Wolf RPG
Dawnlark Plains Pacing time is no option - Printable Version

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Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 05, 2016

The small light fawn wolf stood in the vast plain that was lightly frosted with snow beneath her paws. She lifted her head to the air, and caught a scent of a rabbit. She quietly looked around her, trying to look through the thick dry grass. She lowered her body to the ground once she caught site of a burrow, she was sure there was at least one rabbit still inside. Her mouth watered impatiently,but she was too starved to risk loosing any prey this time. Her ear folded flat to her head as she waited and watched the area with her icy eyes. Soon enough the rabbit came out, and thankfully hadn't seen her, as it sniffed the air on it's hind legs Reginae broke into a run and grabbed the rabbit in her jaws, killing it quick before it could put together what had happened. She looked at it as she dropped it on the ground and eagerly began to tear it apart, quickly eating it. Though, she soon went silent and sniffed the air once more, as she heard more rustles not far from her.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 18, 2016

this looked lonely! :3

Valette made it over the plains, traveling further as she thought would be the right direction. The girl watched for any wolves that she might be able to talk to. As a scout, and a future Ranger she liked to know more of this place. She hoped to get a local to talk to her, just like she met the pale female in the mountains.

Valette had a mission of discovering the taiga, so the young female was going to take that mission of her alpha to heart and try and explore not only new locations but also get to know about packs and other types of live that lived here.

It didn't take long for her to spot a pale female, her colors matched the one of winter. Valette herself didn't sport any winter colors. She let out a chuff in greeting as she trotted closer, coming to a stop at a respectable distance. "Hello," she greeted, realizing that the other just consumed a meal.

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 18, 2016

It was quite lonely indeed XD

Reginae looked at the wolf before licking her chops, her ears folded back on her head. Noticing she was friendly, she dipped her head in a greeting, "Hi," she said and gave a slight smile. She hadn't met many wolves that hadn't been aggressive to her, but she assumed it was because the area was not owned by anyone or at least she hoped it wasn't while not sure of the stranger's intentions, she walked forward a little and caught her scent which seemed to be that of a pack wolf's. She stepped back a little, but sighed realising that the stranger didn't want to harm her, at least at the moment.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 18, 2016

Valette watched the other lick her lips and come closer to investigate. She kept her tail wagging to let the other know that she was friendly and she didn't mind her coming a bit closer. "Are you well known in this area? I'd like to know more about it," she commented.

She was starting to use her own nose. She had the feeling this one was a lone wolf, and not part of a pack. But she could be wrong. Valette however smelled like she belonged to a pack, since she hadn't left her pack for this mission too long ago.

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 18, 2016

I sent a thread for a pack a few days ago... so if all goes well Reginae could join them, so for all we know she could magically become part of a pack XD just a heads up I suppose... I did post this thread a while ago now that I think about it XD
"Not quite," Reginae sighed and sat down slightly tired from traveling all day, "I have tried to get used to all of this I suppose, I have only been here for a few weeks," she explained unsure of why she would be so unsure of the place if she had a home of her own, though she may live quite far for all Reginae knew. She then thought for a moment wondering if she could spark a conversation, "Where are you from?" She asked and cocked her head to the side. Since she unsure of all the packs in the area she could get a feel of where everyone is.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 19, 2016

It wouldn't matter. Since this thread she will stay a lone wolf, the new threads you make Reginae will be a pack wolf if accepted! :D

Valette scrunched up her nose a bit when the other admitted that she wasn't a local. "I was just wondering what the name of these plains were, but it is okay if you don't know," she spoke in return. However she did want to find out if this was still the taiga "Do you happen to know if this is the Taiga?," she asked. These plains were very big, and she had the feeling that there should be some caribous around here.

These plains came after the marsh, so mentally she had it down, hopefully it would be enough for Steady to count for her ranger trade. She still had the mountains on her side, which helped her navigate. Yes, this was good. If she just remembered the shape of the mountains she knew what kind of territory was behind it. "My pack's name is Silvertip. It is far away though, over these mountains. I am on a scouting mission."

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 19, 2016

Reginae listened and wondered what kind of mission the wolf was obligated to, "Well I am not quite sure where I am, all I know is it's quite a nice place to me," she laughed a little at her dull answer and then smiled brightly, "I have traveled quite far, and who's to say I even remember where I'm from,  but my name is Reginae, what's yours?" She asked curiously before briefly sniffing the air and listening, for she wasn't quite sure if she could trust the wolf to be friendly just yet.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 20, 2016

Valette nodded, she decided that these plains were very typical to the taiga. She wanted to check if she came to the right place. But with the mountains on her good side she knew that she was going in the right direction. Turns out she didn't need this female to help her locate things. How nice was that.

"I'm Valette," she returned to her. "You don't remember where you are from?," she asked curiously. Valette knew, she was born here, in Teekon. But that was not the same for all wolves. "Are you going to join a pack?"

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 20, 2016

Reginae sighed, looking at her paws, then back up at the wolf she now knew was named Vallete, "Well I hope at some point, though I tend to mess up each time I really try. I guess I get too distracted from everything," then she remebered when she was attacked not long ago and how much she seemed to fail herself and others, "I have tried once, but it must have been the wrong fit, though I have another place in mind," her eyes slowly moving to look at the bite marks on her leg. Then looked back up, curling her tail around it.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 21, 2016

Valette kept wagging her tail while the other spoke about her problems with packs. Sometimes it could be a bit tedious and if you didn't make a right impression then it could end up being harmful. "I'd say just be respectful of their borders and be polite to the alpha, or any member in particular.

The girl was then reminded of something. "And just be yourself because I think you are a really nice wolf so I am sure others will think too. You just have to find one that fits with you. Some are more dark and vicious compared to others."

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 22, 2016

Sorry for the late reply, just got home from Florida :D

Reginae smiled at her complement her tail started to wag as well. She smiled, "Well you are quite nice yourself," she said and then looked at in thought, wondering what to ask her about the area or the packs that inhabited it. She then had an idea spark her mind, "What do you do for your pack? I don't quite know what i could do myself just yet," she asked, still somewhat lost in her own thoughts as she licked her paw since her pads had cracked quite a bit while tripping and stumbling from her injury, which was from a wolf the lived in a pack that was in the area, though she doesn't know who it was or which pack it was called, she knew the scent and would make sure to steer away if she ever traveled there again.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 23, 2016

Not to worry! :D

Valette smiled and dipped her head. "Thanks!," she returned. Valette had the good nature of her mother, and she had been raised by her as well. So she knew that she had to be polite and that such things often worked in your favor. "I'm the scout of my pack, now I am going for my ranger specialty. Though being a scout is my second trade. I am more of a hunter. I am trying to specialize in big game, though those opportunities were low with the famine that was around a few weeks back. So I focussed on being a scout instead," she offered the female. "But there are lots of other things you can do! Like counsel or be a medic or nature related, stuff like that!"

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 23, 2016

Reginae looked in awe, seeming somewhat childish this whole time. Her mind shifted to the many options she could carry out to do, while it didn't seem like much work to just travel as Vallete was doing. Yet Reginae knew that there was much more than just walking around when it came to earning something, this wolf she had only just met seemed to have been concentrated on her surroundings, but Reginae was still unsure of how all this played out. She then wanted to ask a question she had kept in her mind her whole life, and now that she knew this wolf was not like those she had met, she felt she could eaily ask this question, "Would it be worth it in the end?" though she was not sure if Vallete could even answer the question herself, Reginae had eagerly wanted to know if she even belonged here in the first place and before she tries to find a true home, this could be her chance to get a second oppinion.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 23, 2016

Valette was always keeping an eye on her surroundings. The girl looked around and realized she had been here before. She recognized a shape in the distance she had seen when she had been crying out unable to find Reek. She turned her head a bit in thought when the other asked her a question. She snapped out of it. "Oh Excuse me. I think I recognize these lands after all!," she spoke.

The girl then focussed on the other's question. "What would be worth it? Joining a pack? Having a trade? Being a scout?," she questioned. She could answer all of them, because the answers could be somewhat the same. It would be worth it, at least for her. "Wolves are social creatures, I have been a lone wolf for a long time but being in a pack is better in my eyes. You have friends, and some even turn in family. With a trade you show what your good at and you can help your pack, which is filled with friends. Being a scout is for every rewarding until now."

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 24, 2016

Reginae smiled and nodded as Vallette spoke, "Maybe one day I'll have some of that, and hopefully i will find it as rewarding as you seem to see it," she said not quite sure what else she needed to know. While the wolf that stood before her seemed to think wolves were social, Reginae thought she must not be a true wolf if it were so. While most seem to find company on their travels, Reginae was completely isolated and at one points hadn't seen a single wolf for months. She wasn't sure if she could do what seemed to be her main task, become important and useful to more than herself.

RE: Pacing time is no option - RIP Valette - July 25, 2016

Valette's eyes moved to the horizon again. Yes, this should be it. She could only test it out if she would travel there. "You only need to join a pack to find out," she explained with a friendly smile. She wondered how long the female had been without a pack to forget how rewarding it could be. Valette decided that it wasn't her business.

"Okay, well. I wish you the best. I believe that you definitely will find a home here. I am going to continue now before it gets dark," she spoke with a smile. "And if you happen to come across Silvertip you can tell them Valette is going okay!" With that she nodded briefly. "Have a good day!" The girl then moved to the landmark she saw, to check it out if she had been right and she recognized this place after all.

Thank you for the thread! It was super fun! :D You can reply to wrap it up for your character! and then Archive! It is de drop down menu at the bottom of this thread if you didn't know!

RE: Pacing time is no option - Reginae - July 25, 2016

Alright bye for now! :D
Reginae smiled and turned around, looking back to give a howl before she departed. Her tail wagging as she trotted away, happy to be aqainted with another wolf. She kept her mind on sniffing out the nearest pack, or maybe even another wolf that was wandering about. Either way she was going to try her hardest, she knew she could at least try.