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Silvertip Mountain Read about you in a museum - Printable Version

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Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - June 30, 2016

Ezekiel padded along, checking and marking the borders. His favorite pass time, other than his new found hobby and talent he'd found at counseling. It wasn't something you'd expect from the brutish male, but he liked the feeling of helping. It made him feel like he wasn't just a soldier anymore. He was a contributing member of an amazing pack, and I liked that. The Manchester lifted his leg to spray a tree, not leaving any spots unchecked. He couldn't risk any intruders 'unknowingly' sneaking past borders. They couldn't possibly miss after all the careful marking he'd done.

He stopped for a rest under a tree, not one he'd peed on, and sighed. It was a beautiful day. He'd never thought he'd see another one of these beautiful days. The famine seemed to have lasted forever. But now it was over, and everything was good. A breeze ruffled his shale grey fur, and he shook his pelt to slick it back down.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 02, 2016

Valette trotted close to the border, she liked it more because the ground was more even, plus sh noticed that she was easier out of breath when she was going deeper in the territory, which meant that she was higher up the mountain. The girl did try to have a bit of a watchful eye when she walked close to the border, yet she hadn't scent marked anything.

It was the fresh scent marks of Ezekiel, or well she thought it was him, that she refrained from doing so. The dark colored girl didn't plan on catching up with him, not wanting to keep him from doing his work. Yet when she was casually trotting and keeping her hazel eyes out for any danger she spotted him sitting by a tree. Such a hard worker he was, she thought, feeling a bit amused by her own tease that went through her mind. "Hi, Ezekiel," she greeted.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 04, 2016

Ezekiel heard her footsteps and turned just in time for Valette to greet him. He'd been afraid it would be Anita. Luckily it was just the new dark colored female, who he decided he didn't mind too much. She was quieter, and nice. He could handle her company. He turned to face her, but didn't stand. All the walking he'd done had gotten him tired. He dipped his head in greeting and offered a faint smile.

Hey Valette. What's up? He asked, wondering what brought her to the borders. He hadn't taken her for the patrolling type, but he wasn't one to judge. For all he knew, she was a guardian just like him, and she was out to mark borders too.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 04, 2016

Valette smiled kindly and nodded her head in greeting. "I am well," she spoke with a hum on her lips. She noticed his scent marks, yet she hadn't marked anything. She just wanted to be an ambassador, not a guardian like him. She knew she could also go outside the territory but first she wanted to know her new home well.

"I was just making myself more familiar with the borders. And the air is much easier to breathe here," she admitted to the male. "I noticed you were marking the territory," she returned, not really needing to ask what he was doing because she already knew.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 05, 2016

Ezekiel liked Valette so far. She was very kind and friendly, yet she was laidback. Glad to hear it. He said in response to her well being. She still looked skinny from the famine, but that was over now. Soon both of them would be healthier than before. She answered his question, just exploring. He remembered when he'd first arrived in this pack. He'd explored the borders first, seeing as that would be his station. It seemed not long ago that Steady had scolded him from trying to give Zaria a rabbit.

I was. I consider border patrol kind of my job, so if you ever need me, I'll be out here probably. Here or napping in my den back at the hollow. He said with a grin, what he said was very true. He was always at the border. At the border or at his den. That was just how he rolled. And I'm going for the guardian specialty, so that's another reason I'm always out here. Are you going for any trades? Or have any? He asked, wondering what Valette could do. She'd proved to be a huntress in his eyes, but he wondered if she already had the trade.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 06, 2016

Valette quirked up her lips a bit and nodded. The male was once again talking about himself with quite a lot of pride. The girl was getting used to it, though she was trying to see a bit through it too. Feeling rather playful she went to tease him. "Did you just invite me in your den, Ezekiel?," she returned. Maybe to show him that she might be quiet and not speak much, but that she did have some fire on her tongue.

The girl sat down too where she was standing before. "I have two trades. Hunter and Scout. I want to become a Deerstalker, who has a major focus is on large ungulates, team coordination and scavenging. I might take another hunting specialty like fishing. Not sure. And my other trade is being a Scout, though I am not sure if I want to be an ambassador or ranger," she explained to him. She was a very ambitious girl.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 06, 2016

Ezekiel felt himself grow hot with embarassment as the female teased him. Yes she was very pretty, very nice and stuff, but now she'd made him feel awkward. I... uhhh. He stuttered awkwardly, ears flattening pitifully. He was quite honestly rubbish with girls. His old pack covered more along the lines of how to beat up others and less how to flirt. Her point had gotten across well, she was spunky, and while she'd made him stammer, he liked that in her.

She began to speak about her own trades. She was ambitious, and clearly organized, having her whole life planned out. Zeke had practically always been a warrior and guardian, and just a few days ago had he discovered he liked counseling. Good trades. You're very punctual, I get the feeling you like to be in charge. He said with a smile, somewhat reffering to the first pack hunt a few days ago. She had completely shitted all over Krypton's idea, and he could tell Steady hadn't liked that. But he agreed with Valette's plan. He liked that she could stand up for herself too, that was a quality Zeke wished he'd learned long ago.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 06, 2016

Valette watched how she flustered the male. It wasn't her intention to make him feel like that, but it did prove that what she had observed before might be right. Ezekiel might not be as confident as he showed himself, maybe there was a bit of insecurity inside of him after all. It was not a bad thing for Valette, in fact, it made her like him more than all that boasting and how good he was at things. She just gave him a friendly smile and let her teasing be.

Valette raised her brows a bit. "Oh no. Not particularly." Though, she had never been in charge really so she would not know if she did like it. It seems a lot of responsibility and Valette don't feel like she was ready for that. She almost started about her mother and how she let everyone walk over her. That was how Valette learned to speak up, she saw what it did to her own mother. Though, Valette did not want to talk about her deceased mother or share something so personal with Ezekiel. "Being punctual does get things done. Practice makes perfect."

Maybe Ezekiel referred to the pack meeting and how she reacted there, perhaps he had a different view of her now. There was a silence from her side, but it was not uncommon. She never shared too much, still too hesitant that the past would repeat.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 09, 2016

Ezekiel was surprised to hear that she didn't like like to be in charge. However the keyword was particularly. She seemed like she liked to know things, he felt she was one to hate being kept in the dark. But of course he didn't know her all that well. She didn't know him much yet either, but maybe if they became friends, he'd be willing to share more. He wasn't usually the most trusting at first, and winning his trust was hard. Steady had done it, and Niita was getting closer to winning him over, everyone else here he considered more of friendly acquaintances. 

Yeah I guess it does. He said in regards to her practice makes perfect comment. Practice, train, that was all he'd done pretty much during his first year of life. He knew the phrase well, his mother and father always wanted him to be better. Part of his insecurity today, though he was unaware, was his drive to be better. His parents had planted that inside him as a young age, and to this day he still didn't think he could ever be good enough. He kept that part of him to himself, not many he'd met could relate.

The two sat in silence for a moment. Valette didn't say anything, which was bad for Zeke because he wasn't the best at starting conversations. Well. Want to do anything? That was honestly the best had had at the moment. The heat wasn't helping him think, hopefully Valette would have an idea.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 09, 2016

Valette studied the male, as she always liked to do with the wolves she was talking with. Once again, the second time, the male suggested that they should do something. It was the same with Anita. It seemed the male was more comfortable with doing instead of talking. Valette eyed over him curiously, and with a quirk on her lips.

"No," she spoke in reply to his question, though with a bit of a curious smile. "You were resting here, I would dislike to take that from you," she stated and then instead of sitting she decided to lay down. Her body looked calm as she did, and rested her head on her paws. Her hazel colored eyes curiously on him, not very dominantly. "So, in a way, yes. I want to do something. Let's rest. Here."

The girl quirked up her lips a bit and then decided to close her eyes. She was ambitious but knew when to stop and take a break. She was still young, and her mind often wandered, wanting to do other things. She wanted to let the other know that he didn't have to talk to her. She was fine with not talking and just being in his presence.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 10, 2016

It was true, Ezekiel had been resting here first. But now that Valette was here, he was feeling anxious. He was going to protest, suggest a hunt or a swim, but before he could get the words out of his mouth, Valette laid down beside him. Lets rest, here. She said, eying him clearly curious. At first he wasn't sure what to say to her. Should he speak? She just wanted to rest. If that was what she wanted to do, he'd do the same. He sighed, and placed his head on his paws. It did feel good to rest, and though he didn't know her that much yet, he felt safe by her side.

Soon Ezekiel found himself nearing sleep. Everything was quiet, there was a nice breeze and the shade of the tree they were under left him cool. He had forgotten how comforting the presence of others were. He appreciated her being there with him. He decided that he liked Valette. A lot. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift a bit.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 10, 2016

Aww so cute!

Valette closed her eyes though she still tried to feel his presence and what he was feeling at the moment. She opened one eye to peek, he looked a bit nervous but she wasn't sure. Then she decided that if she just relaxed he would too. The young female closed her eyes, just listening to her surroundings. After all they were close to the borders and anything could happen. In the middle of the territory she felt safer, but it was difficult to breathe there.

The young female rested more against the male with her own head on her paws. She wanted the other to know that he could relax around her. After awhile she lifted her head a bit and looked to the side, it seemed that Ezekiel had fallen asleep, at least it looked like it. She smiled softly and then placed her head down too, deciding that she would keep watch while he would sleep.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 11, 2016

Adorable <3

When Ezekiel awoke, not too much later from when he'd fallen asleep, he found Valette was leaning on him a bit. It took the sleepy boy a moment to realize where he even was. It wasn't often that he fell asleep outside his den. But out here with Valette, even though they were at the border felt the safest place in the whole territory. After he had waken up a little more, he raised his head to see the dark girl wasn't asleep. Had she kept watch this whole time? That was usually his job, and normally he would've felt not very manly to know she'd watched him sleep. But he didn't. It made him smile instead.

He stirred, turning his body to be side by side with her. Head raised high and watching the border of Silvertip Mountain, guardian instinct making him to a quick scan. Nothing was there, so he turned his head to look at Valette beside him. I can watch now if you want to sleep. He said with a nod, feeling it was his duty to return the favor she'd done for him.

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 11, 2016

Valette noticed that after awhile the male started to wake. She smiled when he turned and gave a quick scan over the borders. Valette pushed herself in a sitting position. She gently shook her head. "No need, I already rested while you slept," she spoke. Valette turned her hazel colored eyes towards him and smiled kindly before pushing her to her feet.

"It looked like you needed it," she spoke to him in return. "You can return the favor another time. How does that sound?," she hummed. After all she was not going to dwell to much on this little thing. What she didn't know was that she was going to travel soon.

RE: Read about you in a museum - Ezekiel - July 11, 2016

Ezekiel smiled back at her as she pushed herself to stand. He nodded, and stood as well, stepping back to give her space. You can return the favor some other time. He smiled again, he wasn't sure if it was his nap or Valette that made him feel so happy. Sounds good. Thank you, see you around then miss. He said courteously, the same way he did when he felt like being a gentleman. He then turned away back to the border where he could continue his patrol. He felt refreshed, and for once his mind was clear. Today had proved to be a good day indeed.

Last from me! If you want another just tag me and I'm there <3

RE: Read about you in a museum - RIP Valette - July 11, 2016

Definitely! <3

Valette smiled at the male and smiled at him in return. It was not something that he did often so she felt rather special now. The girl nodded her head and then took off. She still had to talk to Steady about her punishment, so she decided that was something she needed to do. Also to ask permission for her trip. "I will see you around, Zeke," she hummed and then trotted off.