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Two Rivers Isle One's loss, another's gain - Printable Version

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One's loss, another's gain - Mortar - June 30, 2016

@Burke @Malice

The usually large bear was only a fraction of the weight he should have been at this time of year. For months, he had been trying to stock up on his reserves, but the famine had made that impossible. He had a few lucky moments here and there, but it was nothing compared to what he really needed to prepare his body for hibernation. 

The foliage had returned, and it with the meat and fruits he usually fattened up on. However, when he tried to eat, his stomach readily rejected it. Even with all this food around, his body was too far gone to accept it. He plopped down on the lush green grass a few feet from the river. He had walked around this area enough to know he was in the middle of land that the river circled. He also knew he would not leave this place again.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Burke - June 30, 2016

Burke was close to having a heart attack when he saw a bear quite close to their den site. Their babies would be a perfect protein snack. Burke hackles raised. This bear needed to fuck off, big time. He howled for Malice and @Shink, emergency howl. The pups would have to stay at their den with Aeronwyn. And if the came to help the pups would need to be on their own in the den for a bit. If they could kill this bear they would have all full stomachs. Maybe they could try and feed their young some of their first meat!

Burke bared his teeth, keeping a sensible distance from the bear though he was growling and barking at the bear to at least make it back off. Burke was not going to let this opportunity pass.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Malice - June 30, 2016

Malice lay inside her den, curled around her little boys like always. She couldn't wait for them to see better and explore this newly founded land, but she knew she had to wait a while. For now, it was fine to have them near.

It was not long though before she smelled something odd-something dangerous. She stuck her head of the den, carefully leaning over her little ones. Her nose touched the wind, and the vague scent of bear filled her nostrils. She sneezed softly, hopefully not startlening the kids. The howl of Burke startled her instead, and she immediately got up to check what was wrong.

With nervous steps, Malice approached the sickly thin yet big brown ball of fluff and stopped beside her lover. It seemed to be sleeping, or dying, she couldn't tell. Or perhaps it was already dead, she could not see much. All she saw was a threat to their new home, It was fighting or feast time. Perhaps her pups' first real meal beside her milk.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Shink - June 30, 2016

Unsurprisingly, the urgent summons of Burke's siren had not been the only think to draw the rosy youngster towards the scene; the enticing odour of a weakened creature caused his nasal glands to go berserk and he emerged from the mossy entangles of the woodland with a wild glint in his eyes, fur bristling with interest and tail held at a curious angle. A slight sense of relief washed over his form as he recognised the stoical figures of both Burke and Malice who were already hot on the scene. As he neared the duo, his paws slowed to a halt, stopping to fall into place beside Burke as his deep copper eyes silently observed the scene before him. The weakened body of a bear lay not far from their paws, its actions slow and sluggish and its flanks heaving, ribs protruding dangerously from everyone's common enemy; starvation. Hackles raised, he forced his paws to stay planted firmly upon the dry ground as he awaited instruction from his Royals.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Mortar - June 30, 2016

He had smelled the scent of wolves all over the area, but didn't have the energy to care about it. The howl so close to him made him realize they could no longer be ignored. He lifted his head, roaring in agitation at the intrusion. There was one, then two, and then three of them. The bear sat up, swiping a paw through the air as a warning to them. He may be weak, but one hit from his paw could still injure them.

Can't you mangy dogs let a bear die in peace? he growled. He knew what was happening to him, had accepted it, even. He had hoped he could just lie down and go to sleep, but it seemed these wolves were out to ruin his last moments on this earth.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Aeronwyn - June 30, 2016

The howl reached her first, and she made her way toward it, even though she was not called. Bear met her nose next, the stuffy smell of it, and her hackles raised as a single thought crossed her mind. The pups. Her paws carried her toward the den, her body moving at a swift run. She reached it quickly, the lingering scent of Malice lingering with the pups. However much Aeronwyn wished to go kill the bear, the pups were of higher priority, and while they were gone anything could pick them off.

So she slipped into the den without a second thought, wrapping herself protectively around the two bundles that were @Pyro and @Vassago, steel eyes on the entrance of the den as she drew the pups close to her.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Tryp - June 30, 2016

Vassago was being a pain already when his mother stood, but to nobody but himself. He'd found his paws today, and came to realize they were fun things to play with if he had nothing else! Laying on his back, the chestnut boy stuffed almost the entire paw in his jaws.
But then his mothers flank pillow moved, rolling him off to land on his belly with a confused look on his face. Brows furrowing, he was set even further back when Malice not just left, but allowed Aerowyn to come in and look after them. The pulling on him was far from appreciated, and the little prince refussed to beleieve he had to listen to this new female.
He didn't recognize the new scent as dangerous, but it did send a prickling feeling down his spine. Even if he didn't know it, his instincts did.
His instincts also demanded he go and fight the smell, and without a second thought or look at the pale female Vass strode towards the mouth of the den, intent on following his mother and finding out just what this thing was!
At the den entrance, he stopped, however, and gazed out with wide blue eyes. It wasn't far off, he could SEE it, but far enough away it likely wouldnt see him maybe smell him even had wolves not been swarming it. With a growl and a strangled puppy-howl, Vassago strode forward without thinking about the babysitter likely on his ass. 

Haha, sorry Vass is just an ass amused giggles but I feel like its in his blood to be a bit of a dick sometimes xD

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Burke - July 02, 2016

Aeronwyn better keep Vassago close haha

Burke didn't notice that his son escaped, he was busy with this bear. Malice was soon by his side and the large male was keen on having this bear chased out or better, even death. He bared his teeth, the bears growls made out something. Burke grinned between his growls. "Let us do the job for you then," he returned, docked tail up and his position ready to attack.

He looked at Malice. Maybe they could convince the bear that they could kill him quickly if he didn't fight against them. Burke knew that it meant that his family could feast on his meat even though the animal was skinny.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Malice - July 02, 2016

Their band came together at last, Aeronwyn protecting the small babes, Shink with them to fight and Burke and her at the front. She squinted at the bear. This was indeed cruel to do, even though he was prey. He was obviously intelligent as he waited on the peace that came with death. Malice felt bad for threatening him in his last moments on earth, but the quicker it was done, the sooner the pain ended and all the worries would lift from the bear's shoulders. She glared at Burke. this was no way to treat a dying beast, not even the enemy. 

The sooner it is done, the sooner you will be in a better place. She spoke softly yet clear, no trembling in her voice. A lingering eye was kept in Aeronwyn, but she trusted the female enough to let her watch the kids- even with Vassago already on the move. It wasn't like the bear would attack, she thought, for it seemed way too weak to do anything aside from provide them all with a feast be fitting royalty. 

Let us end your suffering, provide us the survival we need. She said as she krept a little closer. She was hungry, perhaps more than anyone here for feeding the pups costed her energy as well, but never would she risk getting wounded now. 

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Shink - July 02, 2016

The wild glint still remained within the deep copper depths of the boys eyes as he stood tall, watching with narrowed eyes as the beast lunged his magnificent paw through the air with a quiet swoosh. Admiration and pity for the poor creature allowed his ridged pelt to flatten slightly, though he did not let his gaze depart from the bears weakened form. One rosy ear flicked back to acknowledge Aeronwyn as she corralled the youngsters. Good; they were safe for now, so long as the three of them would be able to end this quickly. "Perhapse one day our bodies will be able to provide your kin with strength in future times of hardship," he murmured with an underlying growl, stepping forward to keep in line with the dark dame, his tail also angling into an aggressive position. "You will feel better, I promise." He risked a glance at Burke, watching silently as he waited for the brute to make the first move.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Mortar - July 02, 2016

The bear roared at the male's show of teeth and obviously selfish offer to get the dead over with. With an attitude like that, the bear replied angrily, there's no way I would simply offer myself to you. While he did know what was going on, and had accepted it, he was not a nice bear. If these wolves thought they could get him to simply lie down and allow them to kill him, they were seriously mistaken.

The female voice had his gaze turning on her. She was nicer, he could tell, and wiser. His own expression may have softened slightly, but she did not change his mind. He knew they would get his body in the end, no matter if they let him die alone or killed him, but the male had angered him, and a bear's temper didn't just go away.

Another wolf, who appeared in personality to be between the male and the female, actually thought they may one day repay his kind if he did this for them today. Mortar scoffed at the naivety of the new male. You would no sooner give yourself to a bear than a fish to a bird, he replied, displeased with this whole situation.

Movement caught his eye, and his gaze turned on a small wolf pup. The bear could just barely make him out, as the foliage of the ground mostly blended him in. But, he knew he was there. You are all stupid if you think I won't put up a fight. You have pups to raise, as I can see, he pointed out. He never liked wolves. They were flighty scavengers that had always gotten in his way. The sight of the next generation of them angered him even more and he lifted his weight to a standing position. Mortar was never one to back down from a fight, and even on his death bed, he would go down taking as many as he could along with him.

What energy he had left he gathered up for this last fight. He didn't bother going for the parents, knowing they would attack him either away. He charged for the pup, intending to mow down any wolf that got in his way.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Tryp - July 02, 2016

Slight pp and skipping of Aero but we have this planned :P Yay for Whumps! Last post from me, since Vass is out for the count right now. Figured Malice or someone would grab him and take care of him.  

As had slipped his mind, the babysitter was on his tail and Vass found himself swinging up in the air by his scruff. Confusion clouded his mind for a moment as the little chestnut tried to figure out what was going on, but when she turned to take him back to safety, the flash of silver was enough to know that it was the stranger who'd always been there, at least since leaving their first home. Those days were remembered already just as blurred and muted memories, but none of it held any negativity for him other than climbing the mountain. 
Aeronwyn soon had a thrashing puppy in her jaws, and in his flailing Vass swung his paw up into her face. She didn't react soon enough, and the collision caused her to cry out: thus letting the stubborn pup fall the foot to the earth and scramble up and away. Throwing a look over his shoulder, it wasn't until after he'd tripped and fallen on his face that Mortar lunged. As the little prince shook his face free of dust, the lumbering blob came closer, focusing in his vision. A moment passed that only the bear was moving, and even Vass could do nothing but stare. He was numb, confused, but it took that second for his instincts to kick in and tell him to run. Turning tail with a frightened yelp, Vassago tried his hardest to get away before the beast killed him. There was no reason he should have lived, really, not a single one. The bumbling puppy was not the master of life he saw himself as, was not indestructible, but simply overly brave and naive. It didn't process in his mind that Aeronwyn was no longer in the place she had been, not with the short glance he shot to the cave before squeezing his eyes shut and charging away. Never did the thought cross his mind to look back, to check what was happening. Nothing else mattered but the instincts pushing him to run, to escape, to get back to the cave and his nest. 
Not until the blinding pain, burning like a raging inferno through his core, slashed across the little chestnut boys flank. Seconds later, not even enough time to process or see the first bout of strange liquid that gushed from suddenly pink flesh, a far worse pain settled in his little worm of a tail.... Or at least the stump of it left that hadn't gone down Mortars throat. Vassago loosed a shriek calling for help and announcing the fact that the bear had gotten him. Someone would help him, right? Mama or Daddy would come in and make everything better again, like always, right?
Why the bear hadn't inflicted more damage, why he was alive, why the monster had lashed out anyways, this was all unknown to the boy for now. In truth, however, it was the silver woman charged with his safety who did, indeed, was the reason his soul still resided in his body. Vass didn't know what happened next, for the pain that captured him was just too much. He collapsed a few yards away, closer to the den, and fell into a fear-ridden slumber. He would be okay, provided someone stopped the bleeding and didn't allow it to become infected, but one thing was for sure: this little boy would be much wiser in the future. Running off and doing things irrationally, that led to bad things. Painful, awful, terrifying things, like Pyro's slip into the river, and now the loss of his tail and some blood.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Aeronwyn - July 02, 2016

The little tyke was feisty, was he not? Making sure Pyro was settled, the femme darted forward and grabbed the boy by his scruff, heaving him back into the den. But, quite obviously, he wanted nothing of the sort and thrashed wildly. However, it was the shock of his diminutive claws across her face that caused her the hiss and drop the boy quite suddenly. Little moron tyke darted right at the lumbering form of the bear, and it was at that moment something in the woman hardened. 


She was a predator, a hunter, eyes hardened in the killing glare as she ran, a fluid medley of silver steel, claws and fangs. Paws thudded against the ground in quick succession, a beating rhythm as her heart raced and time slowed. The bear, the thundering oaf, went after Vassago, of all things, a defenseless pup. She, in her actions, would be the thing that probably kept little Vassago from being killed. She was flying, suddenly, heard the sound of a blow, of the pup, but then she was thudding into the bear, fangs bared and snatching at whatever she could, though her sights were set on the throat of the lumbering thing. She was half aware of the rippling snarl that shot from her throat as she struck, thoughts only on killing the thing that dared threaten a pup, her nephew, if Malice was correct in her words all those days ago.
If anyone would like anything changedabout this pos, please PM me!

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Burke - July 03, 2016

Staying vague about how Mortar went through Malice, Shink and Burke to get to Vassago.

Burke stood there by the bear when everything went so fast. Vassago was there, but Aeronwyn snatched him away. The bear knew they had young but Burke was never going to let him pass never. Yet somehow it did, maybe he was getting old, but it seemed the bear attacked out of nowhere while before the animal seemed like it wanted to die a quiet death and was not going to make too much of a fuzz if they didn't attack.

Vassago let out a cry, not a cry because he didn't get what he wanted but because he was in pain. Burke knew that pain, though he was quick to react. He was going to protect his son from that bear. His stupid son. It seemed he had two stupid sons, one falling in a river by not listening and the other being mauled by a bear because he was not listening. Burke was almost tempted to let him figure it out on his own, but then he realized the young was actually only one moth. One month and already this was happening. Burke tried to grab the bear by its hamstring as his back was turned to the two parents.

He was not going to let the bear any closer. Aeronwyn attacked the bear too, and well that left Malice and Shink. Burke instantly pulled himself away from the bear, the others had seen how he attacked from behind, they might as well use that technique too so the bear was distracted from the pup. Burke used that time he hoped he had. He rushed forward and snatched Vassago in his jowls. The pup had no choice in this after all it was far too small. Burke brought it inside, kind of wanting to fight with the others, though he also knew that he was the oldest and not the fittest. "Stupid child!," he growled now for once not directed at Pyro. He might not understand its words but the tone was clear.

He started to check Vassago for wounds and noticed that it was mostly his tail that had been bitten off. Burke started to lick it, remembering when he had to bite his own tail off. Apparently Vassago was going to look a lot like him, only in a different shade. "Silent, now. It was your own damn fault," he stated between the licks, though his voice was calmer. Hoping the fight outside was going well without him. He did not trust his own son to stay in the den.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Malice - July 05, 2016

As the bear lunged to somewhere behind her, the movement too fast for her to keep track of what was going on, she had not yet realized what was happening. She growled. She had wanted to do this peacefully, but there was no way to reason with a beast. In a way, the bear reminded her of Nemesis. Fat, ugly, feral. When she heard the crying of her young, she knew she was too late, a numbing feeling going through her whole body. She could swear her vision went to black as she turned around and saw Vassago. VASSAGO! she cried out as she lunged, a few moments after Burke, at the fuzzy thin bear. 

She had almost gotten a heart attack from just hearing that Pyro had fallen into a river, but this was worse. He's dead, she kept repeating in her head. My son's dead because of this bear. little did she knew he was not actually that badly wounded. She attacked the back of the bear as Burke rushed to Vassago, trying to tear whatever she could. A raging mother was something to be scared off, especially when that mother had been trained as a warrior ever since she could barely speak. She knew to be careful of the bear's paws and his head turning around, perhaps, but the rest was fair game. 

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Shink - July 07, 2016

Time seemed to slow as the beast made a lunging movement and Shink watched in horror, tearing his gaze away from the land directly in front of him to see its massive jaws reach out for Vassago. His ears were slick back against his scalp, tail fluffed out and tail whipped between his back tendons as the terrifying moment was followed busy a bloodcurdling scream for help, undoubtedly voiced by one of the youngsters. Panic flared through him as his copper eyes saw Burke and Aeronwyn leap to to the pups aid and he let out a small whimper of terror, twisting his frame round so that he was once again facing the thin body of the bear. He had nothing to lose. Fuelled by the battle cry of the dark dame, the rosy boy sprinted forward, his fear momentarily forgotten as adrenaline coursed through his veins. Teeth bared and hackles raised, he made his move forward in an attempt to sink his teeth into the beasts flesh, a vicious growl making his whole body shudder as he nipped and dashed beside Malice.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Mortar - July 15, 2016

I'm so sorry! I thought it was someone else's turn! >_<

It all seemed to happen so fast. He lunged towards the pup, and was able to slice his hind end with his claws, and bite off a chunk of his tail. He wanted more, more flesh, more blood. He shut his eyes against the attack of the white wolf, feeling her teeth teear his flesh as his own blood began to flow. He roared in protest as his open jaws swung towards her, trying to grab whatever flesh he could.

Others joined in on the attack, and Mortar swung his massive paw in the direction of an agouti wolf who was trying to sink teeth into the bear's flesh, hoping to hit his mark.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Aeronwyn - July 23, 2016

She reached her mark, tearing open flesh, but by no means did her rage dissipate. Her silver orbs gleamed with bloodlust, as a horrible snarl ripped from her throat. Wouldn't the fucking thing just die already? Her paws hit the ground as she landed, crouched, and just as soon had she bunched her muscles and shot back in the bear's direction, aiming her fangs toward the bear's throat for the killing blow. If successful, she would tear out the thing's throat, every nerve humming with the high of such anger driven battle, though her mind still honed like a knife, barely tactical in the struggle.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Burke - July 24, 2016

Vassago seemed to have passed out, and the older male watched how the three wolves attacked the bear. The father tugged the passed out Vassago closer. He grabbed Pyro closer too and kept the two young ones safe. He wanted to fight with them as he had done in the beginning, but now he had to be the guardian of the pups. He was more than certain that the other three could end the bear and give them their first real meal.

Aeronwyn seemed particularly dangerous and vicious towards the bear. Females normally are. The male watched the fight, staying low to the ground and hunched over the two pups. His belly could feel every movement from Pyro if he would make one, but both seemed to be quite shocked. They would have to talk to them later. Burke just hoped Vassago would be okay. If he would die from this. Burke nosed over him and licked over the wounds on the pup's side. For now it didn't look too bad.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Malice - July 24, 2016

Of course Malice wanted to avenge her son by killing the bear herself, but not everything went her way. She saw Aeronwyn going for its throat at the moment she wanted to let go and go for the killing blow herself while in the corner of her eye she saw Burke protecting their children. She wondered what damage had been done, all because of her wanting to be peaceful toward this bear that seemed to be full of shit. She had been kind, gentle even, with the creature of nightmares and what had she gotten in return? A dead son! She was a furious mama, one to be scared of, her rage a beautiful mix of dangerous and wonderful as her teeth ripped both fur and flesh off the bear. She hated him, despised him, loathed him and wanted him dead at her feet and feed him to the one child she had left- not knowing that Vassago had survived the gruesome attack.

She saw a paw flying through the air at what she assumed to be Shink, but could not see a clear picture due to her anger and all that was happening. She dodged it, having paid attention to the bear's great big paws ever since meeting it, but was not sure if Shink had seen it coming as well.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Shink - July 25, 2016

He was on the beast within a heartbeat, maw agape and fangs sinking deep into the bears flesh as his cranium lashed from side to side. Naivety drove him to seek him primal urges, releasing his sanity to let him instincts rule his body and do what a wolf must do. Wracking snarls made his whole body shiver as he mirrored his fellows actions, planting his forepaws upon the bears hide to ensure he had a force to push against. Perhaps he served only as a distraction to the beast, yet as his inferno orbs caught sight of a flash of white, a surge of envy coursed through his veins. He wanted to take down the monster; to prove to his Royals that he was not just a meek yearling cowering and pleading for their protection but that he was a worthy soldier of their empire that would serve and protect his own.

Blinded by his bloodlust and the urge to feed and protect, he did not see the great paw looming above his form, only turning to snap at its heated pads the instant it made contact with his flank. A howling grimace exploded from his lungs as he turned on the object that had just hit him, teeth bared and ears pinned to his scalp as he twisted to sink his canines into its tender flesh. Maybe the bear had not started this carnage; perhaps he and the others should've left the beast to wither away in peace yet the screams of the whelp were still ringing in his ears, spurring on his every move. The creature had brought his ending upon himself by harming one of their own and for that he must pay; whether the final blow be dealt by Malice or Aeronwyn, it would not matter, just that his body would soon become a life source for them all.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Mortar - July 25, 2016

The bear couldn't keep track of which wolf was where doing what damage. He could feel teeth sink into his muscle, what was left anyways, and flesh tore from his body. They were all on him in a blur, and he twisted and turned to try and land his own blows. It didn't matter that he knew he wouldn't survive this. He simply wanted to take out as many as he could with him.

A flash of white was all he seen before he felt the canines sink into his throat. He knew that hit would end him, but he growled in protest anyways, swinging his paw towards another wolf, trying to make contact. It didn't have the energy behind it as the other had, however. 

The life was draining out of him, and eventually the bear went down. The gleam left his eyes as he took his last breath, and with it, gave the wolves the one thing he hadn't wanted to: the chance of survival.

Last from me! <3

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Aeronwyn - July 25, 2016

The beast crumbled beneath her like paper, leaving the bloodied femme to tear into his throat. As promised, as the bear went down, she grasped hold of flesh and pulled, tearing out a good chunk of the beast's throat. Her silver eyes gleamed with hate and bloodlust, and as soon as she had torn out the thing's throat, or at least part of it, she struck again, as if desperate to tear the things head from it's horrible body. 

She buried her fangs in the beast again and again, until it dimly dawned on her that the beast would not rise again. And so she slowed, gaze falling from it's heightened bloodlust into a strained neutral, her tongue lolling from her bloodstained muzzle. She gazed at Malice pair numbly from the bears destroyed throat and chest, her chest heaving as her gaze sank again to the bear, form completely still save for the quavering of heavy breaths.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Burke - July 26, 2016

Burke jumped up to his feet and howled loudly into the air in victory when the bear fell down. The male instantly moved to the bear. The pups were in no danger now, and this was their first big meal of the famine. Burke attacked the male's belly trying to rip it open and find the delicious organs.

With that he could fill his belly. He was pretty sure that Malice wasn't to check on her kids. The father had protected them well, one of them was only still passed out. He was pretty sure that he was going to be alright.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Malice - July 26, 2016

She knew the thin wolf would be able to stand his own when surrounded by their band. They were simply with too many, all with their own techniques on how to teach the brute a lesson. Malice's muzzle was covered in blood, the blood of a being that had killed or at least injured one of her loved ones. We wanted to do this peacefully, you dick... She spat, voice muffled by the amount of fur in her mouth. She was sure the bear could feel the slow vibrations though, and that was enough.

The bear fell down, the last drops of life slowly draining, going into the ground to see another being to manifest in. Death hung in the air, and if this had been a Disney movie, it would've rained. She wasn't hungry, not even a little, and thus let go of the bear as soon as he was truly dead. She ran over to Burke who was coming for his fair share of food, but passed him to get to her children. She looked in horror at Vassago's tail, but she saw him breathing. He was alive! More dead than alive though, especially from the angle she was in. She nosed over both sons, not minding her not having the first pick of what kind of bear meat she would get, and when she was sure they were safe and breathing, she left for the bear.

She sunk her teeth in the haunches of the bear, where the tasty muscles were, for she wasn't so fond of the organs. Eating the bear felt right. A tail for a life may not be the best deal the bear had ever done, but alas, he couldn't back down now- not anymore.