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Ghost Lion Crag The Hunt is ON! - Printable Version

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The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 03, 2016

Alrighty @Darsal here we go! Let get a move on hehe

Shalon had been slowly following the border of her new pack, trying to get a feel for the path before she started strengthening the border, in hopes of helping her King and Queen. There were many knew scents in the air, some were wild fauna and others were wolves, wolves she did not recognize. This task might be harder than she thought for such a vast territory. With a small shrug she continued her trail. 

Her grey and tanned multi-hued coat flowing in the small breeze, her tail held behind her and her ears were perked forward alert. Shalon was ready for anything. She was hyper alert until.... her stomach growled. Slowing to a stop, Shalon turned her head to her stomach. It had been a few days since she had eaten, and she was unsure of the conditions of the packs cache. But was assuming they were low. She wasn't the best hunter, average at best. Shalon thought she might try to increase the cache after she had completed her round, unless another oportunity arose...
so we kinda need to meet first, im thinking its best that we stay in the territory until we have and then we can venture out after introductions kk? We are still in the Golden Glade :) for now even thought the prefix is different..... hehe

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 03, 2016

OOC: @Shalon

Darsal had only been in the Royal Fire Court for a short time. Although she was relatively neutral with all of the wolves in the pack at this point, she was unable to trust them yet. Hopefully, this would change.
She had agreed to hunt today for the pack's meager food supply, but inwardly, Darsal wanted to get to know her packmates. She wished she weren't so awkward around new acquaintances.
As she traveled through the Golden Glade's spindly brush, her muted gray pelt flitting in the wind, she admired the beauty of the setting around her. The summer sun was flaring overhead, warm against Darsal's newly-shed coat. She thought of how opportune a season this was to form a pack, and she thought back to her new King and Queen. Although it would take a few turns for her to find them trustworthy, her heart was pledged to them. The poet inside her blossomed, and she fell into a silent draft of a haiku:
Igniting Flames
Though the road was rough,
the Wolves of Fire sought glory,
and glory they'd find.

Once she'd finished the poem, she memorized it over and over, vowing never to forget it. Darsal swore to tell this to the pack's future generations, so that they may never grow deaf to the struggle their ancestors once endured. 
In the clearing up ahead, she noticed another wolf — and in her pack's territory! Yet, as Darsal pondered, she smelled the scent of her King and Queen on the she-wolf. Surely she wasn't an enemy... but she hadn't met this wolf before. Possibly this encounter, like herself, hadn't been into the pack's Inner Circle yet.
Careful not to shock her, she rose from the bushes, letting her paws announce her presence. Hello — you're in my pack's territory, but you smell as we do.... She continued swiftly. I'm Darsal. Can I assume you are as well?

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 03, 2016

Awesome thanks @Darsal

Shalon's ears twitched as she heard the voice of another to her left, she had only meet King Charley and Queen Aspen, and yet this voice was new. She turned toward the female, "I am a member of the Royal Fire Court, and who might you be stranger?"

Shalon could smell the scent of her leaders upon the coat of the female, and so she held no aggression toward the other fae. Although her tone was neutral, her eyes hard awaiting a reply. She did not want to be mean however she would get a better notion of the dark coated wolf before opening her personality to the female.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 04, 2016

OOC: Np, @Shalon. Sorry for the shortness of this post, there's not much detail to write between dialogue. ^^

Darsal was glad the wolf didn't immediately react with aggression. Her encounter had a fierce look in her eyes — yet, she merely asked for Darsal's identity.
Darsal didn't mind replying, My name is Darsal. I'm also a new recruit to the Court. She waited for a moment before adding, Pleasure to meet you. What might your name be? Her voice was polite and nonchalant, but inwardly, Darsal was intrigued by this fellow newcomer.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 04, 2016

no problem, i feel like this might be a long thread so dont worry about it, we'll get some long ones in :)

Shalon listened with an air of suspicion, her misstrust in other showing through. However he King and Queen had accepted her, and so she would accept the female known as Darsal for now. "You may call me Shalon." She was stoic in her response, and neutral in her tone, her eyes lost and edge of hardness. "What are you doing up and about near the borders today Ms. Darsal?" Shalon continued, as she turned her head toward the edge of the territory, the border lying only a few yards away. The clearing they stood in was one of the only open spots within the territory the majority was covered in the tangles of the wood. Shalon could feel her stomach growl once more, a small snarl came from her lips in frustration. She had a duty to her pack to protect the borders, yet her physical needs were pushing in on her duties.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 04, 2016

Darsal knew, especially from the way Shalon kept her demeanor, that she would not trust very easily. She blackened-gray wolf felt the same, but now, she kept her heavily-reserved attitude at bay. Her burnt-orange eyes were bright with interest.
Well, Shalon, you have a nice name. As for your question, I'm about to go hunting.
The pale wolf's stomach was rumbling audibly, and Darsal could hear its growling from where she stood. It sounds as though you might join me. This famine will starve us both. She laughed lightly.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 04, 2016

Shalon noded her head in thanks to the grey wolf, "Thank you." She did enjoy her name, having never met any with one of the same. Her ears perked at hunting, "Hunting you say?" Shalon's features took on a mischievous glint. Her eyes aquiring a humorous ting and her tail began to sway from side to side.

"It has been a while since I have been for a hunt, and never with another wolf by my side." Shalon enjoyed the prospect of bringing down a beast. "But tell me, dear Darsal, what shall we hunt?" She did not know what the best prey would be, "Of course we will need enough for the others, especially the injured." Shalon knew that the caches were low, but also knew an injured wolf would need lots of food.

"If you are in need of help for this hunting expedition of yours, I would love to help." Besides, even though Shalon was still unsure about this particular female, Darsal was still a packmate. and you never knew what kind of danger could come to a lone wolf in the midst of hunting. She would need someone to watch her back, and Shalon would do that for any packmate, whether she liked them or not.

[occ] Shalon doesn't have an opinion of Darsal yet, she is still neutral even though some spots where it might seem like she isnt... :P [/ooc]

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 04, 2016

As Shalon spoke, Darsal listened intently. She was surprised to hear that the pale wolf had never hunted alongside another wolf. Although Darsal had gone on her most well-organized, successful hunts with her pack in her native region, the Boli Tundra, she had as well hunted with Mako before... before he disappeared....
Darsal tore her mind from the uncomfortable thought, lest her feelings get the best of her and she show herself to this new acquaintance. She answered her question lightly, drowning any trace of emotion. I'd be honored to hunt with you. Are you up for some bighorn sheep? There's a whole flock of them around Ghost Lion Crag. It's not too steep.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 04, 2016

Shalon noticed that the dark woman was stricken with sadness for a moment, perhaps a story for another time. She filed that away for future reference, when the two of them had more time to sit and talk. Shalon wished to learn more of her packmates, but she prefered sitting underneath the stars and listnening to their stories.

She noticed the change in tone and looked at the female a little moe closely, perhaps it was a mask that she wore, one of happines and glee. "Well some bighorn sheep sound very good at the moment." Shalon's stomach seemed to agree at that exact moment as her stomach growled once more. "Ghost Lian Crag? Not to far I suppose, but we had better get going if we want to return by sundown tomorrow. Shall we?" Shalon asked but didn't really mean it as a question, as she had already started heading toward the border. Assuming the Darsal follow, Shalon would keep walking.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 04, 2016

OOC: @Shalon Again, little detail to give here. It's just a dialogue :(

At Shalon's agreement, Darsal followed her through the undergrowth. Cedar Sweep is a much safer route to get to the Crag, since it avoids the murky, blinding mists of Cricket Creek Bog, but it'll take a longer time to get there. What do you say? she asked, shouldering through a copse of ferns.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 04, 2016

Shalon paused mid step, her paw hovering over the fresh grass of the small clearing. She hadn't thought of the alternate route through Cedar Sweep, although it sounded much better thanCricket Creek Bog. She turned toward the fae, and inclined her head, "Well then lead the way soon to be hunter." Shalon grined slightly, and threw her head in the direct of the Sweep, which would first leade them through the dense forest of sugar maples, which were all green with the summer season in full swing and the famine lifting. 

All the small scents of rabbits and rodents, had Shalon twitching with anticipation. She was hungry and growing hungrier by the second. Her mouth was moist, and her body was alert and ready for anything. She was more a warrior at heart and less of a hunter, she knew the dangers of bringing down a larger animal. There were many other predators that craved such a scavenge as stealing anothers meal. That was the main reason Shalon was heading out with Darsal, she more or less wanted to protect her pack mate. 

It would take them a few hours to cross over the territory, heading past the main den site where there Leader's lived, and where King Charley was resting after the pack encounter with the bear. Shalon would not pause though, her mind completely focused on the task at hand. She would look toward her compainion hoping that she would keep up.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 04, 2016

@Shalon, I think this would be a great thread for you to contribute to your Counselor trade! Since Darsal has unresolved issues about her former mate Mako, maybe they could talk at some point when they've grown more comfortable together?

Darsal saw the pale wolf's step falter at her suggestion, but after a moment of hesitation, she seemed to agree.
At her new companion's comment, her reserved facade wavered, and she gave something of a chuckle at her suggestion. Had Shalon assumed Darsal had little experience in the task? Darsal was not arrogant, but she took great confidence in her ability to hunt strategically; the only prey she truly had no concept of hunting was a hare. They're too quick, she thought to herself.
Darsal accompanied the she-wolf on their journey to the Sweep, and then north through the Copse toward the aptly-named Crag in the mountainside.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 05, 2016

If you want, I'd be down for some emotionally wreckage hehe

Shalon was bored. There was no doubt about it. They had been walking for sometime know without a word, and so Shalon was bored. She glanced at the female beside her, her curiosity peaking. With a small cough to get the others attention, Shalon spoke to break the silence, "So Darsal, we still appear to be strangers. I do believe that two hunters should not remain strangers for long." Shalon smiled, toward Darsal. "How is it that you came to be in this territory Darsal?"

The fae loved to hear others stories, even the sad ones, there was usually a release from the wolf that told their story. Telling another could be healing, and bring a form of closure. And this is how Shalon found her skills to be most useful. Her listening skills, and her empathy. Even though she showed a tough exterior, and she had never let anyone in to her own heart, Shalon always tried to help others over come their emotional battles.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 05, 2016

@Shalon Darsal's not too broken. She just has a lack of closure with her former mate :(

By the time the pair emerged from the Copse's treeline, Darsal could see the stars shining high above in the cloudless summer sky. Her burnt-orange irises shrank as her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. As they walked, she admired the stars above, a whirl of ominous wonder occupying her mind. Against the darkness of her pelt and the rich night, her fleeting smile could have been seen from a mile away.
When Shalon broke the silence, asking her of her former travels, Darsal turned her head toward the pale wolf, her shoulders swaying with each step. She pondered the question, abrupt yet welcome, for several seconds before returning in an intrigued voice, I was born a few years ago far north, in a tundra called Boli. The pack was just my parents and several litters of children. 
Darsal wasn't really sure how to go about saying her proceeding thoughts, but she did her best nontheless. I took a loner, Mako, as a friend — which the pack clearly ruled against, but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't keep anything from my littermates, so I ended up telling them about it. At some point, of course, my mother overheard our discussion and told me I could never leave camp again. I left the pack, then. In a voice like a willow's whisper, she added, I believe her exact words were 'I don't give two mange-ridden coyotes what you do! Just leave, you filthy traitor!'
Darsal took a moment, her to recover from the flashback of her mother's harsh snarl. She continued, heart heavy. Mako and I traveled south together, down here into the Wilds. We.... She glanced at Shalon, indicating her discomfort for the subject. We were mates for a long time — a couple of years, I believe. For that short while, we were inseparable. We climbed the swam through the deepest rivers, took down several elk, survived the worst blizzards alone — heck, at one point, we climbed to the summit of the mountain north of Alpine Lake. It's actually just a few miles away from here. Through this bout of dialogue, she grinned in jovial, yet wistful reminiscence.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 05, 2016

I never said she was broken! I said that there was emotional wreckage :P which there is! Her mate disappeared, I would feel distraught if my mate disappeared. I did not mean that Darsal was broken. I apologize if you thought of it that way, but that was not my intention.

Shalon looked to the stars, as Darsal recounted her story. She couldn't imagine a mother doing such a thing, her own mother having been the kindest to her two children. Shalon could tell the fae beside her was angry at her mother, and who wouldn't be. But she could also tell that perhaps she missed her family, maybe even her mother. Although she did not speak her thoughts at the moment, instead letting Darsal continue her story without interuption.

A small smile crept on to Shalon's maw as she saw the love within the womans eyes as she recounted her mate and the times they had together. "I can see that you love him very much, and you bond must be very strong." Shalon only paused for a brief moment, turning her head to watch the others reaction to her next question, "I find it interesting... that he would not accomplany us on this hunting expedition. Is it safe for me to assume he has not also joined the Royal Fire Court?" Shalon had a sadened glint in her silver eyes, she had a feeling by the way she spoke that perhaps Mako was gone, perhaps he had left her or had died. She had no way of telling, but there was an air of loss that reflected in the females words. "Perhaps we you and I could travel to the lake, once the others are healed." Shalon suggested, as much as she wanted to venture there now with the other female, they had a pack depending on them, two injured packmates and on was their King. They all needed to eat, and quickly.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 05, 2016

I wasn't offended, and I knew that's not what you meant xD That ":(" face was just sympathy for my character. I'm sorry if it confused you. But you get to use this for your counselor trade :D

Shalon's initial comment brought reassurance to Darsal. Possibly, their bond hadn't been all in her imagination.
She looked toward Shalon as the other did the same. When the pale wolf spoke again, this time concerning Mako's whereabouts, Darsal was hit with another flashback from three months ago — had it been that long? — when she woke up in the spring dawn's fog with no company aside from the brambles of their den. She'd risen without alarm... at first. Then, after scouting around the thicket with no trace of him, panic hit her, and horror broke the gray-ivory mask of her face.
The rest needn't be mentioned.
Darsal mustered the courage to speak to Shalon, saying, Yes... it is, unfortunately.... Her voice was again refusing to meander through her lips. He disappeared, and that's all I know. With this, she picked herself up, lifting her head. Darsal nearly felt ashamed of herself to have told the entirety of this meaningless burden of hers. 
She spoke strongly this time. I apologize for my rambling. Tell me, how'd you find yourself here, Shalon?

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 05, 2016

ok! I thought you were offended, i felt so bad haha I'm glad you aren't :)

There was a distressed look upon the females face, as Darsal thought about her loved one. "I am truly sorry to hear that Darsal." Shalon looked back toward the stars, finding strength in within the blinking beyond. "Have you tried searching for him? Could you not pick up his scent?" Shalon inquired, although she knew that the poor woman had probably searched hell and high waters to find her beloved. Shalon knew this was a difficult topic for her as he voice barely made its was to Shalon's ears.

"I have been alone for the last two seasons past know, I was born to a mother who had been driven from her pack." Shalon gave  a small shrug as she continued her walking, "For awhile it was me, my mother and my brother. But we have since...moved on from family life." She gave a rather cryptic ending her he family life, having never told anyone her reason for leaving. "I have been alone for almost two years now." Shalon shook her head a little, surprised at the length of time she had been alone.

The sky glistened above them, they were still an hour or two away from their destination. By the time they would arrive the Moon would be setting and the Sun making itself known. Perhaps there was a scent on the breeze or a a hoof track that might lead them to the prey they both sought.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 06, 2016

When Shalon asked if she'd searched for Mako, Darsal was again slammed with the memory of her attempts. She had scoured many miles' radius around the den, rarely stopping to hunt or sleep. There was not one trace of him: not a pawprint, not a scent line... yet, no body was found, either. She only had his memory. After nearly a month, she'd simply given up.
To this day, Darsal only had her memory to remind her that she hadn't been completely alone from the time she'd left Boli to the time she'd joined the Court. Despite all of this, she merely shook her head to answer Shalon's question, indicating her reserved status on the subject.
She listened to the pale wolf's own explanation of how she'd gotten here. Shalon seemed to leave her with a cliffhanger, and as interested as Darsal was, she knew not to pry. She had learned from experience how much of a nuisance that could be.
That's an awfully long time, Darsal observed, trying to avoid any assumptions. She wondered how Shalon hadn't gone completely insane without the company of someone. The blackened-gray wolf knew she would have.
Darsal didn't elaborate on the conversation. She felt somewhat uncomfortable — her mother would have even said it was self-indulgent — to have told her new acquaintance all of this. Thankfully, time seemed to pass quickly and the cliffs of Ghost Lion Crag soon towered before them.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 06, 2016

Shalon saw the female's deanor change slightly as she thought of her past perhaps, her mind had strayed to a place were Shalon could not follow. With the shake of her head, Shalon knew that conversation was over. Perhaps, she might share her further burdens after lossing Mako another time.

"It is a long time, I'm afraid. The life of a lone wolf is no laughing matter." That's all Shalon had to say on the topic, she was not in the habit of overing her life story to others. As of right now she had alread said more than what made her comfortable.

The cliffs of Ghost Lion Crag were magnificent, it was no wonder the the Bighorns lived here. "I guess you are up mighty hunter. We do not have all day. I don't want to leave our pack alone for to long with injured wolves at home." Shalon was back to business, this was the reason they had ventured from their own territory. Now was the time for Darsal to show her tracking skills.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 06, 2016

Too bad I can't use a thread for two trades. I'll have Darsal do some tracking, but I can't use it for my Hunter trade because I've already chronicled with that poem in my first reply. D:

Darsal herself knew the trials of being alone for so long. Although she had only spent a few months alone, she had spent many nights lying awake in depressed, hopeless seclusion. Now, she had a reason to live — to care for her pack. That gave her a sense of security that nothing else could. She wished never to be a nomad again.
The black-gray wolf had never considered herself a fantastic hunter, but being the observant, curious wolf she was, she had learned much about the ways of nature from her travels. Flight animals intrigued her immensely in the way they believed the best way to survive was to run. She had preceeded many hunts with simply watching her prey, learning the way it thought. Darsal believed the best hunter knew the mind of the hunted.
You could say that, she replied to Shalon's comment. She nodded. Yeah, we'd better hurry and get back to the Glade, but we can't rush. We don't want either of us to fall on the mountain. With this, Darsal trotted toward the foot stones of the Crag, her eyes searching the elevation above.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 06, 2016

"Right falling would not do anyone any good." Shalon agreed, as she slipped forward, they would need to find a scent of tracks for follow to the heards. Although the rocky terrain might make it harder. Although they might be able to catch the sound of the males fighting if they listen close enough.

"So were do we start?" Shalon lowered her nose to the ground as she began trying to find the scent of a Bighorn. Her ear's were perked and swiveled with each noise trying to decipher what it was, but the reverbiration of the rocks made it difficult to pin point where exactly the noise was coming from. She paused only to see what Darsal might be doing, or if the other she-wolf might have caught a trail.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 06, 2016

Peering up the intimidating cliff-faces of the Crag, Darsal evaluated her options. Tracking by sound was definitely out of the question, considering the amount of echo the rocks produced. They would have to rely on sight and smell to find themselves a trackable Bighorn. This didn't matter much to Darsal, since her hearing wasn't top-notch in the first place; her ears were somewhat-folded and thick with fur.
Let's keep our voices low, she whispered backward to Shalon. We don't want our words carried across half of the mountain range. Darsal took a moment before continuing with a suggestion. Our best bet is to head up the mountain and try to catch a fresh scent... but remember, don't take a step unless all three of your other paws are on stable ground. Her advice was less proud and more concerned for Shalon's safety than it might have sounded. Shalon was the only wolf she'd really talked to since Mako left, and she didn't want that to be lost with a misplaced step on these craggy rocks.
The blackened-gray figure started up the rocks, not putting as much effort in stealth as checking the scent on the wind. With the help of her sturdy, long legs, but with the hindrance of the lacking nose-to-tail length that caused her imbalance, she traversed the crags with little trouble. Now high on a ledge of the canyon-like landform, she could see all the way down the mountain range... and along with a scattered, yet near, flock of Bighorn sheep. Keeping low, she cast a backward glance at Shalon.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon nodded at the advice given by Darsal, she took it seriously, and only spoke when it was reqiured. "I believe you are correct Darsal. Lead the way to the top." She whispered, minimizing the sound. Shalon looked at the path they were following, and found it a difficult trek, she was not used to the hard ground. Shalon prided herself in having travelled so much in her short life, and while she had crossed terrain like this it had never been a comfort to her.

Although Shalon did looked around her, and the cliffs of the Crag were amazing. Almost like the stories her mother used to tell her and her brother about. The land of their mothers birth. She was so caught up in the scenery that she wasn't paying close enough attention to her footing. With a sharp yelp, her paw went right through a crack in ther path they were walking. Her body rushed down toward the ground, and with a loud thunk her chest hit the ground. Shalon was bowed, her fore right paw had disappeared through the rocks, and her left fore paw was folded to accomidate the lack of footing. Shalon was dazed, however she seemed alright perhaps a little dazed. Until she raised herself from the ground, slowly but surely she was able to rise. At which time she found a large gash running down her front right forepaw. With a small hiss she set it down on firm ground. It was painful to say the least.

Shalon shook her head, "I guess I should have listened a little most carefully." She whispered, and looked slightly embarassed.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 07, 2016

Traversing quietly along the rocky ridge, Darsal had her orange-brown eyes locked on the scattered herd of mountain sheep that was growing nearer and nearer. She was spooked to the point of bristling when she heard the loud thunk of a fall. Looking back at Shalon with bristling fur, she saw her companion with her foreleg caught in a crevice between the mountain's stones. Darsal's heart skipped a beat.
When the wolf rose, Darsal was relieved. She cast a glance back at the Bighorns, worried that they had been scared off. Thankfully, the echo of the mountain did good as well, blocking out the noise before it reached them. Are you alright? Darsal asked the pale wolf, noticing the wound on her leg. She shook her head. I'm sure there's some sort of herb I can scavenge for that, once we're back home.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon quickly licked her paw, for now it was the best she coud do. "It's nothing to worry about, I'll be fine." She shrugged, and winced taking a step forward. She looked past Darsal, also checking that the herd was still calm. "Let's get this done." She walked with a slight limp, there were still some distance away from the herd. Shalon headed toward them, her mind focusing on the hunt. She went to the right, trying  to skirt around one side of the heard, Shalon was looking the weak and sickly. Any that couldn't run from her jaws.