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Ravensblood Forest Training is Training... - Printable Version

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Training is Training... - Shalon - July 05, 2016

Ok here we go @Steady just letting you know, im really new to combat threads.... I might make a few mistakes just let me know if i need to change something :)

Shalon knew there was little she could do about her mood, it had been days since she had done anything. Hunting rabbits didn't count, they were to small. Although she had to be grateful, life was calm since entering the Teekon Wilds. She had been able to avoid the packs quite easily and live a simple life. Perhaps it was to simple. Especially when she had no one to share it with, or help her overcome her boredness.

She was current quenching her thrist at the edge of a large river that ran along a small clearing. Shalon could hear the birds chirping and the water rushing, her sense were so mind numblingly bored that even the tree's rustling was annoying her. She was so used to living on the run, always hiding and doing whatever she could to survive that the easy life was making her stir crazy.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 05, 2016

No worries! <3
Steady had traveled down the north side of his mountain, intending to look for some fresh meet to add to the caches. With the herds having returned, he was trying to stock pile, just in case another disaster struck that sent their prey running off again. Some might say he was a little paranoid. It wasn't often he would hunt if he wasn't hungry, but he was anticipating it, and wanted to make sure there was enough food for everyone.

He strolled through the forest, trying his luck at a few small critters, but he wasn't successful in catching any of them. Figuring he could catch some water, he sniffed out a source. It seemed he wasn't the only one with this in mind, either. A gray and tan female was taking her fill of the water, and Steady chuffed to let her know he was here, standing off several yards. He waited to see her reaction before he approached the waters edge.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 05, 2016

Shalon is thinking about this thread....http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=16350 which is placed right before this, at least in my time-line if thats ok.

Shalon looked up from her drink hearing another approaching, it had only been a day or two since her encounter with the other female. Although she had left the woman with a nice gash on her leg, Shalon had had to flee. It was irritating, but none the less she had lost and her combat skills obviously needed skill. This tangent lead to the fact that Shalon was weary of the other wolf, while she had left her previous fight relatively unscathed it was still a rattling thought.

Shalon stood her ground however, her ears alert and listening for others that might be approaching as well. Although her gaze remained on the man over her left shoulder, she slowly turned to face him, "Afternoon." She said said with a slight nod of her head. Although she seemed friendly enough, her stance would show that she was ready for anything.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 05, 2016

Works for me :-) He probably won't start a fight, but if she wants to voice her previous encounter with the female, he would offer to spar and teach her.
His ears were perked as he studied her body language as she turned to face him. His own was neutral, even as he realized hers was more tense. She seemed friendly enough in her greeting, and he returned her nod. I'm Steady, Alpha of Silvertip Mountain, he introduced, not that the title meant anything out here.

His gaze went from her, to the water, and back to her. Mind if I get a drink? He made no effort to go to the water just yet. She was obviously tense, and he wasn't one to start a fight. However, he was thirsty, and he was going to get his fill before leaving.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 05, 2016

Sure thing, I like the sparing idea! I dont necessarily want Shalon to be an overly aggressive wolf. But the threads I have kinda have her mellowing into a pack wolf from a loner. Her transition from the wild. Hehe

Shalon nodded her head once more when offered an name accepting it as truth, "I am Shalon, loner of the Wilds." She stated, they were on equal footing here, in neutral territory. Which helped to relax Shalon slightly, but only slightly. Her shoulder's relaxed a little, but her ears remain on alert.

Although Shalon would look slightly embarassed, looking toward the water and then back toward the male. "Of course." She smiled with a nod and moved away from the water, letting him know that he may continue if he wished. "You seem to have ventured out of your territory Alpha. For any reason in particular?" She was sincerely curious, and no ill intent would be found in her words. She had learned from her last encounter that perhaps she should remain open minded to the wolves in these territories.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 06, 2016

She seemed friendly enough to introduce herself, for which he was glad. She may have been on edge, but it was obvious now she wasn't looking for a fight, and neither was he. Nice to meet you, he said. She even gave him a smile and moved away from the waters edge, allowing him ample space for him to get his own. He made his way the few yards there, and lowered his head to take his fill. He kept one ear trained on her, to listen if she made any movements.

His thirst quenched, he raised his head and turned in her direction before sitting back on his haunches. She was curious about his intentions outside the packlands, and he didn't see any reason not to answer. I was out hunting, trying to fill up caches, he answered. He hadn't been successful, but that was nothing new lately. Have you been in the area long? he asked, wondering about her. With the disappearance of Makui, there was a spot open in his pack.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 06, 2016

"Same to you." Shalon greeted as he walked toward the stream. He dipped his head, and drank his fill. Perhaps he had come a long way? Shalon was not used to this area yet and as such had no idea where the Silvertip Mountain pack called home.

"I see, the famine has caused all of us a lot of greive." She shook her head, she felt annoyed with herself over her actions due to hunger. There were childish and ignorant, now with a full stomach Shalon was sure her encounters with other wolves would be more calm headed. Shalon looked back toward Steady, "No not to long, just long enough to have been negativly effected by the food shortage. I've been following this stream from Otter Creek, I'm afraid I had an encounter with another wolf in the Fairspell Meadow, if you are familiar with the lands to the south." She had nothing to hide, and so told him exactly what he wanted to hear and a little more.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 06, 2016

Her demeanor began to change a little, he could tell. Her initial reaction of distrust seemed to be fading, though he hadn't blamed her for it to begin with. He gave her a soft smile, hoping to convey his own friendliness. She explained she had been here long enough for the famine, and long enough to get herself into a tussle. He nodded to her question, I know where it is, though I don't go there often, he admitted. It was a little far outside his range of travel, as he liked to stay closer to home most of the time.

He glanced over her body. You seem to have gotten out of it alright, he noted. Generally, fights would leave both parties with injuries, but better fighters knew how to protect themselves enough to not get too badly hurt, and she didn't look bad. What was it over? he asked, curious. She hadn't started a fight with him, so he wondered what had started the fight between her and the other wolf.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 06, 2016

His smile made Shalon a little more relaxed, relaxed enough to at least sit back on her haunches. Although her eyes remained fixed on him, watching him closely. She nodded her head, know that a lot of alpha's did prefer to stay home, toe protect their own.

She had a few bruises, but she chalked her getting out relativiley unscatched as luck more than anything. She chuckled a little,  "It had more to do with luck I believe, I should be more beat up." She acknowledged her own short comings as a fighter. A small flash of shame crossed through her eyes, before disappearing. "Nothing." Shalon wasn't trying to hid anything, so she continued, "It was over nothing. I had claimed a clearing as my own for a few days, perhaps it was the lack of food or the fact that I was used to being alone. I don't know, but I told her to leave, which I shouldn't have, it was neutral territory."

Shalon looked away, not wanting Steady to see her guilt. "I suppose with both had a short fuse at that point, and well we both snapped." She finished her short tail, he could guess a fight followed.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 06, 2016

She confessed she thought it had more to do with luck than ability, and he supposed he could understand that. Sometimes, no matter how good a fighter, one could lose just on some outward force bringing itself into the fight. But, it said a lot to him that she was able to admit that to a complete stranger instead of simply boasting that she had gotten away without a scratch. 

It said even more that she admitted her fault in beginning the fight over a piece of land that hadn't really belonged to her. He understood now why she was so on edge when he had walked up. Maybe she feared he would do the same. Well, what's done is done, and you seemed to have learned from it. That's what counts, he said, fully believing it. And, if you think your fighting abilities aren't that great, I'd be willing to give you a lesson, if you want, he offered. 

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon looked toward the male hesitantly, she couldn't see any mistrust within his gaze. Even after she had told him her encounter with the last unknown wolf, he offered her aid. "Thank you." She nodded, she was still ashamed of her reaction, but his words did help. Perhaps one day she would return to the woman and apologize for her reaction.

Shalon was surprised when Steady offered to help her combat skills, "If you would be willing, I would greatly appreciate it." She wasn't sure why he would want to help her, but she wouldn't turn him down.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

Steady wasn't usually a judgmental wolf. He took wolves as they came, provided they were at least respectful. He knew everyone made mistakes; boy, did he know. But, he also realized that was the only way to learn. No one was born perfect. No one knew exactly the right thing to say in every situation, or every right move to make at every moment. Mistakes were made to learn from, and it was obvious that Shalon was learning from hers. Steady admired that.

He smiled when she accepted his offer of a spar, his tail wagging as he stood. I'd be happy to! Steady was always up for a spar, and it was a plus that he could teach someone from one. First things first, no matter what, I'll do by best to not hurt you, as I have no interest to, he said honestly. It wasn't usually something he said to start off, but they really didn't know each other, and he wanted to make sure she knew he had her health on his mind. He waited to make his first move, wanting to ensure she was ready.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon smiled, glad to have some friendly exercise. Standing from her current seated position, she rose and waited across from the man. "I have no desire to hurt you either Steady, I appreciate your help and will do my best to avoid injuring you." Shalon was finding a kinship within this male and had no intention of hurting him. Even if it was just to avoid the wrath of his pack.

"I am ready when you are Steady." Shalon nodded, bracing herself for an assult, she prefered that he made the first move. She had confirmed that she was ready, him making the first move assured Shalon that he was ready.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

He was glad that she gave him the same reassurance that he had. After all, as much as he didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to get hurt himself, either. This may have been a lesson, but for Steady, it was all in good fun, too. His tail wagged, exposing his excitement. His gaze roamed over her as he began to circle her slowly, thinking about that first move. 

He expected her to turn with him and not expose her side or back to him. So, he focused on her head, chest, and forelegs. His movements were slow, so that she could watch them, if she wanted. His tail still swayed back and forth, reminding them of the game. Abruptly, his body jerked in her direction, his jaws open wide and heading straight for the leg that closest to him.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon had a small smirk on her maw, and her tail began to sway back and forth. While she was still guilty of her previous violent encounter, she knew this was different. And so her excitement only increased as Steady circled her, she indeed followed his circling movments. Shalon watched him moer carefully, her silver eyes watching his paws land upon the terrain. She watched his eyes, looking for any clues as to when he would begin. Her fur prickled with excitement, and electricity that waited with baited breath for an attack she new was coming.

It happened. Finally. His body moved forward quick as a flash. Shalon was just fast enough to move her paw out of the way. Her own jaws opening and finding contact with the scruff at the top of his neck. She used her forward momentum in and attempt to push the male back. Her paws coming up to his shoulders to further her forward push.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

He would look back upon this, and appreciate the first signs of just how fast she was. His closed on air as her leg retreated from his searching grasp. He growled playfully as he felt her grab his scruff and tried to push him away, her font legs coming up onto his shoulders. As a large wolf, he wasn't too worried about the female getting too much of a leverage on him this way. 

He used the position to his advantage, digging his claws into the ground to keep his place. His jaws opened once more, this time searching for the soft underbelly of Shalon. If he was successful, he wouldn't grab on; his intent was only to nip quickly. His heart raced with the rush of endorphins that the spar brought on in Steady's body. 

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon found her momentum lost, and with it she felt she had lost the small advantage she might have had. Indeed she was fast, her body was made to speed and agility more than brute force. And Shalon was quickly figuring this out. She had moved the man in no such way with her forward push. Instead she found a quick nip to her underbelly. Shalon's front paws would come back to the ground as quick as she could manage, and would try to push Steady away from her side. Reaching down and back with her upperbody she would try to nip the back of his forpaws, any that might be in reach.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

He was successful in his up, and he felt her paws release from his shoulders. He backed up just a step or two to allow her to get back to her feet, intending to keep on her hard. But, he felt the nips at the back of one of his forepaws, and he danced a little, retreating a few steps. 

He began to circle her again, regrouping. He was beginning to see how she gotten away from her previous encounter unscathed. She may not have excessive strength, but she had her quickness to make up for it. Steady could be sluggish at times, which is why he preferred to keep his "enemies" closer in a fight. Growling playfully, he jumped towards her again, this time he went for an ear, intending to put a little slobber on it. 

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

A smirk developed on Shalon's face as she felt her nip connect, and he danced away from her. She watched him go was carefully eyes, she was out of breath from the excitment. But her tail was still in motion and she was still very excited. This was the most fun she had had in a long while.

This time he went for her ear, this was new. And she hadn't prepared for it, with a small 'umph' Shalon would absorb his body and she could feel his nawing on her ear. She turned her head sharply, and tried to catch his shoulder in return. A small nawing bit, not meant to maim.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

He was able to grab onto her ear, gnawing on it softly for a moment before he felt her nip on his shoulder. He could tell it wasn't a serious one, but one to get his attention, much as what he was doing to her. Whether he realized it just yet or not, he was building trust in this stranger he had just met, and making what he considered an alliance with her, someone he would welcome to see again in the future.

He shifted, trying to get one leg over her shoulders and possibly a loose grip on her scruff, much as she had done with him moments earlier. Suddenly, he felt one of his back legs come out from under him as he slipped on the smooth surface of a rock and his large body went down. The momentum of the fall had him rolled onto his back, his legs flailing in the air. It gave her the perfect opportunity to pin him down.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon could feel the male trying to catch her in the position she had originally tried, if he succeeded she knew he would win. It was sudden, all of a sudden his weight was gone, and he was gone. For a moment Shalon was confused, where did he go. Looking around quickly she realized, and capitalized on his miss step. Placing her paw on his chest, and her jaws came to rest as his throat gently for only a moment to prove that she had one. Lifting her head, she kept her paw on his chest. "I think I won that one, but again only out of luck." She laughed, a little winded but a smile was broad on her muzzel.

Shalon had formed an alliance, if not a soon to be friendship. She knew one day she would visit Steady, he was the first wolf within the Teekon Wilds that she knew. She could almost say she was comfortable with him. Perhaps this was a new friendship that could strengthen both of them.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 07, 2016

Any other time, he would have been angry at the rock who had cost him the win during a spar. But, he was in such a good mood that he couldn't come to care. He stayed put on his back while she pinned him down and placed her jaws, ever so gently, on his neck. He trusted her, and his abilities, enough that he allowed her to do so. 

It may have been luck that I fell, but your form is good. You put up a good fight, he complimented as he rolled to his paws to stand. He shook the dirt from his fur and sat back on his haunches, a smile on his maw to show his good mood. Where are you off to after this? he asked, curious as to her plan, if she had any.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 07, 2016

"Thank you, I really appreciate it Steady." Shalon spoke softly, with great sincereity, it was almost a relieve to know that she could actually protect herself if the need arose. She still sported a grin and her tail still swayed, she was happy to have met this male. It was uplifing after her long travels alone. "I'm always on the move. I haven't found a place to settle down yet." Shalon looked toward her paws, she needed room to grow and become her own being. A place where she had the ability to move how she liked, and she had yet to find that place yet. "And you Steady? Have you found enough food for you pack?" Shalon would hate to see him return empty paws because of her. She looked toward the sky, it was getting late the sun was starting to disappear, and there was the beings of twinking in the sky.

RE: Training is Training... - Steady - July 08, 2016

He could hear the sincerity in her voice and any lingering doubts of trust were washed away, making room for the assurance of a friendship made. She admitted that she hadn't found a place to settle yet, and he couldn't help but remember the one spot that they had open. You know, Silvertip has an opening, if you wanted to consider it, he offered. He didn't want to push her to make a decision, but instead just offer it up, in case she wanted to.

Since the herds have returned, we're much better than we were even two weeks ago, he admitted. I'm just a little extra vigilant right now because I know winter is right around the corner. And, with it, more hard times. But, if they kept their caches full, Steady had high hopes that they would be alright. He didn't blame her at all for his missed meals. He had already failed at the hunt, and had decided to abandon any more tries when he happened upon Shalon.

RE: Training is Training... - Shalon - July 08, 2016

Shalon thought it very kind of the male to offer her a spot within his pack however she wasn't ready, she wanted a family but now was not the time. "Perhaps one day I will take you up on that over Steady, but now I'm afraid is not the time. I need the explore these lands more before I can fully make a home for myself." She smiled at, "Although your offer was very kind and welcomed."

The mention of winter made Shalon ponder her options, she would probably want to join a pack before winter. But she couldn't bring herself to commit to Silvertip Mountain. "I am glad to hear you are doing better. I hope the next time I see you, and I will see you again, that you are doing even better than at this moment." Shalon wanted to keep moving however, and the hour was late. "I believe it is time to bid you aidue...my friend." She tested the word and found it suitable. "Until we meet again Steady, Alpha of Silvertip Mountain, until we meet again." She headed back into the forest. Heading toward her future home within the Golden Glade.

This is my last post, but I will definitely want to thread with you again Mary Ellen! This was a lot of fun, feel free to wrap it up. OR You can just archive it... which ever works best for you :) Thanks again for all your help!