Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain The light in the dark - Printable Version

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The light in the dark - Steady - July 05, 2016

There had been one bright spot in all the turmoil the pack had gone through, the famine, the deaths, the disappearance of Odette and Stoic, and that bright spot was Adeline. Steady made his way to her now, his feelings all jumbled up. He was ecstatic she had stayed, and more ecstatic that she had yet to ask any questions about what happened after Zaria's death. Steady's guilt may never go away, and keeping the secret from Adeline was another burden he had put upon himself. But, he would do anything to not have Adeline look at him the way Odette had. 

He approached the den, chuffing to let her know he was here. Adeline? he said softly, wondering if she was awake. He sat back on his haunches, waiting to see if she would come out. He wasn't sure what they could today, stroll or maybe he could show her how to fish. 

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 05, 2016

@Steady Sorry I was a bit late replying to this. Go check out Adeline's profile! It's not done yet, but I edited a future avatar for her. :D

The night had been one for easy rest. Adeline's concealed den in the rocks was sufficiently insulated and breathable; it was a refuge from the hustle and bustle from everyday life in Silvertip Mountain's pack.
Of late, she had been somewhat lonely without the company of her mother, brother, and sister. The days seemed to pass much more slowly, and there wasn't nearly as much to do. Yet, the pack's Alpha, Steady, seemed to enjoy her presence, but inwardly, he had seemed worried. Although Adeline was a mere three-and-a-half months old and naive as could be, even she could tell something unbearably heavy was resting on the shoulders of her father's successor.
A rustling sound outside of her den, followed by the low, inquiring voice saying her name, woke the cub. Her eyes, caught in the shift between blue and green, fluttered open, and she stood up, her short — yet growing — legs moving slowly.
Her notably small voice rose up as she walked toward the mouth of the den: Hello? She peered through the entrance of the cave to see the towering form of her pack's Alpha, Steady. She smiled, alight with happiness, to see the wolf she favored most. Yay, it's you! she yipped, rushing forward to his paws.

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 05, 2016

Love it! <3

He heard the shuffling of paws, and he voice calling out, but it was a few moments before he seen the form of Adeline coming out from the den. His tag wagged as her smile shown as bright as the day's sun. There were moments he felt guilty for hiding things from her, but he was afraid she would react the same as her siblings. It had been a miracle that she had heard what happened, and Steady wanted to keep it that way as long as he could. Or, at least until she was old enough to really understand why he had done what he did.

His expression turned mocked shocked. It's me?! Where?! he asked, his gaze comically looking around to find himself. He chuckled, turning back to her, and lowered his head with the intent to give her an affectionate nuzzle. I was thinking maybe we could take a stroll, or maybe go fishing... Or maybe take a stroll to the river to go fishing, he said with a grin. Or we could do something else, if you had something in mind, he offered. He rather liked to spoil Adeline, always making sure she was getting what she wanted.

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 05, 2016

Adeline was highly amused by his wild reaction and the mockingly-astonished look on his face. She laughed, returning his nuzzle.
For a moment, he seemed somewhat distracted, but the pup paid little mind. She was just glad to see him first-thing in the morning. She nodded eagerly at all of his suggestions, not realizing she'd have to pick one until several seconds later. The only thing Adeline had in mind was going out to explore the mountain, the beautiful place where both of her parents once lived.
Strolling! Fishing! Fish strolling! She confused herself in her impatience for moment, then slowed her voice. Let's go fishing!

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 05, 2016

I hope it's okay to PP her walking with him to the river. Let me know if it isn't, and I'l change it!

He waited, smiling, for her to pick one. He paused at "fish strolling." Well, they could try to take a fish strolling, but he wasn't sure how well that was going to work out. Thankfully, she changed her mind and went with just fishing. He chuckled at her enthusiasm. Alright, fishing it is! His voice held just as much excitement as hers did. 

He stood and began the trek there, looking to Adeline frequently to make sure she was around him. He kept his pace even and a little slowed, not because he thought she couldn't keep up, but because he didn't want to go too far from her if she decided to stop for something else. He was anticipating her attention being torn this way and that. 

Eventually, they made it to the lake. He took her to a spot where the shore was flat and the water was shallow, though fish might not be present in the water shallow enough for Adeline. She could still catch minnows, and frogs, which he figured would entertain her while he got food for them. He waded in a little ways and turned to face her direction, his tail wagging. Ready? he asked, seeing if he had her attention.

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 05, 2016

It's fine! Thanks for asking :D

Steady seemed just as excited as she was. His confirming Adeline's decision sent her trotting around the clearing, the morning sun warming her downy fur. The small pup could barely contain her energy and was ready to get moving.
Along the way to the lake, she didn't get herself in too much trouble, which was quite an accomplishment for someone like her. She did her best to focus on trailing after the blackened-brown wolf, but it was summer! Plentiful greens had risen from the earth over the past season, and she couldn't possibly walk past them all without a sniff. Of course, she talked — often — but none of her babbling was worth mentioning. 
They arrived soon enough. Adeline followed Steady to the flat shore, where she guessed they would be fishing. When he called for her attention, she was busy prodding a suspicious-looking cattail, but she looked at him swiftly. Yep, she replied, wagging the pale tip of her tail.

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 05, 2016

It was hard for Steady to hold on to the negative thoughts and worries in his head when he was around Adeline. She was so vibrant and energetic, and he often fed on that for himself. She lifted his spirits, and she may not have even known it. 

He had her attention, for now at least. Okay, first thing is that once you pick your spot, you have to be really still, because any movement you make will scare the fish away, he explained, his gaze going back and forth between Adeline and the water. And, then... Well, you just wait. Unfortunately, this was the boring part, and he thought for sure he would lose her attention. He wasn't worried, though, since he was counting on plenty of opportunity in the future for more fishing with her.

The fish started coming around, and Steady made a move for some of them, but it took several tries before he was able to grab one. He trotted to the shore where Adeline was and set it down on the ground. Want to try it? he asked, looking at her, providing he had her attention. 

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 06, 2016

Adeline did her best to listen to what her uncle had to say, suppressing her urge to leap right into the water and start scrabbling for fish.
When the wolf explained his technique from the bank and proceeded to catch one rather swiftly, the cub was enthralled with interest. How had he managed to do it with such efficiency? Adeline pondered for a moment in awe. Perhaps he'd had much practice.
Yeah! she yipped, keeping her exclaim near a whisper. She scampered a few feet toward the water, uncertain. Can they hear what I say, too? Since she fish could see her, she felt compelled to ask this question.

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 06, 2016

She was excited about fishing herself, but kept her voice down. He was impressed that she could contain herself so well. He nodded to her question. Yup, they can, he replied to her. Leaving the fish on the bank, he waded in, motioning her to follow. He went in as far as she did and stopped.

Try to go for one that closest to you, he advised, his gaze on her. He watched to see what she would do next.
I'm so it's so short! >_<

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 06, 2016

It's okay! I do it too. Sometimes there's just not enough to say xD

Adeline was intrigued by his answer. How could the fish hear her? Did they have ears? From what she'd seen, fish didn't have ears... but imagine fish with ears! Ha! 
The cub followed Steady into the shallows, her eyes scanning the clear water. With the older wolf's suggestion, she spotted a stray fish, one with painted scales that stood out against the water's green hue. Overcome with excitement, she leapt forward, water splashing wildly. Yet, the fish was, indeed, as slippery as a fish — it flew up into the air.

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 06, 2016

He watched her, still so as to not scare off any fish that she might want to try and catch. Suddenly, she jerked forward and water went everywhere, and the fish was in the air. Grab it! he said, chuckling at the sight this made. His instinct said to go for it himself rather than loose the catch, but this was Adeline's first try at fishing and he didn't want to butt in and do it for her.

He couldn't help but smile at her, the way that wolf dad's did to their pups. He knew he wasn't her real father, and he would never try to take Fitz' place, but in his heart, he couldn't help but feel that special bond towards her. He had it with Odette, too, before... Well, before. He counted it as a miracle that he still had that with Adeline. He wondered what she would think of he and Niita being mates, but he hadn't told her about that yet.

RE: The light in the dark - Addie - July 06, 2016

Adeline had been in a daze of confusion when the fish left her sight. Ironically, the fisher became the prey, and the fish fell atop her head. Bewildered, she let out a squeal of surprise. The fish disappeared into the deeper water nearby, leaving the cub with a pelt of water and a mind of embarrassed frustration.
She lashed her whispy tail, angry at her failure. She looked up at Steady with a humiliated expression. Still, she had to save her dignity. What are the chances? Of all the fish in this lake, I went for the king fish. No wonder he got away! Adeline knew she sounded foolish, but she couldn't just stand there and look silly. 
The determined cub she was, she turned back and studied the water. A school of minnows — one of which she could truthfully catch — caught her eye. Without hesitation, she hopped onto them head-first. It took a second, but she rose with a minnow in her jaws, feeling proud.

RE: The light in the dark - Steady - July 08, 2016

Adeline squealed, caught off guard by the flying fish, who quickly swam back into the deep water, away from its predators. His gaze turned to his niece, who was obviously upset at the loss. He gave her a pained expression, sympathizing with her. One day, you'll get it, he said encouragingly. 

She didn't give up, though, going for something a little more manageable. She succeeded, and he smiled brightly at her. Good job! he said. He made his way back to shore. Time to eat! He dug into his own fish, ripping it half and giving one half to Adeline and eating the other for himself.

They ate, and then Steady offered to take Adeline on a stroll through the heart of the territory. They would hang out, enjoying the sunshine and chatting.