away for several moments. Then, he got to his feet, and departed in the opposite direction to explore his new home.