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Horizon Ridge Watch me Dancing - Printable Version

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Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - March 30, 2014

Sorry for overloading posts with Thistle, but i have a lot of muse for her right now :D

Thistle Cloud stood at the edge of the landslide looking down. The very carnage that the very nature she loved had inflicted was enough to make her head spin. They had found no more survivors, no more injured and there were still many missing. Pied, Kisu, Aklhut, the little spider girl all of them gone....she herself did not know that Pied and Kisu had left the ridge to go to the Plateau, so she thought they must have perished. The only friend she had in the area.

She wondered how they would clean this up or it they would just let it there and move forward find some new territory. There was some new able bodied wolves, took the place of those who were no more. She supposed that was the way nature worked. It took and it gave back. It had taken from the pack but it had also given back. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. She was unsure, but what she was sure of was that they had a long way to go to fix the carnage rained on them.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - March 31, 2014

Almost two weeks had passed, since the rockslide and much had changed. For the first time in her life Pump had taken up responsibility for others. First out of necessity, now after getting used to the idea of being in charge because she almost liked the folks that had remained. The white beast Bjorn had turned out to be a valuable asset, Gavriil the easy going always happy-go-lucky wolf, whose sense of humor confused her now and then, was rather nice guy, Nuka seemed just the experienced, sensible and level-headed wolf they needed, and Thistle cloud, who might have seemed the weakest and naivest link in their small circle, but who could show toughness and determination at times of need.

The wolf-dog had spent her early morning and mid-day scavenging around the territory (or what was left of it). Even though she had sworn not to set her paw on the anywhere near, where the landslide had taken place, she had caught scent of a pack member nearby. Curiosity and worry had won and she had taken the courage to follow the trail. She recognized Thistle cloud, once she saw her unusual colored coat. The girl was standing on the edge of the carnage - a place, where Pump would not dare to go. She could push herself only this far. "Admiring the view?" she called out to her and sat down, not wanting the other to see that her feet were trembling and very willing to carry her away from this place.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - March 31, 2014

Thistle's ear swiveled back and she turned her head slowly so as to not lose her footing. She dipped her head, but backed up before she spoke so she would not trip over the debris. She turned her head back towards her leader and smiled. "How are you doing Pump? She averted her eyes and lowered her self to show a little more submission.

She sat and curled her tail around her paws and spoke again. "No view to admire anymore. I was just looking at all the work we needed to do. I've been healing, but most everyone except Kennedy is on the med, so I was seeing what else I could do to help. She tilted her head and swiveled her ears listening to the leader. "Are you adjusting well?

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - March 31, 2014

Thistle cloud had done an extraordinary job, while taking care of everyone that had got hurt during the rockslide. Bjorn was on his feet and running about, Pump felt a lot better with the wound on her flank having closed up and healing. Only Kennedy was not doing that well, but she hoped for the best.

"Been busy," she replied. This was true - accepting two newcomers in the pack, making sure that they knew, what they had to do, scouting with Bjorn in the lookout for better territories, looking for food and marking the borders. Not much time at all for chatting. "As well as it can be - how are you?" however, if you wanted to be a good leader then you had to be interested in your packmate's lives too.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 04, 2014

Thistle Cloud noticed her alpha's wound was healing nicely, and it made her feel a slight better feeling of accomplishment and usefulness. She had done her best and it was at least somewhat of a good thing since it looked good.

Thistle cloud nodded her head. Yes she imagined that Pump was busy accepting what 2 or 3 new faces into the pack, helping to gather food for those more seriously injured, checking for new territories, plus keeping other's away from them as they healed.

Thistle spoke with a small smile, "I am doing well. I am tired of course, but other than that I am doing well. Is there anything I can help with? Though she was still young and she did not know much more about packs other than the basics she was willing to learn and too help.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 07, 2014

No time for small talk - straight to business - that was a good quality and for this Thistle got an additional check mark in the list of the positive characteristics. Some people would want to do fun stuff or engage in hobbies (whatever it was), Pump was a person, who found joy in working and having a well-deserved rest afterwards. No unneccessary moves or actions.

"I and Bjorn recently claimed part of the nearby forest," Pump told her. "I think it is a good time to go and see, whether it is of any worth for us or we should expand our territories further." The wolf-dog beckoned in the direction of the Ravensblood forest.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 09, 2014

Thistle cloud truth be told did not have many hobbies, unless you counted hunting for herbs and plants to help her pack a hobby. she did find enjoyment in that, she also enjoyed organizing them, but she did not know if that could be considered anything other than her being obsessive compulsive about them.

Thistle Cloud nodded her head happily, "I like that idea, There are many herbs and plants there that can be useful for me when healing, i'll be able to gather them now without fear of other's jeopardizing that. She stood and waited quietly for Pump to lead the way, though she knew very well how to follow a smell she wanted the alpha to lead the way, respect was what it was called her father would say. "Are we taking anymore territory than that?

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 10, 2014

"Excellent," Pump said, feeling glad that she had managed to persuade Thistle to leave the dangerous rock formations and go to much safer place. We will see," right now the territory they had was sufficient enough to feed them and keep them safe. The weather was mild and there was little danger of starvation now. Whatever awaited them next winter was in fate's hands or theirs, depending on the point of view.

On her way down Pump was much more nimble and quick - probably because the prospect of getting to the flatter grounds was very promissing. She didn't say a word to Thistle, but occasionally stopped to look over her shoulder and see, whether the girl was following her. And once they were on the safe part of Horizon Ridge again, Pump let out a relieved sigh and shook her coat to get rid of the last remnants of stress.

"Finally," she said to the healer with a half-smile.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 10, 2014

Thistle Had not realized how uneasy Pump was until they started down the rocks at a nimble yet fast pace. She wanted to apologize for making the alpha female uncomfortable, but for now she was too busy trying to keep her breathing even and not fall to the sharp rocks below.

As they hit the bottom lands and she heard the other breath a sigh of relief and say finally she chuckled gently. "I am sorry for making you walk up there Pump. Is there much game in the forest as well? I have only been to the forest a few times. She was curious about the forest and she was excited that she could now explore it without fear of running into another wolf that was not part of their pack. Though the wolf that she had came across there had been fine.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 12, 2014

" 'tis nothing," Pump shrugged this off, since she didn't like to have her weaknesses seen by others. She was not that afraid of height than of the chances that the footing would come loose and she could fall. But it was over now and it didn't matter anymore.

Being a wolf, who had a practical approach to all aspects on life, she didn't linger on this subject. She thought a little about Thistle's questions and, as she began to walk, replied to them: "Some smaller critters, hares and I saw a small flock of deer passing through one day. But we will see the forest in it's full glory in the late spring and summer."

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 12, 2014

thistle did not mind her own short comings and weaknesses showing, but that was only because she had learned long ago that in order to fix them you had to show them so you could get the help you needed or to help yourself.

Thistle's tail twitched in happiness. "Yes i can hardly wait for spring to get here, there will be so many plants i'll be able to replenish my supplies and since I do not plan on going anywhere I can gather more than I would normally. She sighed happily she loved to gather herbs it was almost a compulsion for the young aspiring healer. her mother had passed that on to her, her mother was always looking for plants she had told her she found solace in it. Thistle dipped her head "Are we going to have another pack hunt soon since you saw the deer?"

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 12, 2014

"Not all of our pack-mates are well enough to join in a hunt," Pump pointed out, thinking about Kennedy and how weak he had seemed to her, when she had last seen him. Besides there was something odd about his demeanor, but she hadn't pushed the matter with him, respecting his need for own space and solitude.

"But we will get to it eventually," as long as they could survive on little game, there was no need to spend energy and risk the health for hunting greater beasts. They needed more time for their wounds to fully heal. "If you need plants that you can't find here - you can always go and look in other lands. I can see to it that you have a companion to keep you safe," she offered, not liking the idea that any of her pack members were to wander alone.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 12, 2014

Thistle knew this, but Pump, herself, bjorn and Gavriil both males were large perhaps those 4 could bring down a small one. Perhaps not, "Yes i suppose we are still weakened I wasn't thinking completely. Thinking of Kennedy as well she had noticed recently that all was not right with Kennedy in his mind, but she could not fix ailments of the mind that was beyond her skill set. She chose to keep that to herself until she was able to speak to Kennedy and make sure it was just not a temporary thing.

Thistle dipped her head in thanks "Thank you yes I would like to visit a meadow somewhere as well as a wetland both of which we do not have near here." BOth of those place yielded plants that one could normally not find in the forest, especially a meadow she could get poppy for pain, though she was loathe to use poppy as it could cause so many bad things 1 of which the worst was hallucinations and voices, she strongly suspected that the spidery female she had met one dark night had been using poppy recreational.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 12, 2014

Pump found it odd that Thistle apologize for a thing that hadn't occurred to her before. The hunt was a good idea and she didn't reject it at all - it was simply not the right time for it. However, when it came, she was sure that she would find a trustworthy companion in the lithe healer.

"Excellent - I won't be able to join you myself," Pump as a leader couldn't leave the lands unsupervised. As much as she trusted Bjorn and the rest of the folk to protect them, she always wanted to be in charge of things. "However, you tell me, when the timing is right. I know some, who would be happy to tag along," she thought of the gentle giant Gavriil. He looked intimidating enough and knew how to put himself in good use.

"What do you think about the newcomers - Bjorn, Gavriil, Nuka?" she asked, wanting to hear an opinion from a person, who had been part of the pack before the rockslide.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 12, 2014

Thistle Cloud briefly wondered who the alpha would send with her. It would probably be Bjorn or Gavriil but of which she was not sure. She was also not sure if she could handle traveling overland with bjorn, she had a feeling he would set and exhausting pace and she was also afraid that his brutal nature might come out to show when outside of pack lands. Not necessarily with her, but perhaps if they met any other wolves and that was drama she did not want to cause.

Thistle frowned at the question unsure of what to say but then she spoke. "Gavriil reminds me of someone who is trying to get a new start. He is very nice, but I wonder at his reasoning for leaving his former pack? Bjorn though i like the male I do not trust him entirely...there seem to be secrets hidden in his face and life. I would be wary of him, though he is trustworthy when it comes to protecting the pack that much is true. As for Nuka she reminds me of a very good wolf. She is very motherly and kind, she would make a good caretaker if there are ever any pups around, she also has strength and size on her side both of which can be used for good use. I think that she can do a little bit of everything. how about you? Thistle was not sure if Pump would let her know her own opinion but she was curious anyway to see.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 12, 2014

Thistle's observations reflected Pump's own for the most part. She found Gavriil easy to like and trust, as well as Nuka, even though she chose rather elaborate manner of talking. Too official for her liking, but that was not a fault the wolf-dog couldn't get used to. Bjorn, on the other hand, was a tricky thing and the mysterious X in the equation. His intentions were well meant, but she couldn't help but wonder, if there was more than his loyalty to the pack and desire to have a fresh start driving his actions. He was doing a good job protecting the lands, he had a keen mind and he respected her. And yet there was a sense of rivalry. Pump saw good qualities of leadership in him, which she wanted to have. She wanted to be better than he had ever been.

"That's good," she remarked, not wanting to share her opinion. "We are slowly making a solid and strong foundation for the Horizon ridge."

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 12, 2014

Thistle Cloud was entirely unsure about Bjorn, there was so many abstracts to the man that she did not know how to take him even on her best day. She supposed he could be a dangerous enemy and a powerful ally, both of which were good and bad things. Nuka was a den mother through and through. Gavriil was the epitomy of gentle giant.

thistle Cloud was not deterred by her leaders lack of opinion she knew there were some things that a leader could not or would no share with their subordinates and that was okay. It drew solid lines in the sand between the two, which was needed in a pack setting. "yes we are. Are we going to be visiting other packs soon to let them know that leadership has changed?" Thistle cloud had made the transition to a new leader easily and she did not hold onto any illusions that Akhlut was unhurt and would return. She had a feeling he was far gone perhaps even hurt somewhere.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 16, 2014

"Is that really necessary?" Pump asked, feeling a tiny bit curious, but from her tone of voice alone it was clear that she was not going to put any effort in that action. "I don't see, how that helps us," and let's won't mention the fact that she didn't know anyone from other packs. Except... maybe that mad guy from a pack called Blacktail deer plateau. Ariston or something like that. He alone was a good reason, why mingling with people from other packs weren't Pump's top priorities.

"We will have our secrets and we will leave them to have their own," she concluded. At the end of the day - how would this information benefit them? Not at all.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle Cloud listened and said quietly NO i would not imagine that it is. I had just been curious if that was commonplace. This is my first pack setting myself, I was raised with my family and that was all. So much of pack life is new to me, though I have a basic understanding of it. She smiled at her leader.

Thistle nodded her head "Yes I suppose it is better to not mingle to much with the other packs it can lead to problems perhaps. She thought of her own former meeting with one of the other packs members and cringed to herself. She then looked at her leader and asked a question "have you lived in many packs before this one Pump or are you like me?

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 16, 2014

ooc: post 200 goes to you!

Up until now no one had asked Pump about her home of many years and, since she was a person, who preferred to live more in the present than in the past, she didn't know, what to say either. She was not a good story-teller, even though she could speak eloquently if the need arised.

"There isn't much to tell," she shrugged, "a lot of wolves, leaders and subordinates, the alpha-bloodline was the core." She had little experience with other packs, but from what she had seen - this was the same everywhere. Noticing that Thistle had been the one to keep up the conversation for most of the time, Pump tried to think of a question she could ask the girl.

And it didn't turn out to be that hard: "How did you become a healer?" Thistle had been doing miracles after all.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

OOC: Yay for you!

Thistle Cloud had no experience with the whole pack hierarchy other than this one, so Pump was further ahead than her in this regard. She wasn't sure how she felt about the alpha blood line being the only blood line allowed as she had heard her mother talk about other wolves who had pups even lower tier wolves as long as they got permission, but perhaps that was just her mother's experience.

Thistle cloud smiled and spoke MY mother taught me she is a master healer and midwife. She taught me all she could before i left. How to recognize that can heal you and that can hurt you. How to bind wounds with both seaweed, and cobwebs. And how to set bones.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 21, 2014

Plenty of knowledge that had proven to be valuable now. It was amazing though that so much detailed information could memorized so well. Pump wouldn't be able to do it. It was also odd that Thistle's mom had had some sort of specialization, because in Pump's birth pack all tasks had been pretty basic and simple and everyone did them. Then again in wolf-dog's three month long stay here she had learned that there were a lot of strange customs among wolves and this, definitely wasn't the oddest.

"It's a good thing you know all this," she said. "Did you travel far?"

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 21, 2014

her mother and her they could both do most anything that all wolves could do. They could hunt, fish, stalk, and so forth. However, they had just chosen to practice healing more than anything, because both did not want to have another wolf be in pain.

Thistle nodded her head "Yes I did I traveled for many days, I don't know how many lands I passed to get here. It took me awhile to get here, granted it may have taken me a little extra as well because of my herbs and my determination to bring them with me. Did you travel far from your former home?

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 22, 2014

"I don't know," Pump admitted and shrugge. She hadn't counted the miles she had walked, hadn't paid any attention to the surroundings or specific landmarks that could tell more of her journey. It had happened a long time ago and for a being, who was more focused on the present events, these memories were very clouded.

"Probably far," since she hadn't caught any scent of her former pack members and the scenery had been quite different from what she saw here. While talking they had arrived at the brink of the Ravensblood forest and all of a sudden Pump froze dead in her tracks and began to sniff the air and the ground carefully.

Her brow was furrowed and anxiety was emanating from her body. "A bear," she told Thistle in a quiet whisper. These were fresh tracks, the dangerous animal had been here few minutes ago, which meant that it was still in the vicinity.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 22, 2014

Unlike Pump Thistle enjoyed her memories and recalled them often. It helped her with her healing, allowed her to redirect moments of sadness and alleviate her home sickness. She would not give them up for the world, she knew as she aged they would fade, buts he would hold onto them as long as she could.

Thistle Froze and looked at Pump, "Are we going to attack it? I don't know if I will be any good? or will it attack us? She was now worried and she wished both Gavriil and Ragnar were with them, both were larger males than the two females and probably more aggressive.